I have my array looping and building this columns :
page link,
i want to group the users if they repeat, i have this number for each on row (pid) i want that all the PID with the same number to group.
maybe with some kida of if statement i can add classes to duplicates and singles in array! please help
// $strSQL = "SELECT *, SUM(totalparcial) as Soma FROM bruno_wallet GROUP BY nome ";
$strSQL = "SELECT * from bruno_wallet GROUP BY id ORDER BY nome ASC ";
// Execute the query (the recordset $rs contains the result)
$rs = mysql_query($strSQL);
// Loop the recordset $rs
// Each row will be made into an array ($row1) using mysql_fetch_array
$sum = 0;
$data = array();
while($row1 = mysql_fetch_array($rs)) {
$events = array_unique($row1);
$data[] = $events;
//now loop over data instead of mysql_fetch_array
foreach ($data as $events) {
$currentPID = $events[12];
echo "<div id='linha_$events[0]' class='cor promotora_$events[12] cf'>";
echo "<div class='tb1'>{$events[0]}</div>"; //id
echo "<div class='tb1'>{$events[7]}</div>"; //foto
echo "<div class='tb1'>{$events[3]}</div>"; //data
echo "<div class='tb1'>{$events[2]}</div>"; //nome
echo "<div class='tb1'>{$events[12]}</div>";
echo "<div class='tb1'>{$events[4]}</div>"; //evento
echo "<div class='tb1'>{$events[5]}</div>"; //horario
echo "<div class='tb1'>{$events[6]}</div>"; //obs
echo "<div class='tb1'>{$events[10]}h</div>"; //horas
echo "<div class='tb1'>{$events[9]}€</div>"; //valor hora
echo "<div class='tb1'>{$events[1]}</div>"; //Props
echo "<div class='tb1'>{$events[8]}</div>"; //tparcial
echo "</div>";
this worked for me :
if (in_array($currentPID, $checkedPIDs)) {
// build multiples
} else {
// build unikcs
array_push($checkedPIDs, $currentPID); ?>
I would to like to create a dynamic table that the rows and columns of the table depends on the data in mysql data. Please see below my codes.
require "connect/db.php";
$query = mysqli_query($mysqli, "SELECT COUNT(level) level, shelf_no, bin_id FROM location_bin WHERE rack_id =1 GROUP BY shelf_no");
$col = $res['level']; //col
$row = $res['shelf_no']; //rows
echo "<table border='1'>";
$i = 0;
while ($i < $col){
if ($i==$col){
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td>".$res['bin_id']."</td>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "</table>";
What I want is to display A-1-01 up to A-1-06 in the first row then A-2-01 to A-2-03 on the second row. Note that the data is dynamic.
Can you try this code . It works. change db.php path as your system path.
require "db.php";
$query = mysqli_query($conn, 'SELECT level, shelf_no, bin_id FROM location_bin ORDER BY shelf_no asc, level asc ');
echo "<table border='1'>";
echo "<tr>";
while($res = mysqli_fetch_assoc($query)) {
if ($i < $row){
echo "</tr><tr>";
echo "<td>".$res['bin_id']."</td>";
echo "</table>";
I have this code in my program:
$con = mysqli_connect('localhost', 'root', '');
die("not ok");
$q = "SELECT * FROM courses
INNER JOIN transfer_student_courses
ON transfer_student_courses.course_number = courses.course_number
INNER JOIN transfered_courses
ON transfer_student_courses.sn = transfered_courses.sn
AND transfer_student_courses.student_ID = " . $_SESSION['user_id'];
$result = mysqli_query($con , $q);
echo "<table>";
echo "<tr>";
echo "<th>equivalent</th>";
echo "</tr>";
while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result))
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td>" . $row["equivalent"]. "</td>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "</table>";
$q = "SELECT * FROM courses
LEFT JOIN degree_plan
ON degree_plan.course_number = courses.course_number
LEFT JOIN student_record
ON courses.course_number = student_record.course_number
AND student_record.id = ". $_SESSION['user_id']."
WHERE degree_plan.major = 'COE'
ORDER BY term_no";
$result = mysqli_query($con , $q );
echo "<table>";
echo "<tr>";
echo "<th>course</th>";
echo "</tr>";
while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result))
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td>" . $row["code"]. "</td>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "</table>";
I have two queries in this code, each of which give me a list of courses.
If a course appears in the first list, I do not want it to appear in the second list.
If you see the output of this code below, the first query gives me MATH 101, and the second query also gives me MATH 101.
I want MATH 101 to not appear in the second course list because it also appears in the first list.
How can I write a function in PHP language to do that?
MATH 101
PHYS 101
CHEM 101
PE 101
IAS 101
MATH 101
ENGL 101
First of all, store all the equivalent courses in an array, say $equivalent array. And then in the second while loop use in_array() function to check if the course already got printed in the first table or not.
Here's the reference:
So your code should be like this:
$con = mysqli_connect('localhost', 'root', '');
die("not ok");
$q = "SELECT * FROM courses INNER JOIN transfer_student_courses ON
transfer_student_courses.course_number=courses.course_number INNER
JOIN transfered_courses ON transfer_student_courses.sn=transfered_courses.sn
AND transfer_student_courses.student_ID = " . $_SESSION['user_id'];
$result = mysqli_query($con , $q) ;
$equivalent = array();
echo "<table>";
echo "<tr>";
echo "<th>equivalent</th>";
echo "</tr>";
while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)){
$equivalent[] = $row["equivalent"];
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td>" . $row["equivalent"]. "</td>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "</table>";
$q = "SELECT * FROM courses
LEFT JOIN degree_plan ON degree_plan.course_number= courses.course_number
LEFT JOIN student_record ON courses.course_number= student_record.course_number
AND student_record.id= ". $_SESSION['user_id']."
WHERE degree_plan.major='COE' ORDER BY term_no";
$result = mysqli_query($con , $q ) ;
echo "<table>";
echo "<tr>";
echo "<th>course</th>";
echo "</tr>";
while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)){
if(in_array($row["code"], $equivalent)){
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td>" . $row["code"]. "</td>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "</table>";
You could load the results of the first query into an array, then when you are displaying the results for the second query, before you display anything check if the result exists in your array, if it does, skip it.
So after your first query:
$equivalent = array(); // Setup a blank array to store the results
while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result))
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td>" . $row["equivalent"]. "</td>";
echo "</tr>";
$equivalent[] = $row['equivalent']; // Add the result into your array
Then in your courses portion of code:
while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result))
if ( ! in_array($row['code'], $equivalent ) )
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td>" . $row["code"]. "</td>";
echo "</tr>";
This should stop the display of any entry that is in both result sets being displayed in the second.
Solution : in_array("word", $array)
Run a query get the result into an array :
while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result))
For the second query run the query and add reults as follows:
while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)){
if (in_array($row[code], $arr1))
//don't add to array2
arr2[] = $row["code"];
Then you may echo the elements as required.
I'm wanting to fill a database with news article information such as PostID, PostTitle, PostDescription, PostContent and so on - I tried writing some code to constantly echo out the data in the SQL query but it only works for the first row that the query picks up
$SQL = "SELECT * FROM posts"; // get all info from posts
$result = mysql_query($SQL);
$row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
if (mysql_numrows($result) > 0) {
$row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
$Title = $row["PostTitle"];
$Description = $row["PostDescription"];
$Date = $row["PostDate"];
$AuthorID = $row["AuthorID"];
echo "<div id='preview'>";
echo "<div class='group selection'>";
echo "<div class='col span_1_of_3'>";
echo "<div id='previewmedia'>";
echo "</div>";
echo "</div>";
echo "<div class='col span_2_of_3'>";
echo "<h1>".$Title."</h1>";
echo "<p class='preview'>".$Description."</p>";
echo "<a href='bloglayout.php' class='orange readmore'>Read More...</a>";
echo "</div>";
echo "</div>";
echo "</div>";
I then thought about doing a SELECT query to then count the number of ID's in the table and then set that as $ID and then give each variable a number and then +1 after each loop but realised that wouldn't work so I'm kinda stuck on how to loop out several rows automatically from my database.
Also, I know I shouldn't be using mysql_numrows and whatnot in PHP and I should move to mysqli or PDO but this is for something where I've been asked to use mysql specifically.
You're only fetching one row. Try looping through your results.
$SQL = "SELECT * FROM posts"; // get all info from posts
$result = mysql_query($SQL);
while( $row = mysql_fetch_array($result);)
$Title = $row["PostTitle"];
$Description = $row["PostDescription"];
$Date = $row["PostDate"];
$AuthorID = $row["AuthorID"];
echo "<div id='preview'>";
echo "<div class='group selection'>";
echo "<div class='col span_1_of_3'>";
echo "<div id='previewmedia'>";
echo "</div>";
echo "</div>";
echo "<div class='col span_2_of_3'>";
echo "<h1>".$Title."</h1>";
echo "<p class='preview'>".$Description."</p>";
echo "<a href='bloglayout.php' class='orange readmore'>Read More...</a>";
echo "</div>";
echo "</div>";
echo "</div>";
I have a myList.php which should list all products added to my favourites and compute the total price of products.
here is the code:
include 'navigation.php'
<div class='sectionContents'>
if (isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] == 'removed') {
echo "<div>" . $_GET['prod_name'] . " was removed from favourites.</div>";
if (isset($_SESSION['fav'])) {
$ids = "";
foreach($_SESSION['fav'] as $prod_id) {
$ids = $ids . $prod_id . ",";
// remove the last comma
$ids = rtrim($ids, ',');
include "db_connect.php";
$query = mysql_query("SELECT prod_id, prod_name, prod_price FROM tbl_product WHERE prod_id IN ('$ids')") or die(mysql_error());
$num = mysql_num_rows($query);
if ($num > 0) {
echo "<table border='0'>"; //start table
// our table heading
echo "<tr>";
echo "<th class='textAlignLeft'>Product Name</th>";
echo "<th>Price (MUR)</th>";
echo "<th>Action</th>";
echo "</tr>";
//also compute for total price
$totalPrice = 0;
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query)) {
$totalPrice += $prod_price;
//creating new table row per record
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td>{$prod_name}</td>";
echo "<td class='textAlignRight'>{$prod_price}</td>";
echo "<td class='textAlignCenter'>";
echo "<a href='remove_favourite.php?prod_id= {$prod_id}&prod_name={$prod_name}' class='customButton'>";
echo "<img src='shopping-cart-in-php/images/remove-from- cart.png' title='Remove from favourite' />";
echo "</a>";
echo "</td>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "<tr>";
echo "<th class='textAlignCenter'>Total Price</th>";
echo "<th class='textAlignRight'>{$totalPrice}</th>";
echo "<th></th>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "</table>";
echo "<br /><div><a href='#' class='customButton'>Home</a></div>";
} else {
echo "<div>No products found in your favourites. :(</div>";
} else {
echo "<div>No products in favourites yet.</div>";
I use the add_to_fav.php below to add the products to my favourites:
// get the product id
$prod_id = $_GET['prod_id'];
$prod_name = $_GET['prod_name'];
* check if the 'fav' session array was created
* if it is NOT, create the 'fav' session array
if (!isset($_SESSION['fav'])) {
$_SESSION['fav'] = array();
// check if the item is in the array, if it is, do not add
if (in_array($prod_id, $_SESSION['fav'])) {
// redirect to product list and tell the user it was added to favourites
header('Location: prod_list.php?action=exists&prod_id' . $prod_id . '&prod_name=' . $prod_name);
// else, add the item to the array
else {
array_push($_SESSION['fav'], $prod_id);
// redirect to product list and tell the user it was added to cart
header('Location: prod_list.php?action=add&prod_id' . $prod_id . '&prod_name=' . $prod_name);
I am having "No products found in your favourites. :(" when i try to view the favourites
I have a counter like thing which shows the number of products in my favourites as well and it stays to 0.
Have I erred somewhere? Which mistake should I correct?
There are a few things that could be happening.
1) You are not starting the session before loading the favorites:
<div class='sectionContents'>
if(isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action']=='removed'){
echo "<div>" . $_GET['prod_name'] . " was removed from favourites.</div>";
2) Your SQL query in fact is not finding any product ids. You might want to debug the SQL and run it in phpmyadmin or your mysql interface to see if it in fact does return any results.
include "db_connect.php";
$query = "SELECT prod_id, prod_name, prod_price FROM tbl_product WHERE prod_id IN ('$ids')";
echo $query; // Print query for debugging
$result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());
$num = mysql_num_rows($result);
My guess is that this query is incorrect because of the single quotes around $ids
It should be:
$query = "SELECT prod_id, prod_name, prod_price FROM tbl_product WHERE prod_id IN ($ids)";
Also this can be simplified from:
$ids = "";
foreach($_SESSION['fav'] as $prod_id){
$ids = $ids . $prod_id . ",";
// remove the last comma
$ids = rtrim($ids, ',');
$ids = implode(",", $_SESSION['fav']);
i try to store the booking booths into database based on user selection, there are 10 check boxes for each booths and user can choose which day they want to reserve booths. For each check box has it own field in database, if user choose booth A01, D1 and D2, when he press reserve button, it will insert value into D1 and D2. But I dont know how to get the checked checkbox value to store in database
my booth interface
my table structure
My coding
$id = $_REQUEST['search_category_id'];
$query2 = mysql_query("SELECT filenameBig, filename, url FROM eventinfo where eventID ='$id'");
$row = mysql_fetch_array($query2, MYSQL_ASSOC);
if($id == -1)
echo "<style type='text/css'>#btn_submit{visibility:hidden}</style>";
/*echo "<a href='{$row['url']}'>Click me!</a>";*/
echo "<p><br><img src='{$row['filename']}' alt='' /></p>";
echo "<p></p>";
echo "<p align='right'><a href='$row[filenameBig]' target='_blank'>Click to view large image</a></p>";
echo "<hr size='1'>";
echo "<div style='padding-left:4px;' align='left'><strong>Booths Listing</strong>";
echo "<p></p>";
$query = "select boothAlias, totalDay from booths, eventinfo where booths.eventID=eventinfo.eventID && booths.eventID = ".$id."";
$result = mysql_query($query);
$result2= mysql_query($query);
echo "<table border='0' style='width:400px;table-layout:fixed' >";
$rows2 = mysql_fetch_array($result);
echo "<table>";
for ($day = 0; $day <= $Day; ++$day) {
echo "<th>Booth</th>";
echo "<th>D".$day."</th>";
while($rows = mysql_fetch_array($result2)){
echo "<tr><td>$boothAlias</td>";
for ($day2 = 1; $day2 <= $totalDay; ++$day2) {
echo "<td><input name='day2[]' type='checkbox' value='$day2' /></td>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "</table>";
I think that SET type would be good solution for this.