OrderBy on Laravel polymorph one-to-one relationship - php

I have problem to sort results by polymorph's table relationship.
Tried many ways, but results does not sort.
I have looked in many threads, and final result code that I have tried looks like this:
return \App\Models\Advert::with(['advertable' => function ($query) {
$query->orderBy('rooms', 'DESC');
I want to sort all rows in "adverts" table by relationship's "room" column, but nothing happens.
My tables structure is:
Laravel models looks like this:
// Main "adverts" polymorph table with advertable_id and advertable_type
class Advert extends \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model
* #return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\MorphTo
public function advertable()
return $this->morphTo();
// "advert_flats" table
class Flat extends \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model
* #return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\MorphOne
public function advert()
return $this->morphOne(\App\Models\Advert::class, 'advertable');
// "advert_homes" table
class Home extends \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model
* #return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\MorphOne
public function advert()
return $this->morphOne(\App\Models\Advert::class, 'advertable');
If I dump SQL, then I see that this code does not event run into relationship
select * from `adverts` where `category_id` = 2 and `adverts`.`deleted_at` is null
Also I have tried to change whereHas function to work with polymorph relationships, as Laravel does not support whereHas with polymorph relations.
I have ran this code
return $model->whereHas('advertable', function ($q) {
$q->orderBy('rooms', 'DESC');
}, '>=', 1, ['\App\Models\Flat']);
But it also does not sort results.
I had to change Laravel builder to add support for polymorph tables.
I have resolved issue and implemented code by using example provided by #Sturm answer, after applying SortBy / SortByDesc I'm manually building LengthAwarePaginator.
But could this issue be resolved using Builder class, before calling ->get() method on my query ?

$adverts = \App\Models\Advert::query()->select(
WHEN adverts.advertable_type like(\'%Flat\') THEN advert_flats.rooms
WHEN adverts.advertable_type like(\'%Home\') THEN advert_homes.rooms
as rooms
function ($join) {
/** #var \Illuminate\Database\Query\JoinClause $join */
$join->on('adverts.advertable_id', '=', "advert_flats.id")
->where('adverts.advertable_type', 'like', '%Flat');
function ($join) {
/** #var \Illuminate\Database\Query\JoinClause $join */
$join->on('adverts.advertable_id', '=', "advert_homes.id")
->where('adverts.advertable_type', 'like', '%Home');
)->orderBy('rooms', 'ASC')->get();

Here's something that will get you running, although I'll look for a moment more to see if there's a way to do it from Builder.
$sorted = $adverts->sortBy(function ($val, $key) {
return $val->advertable->rooms;


Laravel - Getting count of nested relationship

I have an application where users can control their properties and leases.
These are the relationships defined:
* A team can have many properties.
public function properties():
return $this->hasMany(Property::class);
* A property can have many leases.
public function leases():
return $this->hasMany(Lease::class);
As you can see here, a Team can have many properties, and each property can also have many leases.
I am trying to figure out how I can get the number of leases that is associated with a Team:
$team = Auth::user()->currentTeam;
return $team->properties->leases->count();
However, the above code returns an error:
Property [leases] does not exist on this collection instance.
You could add this method to your Team.php:
public function leasesCount(){
return count(
join('properties', 'properties.team_id', '=', 'teams.id')
->join('leases', 'leases.property_id', '=', 'properties.id')
->where('teams.id', $this->id)
I ended up using a hasManyThrough relationship on the Team model, like so:
* Get all of the leases for the team.
public function leases()
return $this->hasManyThrough(Lease::class, Property::class);
Then I can simply get the number of leases created by a specific team by:
return $team->leases()->count();

Laravel Eloquent ORM whereHas with a foreach loop

Here are the relationships:
A user has many skills, there is a join table user_skills. I need to search this table to return the profiles that have the particular skill. This is part of a bigger query that is being built, so that is why there is not a ->get() on here.
User Model
* A user may have many skills
* #return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\BelongsToMany
public function skills()
return $this->hasMany('App\Core\Platform\Models\UserSkill');
Below is the query that isn't doing what I need it to. I need it to return the users who have the particular skill, based on the ID being passed in the search (the $this->misc['search_skills'] value).
// Skills
$this->user = $this->user->whereHas('skills', function ($q)
foreach ($this->misc['search_skills'] AS $skill)
$q->orWhere('id', $skill);
Any thoughts as to what I am doing wrong or how I could execute this in a different way?
$skills = $this->misc['search_skills']; // assuming this is an array
$this->user = $this->user->whereHas('skills', function ($q) use ($skills)
$q->whereIn('id', $skills);
Any time you end up using orWhere multiple times on the same field, you should most likely be using whereIn.
Put the search skills into a variable ($skills), import that variable into your callback with use, then use whereIn.

Laravel 5.3 get belongsToMany and count pivot

I have next models:
class Polling extends Model
* #return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\BelongsToMany
public function participants()
return $this->belongsToMany(Participant::class, 'participant_poll', 'poll_id');
* #return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\BelongsToMany
public function results()
return $this->belongsToMany(Participant::class, 'poll_results', 'poll_id');
class Participant extends Model
public function polls()
return $this->belongsToMany(Polling::class);
public function results()
return $this->belongsToMany(Polling::class);
poll_results - pivot table have structure: id, poll_id, participant_id.
I need view next table:
№|participant.name|Count vote|
1|Mike |15 |
2|................|10 |
Count vote get pivot table poll_results.
Help please, write query.
$poll = Polling::first();
You may want to use withCount() method.
If you want to count the number of results from a relationship without actually loading them you may use the withCount method, which will place a {relation}_count column on your resulting models
Your query would look like this one:
This will add new property to results called polls_count

Yii 2: Unable to create a relation with a condition about the related table

Simplifing, I've two tables:
Product: id, name
Datasheet: id, product_id
Where product_id points to products.id. Each Product could have 0 or 1 Datasheet.
Into my Product class (wich extends ActiveQuery) I've created this relation
* #return \yii\db\ActiveQuery
public function getDatasheet()
return $this->hasOne(Datasheet::className(), ['product_id' => 'id']);
I'm able now to query in this way
$products_without_datasheet = Product::find()
What I really need is to retrieve only the products without the datasheet.
I'd like to create a 'scope' (like in yii 1) to be able to reuse the resulting condition datasheet.id IS NULL because this situation has a lot of variants and will be used all around the app.
I'm not able to understand how to create a relation with an added filter, something like getWithoutDatasheet() to be used as
Is it possible? And how?
You need create ActiveQuery for Product. See how gii generated ActiveRecord with ActiveQuery.
In Product:
* #inheritdoc
* #return ProductQuery the active query used by this AR class.
public static function find()
return new ProductQuery(get_called_class());
In ProductQuery:
public function withoutDatasheet()
return $this;
To retrieve only the products without the datasheet you can do it like this:
$productsWithDatasheet = Datasheet::find()
$productIdsWithDatasheet = ArrayHelper::getColumn($productsWithDatasheet, 'product_id');
$productsWithoutDatasheet = Product::find()
->where(['not in', 'id', $productIdsWithDatasheet ])

Laravel 4 querying relational relation

I've created 4 database tables:
The models are as following:
class Tool extends Eloquent {
public function toolCategories()
return $this->belongsToMany('ToolCategory', 'tool_toolcategory', 'tool_id', 'toolcategory_id');
public function tooltype()
return $this->belongsTo('ToolType');
class ToolType extends Eloquent {
public function tools()
return $this->hasMany('Tool', 'tooltype_id');
class ToolCategory extends Eloquent {
public function tools()
return $this->belongsToMany('Tool', 'tool_toolcategory', 'tool_id', 'toolcategory_id');
Ok, my problem is getting toolcategories based on created tools with a specific tooltype.
Example I want all the categories related to the tools that has the type "Software". I am kinda lost, i have looked at trying to use scope in my toolcategory model, doing something like this:
public function scopeHasType($query, $type)
return $query->whereHas('tools.tooltype', function($q) use ($type)
$q->where('name', '=', $type);
which didn't really work :) then i tried this
$categories = ToolCategory::whereHas('tools.tooltype', function($query)
$query->where('tooltype_id', '=', 'Software');
again no luck. So i was hoping that this makes sense to someone, and they could push me in the right direction. Thank you in advance.
Eloquent naming convention says:
ModelNames are StudlyCased & singular
modelMethods are camelCased (relation dynamic properties need this)
table_names are snake_cased & plural
table_columns are snake_cased
pivot_table is model1_model2 snake_cased singular (in alphabetical order)
That being said, Eloquent for a model ToolCategory looks for the table tool_categories.
So you need to specify table names whenever are not convention compliant (singular, not snake cased and so on):
// for example Tool model
protected $table = 'tool';
Also you need foreign keys to be passed to the relationship definition in order to let Eloquent know what to look for. However that you already did:
// ToolType model
public function tools()
// here Eloquent would look for tool_type_id (based on related model)
return $this->hasMany('Tool', 'tooltype_id');
// Tool model
public function tooltype()
// here Eloquent looks for tooltype_id by default (based on relation name)
return $this->belongsTo('ToolType');
Now, your relations are OK with 1 exception (keys wrong order):
class ToolCategory extends Eloquent {
public function tools()
return $this->belongsToMany('Tool', 'tool_toolcategory', 'toolcategory_id', 'tool_id');
Finally, whereHas doesn't work on nested relation (yet, check this: https://github.com/laravel/framework/pull/4954), so at the moment you need this:
// ToolCategory model
public function scopeHasType($query, $type)
return $query->whereHas('tools', function ($q) use ($type) {
$q->whereHas('tooltype', function($q) use ($type) {
// use table prefix, since this is going to be join
$q->where('tooltype.name', '=', $type);
