Getting Windows 10 Tablet to run a Wamp Server - php

I have a very basic Asus tablet (VivoTab) I just upgraded to Windows 10. I want to run an offline demo on it of my website, so my thought process is to install WAMP server and go from there. I've done it on my PC, but as you can imagine its a little different with a Tablet, and I can't seem to find much online information on the topic.
If there is a 'better' way to go about this, not using WAMP, or if someone has done this there help would be much appreciated!!
Preferably I don't want to jailbreak, but if its necessary I don't mind.

Thanks everyone! After playing with some configs with wamp it worked. Had to uninstall it couple times, The tablet didn't play nicely with 3.0 but worked with 2.5. The difficulty was installing the correct MSVCR. For 2.5 Apache runs on MSVCR 2010 for 32bit but for some reason you need 2008 revision installed as well. Also had to block IIS it runs on port 80 as wel


How to install WAMP server to properly work

To my greatest surprise, my experience with PHP development starts with a REAL pain in the...installation.
I have started it with a brand new Windows 10 x64 installation.
I found a page where all the necessary informations are present to setup WAMP server (updated as of 2022-05-07):
Unfortunately, the very much REQUIRED services are not downloadable:
Like this:
There are SO questions about how to fix various installation issues...
Wait...WHAT? One of the largest ecosystem in development does not have a single setup environment?
After I downloaded the VC installers one by one, manually, I get this when starting the server:
So please verify that this is the proper, 2022 experience of using WAMP for PHP development, I'm in a bit of shock after experiencing .NET programming so far.
Can you suggest some real and working solution?
The most straightforward solution is to use a different package that creates a WAMP stack and just works perfectly after a simple install.
This package is XAMPP.
The most obvious characteristic of XAMPP is the ease at which a WAMP webserver stack can be deployed and instantiated. Wikipedia

Wamp + Symfony + Perfomance + same PC

Please help me with slow Symfony over WAMP.
Me and my friend from work have same PC but I have 2s waiting for ajax response and he has 0.6s. Whats more I have other PC and there is also ok, around 0.7s.
I tried a lot of things. Now I have newest WAMP, PHP, MYSQL.
I tried disable eset.
Wamp is running on SSD.
PC has 3 month. (i7 3.6GHz and 16GB RAM)
Same symfony project.
What Can I do to improvement? I think that 2s for simple ajax is too long time.
Switch from WAMP to Laragon:
Just browse the site and you'll see why. It's the fastest local server, it has a bunch of features that you won't find by default in WAMP or XAMPP...
It's portable too, and it's also easy to migrate projects set up with WAMP to Laragon:
Resolved problem, blocked Mhz on my i7, there was limi 900Mhz, strange

XAMPP on Mac OSX - Really slow page loads

I've recently been developing a Laravel app on my Mac OSX under an XAMPP/Apache server. And suddenly a couple days ago (no updates or anything) my server started resolving the pages at over a minute (roughly 80s on average). It obviously makes development really difficult and was wondering the possible issues could be? Please let me know what files/code snippets would be needed!
I'm running my app on a virtual host in the httpd.conf file if that's any help.
I've also reinstalled XAMPP with PHP 7.0 and reset my entire repo as well but to no avail. Other website load perfectly fine too. Other coders on the app don't see a change in the loading time, so this seems like a local issue and not one concerning the size of the app.
Would appreciate any help, thanks!

Webmatrix - PHP - Wordpress (not working)

I have spent 2 days and have read multiple posts / articles re this subject with no resolution. I am running WebMatrix 2 on XP Pro with sp/3. WM works like a charm until I try to open Word Press through Web Gallery. Every time I get a message that the
"installation failed because php-cgi.exe is not available. Please rerun the Windows installer for PHP and enable either 'IIs FastCGI' or 'Other CGI'."
The PHP starter site also fails for the same reason.
Apparently all php files were installed by webmatrix (including php-cgi.exe) so I can't figure out why word press (and the PHP starter site) fails and keeps throwing this error.
I even tried a totally new install of WebMatrix on an unused laptop with no existing PHP or mySql files and got exactly the same result. Apparently, there is a flaw built in to the WebMatrix program regarding running PHP.
I have a hard time believing that MSFT would even release this with such a functionality problem. I am not knocking MSFT because I think WM is an awesome product. But, if there are known post installation steps which need to be taken, a heads up would have been nice. I hope WebMatrix 3 users are not encountering the same problem.
Has anyone been able to figure this out?
Any help to fix this would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks for your help.
Have you watched this video? and followed all the instructions?
Installing Wordpress on Webmatrix
php-cgi.exe is a file which IIS runs to emulate PHP. This error is todo with the configuration of you IIS server on Windows.
Also have a look at this, which shows you how to install fast cgi on IIS
Installing Fast CGI with IIS

Which Linux distro is best for running in a virtual machine, for programming research?

I'd like to learn LAMP development for my own personal edification.
I tried setting up Ubuntu 8.10 "Hardy Heron" in Microsoft VPC, but I can't get the video to work above 800x600. Played with xorg.conf a million times but no joy. Can anyone recommend a good distro to work with that plays well with VPC? Any guidance on getting started with Apache and Perl/PHP would also be welcome.
I installed ubuntu 8.10 in a virtual machine on my Vista 64-bit laptop. I attempted the install with Virtual PC, VM Ware and Virtual Box from SUN. Virtual Box was the only vm software that I was successful with from the start. In the setup you choose that you are installing linux as your guest OS and everything works without spending your evening sifting through blogs trying to get install to work.
Firstly, if your goal is to learn LAMP development, I'd start by just downloading the WAMP stack for windows from or one of it's competitors. The "Linux" part of LAMP programming isn't likely to be a major part of your learning experience. Avoiding running a VM will be much less resource intense on your development workstation and avoid having issues with suspend/resume and disk IO contention.
Secondly, any linux should work, under virtualbox or msvpc. All the modern desktop virtualization systems emulate a full system, so it's just a matter of configuration and getting the right drivers. Like others said, virtualbox is more open source friendly so give that a shot.
Finally, I don't usually run X on my development VM's, since it just eats unnecessary resources. Just use putty on the host and ssh in to a VM running in console mode.
Not entirely the answer to your question, but I think it attacks your goal more directly.
If you're not wedded to VPC, a quick way to start might be to download the free VMWare Player at
and then you can try any of many, many distros prepackaged for VMWare here:
The appliances at the second link should work out of box, so you don't have to fiddle with X conf files, which is probably not the topic of your research. As a bonus, you may be exposed to distros you normally wouldn't know about.
Edit: Here's an appliance with Ubuntu 8.10:
This is largely a matter of preference. As has been mentioned, Ubuntu is a good choice. I tend to prefer debian as it is a bit less cutting edge (and therefor more stable). But it's not as easy a platform to learn as Ubuntu.
As has also been pointed out, I would recommend VirtualBox as Virtual PC doesn't support non-MS operating systems.
I use Ubuntu 8.10 and Mono.
However, to get the graphics to work properly, you need the
kernel parameter.
I use Scientific Linux 5.2 (which is just a rebranded RedHat Enterprise Linux 5.2) and it works fine. I also have had success with many flavors of Ubuntu. I run all of my machines under VMWare Server and have successfully used them with both the 1.0.x versions and the 2.0.x versions of VMWare server.
Does it have to be Microsoft Virtual PC? Virtual Box is much more open-source friendly and I used it with no problems to display higher resolutions of the guest OS.
Check Bitnami stacks. They are ISO live disks images. You just need to attach the iso to the boot cd of the vistual machine. There is a LAMP stack based on Ubuntu.
If you like how it works, there is an option to install to a virtual disk.
I was able to get VMWare Server (free) to work fine with Ubuntu without much hassle (display, etc works out of the box). Install VMWare tools on the VM (they make it for linux) and you'll get a more seamless experience. My specific configuration:
VMWare Server 2.0
Host OS: Windows XP Pro, SP 3
Guest OS: KUbuntu 0804
