I'm running OSX El Capitan with XAMPP and I need to convert a dbase file to a MySQL database. I tried to use the dbase library in PHP but none of those functions are available. I headed to the documentation but it told me to recompile PHP with dbase enabled. I've got no clue on how to do that. Isn't it a matter of putting some files in the right directory?
A post told me to uncomment php_gmp.dll but that didn't work. No errors in the Apache log either.
Another post told me to run pecl install dbase, but there doesn't
seem to be any package available to Terminal's response.
The source file is around 1,5 Gb in size. I purchased DBFEdit from the app store but that only shows me the content of the file, I can't split it and it's too large for any other application to open (Excel, Notepad, Coda etc) nor does it provide support to copy rows from the files into e.g. Excel. So I'm back to the dbase functions again.
Any suggestions on how to be able to use dbase on OSX?
First question is are you sure you are modifying the right php.ini for XAMPP? OSX comes with php and has a php.ini that is likely in a different location than XAMPP's.
Otherwise... you can install the php dbase extension using brew....
Install/enable the php dbase extension by first installing brew. Instructions for installing brew are here:
Next install the appropriate extension for your version of PHP. If you do a brew search dbase it lists the following:
To install one of them type something like this:
brew install homebrew/php/php56-dbase
After this, you may need to modify your php.ini to point to that extension (perhaps using a symlink or other method). Brew installs extensions in locations that will likely be different than your XAMPP installation.
I followed the instructions outlined here:
Install PHP Internationalization extension (Intl) on XAMPP on Mac
Ran sudo pecl install intl
selected the correct files from the Cellar
then this error happened:
/private/tmp/pear/temp/intl/intl_error.h:24:10: fatal error:
'ext/standard/php_smart_str.h' file not found
^ 1 error generated. make: *** [php_intl.lo] Error 1 ERROR: `make' failed
No matter, did some research and found out that PHP 7.0.8 deprecated php.smart_str.h to php.smart_string.h
So given my scant knowledge of C++ I copied smart_string.h to smart_str.h and renamed all the headers from STRING to string.....
re-ran pecl -no luck....more errors......without knowing where the .c files are and remaking php (not really interested in going that far) since anyway I'm using XAMPP so that ended that option.
I have php 5.5 on my mac, deep in the usr/local/bin folder
so next step was to get pecl to use those files and generate an intl.so file....
Did that....I have the intl.so file so put it in the 'extensions' folder in XAMPP (for reference: /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20151012)
Ran php and came up with this error:
Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library
- dlopen(/Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20151012/intl.so,
9): Symbol not found: _zval_used_for_init Referenced from:
Expected in: flat namespace in
in Unknown on line 0
I imagine it has to do with different versions?
In any case I can't get pecl to install intl without a make error in PHP 7.0.8 on XAMPP. There is no documentation on this and you'd think that if you deprecate a header.h file you'd update all extensions?
Install intl.so in PHP 7 seems impossible?
After a lot of research I was finally able to resolve this. Detailed steps here:
before you begin, check which php path is set. it should be /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/bin/php. If not you can change it by PATH="/Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/bin:${PATH}". more detail here
Overall idea is to build the intl-extension from PHP source code on your own. Before you begin make sure you have installed Xcode. Also, install the latest version of autoconf. this might help:
brew install autoconf
Next download the version of PHP you use in XAMPP from php.net. I am using 7.1.18. This version worked for me: php-7.1.31, I’m guessing if you follow the steps it might work for 7.0 or 7.2 as well. Do let me know if it does or doesnt, I’ll update this post. Do not use PHP 7.3 for Magento 2.3.0, it is not supported.
Extract the tar.gz file using (I extracted it inside ~/Downloads/ folder )
tar -xzvf php-7.1.31.tar.gz
cd into the extracted folder
cd php-7.1.31
change to subfolder ext/intl
cd ext/intl/
Run these commands to build the extension
./configure --enable-intl --with-php-config=/Applications/XAMPP/bin/php-config --with-icu-dir=/Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/
sudo make install
you can now delete all files you downloaded and also the extracted folders.
Open /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/etc/php.ini , and add extension=intl.so
Restart your Apache using XAMPP GUI and it should work.
So far, it seems that extension intl.so for php is bundled with php
and should be compiled with php (intl --enabled). XAMPP does not support this (as of Oct 2016), MAMP does. I do not know about other distros. However, if you're willing to recompile PHP 7, it's worth it just to do that and enable it during compiling.
So....I ran with MAMP. Then I decided that I would simply install apache 2.4 and php 7 and Mysql without the stack and the junk that comes with MAMP or XAMPP and everything works like a charm... so if you need to use CakePHP or intl support etc... just drop XAMPP/MAMP and go with a standard install. I used homebrew (MacOS) and everything is working fine.
Update: As regards Windows, XAMPP does not default it, but you can add the module (dll) in php.ini and works like a charm
The error means that XAMPP doesn't have PHP compiled with intl. You may try:
pecl install intl
but probably it won't work as well.
See: PHP Bug #72879 Pecl install intl make error with PHP 7.0.8.
As for the workaround, try installing memcached extension instead of memcache, e.g.
pecl install memcached
Note: It also requires libmemcached package/library to be installed beforehand. For macOS, install via: brew install libmemcached.
If you wanna try without homebrew, with native apache and php, look at my aswer here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/55131868/3692846
I'm having really hard trouble installing libsodium on my local server (WAMP64).
I used this guide and many others, but still no luck.
I successfully installed PEAR but I can't use it to install the PHP wrapper of libsodium. Can someone post a little guide step by step to help me?
I would appreciate help installing Halite, wich needs libsodium, because maybe it will be my next step.
Thank you everyone.
On Windows, download the appropriate zip file for your version of PHP and then follow these three steps. (I used 1.0.6 for PHP 7.0 in my testing).
Copy libsodium.dll to the System32 Folder or the same directory as php.exe. Also copy it to the apache/bin/ folder (for me that was C:\xampp\apache\bin).
Copy php_libsodium.dll to the PHP extension directory (C:\xampp\php\ext\ for me)
Add extension=php_libsodium.dll to your php.ini file.
The bolded part in step 1 is what I was missing. As soon as I placed the dll in that folder and restarted Apache, everything started working.
You can create a new php file with this code to verify it is working properly:
Do Not Try To Install Pecl Extensions On Windows With Pear/Pecl. It Will Not Work.
Rather use pre-compiled .dll file.
The guide page even says so:
Installing Libsodium and the PHP Extension on Windows
On Windows, download the appropriate zip file for your version of PHP and then follow these three steps.
goto WAMPSERVER and install listed PHP
Enable sodium and check in 'Show PHP loaded Extensions' it will get loaded
check-in PHP module if sodium is available or not with the following command
cmd> php -m
cmd> php --ri sodium
if sodium is not listed then go to your /php/php.ini and search for ';extension=sodium' and remove ';' you will be good to go
I am trying to install the mcrypt PHP extension on my OS X Mountain Lion 10.8 operating system. This OS comes shipped with Apache and PHP already installed. The mcrypt extension however does not come shipped with PHP. I want to install mcrypt into the version of PHP that came shipped with my machine.
I do not want to use Homebrew, Macports, or any similar package manager, and I do not want to install another version of PHP in addition to the one I already have. I just want to plug mcrypt into the PHP that came bunded with my OS. I feel like this makes sense, instead of having multiple versions of the same program installed, yet every tutorial I come across seems to all immediately say to use Homebrew/Macports, and the few that don't teach you how to install a new PHP instead of using the one I already have.
I started following the directions laid out on this page: http://www.coolestguyplanettech.com/how-to-install-mcrypt-for-php-on-mac-osx-lion-10-7-development-server/.
I downloaded libmcrypt-2.5.8.tar.gz from Sourceforge.
I extracted the contents with the following command: tar -zxvf libmcrypt-2.5.8.tar.gz.
I entered the libmcrypt-2.5.8 directory that was created and issued the following commands: ./configure, make, and sudo make install.
Now that tutorial says to go into a directory that was created by a new, non-native version of PHP that the tutorial tells you to install, not the native version that came shipped with OS X. The tutorial says to go into the following directory: cd ../php-5.3.13/ext/mcrypt/ (which is a directory I don't have), and run the phpize command. I can't go into that directory because I'm using the native PHP that came with OS X, so instead I go into the libmcrypt-2.5.8 directory, but when I try to run the phpize command I get an error that says: Cannot find config.m4. Make sure that you run '/usr/bin/phpize' in the top level source directory of the module. I do however have the files acinclude.m4 and aclocal.m4 in this directory. I am not sure if they are related to the config.m4 that phpize is looking for.
I am not sure how to proceed. Maybe I should just cut my losses and install another PHP using Macports or Homebrew, but I'd really prefer to use the native PHP that came bundled with OS X. Can you help me figure out how to do this? It would really help me a lot, and help me understand better how PHP and extensions work. Thank you!
"I'd really prefer to use the native PHP that came bundled with OS X.
Can you help me figure out how to do this? It would really help me a
lot, and help me understand better how PHP and extensions work."
The PHP that came bundled with OSX isn't any more "Native" than any other version that you would install.
You don't have that directory because, IIRC, OSX doesn't ship with PHP source, just a compiled binary and apache module.
You can only run phpize on a php extension, which you can get in the PHP source download (including the mcrypt extension). What you downloaded is the C library (which you may also need to install) that the PHP extension will reference (you don't need to worry about how this happens).
If you want to just install that extension:
Download it
Extract and cd into
sudo phpize
sudo ./configure && sudo make && sudo make install
Add extension=mcrypt.so (or whatever is generated) to your php config / php.ini and restart apache
This sounds to me like a good opportunity to learn more about how your computer works. This is some documentation I wrote for myself a few years ago on how to do this:
http://www.calvinfroedge.com/common-php-compile-configuration-options/ (note that the formatting in the blog might not work if you paste it into terminal, for example –with-mysql should be --with-mysql)
Besides, you don't need to get rid of your PHP installation that came with OSX. You can download the PHP source to a brand new directory, compile it, backup the old binary, and either symlink the result of 'which php' to your new installation or add the binaries that get generated after you compile to your source.
I need the MongoDB PHP driver on my CentOS 5.4 machine. My PHP version is 5.1.6. I downloaded the RPM and installed it. That created several files in /usr/bin directory. I copied
which was what extension_dir showed on doing phpinfo();.
I also added
in /etc/php.ini.
However on executing my PHP script, i still get
Mongo class not found.
What's going wrong here ?
Also, my phpinfo() shows PHP version 5.1.6 whereas running PHP from command line shows 5.3.3. Could anything be wrong with that ?
Thanks in advance.
You're saying your webserver and command line PHP report different versions. These are going to be installed in different locations, and their extensions are API incompatible with each other.
When you installed the php_mongo extension, it may have used the command line php to determine the directory to install the extension to.
Make sure you have the correct php_mongo for the php version of your webserver, and it is in the correct extensions directory. (get the directory from the php.ini returned by phpinfo())
I hope you realise PHP 5.1 is also many years out of date. Unless you have a specific reason to use a version that old, you should also look at upgrading to a more recent version.
Just read your comment "I must also mention that /usr/bin/mongo is a binary executable file but its not having a .so extension. Im copying it as is to /usr/lib/php/modules"
No no no! :)
This is the mongo command line client. This is not the PHP extension!
You can run a find /* -name "mongo.so" to see where the installer put the file, this will probably also give you an indication of which version of PHP it was installed for.
It looks as though you are confusing the RPM-packages for the MongoDB server with the requirements to install the MongoDB PHP driver. The PHP driver provides access to the server from your PHP applications, and does not install any command line tools.
restart httpd !
yum service httpd restart
I'm trying to get the latest Mongo Driver to work with MAMP 1.9.6 on OS X 10.5.8.
I built it successfully from source since it seems that there are no pre-compiled releases, included it into the right directory and restarted the apache.
But PHP doesn't recognize the extension. I used the 1.0.11 driver previously which worked fine, but I need the new version, because Doctrines ODM requires it.
When I replace the 1.2.10 mongo.so with the 1.0.11 and restart apache mongo is available. I don't get what could be wrong.
Anyone had this behaviour or any guesses to get this to work?
Update: The PHP error log shows the following:
[01-Jun-2012 22:02:37] PHP Warning: PHP Startup: mongo: Unable to initialize module
Module compiled with module API=20060613
PHP compiled with module API=20090626
These options need to match
in Unknown on line 0
I'm not quite sure what it means?
2. Update:
I was finally able to sync the API version of phpize.
But now I'm not able to build the driver anymore.
I do the following:
sudo make install
But at the make command I'm getting tons of syntax errors. Seems that it can't find several header files.
The very first one is the zend_config.h and really I just have those other two files:
I downloaded the MAMP components to get this files. Why am I missing this one? And there are a lot of others.
I'm using PHP 5.3.5 Is there a way to get those header files from a different source?
I followed the instructions at Develop MongoDB web apps with MAMP under Mac OS X to successfully build mongo.so for MAMP with php 5.3 on OS X 10.7.3.
I'm adding this for historical purposes -- I guarantee that if you're having the same set of problems, you'll want to do this.
Personally, I had a really difficult time getting MAMP's php version to play nicely with the extension builds that I was trying to make.
I discovered that the problem was that MAMP really hadn't been set up to add extensions in general, and during the compilation of the mongo php drivers, it wasn't installing it in the right place -- so I followed the following tutorial on preparing MAMP for additional pecl and pear extensions.
After following those steps to prepare MAMP for adding extensions, you can easily install any extension.
At the part where it starts talking about adding an extension, use sudo pecl install mongo and restart apache from your MAMP interface.
I ran into the same problem when upgrading from PHP 5.3 to 5.4 and was able to solve it by following these steps:
Make sure to upgrade php5-cli as well as just php5 and php5-common
Uninstall the mongo drive
sudo pecl uninstall mongo
Re-install the mongo driver
sudo pecl install mongo