laravel eloquent relationship hasmany query - php

i am trying to implement a sql query
select * from user,comments where comments.user_id=
so i create a getcomments method on my user model with following code
public function comments(){return $this->hasMany('Comments')}
and now am accessing the data by
$data = User::find(1)->comments;
but it gave me the data only from comments table (not user and comments )
how can i do this

The Eloquent ORM follows the Active Record pattern. It is a slightly different way to think about modeling and interacting with your data when you come from writing pure sql statements.
Setting up the comments relationship is a good step. Now you need to think about how you interact with your data.
You can get all the information with the following statement:
$user = User::with('comments')->find(1);
With this statement, all of the user information is loaded into the $user object, and all of the comment information is loaded into the $user->comments Collection attribute. This information can be accessed like so:
// get the info
$user = User::with('comments')->find(1);
// display some user info
echo $user->first_name;
echo $user->last_name;
// loop through the comment Collection
foreach($user->comments as $comment) {
// display some comment info
echo $comment->text;
The with('comments') section tells the query to eager load all the comments for the returned users (in this case, just the one with id 1). If you didn't eager load them, they would be lazy loaded automatically when you try to access them. The above code would work exactly the same without the with('comments'). Eager loading becomes more important when your loading multiple parent records, though, instead of just one, as it solves the N+1 problem. You can read about eager loading here.
Caution (the reason I added a new answer):
User::find(1)->with('comments')->get();, as otherwise suggested, is not going to provide the information you're looking for. This will actually end up returning all your users with their comments eager loaded. Here is why:
First, User::find(1) is going to return the one user with an id of 1, which is good. However, it then calls with('comments') on this model, which actually creates a new query builder instance for the users table. Finally, it calls get() on this new query builder instance, and since it doesn't have any constraints on it, it will return all the users in the table, with all the comments attached to those users eager loaded.

You are fetching just comments of the user which you select by id. You should this;

First find a user. Then access all user data, and all comments of user.
$data = User::find(1);
//or you can use eager loading for more performance. thanks for #Özgür Adem Işıklı
$data = User::with('comments')->find(1);
//access user data
$data->email; //etc.
//user's comments:
foreach($data->comments as $comment) {
//access comment detail


Eager Loading not loading correctlly

Something strange happening when using eager loading.
For example i want the get all authors related with a user, and everyhing was working well, but when i use eager loading it doesnt work well.
- id;
- name
- ...
- id
- user_id
- ...
Model User:
public function authorsProfile()
return $this->hasMany(Author::class, 'user_id', 'id');
My controller:
$user = Auth::user();
//Get all users and the authors that is related with it (Not working well)
dd( $user->with('authorsProfile')->get());
//Get all authors that is related with this user (Working well)
dd( $user->authorsProfile);
In my case is supposed to give me only the authors related with the current authenticated user, but for some reason when i try to use eagerloading for some reason is getting all users and there relation (authors)...
Does someone have a idea whats wrong?
Calling ->get() executes a whole new query that fetches all users.
You are looking for lazy eager loading:
If you've already got the User loaded, using ->with() is not the correct approach. In your case, try ->load():
$user = Auth::user();
dd($user->authorsProfile); // Should be a Collection
Technically, you don't even need to call ->load(), as attempting to access a relationship that wasn't loaded with ->with() will load it at that point:
$user = Auth::user();
dd($user->authorsProfile); // Should also be a Collection
To make it work like you have it coded, you'd need to call:
$user = Auth::user();
$user = User::with(["authorsProfile"])->where("id", "=", $user->id)->first();
But, you can see why that would be inefficient; you'd be calling the database again to retrieve a record you already have.
So, lots of way to accomplish this. See what you can get working.

How to chain eloquent relations in laravel?

So far I was extracting the relation objects as arrays and then doing something like:
But however is there a way to do something like:
It works until Auth::user()->group but no further chaining. Please help if you've done something. Or I'm just newbie.
You could use eager loading to load the user's group and then load all of the members of that group.
$user = User::with(['group', 'group.members'])->find(1);
// OR if you already have a user object (Like when using the Auth facade)
$user = Auth::user()->load(['group', 'group.members']);
foreach ($user->group->members as $member) {
// Do something with a member
However, if you essentially want to jump down the structure a level, and get all the members related to a user, you could use the hasManyThrough relationship, in that a user has many members, through a group.
// In your User model
public function members()
return $this->hasManyThrough(Member::class, Group::class);
That way you can simply access the members directly through the user:
$members = Auth::user()->members;
Instead of doing a query to access the user's group and then doing another query to access that group's members, Laravel would use a single query with a join to get you the members.
Take a look at the hasManyThrough relationship here
Try this

Eloquent - Updating all models in a collection

I want to set a certain attribute in all the models of a collection.
in plain SQL:
UPDATE table SET att = 'foo' WHERE id in (1,2,3)
the code i have:
$models = MyModel::findMany([1,2,3]);
taken from here
but doesn't work. I'm getting
Call to undefined method Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection::update()
the only way i have found it's building a query with the query builder but i'd rather avoid that.
You are returning a collection, not keeping the query open to update. Like your example is doing.
$models = MyModel::whereIn('id',[1,2,3]);
whereIn will query a column in your case id, the second parameter is an array of the ids you want to return, but will not execute the query. The findMany you were using was executing it thus returning a Collection of models.
If you need to get the model to use for something else you can do $collection = $models->get(); and it will return a collection of the models.
If you do not just simply write it on one line like so;
Another option which i do not recommend is using the following;
$models = MyModel::findMany([1,2,3]);
$models->each(function ($item){
This will loop over all the items in the collection and update them individually. But I recommend the whereIn method.
The best solution in one single query is still:
If you already have a collection of models and you want to do a direct update you can use modelKeys() method. Consider that after making this update your $models collection remains outdated and you may need to refresh it:
MyModel::whereIn('id', $models->modelKeys())->update(['att'=>'foo']);
$models = MyModel::findMany($models->modelKeys());
The next example I will not recommend because for every item of your $models collection a new extra query is performed:
$models->each(function ($item) {
or simpler, from Laravel 5.4 you can do $models->each->update(['att'=>'foo']);
However, the last example (and only the last) is good when you want to trigger some model events like saving, saved, updating, updated. Other presented solutions are touching direct the database but models are not waked up.
Just use the following:
"att" => "foo"
Be mindful that batch updating models won't fire callback updating and updated events. If you need those to be fired, you have to execute each update separately, for example like so (assuming $models is a collection of models):
$models->each(fn($model) => $model->update(['att'=>'foo']) );

Best way to filter access to controller actions according to a specific client id

Using CakePHP 2.2, I am building an application in which each client has it's own "realm" of data and none of the other data is visible to them. For example, a client has his set of users, courses, contractors and jobs. Groups are shared among clients, but they cannot perform actions on groups. All clients can do with groups is assign them to users. So, an administrator (using ACL) can only manage data from the same client id.
All my objects (except groups, of course) have the client_id key.
Now, I know one way to get this done and actually having it working well, but it seems a bit dirty and I'm wondering if there is a better way. Being early in the project and new to CakePHP, I'm eager to get it right.
This is how I'm doing it now :
1- A user logs in. His client_id is written to session according to the data from the user's table.
$user = $this->User->read(null, $this->Auth->user('id'));
$this->Session->write('User.client_id', $user['User']['client_id']);
2- In AppController, I have a protected function that compares that session id to a given parameter.
protected function clientCheck($client_id) {
if ($this->Session->read('User.client_id') == $client_id) {
return true;
} else {
$this->Session->setFlash(__('Invalid object or view.'));
$this->redirect(array('controller' => 'user', 'action' => 'home'));
3- Im my different index actions (each index, each relevant controller), I check the client_id using a paginate condition.
public function index() {
$this->User->recursive = 0;
$this->paginate = array(
'conditions' => array('User.client_id' => $this->Session->read('User.client_id'))
$this->set('users', $this->paginate());
4- In other actions, I check the client_id before checking the HTTP request type this way.
$user = $this->User->read(null, $id);
$this->set('user', $user);
The concept is good - it's not 'dirty', and it's pretty much exactly the same as how I've handled situations like that.
You've just got a couple of lines of redundant code. First:
That method can actually get any field for the logged in user, so you can do:
So your two lines:
$user = $this->User->read(null, $this->Auth->user('id'));
$this->Session->write('User.client_id', $user['User']['client_id']);
Aren't needed. You don't need to re-read the User, or write anything to the session - just grab the client_id directly from Auth any time you need it.
In fact, if you read it even says you can get it from outside the context of a controller, using the static method like:
Though it doesn't seem you'll be needing that.
You could also apply the client_id condition to all finds for a Model by placing something in the beforeFind function in the Model.
For example, in your User model, you could do something like this:
function beforeFind( $queryData ) {
// Automatically filter all finds by client_id of logged in user
$queryData['conditions'][$this->alias . '.client_id'] = AuthComponent::user('client_id');
return $queryData;
Not sure if AuthComponent::user('client_id') works in the Model, but you get the idea. This will automatically apply this condition to every find in the model.
You could also use the beforeSave in the model to automatically set that client_id for you in new records.
My answer may be database engine specific as I use PostgreSQL. In my project I used different schema for every client in mysql terms that would be separate database for every client.
In public schema (common database) I store all data that needs to be shared between all clients (objects that do not have client_id in your case), for example, variable constants, profile settings and so on.
In company specific models I define
public $useDbConfig = 'company_data';
In Controller/AppController.php beforeFilter() method I have this code to set schema according to the logged in user.
if ($this->Session->check('')) {
App::uses('ConnectionManager', 'Model');
$dataSource = ConnectionManager::getDataSource('company_data');
$dataSource->config['schema'] =
As you see I update dataSource on the fly according to used company. This does exclude any involvement of company_id in any query as only company relevant data is stored in that schema (database). Also this adds ability to scale the project.
Downside of this approach is that it creates pain in the ass to synchronize all database structures on structure change, but it can be done using exporting data, dropping all databases, recreating them with new layout and importing data back again. Just need to be sure to export data with full inserts including column names.

Doctrine : do not load related records

In order to improve performance of app, I would like to separate queries instead of using leftJoins. Then I have to create my own related Doctrine_Collection :
But I don't want doctrine does a query when I try to access related (not loaded) Collection.
How I can do that.
Thanks in advance.
I think the answer is in this § about relation handling. Build a new friendship relation and save it instead of adding a friend to a user object.
then I found this way (I should optimize this) :
$my_relation_collFriend = FriendTable::getInstance()->findByIdUser($user->id_user);
foreach($my_relation_collFriend as $friend)
$collFriend = $user->get('Friends', false); //get the related collection without db query
if(!$collFriend ) //unfornatly, It can be null
$collFriend = new Doctrine_Collection::create('friend'); //create the collection
$user->set('Friends', $collFriend, false); // define the related collection without db query
$collFriend->add($friend); //add the record to related collection
With this example I know this is useless but with lot of joins and datas it becomes necessary
