PHP - List messages for each day - php

I created a chat application in PHP and jQuery. The messages are stored into a database with a UNIX timestamp as post date.
Now I want to list each message sorted by day, but as you can see in the image it insert the day-divider twice while both messages are posted on the same day (Tuesday December 15, 2015). So this is wrong.
Does somebody knows how to fix this?
$messages = $result->fetch_assoc();
// Get the very first post-date in a UNIX timestamp
$previousDate = $messages['postTime'];
mysqli_data_seek($result, 0);
$data = '';
while ($aMessages = $result->fetch_assoc())
if ($previousDate <= $aMessages['postTime'])
// Create a new day-divider when a new day is reached.
$data .= '<span>' . date("l F d, Y", $aMessages['postTime']) . '</span>';
$data .= $aMessages['message_text'];
$previousDate = $aMessages['postTime'];

The operator must be minor instead minor or equal:
if ($previousDate < $aMessages['postTime'])
A Unix timestamp is expressed in seconds, two dates in the same day may have different number of seconds. Try this:
if (date('Y-m-d', $previousDate) < date('Y-m-d', $aMessages['postTime']) )


Extract only the number of the day of the date and compare it with the current one

I need to extract only the day number of a user's registration date.
And extract only the day number of the current date.
Simply in an if loop, say if the day number the user registered is equal to the day number of the current date, do this, or do that.
$manager = "Manager";
$managerPRO = "ManagerPRO";
$q = $connessione->prepare("
SELECT * FROM collaboratori
WHERE cat_professionisti = ?
OR cat_professionisti = ?
$q->bind_param('ss', $manager,$managerPRO);
$r = $q->get_result();
while($rr = mysqli_fetch_assoc($r)){
$registrazione = $rr['data_registrazione'];
$timestamp = strtotime($registrazione);
echo date("d", $timestamp) .'=' ;
$data_corrente = date('Y-m-d');
$timestamp_uno = strtotime($data_corrente);
echo date("d", $timestamp_uno);
if ($timestamp == $timestamp_uno){
echo "yes".'<br>';
echo "no".'<br>';
Why in the first case if 18 = 18 gives me false?
However, if I change the date of the user's registration and therefore the first 18, from 2020/11/18 to 2020/12/18, then the current month gives me yes!
I need that regardless of the month, just by checking the day if it is the same, tell me yes, where am I wrong?
You are comparing timestamps, which are measured in seconds. What you are doing is effectively comparing two different points in time, not the days of the month.
You really should be using DateTime. If you want to compare only the day part then you can do something like this.
$dt1 = new DateTime($registrazione);
$dt2 = new DateTime(); // defaults to now
if($dt1->format('d') === $dt2->format('d')) {
echo "Yes, it's the same day of the month";
} else {
echo 'no!';

Show content based on date (date before, date after, date between)

This is setup to show a button between 2 dates set. And to show a "Sign up starts at xxx" before the set start up date, and "Sign up closed the xxxx" after the set end date...
Somehow nothing shows for the "active periode" / the dates in betweeen...
$DateToday = date('Ymd');
$DateStart = get_field('pamelding_fra');
$DateEnd = get_field('pamelding_slutt');
$DateStartOut = new DateTime($DateStart);
$DateEndOut = new DateTime($DateEnd);
if ($DateStart >= $DateToday){
$ClassStatus = "<div class=\"OpenClassButton\"><span class=\"ClassFullWarning\">Påmeldingen åpner " . $DateStartOut->format('j M Y') . "</span></div>";
$ClassButton = $ClassStatus;
}elseif ($DateEnd <= $DateToday){
$ClassStatus = "<div class=\"OpenClassButton\"><span class=\"ClassFullWarning\">Påmeldingen stengte " . $DateEndOut->format('j M Y') . "</span></div>";
$ClassButton = $ClassStatus;
}elseif ($DateStart <= $DateToday && $DateEnd >= $DateToday){
//Do some stuff - show button, this is the active time.
Might not be best-practice and I might make stuff difficult for me, suggestions appriciated.
Don't compare dates using date strings. If they are in different formats (like Ymd, mdY etc) you will get unwanted results. Use unix timestamps instead.
$today = time(); // Get today's timestamp
if ($today < strtotime($DateStart)) {
// Do stuff before
} elseif ($today > strtotime($DateEnd)) {
// Do stuff after
} else {
// Active. No need for any conditions here,
// since we only have three states.

PHP Incrementing date with day name

I am currently attempting to get a list of dates from a current date using the following format so that I can process it and stick it in my database
So far, i've managed to get the system to output the date correctly, but can not get it to increment in single day values.
My current code to attempt to increment this is the following
$tempStartDateN = ("$splode[0]/$splode[1]/$splode[2]/$splode[3]");
echo $tempStartDateN;
$tempStartDateN = date('l/d/m/Y', strtotime($tempStartDateN . ' + 1 day'));
echo $tempStartDateN;
I am currently using explode to process the data after the increment, which works fine, but can not get the date itself to increment as long as the day name is included.
Currently, the time is got using this code, which is processed afterwords using explode
$OldDateArray = date("Y/m/d/l");
So to keep a long question short, what is the best way to increment a date that requires the day name, day, month then year?
Heres my current code, managed to get this far thanks to SamV
$date = date("l/d/m/Y");
echo $date;
echo ('</br>');
list($weekdayName, $dateString) = explode("/", $date, 2);
$dateObj = new \DateTime($dateString);
for($i=0; $i<=5; $i++){
$dateObj->add(new \DateInterval("P1D")); // P1D stands for "Period 1 Day"
echo $dateObj->format("l/d/m/Y"); // Sunday/03/05/2015
echo ('</br>');
What this does however is:
this means that date and month are swapping around, what is causing this?
You don't need to parse the week day name to add days onto a date.
$date = "Saturday/02-05-2015";
list($weekdayName, $dateString) = explode("/", $date, 2); // Parse "02-05-2015"
$dateObj = new \DateTime($dateString);
$dateObj->add(new \DateInterval("P1D")); // P1D stands for "Period 1 Day"
echo $dateObj->format("l/d/m/Y"); // Sunday/03/05/2015
I used the DateTime class, here is the documentation.
I wrote out what you are trying to do yourself, not sure what is causing your issue. This code works though.
$date = "Friday/01-05-2015";
list($weekdayName, $dateString) = explode("/", $date, 2); // Parse "01-05-2015"
$dateObj = new \DateTime($dateString);
for($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) {
$dateObj->add(new \DateInterval("P1D")); // P1D stands for "Period 1 Day"
echo $dateObj->format("l/d/m/Y") . '<br>';
If strtotime is able to parse a date it returns the timestamp. Why not add to it the number of seconds in a day? Smth. like $timestamp += 24 * 3600;
P.S. As far as I can understand, strtotime may accept timestamp as second argument ( smth. like $timestamp = strtotime('+1 day', $timestamp);

Getting appointments for the next 5 days using php

I am trying to write a script to pull dates for the next 7 days and put them into a div for each date :
echo '<div class="dateboxcontainer">';
for($i=0; $i<=6; $i++){
echo '<div class="datebox"><div class="topdate">'.strtoupper(date("D d", mktime(0, 0, 0, 0, date("d")+$i, 0))."\n").
'</div><div class="bottomdate">An appointment for the day</div></div>';
echo '</div>';
Im now trying to pull data from my database from two fields 'datedroppingoff' and 'datepickingup', which are formatted like this '2013-07-10 14:29:28'.
Im kind of stuck though as im not sure what query to write to put the appointments for each day into each day div where 'some info' currently sits.
Im guessing it would be something like
Select * FROM jobdetails WHERE datedroppingoff OR datepickingup = WHATEVER DAY IS BEING ECHO'D OUT
but im not quite sure how I can compare the date stored in jobdetails for that row to the date being echo'd out ?.
Thanks for the answers below, iv managed to come up with the following, it echos out the date boxes ok, but doesnt bring in any data, so im not sure if I have the sql part correct ?.
echo '<div class="dateboxcontainer">';
$eventdata = <<<SQL
FROM `jobdetails`
if(!$events = $db->query($eventdata)){
die('There was an error running the query [' . $db->error . ']');
// read first event
if ($nextEvent = mysql_fetch_assoc($events)) { // here is the first one
extract($nextEvent); // prepare its variables
// use the event date it to control the inner loop
$nextDate = $datedroppingoff;
} else // no events?
$nextDate = 0; // prepare a fake date value
// calculate today date
$currentDate = mktime();
// loop on the dates for the next 7 days
for ($i = 0 ; $i < 7; $i++) {
$currentEvents = "";
// loop to print every event for current day (first one already extracted)
while ($nextDate == date("Y-m-d", $currentDate)) { // next event occurs today
// here prepare the var containing the event description
// BTW, I'd use a list for the events
$currentEvents .= "· $name<br>"; // use every field you need from current DB row
// read next event
if ($nextEvent = mysql_fetch_assoc($events)) { // here is the next one
extract($nextEvent); // prepare its variables
// use the event date it to control the inner loop
$nextDate = $datedroppingoff;
} else // no more events?
$nextDate = 0; // prepare a fake date value
echo "
<div class='datebox'>
<div class='topdate'>" . strtoupper(date("D d m Y", $currentDate)) . "</div>
<div class='bottomdate'>$currentEvents</div>
$currentDate = strtotime("+1 day", $currentDate);
echo '</div>';
Can you use something like this:
SELECT * FROM `jobdetails` WHERE (`datedroppingoff ` > '2013-07-01 00:00:00' AND `datedroppingoff ` '2013-07-02 00:00:00') OR (`datepickingup ` > '2013-07-01 00:00:00' AND `datepickingup ` '2013-07-02 00:00:00');
This will have to be repeated per day (i.e. for each of the 5 days)
To do a nice loop, use an array populated with the next 5 dates as strings. Then do a foreach over the dates and run this query.
If you want all dates from now and for the next 5 days, you could use:
Let's see how I'd proceed (by the way, this is my first answer, so I'm a little excited...)
First, some basic assumptions for this ultra-fast script (sorry, not so much time now to test it thoroughly).
your Appointment table has a field with the date of the appointment
your result resource ($events) contains only the rows for the current week
the resulting rows are sorted by the date field, ascending (from oldest to newest)
Try this (I've changed a bit your original code, sorry)
// read first event
if ($nextEvent = mysql_fetch_assoc($events)) { // here is the first one
extract($nextEvent); // prepare its variables
// use the event date it to control the inner loop
$nextDate = $DB_field_with_event_date;
} else // no events?
$nextDate = 0; // prepare a fake date value
// calculate today date
$currentDate = mktime();
// loop on the dates for the next 7 days
for ($i = 0 ; $i < 7; $i++) {
$currentEvents = "";
// loop to print every event for current day (first one already extracted)
while ($nextDate == date("Y-m-d", $currentDate)) { // next event occurs today
// here prepare the var containing the event description
// BTW, I'd use a list for the events
$currentEvents .= "· $your_desc_field<br>"; // use every field you need from current DB row
// read next event
if ($nextEvent = mysql_fetch_assoc($events)) { // here is the next one
extract($nextEvent); // prepare its variables
// use the event date it to control the inner loop
$nextDate = $DB_field_with_event_date;
} else // no more events?
$nextDate = 0; // prepare a fake date value
echo "
<div class='datebox'>
<div class='topdate'>" . strtoupper(date("D d m Y", $currentDate)) . "</div>
<div class='bottomdate'>$currentEvents</div>
$currentDate = strtotime("+1 day", $currentDate);
Tried a couple of times on fake data and it should work. IMHO better to directly alias the date field to get the nextDate var directly from the DB, so avoiding the rows,
$nextDate = $DB_field_with_event_date;
I used this in the end which seems to do the job ! :)
// Date box container
echo '<div class="dateboxcontainer">';
// Loop through and create a date for the next 7 days
$days = new DatePeriod(new DateTime, new DateInterval('P1D'), 7);
foreach ($days as $day) {
echo '<div class="datebox">';
echo '<div class="topdate">';
echo strtoupper($day->format('D d')) . PHP_EOL;
echo '</div>';
// Get the names for each day
$theday = strtoupper($day->format('Y-m-d'));
$sqldate = <<<SQL
FROM `jobdetails`
WHERE datedroppingoff = '$theday' OR datepickingup = '$theday'
if(!$resultdate = $db->query($sqldate)){
die('There was an error running the query [' . $db->error . ']');
while($rowdate = $resultdate->fetch_assoc()){
echo $rowdate['name'];
echo '</div>';
echo '</div>';

Date sorting of PHP Event

I have an events calender that displays events in the order of start date. Everything works great but there is one issue. Events that occur on today's date don't display. I believe that my "if" statement to remove events after they have passed is the issue.
<? while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
$id = $row['id'];
$title = $row['title'];
$text = $row['text'];
$image_url = $row['image_url'];
$start_date = date('F d, Y', strtotime($row['start_date']));
$start_hour = $row['start_hour'];
$start_minute = $row['start_minute'];
$start_am_pm = $row['start_am_pm'];
$end_date = date('F d, Y', strtotime($row['end_date']));
$end_hour = $row['end_hour'];
$end_minute = $row['end_minute'];
$end_am_pm = $row['end_am_pm'];
$tba = $row['tba'];
if(strtotime($row['end_date']) > date('U')) {
First of all, I just want to point out that:
date('U') == time()
So you can use time instead of date.
Now for your problem. If the end_date of your event is set to today, it's probably at the beginning of the day (i.e.: 2010-11-18 00:00:00). That's probably why your conditional does not work, because now is past midnight, the current date/time is greater than the end_date.
Try this:
if (strtotime($row['end_date']) == strtotime('TODAY')) {
// event is today
I'm guessing that $row['end_date'] only returns the date not the time. So strtotime($row['end_date']) will = 12:00AM and date('U') will equal return the current time.
So if you ran this at 12:01AM on the date of $row['end_date'], you'd have the comparison of
if("12:00AM today" > "12:01AM today") {
if (strtotime($row['end_date']) >= strtotime(date('Y-m-d'))) {
