According to FOSElasticaBundle documentation it is possible to configure application to use custom query builder method like this:
query_builder_method: createSearchQueryBuilder
But is it possible to choose QB method live, e.g. in controller action?
I'd like to be able to control what's being fetched from DB while transforming Elastica results to Doctrine entities. E.g. sometimes I'll want to do eager fetch on some relations, but can't do that by default.
Since FOSElasticaBundle documentation is not very precise, I went through its code and found it impossible to control what query builder is used on controller level.
It is possible to change whole elastica_to_model_transformer to a custom service, but still it's statically defined in configuration. Maybe with some dirty solution it would be possible going this way, but I don't think it's worth it.
I decided to just not using this feature of FOSElasticaBundle. The main problem I had was that when you use fos_elastica.index instead of fos_elastica.finder or elastica repository (in order to get plain not transformed results Elastica\Resultset), there's no findPaginated method with returns Pagerfanta paginator object, which is very helpful in my case.
Fortunately although it's not mentioned in documentation it's possible to create the Pagerfanta this way too, but a little bit more manually.
Here's a code snippet:
//generate ElaticaQuery somehow.
$browseQuery = $browseData->getBrowseQuery();
$search = $this->container->get('fos_elastica.index.indexName.typName');
//create pagerfanta's adapter manually
$adapter = new \Pagerfanta\Adapter\ElasticaAdapterElasticaAdapter($search, $browseQuery);
// now you can create the paginator too.
$pager = new Pagerfanta($adapter);
//do some paging work on it...
try {
} catch(OutOfRangeCurrentPageException $e) {
//and get current page results.
/** #var Result[] $elasticaResults */
$elasticaResults = $pager->getCurrentPageResults();
// we have to grab ids manyally, but it's done the same way inside FOSElasticaBundle with previous approach
$ids = array();
foreach($elasticaResults as $elasticaResult) {
$ids[] = $elasticaResult->getId();
//use regular Doctrine's repository to fetch Entities any way you want.
$entities = $this->getDoctrine()->getRepository(MyEntity::class)->findByIdentifiers($ids);
This actually has a few advantages. In general it gives you back control over your data and doesn't tie ElasticSearch with Doctrine. Therefore you can resign on fetching data from Doctrine if you have all needed data in ElasticSearch (if they are read only data of course). This lets you optimize your application performance but reducing amount of SQL queries.
The code above may be wrapped with some kind of service in order to prevent making mess in controllers.
Consider this code taken from here.
public function getIndex()
$posts = Post::orderBy('id','desc')->paginate(10);
// For Laravel 4.2 use getFactory() instead of getEnvironment() method.
$this->layout->title = 'Home Page | Laravel 4 Blog';
$this->layout->main = View::make('home')->nest('content','index',compact('posts'));
As I understand it, pagination limits the number of rows, so I think paginate(10) means select first ten rows in the database. But I absolutely don't understand this.
// For Laravel 4.2 use getFactory() instead of getEnvironment() method.
And everything below. Mainly I don't understand what factory means and how it relates to pagination. I went to the laravel docs on Illuminate\Pagination\Factory and Illuminate\View\View but I can't find the meaning of factory. Can anyone explain the code above?
You are essentially setting how the pagination is output in HTML by selecting a specific paginator view, this allows you to have more than one type in an application or use different to the default.
Using multiple pagination types in the same application
Sometimes, you may want to use different pagination types across your
application. By default, Laravel will use the type specified in your
app/config/view.php file, so you need to override this setting when
you wish to use another type. Here is how to do so.
// This code should be in a controller or a route Closure.
// Let’s use the good old example of a list of blog posts.
$articles = Article::paginate(5);
Alternatively, you could also use this to achieve the same result:
For those who would like to know what’s happening under the hood, here is a more
detailed explanation:
1. Calling paginate() on an Eloquent model or a query builder will return an
instance of \Illuminate\Pagination\Paginator
2. Then, we need to get the related \Illuminate\Pagination\Environment of this
paginator via the well-named getEnvironment() method.
3. Finally, we can specify the pagination type we need. The default value is
The pagination types that are available by default are located in the
vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Pagination/views directory.
I am quoting the guide:
``Query caching is a special caching feature built on top of data caching. It is provided to cache the result of database queries.
Query caching requires a DB connection and a valid cache application component. The basic usage of query caching is as follows, assuming $db is a yii\db\Connection instance:
$result = $db->cache(function ($db) {
// the result of the SQL query will be served from the cache
// if query caching is enabled and the query result is found in the cache
return $db->createCommand('SELECT * FROM customer WHERE id=1')->queryOne();
I do not think that I will manually create db connection in AR classes. So how to do this in my AR models ?
I have asked the same question on yii2 forum but I got no answer. It seems that people do not know how to do query caching in Active Record.
Yii 2 now requires closures to wrap the query. AR does a query eventually so you can put that in the closure. In an AR class, get the db and wrap the query you want to use. The closure has a signature function($db) and you usually need to access more variables, so add use($variable) to make variables visible within the closure.
$db = self::getDb();
$object = $db->cache(function ($db) use($id) {
return self::findOne($id);
If you write to the db, the cache above won't know about it until the cache duration expires. So dependency should be added to the cache function to tell it when to invalidate the cache. Dependency gets complicated fast...
maybe this help: yii2 issues on github
qiangxue commented on 11 Jan 2014
In 2.0, you need to use the following code:
// your db query code here...
How can I retrieve the raw executed SQL query in Laravel 3/4 using Laravel Query Builder or Eloquent ORM?
For example, something like this:
(posts (id, user_id, ...))
Otherwise, at the very least how can I save all queries executed to laravel.log?
Laravel 4+
Note for Laravel 5 users: You'll need to call DB::enableQueryLog() before executing the query. Either just above the line that runs the query or inside a middleware.
In Laravel 4 and later, you have to call DB::getQueryLog() to get all ran queries.
$queries = DB::getQueryLog();
$last_query = end($queries);
Or you can download a profiler package. I'd recommend barryvdh/laravel-debugbar, which is pretty neat. You can read for instructions on how to install in their repository.
Laravel 3
In Laravel 3, you can get the last executed query from an Eloquent model calling the static method last_query on the DB class.
This, however, requires that you enable the profiler option in application/config/database.php. Alternatively you could, as #dualed mentioned, enable the profiler option, in application/config/application.php or call DB::profile() to get all queries ran in the current request and their execution time.
You can enable the "Profiler" in Laravel 3 by setting
'profiler' => true,
In your application/config/application.php and application/config/database.php
This enables a bar at the bottom of each page. One of its features is listing the executed queries and how long each one took.
For Eloquent you can just do:
But you need to remove the "->get()" part from your query.
I would recommend using the Chrome extension Clockwork with the Laravel package It's easy to install and use.
Clockwork is a Chrome extension for PHP development, extending
Developer Tools with a new panel providing all kinds of information
useful for debugging and profiling your PHP scripts, including
information on request, headers, GET and POST data, cookies, session
data, database queries, routes, visualisation of application runtime
and more. Clockwork includes out of the box support for Laravel 4 and
Slim 2 based applications, you can add support for any other or custom
framework via an extensible API.
Since the profiler is not yet out in Laravel 4, I've created this helper function to see the SQL being generated:
public static function q($all = true)
$queries = DB::getQueryLog();
if($all == false) {
$last_query = end($queries);
return $last_query;
return $queries;
NOTE: Set the $all flag to false if you only want the last SQL query.
I keep this sort of functions in a class called DBH.php (short for Database Helper) so I can call it from anywhere like this:
Here is the output I get:
In case you are wondering, I use Kint for the dd() formatting.
For Laraver 4 it's
Here is a quick Javascript snippet you can throw onto your master page template.
As long as it's included, all queries will be output to your browser's Javascript Console.
It prints them in an easily readable list, making it simple to browse around your site and see what queries are executing on each page.
When you're done debugging, just remove it from your template.
<script type="text/javascript">
var queries = {{ json_encode(DB::getQueryLog()) }};
console.log('/****************************** Database Queries ******************************/');
console.log(' ');
queries.forEach(function(query) {
console.log(' ' + query.time + ' | ' + query.query + ' | ' + query.bindings[0]);
console.log(' ');
console.log('/****************************** End Queries ***********************************/');
Laravel 5
Note that this is the procedural approach, which I use for quick debugging
// Run your queries
// ...
// Then to retrieve everything since you enabled the logging:
$queries = DB::getQueryLog();
foreach($queries as $i=>$query)
Log::debug("Query $i: " . json_encode($query));
in your header, use:
use DB;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Log;
The output will look something like this (default log file is laravel.log):
[2015-09-25 12:33:29] testing.DEBUG: Query 0: {"query":"select * from
'users' where ('user_id' = ?)","bindings":["9"],"time":0.23}
***I know this question specified Laravel 3/4 but this page comes up when searching for a general answer. Newbies to Laravel may not know there is a difference between versions. Since I never see DD::enableQueryLog() mentioned in any of the answers I normally find, it may be specific to Laravel 5 - perhaps someone can comment on that.
You can also listen for query events using this:
DB::listen(function($sql, $bindings, $time)
See the information from the docs here under Listening For Query Events
Using the query log doesnt give you the actual RAW query being executed, especially if there are bound values.
This is the best approach to get the raw sql:
or more involved:
$query = Article::whereIn('author_id', [1,2,3])->orderBy('published', 'desc')->toSql();
If you are using Laravel 5 you need to insert this before query or on middleware :
Or as alternative to laravel 3 profiler you can use:
in Laravel 4 you can actually use an Event Listener for database queries.
Event::listen('illuminate.query', function($sql, $bindings)
foreach ($bindings as $val) {
$sql = preg_replace('/\?/', "'{$val}'", $sql, 1);
Place this snippet anywhere, e.g. in start/global.php. It'll write the queries to the info log (storage/log/laravel.log).
Event::listen('illuminate.query', function($sql, $param)
\Log::info($sql . ", with[" . join(',', $param) ."]<br>\n");
put it in global.php it will log your sql query.
The Loic Sharma SQL profiler does support Laravel 4, I just installed it. The instructions are listed here. The steps are the following:
Add "loic-sharma/profiler": "1.1.*" in the require section
in composer.json
Perform self-update => php composer.phar self-update in the console.
Perform composer update => php composer.phar update loic-sharma/profiler in the console as well
Add 'Profiler\ProfilerServiceProvider', in the provider array in
Add 'Profiler' => 'Profiler\Facades\Profiler', in the
aliasses array in app.php as well
Run php artisan config:publish loic-sharma/profiler in the console
Last query print
$queries = \DB::getQueryLog();
$last_query = end($queries);
// Add binding to query
foreach ($last_query['bindings'] as $val) {
$last_query['query'] = preg_replace('/\?/', "'{$val}'", $last_query['query'], 1);
L4 one-liner
(which write query):
Laravel 3
Another way to do this is:
'profiler' => true
For all Queries result:
For last Result:
To get the last executed query in laravel,We will use DB::getQueryLog() function of laravel it return all executed queries. To get last query we will use end() function which return last executed query.
$student = DB::table('student')->get();
$query = DB::getQueryLog();
$lastQuery = end($query);
I have taken reference from
There is very easy way to do it, from your laravel query just rename any column name, it will show you an error with your query.. :)
In Laravel 8.x you can listen to the event by registering your query listener in a service provider as documented in website.
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Log;
public function boot()
DB::listen(function ($query) {
Log::debug("SQL : " . $query->sql);
You can then see all the queries in the laravel.log file inside storage\logs\laravel.log
I have a problem in my model declaration, in Kohana 3.0.4 with the fields $_created_column and $_updated_column.
The problem is that :
- When I create and update objects from my controllers, the fields in the database corresponding to $_created_column and $_updated_column declaration are modified, according to the current create/modification date, just as it should be.
When I create and update objects from the models (using DB::insert, DB::update) (this is the best practice -> handling data operations from models) the fields corresponding to the declaration are NOT updating.
The code for DB::update and DB::insert:
public function add_productimage($zoom, $particular, $thumbnail, $presentation, $product, $order){
$insert_id = DB::insert('product_image', array('zoom','particular','thumbnail','presentation','product','order'))
->values(array($zoom, $particular, $thumbnail,$presentation, $product, $order))
return $insert_id;
Any idea why?
You are not using ORM for inserts and updates, thus these specific settings are not applied. You use DB Query Builder instead of ORM. Use ORM for inserts / updates and you will be then employing best practice in this case.
By the way: your version of Kohana (3.0.4) should be easily updated to 3.0.12 (the most up-to-date in 3.0.x line), and this will fix multiple bugs that existed in 3.0.4.
First of all I don't see any reason not to use ORM inside your method:
public function add_productimage($post)
This is the preffered way to go, since this way you'll have your model validated before saving.
To answer your question - have you tried doing it exactly the same way as docs say?
Oh and also make sure you point to the right table - in your example it's product_image while Kohana style is product_images. Maybe you forgot the add the 's' at the end.