run php-script with cron does not work - php

I hava a php-email (phpmailer 5.2.14) script which work fine when I run it in bash:
pi#schnickschnack: php /var/www/html/email.php
when i run this script with cron (sudo crontab -e):
*/1 * * * * root php /var/www/html/email.php
syslog says...
Jan 22 08:53:01 Schnickschnack CRON[4482]: (root) CMD (root php /var/www/html/email.php)
...but I get no mail.
I have another php-script which works fine with crontab. this script inserts values from phpmodbus into a mysql-db...
does anyone have a hint why the mail-script does not work with cron?

* * * * * php /var/www/html/email.php
otherwise, cron tries to execute the command "root", which is not a command.

As you are running by cron, all your usual $PATH and ENV are not available.
So CRON has no idea where to find "php".
Depending on your install - determine location of the PHP bin:
which php
use the resulting path in your cronjob. eg:
*/1 * * * * /bin/php /var/www/html/email.php
** Unless intended, dont leave the email.php script where it could be run "unintentionally" by anyone simple hitting the webserver. email.php is certainly on script kiddies hit list.


Cron tab doesn't run most of tasks

I setup several cron jobs to make things work. laravel scheduler works perfectly but my other cronjobs not working at all.
*/2 * * * * /usr/bin/php /var/www/cronjobs/index.php
when I run on the console /usr/bin/php /var/www/cronjobs/index.php it works properly. I checked executable php path with which php and gives me /usr/bin/php nothing wrong with path afaik. I tried to run php script as apache user www-data I opened crontab with crontab -u www-data -e and paste command there.. it didn't work too.
I also tried send dummy notify with crontab and it also didn't work either
dummy example
* * * * * /usr/bin/notify-send 'test'
both of them doesn't work. What am I missing here ?
The second command will not send notification as cron have no idea of your desktop environment.
The first command probably use some environment variables. So instead of run in command line you can try to create a script:
source /path/to/user/home/.bashrc #you can try also .bash_profile
/usr/bin/php /var/www/cronjobs/index.php
and your cron to be like:
*/2 * * * * /path/to/

Cron job does not execute a php file

I have setup a cron job thusly:
*/15 * * * * root /usr/bin/php5.6 /var/www/
(Yes, root is owner for now - I'll fix that later)
I have also tried with -q after .../php5.6
but it doesn't seem to be working, even though syslog shows it executes every 15 minutes - for example:
Dec 20 17:45:01 e2e-53-27 CRON[2601]: (root) CMD (root /usr/bin/php5.6
-q /var/www/
If I execute the part after the username 'root' at the bash prompt it does work.
This is apache2 running on Debian. I don't know if this makes any difference but the PHP file is using curl to call an external API that sends an SMS.
You should use this format in cron file to make it work:
*/15 * * * * /usr/bin/php5.6 /var/www/
And the best way is to put this in script and add as first line in the script command:
. /root/.bash_profile
to make the environment as it is in command line

How to run a cron job on OSX for php using MAMP

I've been at this for hours and have tried everything with no luck.
I am basically trying to run this
I'm using MAMP and my localhost is a custom folder under User/username/localhost/servercheck
What I've tried so far is.
crontab -e
added */1 * * * * root /usr/bin/php /Users/clientsupport1/localhost/servercheck/cron/status.cron.php
And when I type crontab -l to see if its loaded I see the following.
*/1 * * * * root /usr/bin/php /Users/clientsupport1/localhost/servercheck/cron/status.cron.php
But the script does not run. I even tried a simple script that writes to a file. Still nothing. For some reason the cron job doesn't execute. Any ideas?
You need to call MAMP’s PHP executable, which will depend on on the version of PHP you’re running. For 7.2.1, the following below would be the proper path
*/1 * * * * /Applications/MAMP/bin/php/php7.2.1/bin/php /Users/clientsupport1/localhost/servercheck/cron/status.cron.php

PHP Exec Crontab Not Doing Anything

I am trying to set up a cron job using a PHP script. This works fine on my computer running XAMPP but when I try it on my web host (Just Host) it's not adding it to the list of cron jobs. Here is the PHP code:
exec('crontab cronfile.txt');
cronfile.txt Contents:
* * * * * /usr/bin/php -q /home/-username-/public_html/cron/cron.php 1
This does however work when I add it through cPanel and I can view any cron jobs by using shell_exec('crontab -l'). Any ideas how to resolve this?
Most likely Apache is running as a different user than username, so it won't update usernames crontab file. Run the script
<?php phpinfo()
and verify which user Apache is running as.
On my system, I see the following
User/Group apache(48)/48
You should use this exec('crontab /tmp/cronfile.txt')
and it will work.
You can add every script to this file.
touch /tmp/cronfile.txt
vi /tmp/cronfile.txt
* * * * * path-to-script
* * * * * path-to-script2
crontab /tmp/cronfile.txt
crontab -l you will see your cron list

Cronjob php script not working

I'm trying to set a cronjob to run every 20 minutes.
This works manually:
php /srv/www/ LONDON
I tried to use "crontab -e" and set it even to every 20 minutes with:
*/20 * * * * php /srv/www/ LONDON
it was saved to /tmp/crontab.0xYhei9m/crontab
And it doesn't seem to work.
What's wrong here?
Current stats:
*. cron is up and running:
root 31855 1 0 08:39 ? 00:00:00 /usr/sbin/cron
*. Running "crontab -l" shows:
*/20 * * * * /usr/bin/php /srv/www/
And still no go. Again manually running the script works just fine.
is the cron daemon even running?
it was saved to /tmp/crontab.0xYhei9m/crontab
Yes - that's the file you just edited - its NOT the file crond reads to fire jobs. Crontab whould then read this file, install the updated crontab in the location where crond looks for it and notify crond it needs to process the file.
Have you checked:
crond is running?
your uid is allowed to schedule cron jobs (usually via /etc/cron.allow / /etc/cron.deny)
that the script really isn't being started by cron and failing due to a permissions error?
that the version of crond you are using support $PATH and can find the executable?
In case this is already online, try using wget instead of php, with the url instead of the path, ie.:
*/20 * * * * wget http://YOUR_IP/~YOUR_USER/PATH/Make_XML.php
*/20 * * * * wget
First make sure the url works , just by opening it with a browser
Hope it helps!
Crontab doesn't know anything about PATH variable. So use absolute path to your php (/usr/bin/php for e.g.)/ You can run command which php to find your php path
