Partial grouping of query result - php

I have a custom query in my repository that gets me results be accepting zipcodes or citynames as a value.
These values are served to an autocomplete text input.
public function findByZipOrCity($cz)
$qb = $this->createQueryBuilder('z');
if (substr($cz, 0, 1) == "0") {
$cz = substr($cz, 1);
$qb->expr()->like('', ':czRequest'),
$qb->expr()->like('z.code', ':czRequest')
->andWhere('z.code <= :smaller')
->setParameter('czRequest', $cz . '%')
->setParameter('smaller', 9999);
} else {
$qb->expr()->like('', ':czRequest'),
$qb->expr()->like('z.code', ':czRequest')
->setParameter('czRequest', $cz . '%');
return $qb->getQuery()->getArrayResult();
I work with this ArrayResult() to output JSON that the autosuggest plgin accepts:
$zipcodes = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager()->getRepository("AppBundle:Zip")->findByZipOrCity($zip);
$response = new JsonResponse();
$codes = array();
foreach ($zipcodes as $zipcode) {
$codes[] = array(
'id' => $zipcode['id'],
'country' => $zipcode['country'],
'city' => $zipcode['city'],
'code' => sprintf('%05d', $zipcode['code']),
return $response;
so querying for 'berli' gives the above result, the autosuggest looks like this:
This works fine, now I want to alter (any of the) function to have it displayed like this:
Which of the functions do I have to change? Can I group the query already (I need one valid zip though) or just do 'something' with the array afterwards?
Any hint highly appreciated!

You can change in array like follow:
foreach ($zipcodes as $zipcode) {
$codes[$zipcode['id']] = array(
'id' => $zipcode['id'],
'country' => $zipcode['country'],
'city' => $zipcode['city'],
'code' => sprintf('%05d', $zipcode['code']),


Set parameters in the query based on the condition

I need to write a query with multiple where condition and OR condition. This OR condition is only when if $location array is not empty. So parameters are needed only when this array is not empty.
I am not sure how to write this parameter condition in this condition.
This is the query I am working on.
$qb = $this->createQueryBuilder("e")
->andWhere("e.vehicleId = :vehicleId")
->andWhere("e.optionId = :optionId")
->andWhere("e.schemaId = :schemaId");
if (count($position) > 0) {
$qb->expr()->andX("e.location = :location"),
$qb->expr()->andX("e.location = :loc")
"vehicleId" => $vehicleId,
"schemaId" => $schemaId,
"location" => $position["location"],
"loc" => $position["loc"],
QueryBuilder has two methods to set the query parameters.
The one you are using (setParameters(array $parameters), and the simpler setParameter($parameterName, $parameterValue).
Use the latter instead of the one you are using, and you can set the parameter where you need it:
if (count($position) > 0) {
$qb->expr()->andX("e.location = :location"),
$qb->expr()->andX("e.location = :loc")
->setParameter('location', $position["location"])
->setParameter('loc', $position["loc"]);
You can create parameteR array that holds conditional parameters.
if (count($position) > 0) {
$qb->expr()->andX("e.location = :location"),
$qb->expr()->andX("e.location = :loc")
$parameter["location"] = $position["location"];
$parameter["loc"] = $position["loc"];
And then pass and merge this parameter array into setParameters method.
"vehicleId" => $vehicleId,
"schemaId" => $schemaId,

How to reduce long processing time in laravel

I have built an Employee Management System using Laravel 5.7. Calculating salary works fine for 100-150 employees (but taking a long time to process the data) & for more than 150 employees it is showing a time out error.
I want to add the feature to calculate the salary of all employees in one go & also reduce the processing time for the same. Would it be appropriate to use chunk() for that? If yes, how do I implement that?
The web application is for a BPO so there are so many types of logic to apply while calculating a salary. The code is too lengthy to share here, but if anyone wants to see the code, I can share it.
Front-end form screenshot
Page after calculation
public function calculate_salary(Request $request){
'employee_id' => 'required',
'attendance_types' => 'required',
'month' => 'required_without:choose_date',
'choose_date' => 'required_without:month'
$download_salary = false;
$submit_salary = false;
if ($request->has('submit_data'))
$submit_salary = true;
$submit_salary = false;
if ($request->has('download_data'))
$download_salary = true;
$download_salary = false;
$dept = $request->input('salary_department');
$role = $request->input('salary_role');
$process = $request->input('salary_process');
$salary_dept = Department::where('id', $dept)->pluck('dept_name')->first();
$salary_role = Role::where('id', $role)->pluck('role_name')->first();
$salary_process = Process::where('id', $process)->pluck('process_name')->first();
if ($submit_salary == true || $download_salary == true)
$months = $request->input('month');
$month = $months[0];
$employee_ids = $request->input('employee_id');
$attendance_types = $request->input('attendance_types');
$attendance_type_temp_insert = $attendance_types[0];
$attendance_type = explode(',', $attendance_type_temp_insert);
if (!empty($request->input('choose_date')))
$dates = $request->input('choose_date');
$date = $dates[0];
$date = "";
$month = $request->input('month');
$employee_ids = $request->input('employee_id');
$attendance_type = $request->input('attendance_types');
$attendance_type_temp_insert = implode(',', $request->input('attendance_types'));
$date = $request->input('choose_date');
// Get start & end dates
$data = $this->get_salary_dates($month, $date);
$start_date = $data['start_date'];
$end_date = $data['end_date'];
$salary_start_date = $start_date->toDateString();
$salary_end_date = $end_date->toDateString();
$working_days_by_month = $this->get_working_days_of_given_month($start_date, $end_date);
$working_days = $working_days_by_month['working_days'];
$no_days = $working_days_by_month['no_days'];
Schema::create('temp_salary', function (Blueprint $table) {
$csv[] = ['Employee ID', 'Name','Department','Role','Process','Bank','Bank Account Number', 'Basic', 'HRA', 'Conveyance', 'Spcl Inc', 'Gross Salary','PF', 'ESI', 'Deductions', 'Total Working Days', 'Net Payable','Salary Month', 'Salary Start Date','Salary End Date'];
$csv1[] = ['Employee ID', 'Name','Department','Role','Process','Bank','Bank Account Number', 'Basic', 'HRA', 'Conveyance', 'Spcl Inc', 'Gross Salary','PF', 'ESI', 'Deductions', 'P','H','A','WO','WOP','WOH','UAL','Paid Leaves','PL','Combo','ual_deduct','Total Working Days', 'Net Payable','Salary Month', 'Salary Start Date','Salary End Date'];
foreach($employee_ids as $id) {
if($submit_salary == true){
DB::table('attendances')->where('employee_id', '=', $id)->whereBetween('attendance_date', [$start_date, $end_date])->update(['salary_status' => 1]);
$employee = Employee::find($id);
$name = $employee->name;
$emp_role = $employee->empRole->role_name;
$emp_department = $employee->empDepartment->dept_name;
$emp_process = $employee->empProcess->process_name;
$bank_account_number = $employee->bank_account_number;
$bank_name = $employee->bank_name;
$salary = Salary::where('employee_id', $id)->first();
$pl_balance = $salary->pl_balance;
$combo_balance = $salary->combo_balance;
$attendances = DB::table('attendances')->where('employee_id', '=', $id)->get();
if ($attendances->count() > 0)
foreach($attendances as $attendance)
$att_id = $attendance->id;
$att_date = Carbon::parse($attendance->attendance_date);
$dialer_in = strtotime($attendance->dialer_in_time);
$dialer_out = strtotime($attendance->dialer_out_time);
$bio_in = strtotime($attendance->biometric_in_time);
$bio_out = strtotime($attendance->biometric_out_time);
$bio_diff = $bio_out - $bio_in;
$crm_in = strtotime($attendance->crm_in_time);
$crm_out = strtotime($attendance->crm_out_time);
$week_off = $attendance->week_off;
$combo = $attendance->combo;
$holiday = $attendance->holiday;
$ual = $attendance->ual;
$dialer_duration = $attendance->dialer_difference;
$bio_duration = $attendance->biometric_difference;
$crm_duration = $attendance->crm_difference;
$chkatt = $this->get_attendance($attendance_type, $attendance->dialer_in_time, $attendance->dialer_out_time,$attendance->crm_in_time,$attendance->crm_out_time, $dialer_duration, $bio_duration, $crm_duration);
$attendance_status = $this->attendance_status($id, $chkatt, $holiday, $week_off, $ual);
DB::table('attendances')->where('id', $att_id)->update(['attendance_status' => $attendance_status]);
//echo $attendance_status;
$totalWorkingDays = $this->get_work_days($id,$start_date,$end_date,$combo_balance,$pl_balance, $submit_salary);
$totalWorkingDays = number_format((float)$totalWorkingDays, 2, '.', '');
$salary_data = $this->get_calculated_salary_data($no_days, $totalWorkingDays, $id, $submit_salary);
$basic = $salary_data['basic'];
$hra = $salary_data['hra'];
$conveyance = $salary_data['conveyance'];
$spcl_inc = $salary_data['spcl_inc'];
$gross_salary = $salary_data['gross_salary'];
$pf = $salary_data['pf'];
$esi = $salary_data['esi'];
$hp_charges = $salary_data['hp_charges'];
$idcard_charges = $salary_data['idcard_charges'];
$deductions = $salary_data['deductions'];
$net_payable = $salary_data['net_payable'];
DB::table('temp_salary')->insert(['employee_id' => $id, 'employee_name' => $name, 'working_days' => $working_days, 'emp_working_days' => $totalWorkingDays, 'basic' => $basic, 'hra' => $hra, 'conveyance' => $conveyance, 'spcl_inc' => $spcl_inc, 'gross_salary' => $gross_salary, 'pf' => $pf, 'esi' => $esi, 'headphone' => $hp_charges, 'id_card' => $idcard_charges, 'deductions' => $deductions, 'pl_balance' => $pl_balance, 'combo_balance' => $combo_balance, 'net_payable' => $net_payable, 'month' => $month, 'attendance_types' => $attendance_type_temp_insert, 'choose_date' => $date, 'department' => $salary_dept, 'role' => $salary_role, 'process' => $salary_process]);
$csv[] = [$id, $name, $emp_department, $emp_role, $emp_process, $bank_name, $bank_account_number, $basic, $hra, $conveyance, $spcl_inc, $gross_salary, $pf, $esi, $deductions, $totalWorkingDays, $net_payable, $month, $start_date, $end_date];
$get_days_status = $this->get_days_status($id, $start_date, $end_date);
$pCount = $get_days_status['pCount'];
$HalfDaysCount = $get_days_status['hCount'];
$lateLeaveCount = $get_days_status['late_leave'];
$wopCount = $get_days_status['wopCount'];
$leaves_count = $get_days_status['leaves_count'];
$UalCount = $get_days_status['UalCount'];
$woCount = $get_days_status['woCount'];
$wohCount = $get_days_status['wohCount'];
$ual_deduct = ($UalCount * 1.5) - $UalCount;
$get_paid_leaves_row = $get_days_status['pl_leaves'];
$csv1[] = [$id, $name, $emp_department, $emp_role, $emp_process, $bank_name, $bank_account_number, $basic, $hra, $conveyance, $spcl_inc, $gross_salary, $pf, $esi, $deductions, $pCount,$HalfDaysCount,$leaves_count,$woCount,$wopCount,$wohCount,$UalCount,$get_paid_leaves_row,$pl_balance, $combo_balance,$ual_deduct, $totalWorkingDays, $net_payable, $month, $start_date, $end_date];
$datas = DB::table('temp_salary')->get();
if($submit_salary == true){
return Excel::create('Employee_salary_report', function($excel) use ($csv) {
$excel->sheet('Employee_salary_report', function($sheet) use ($csv) {
$sheet->fromArray($csv, null, 'A1', false, false)
if($download_salary == true){
return Excel::create('salary_report', function($excel) use ($csv1) {
$excel->sheet('salary_report', function($sheet) use ($csv1) {
$sheet->fromArray($csv1, null, 'A1', false, false)
$departments = Department::all();
$processes = Process::all();
$roles = Role::all();
return view('sys_mg.salaries.get-salary')->with(['datas'=>$datas,'departments' => $departments, 'processes' => $processes, 'roles' => $roles, 'salary_dept' => $salary_dept, 'salary_role' => $salary_role, 'salary_process'=>$salary_process, 'salary_month'=>$month,'salary_startDate' => $salary_start_date, 'salary_endDate' => $salary_end_date, 'attendance_check_type' => $attendance_type]);
This is a huge process, doing many things at once, some of them deeply nested in each other.
The function is very, very long, which means it probably needs to be abstracted into various methods and classes (better OOP).
You may also be running into the N+1 problem with some of your Laravel queries, although it's hard to say at a glance.
I would recommend using Laravel's Queues, and adding each employee's payroll calculation to the queue:
You can then use a worker process to perform each one individually.
All the database updates and transactions means PHP is constantly going to-and-fro from your database. Try to perform as many operations in pure code as possible, and then once completed, write to the DB. (Where possible, this is not a blanket rule).
Initially I would say, consider creating a SalaryCalculator class with methods such as getAttendances() and calculateSalaryFromEmployeeAttendances().
Separately, create a CSV exporter class. Process all your payroll calculations first, store the results in the DB, and then convert to CSV on demand later.
You'll refactor this later once you are able to look at all the different parts, someone else may be able to suggest a better way to break it down, but in some ways there are no right answers... just start with some OOP and abstraction of methods, and it will get better.
Use microtime(true) to get and calculate the time differences between when you start and finish operations, to start to track how long each function runs for... and go looking for the big optimisations first. What is the slowest part? Why?
You could probably ask a dozen Stack Overflow questions to optimise each of those methods, and that's Ok!

Is there a MySQL function to 'use existing value' during update?

Is there a way with MySQL to specify "use previous / inherit / no change / existing value"?
Rather than needing to pull the current data from the database and use it, or have a customized database function excluding editing those columns.
if(x > y) {
$role_id = 3;
} else {
$role_id = '#no-change'; // Is there a way to do this? (not proper SQL syntax)
$update_user = $this->db->update('users',
'first_name' => filterName($post['first_name']),
'last_name' => filterName($post['last_name']),
'email' => filterEmail($post['email']),
'role_id' => $role_id,
), $user_id_to_edit, 'user_id');
In a case like this where the db function is using prepared statements (not shown) I can't use the column name as to reflect the current value.
Is there such a MySQL function / variable that will essentially "ignore" updating that column? (just leave the existing value)
UPDATE: Here's the Update function:
public function update($table, $data, $where_id, $column = 'user_id') {
// Check for $table or $data not set
if (( empty( $table ) || empty( $data )) || empty($data) ) {
return false;
// Initiate variable to append to
$placeholders ='';
// Parse data for column and placeholder names
foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
$placeholders .= sprintf('%s=:%s,', $key, $key);
// Trim excess commas
$placeholders = rtrim($placeholders, ',');
// Append where ID to $data
$data['where_id'] = $where_id;
// Prepary our query for binding
$stmt = $this->db->prepare("UPDATE {$table} SET {$placeholders} WHERE $column = :where_id");
// Execute the query
// Check for successful insertion
if ( $stmt->rowCount() ) {
return true;
return false;
You could try this:
$data = array(
'first_name' => filterName($post['first_name']),
'last_name' => filterName($post['last_name']),
'email' => filterEmail($post['email']))
if(x > y) {
$data['role_id'] = 3;
$update_user = $this->db->update('users', $data, $user_id_to_edit, 'user_id');
That way, you can customize $data before hand if you like.
I should also mention, if you're concerned about redundancy, you can put your data sanitation inside a function. Something along the lines of:
function sanitize($data) {
if(x > y) {
$data['role_id'] = 3;
} else {
if(isset($data['role_id']) {
return $data;
$data = array(
'first_name' => filterName($post['first_name']),
'last_name' => filterName($post['last_name']),
'email' => filterEmail($post['email']))
$update_user = $this->db->update('users', sanitize($data), $user_id_to_edit, 'user_id');
Edit: Something I should mention is that, if we're talking pure SQL, all you need to do is omit those columns from the query, so:
UPDATE table SET Col1=val1, Col2=val2, Col3=val3 WHERE id=val
But if for some reason you don't want to update Col3, just remove it from the query:
UPDATE table SET Col1=val1, Col2=val2 WHERE id=val
Since you have a function that just adds whatever you give it, you just need to sanitize the data ahead of time. That's probably the best way to do it.

Unique code generation using Last Insert Id in Code Igniter?

I need to create a drcode using the last insert id in the prescribed format,
previously I have used cor php to get the code but now in codeigniter am not able to get the code as the previous one. How can i do this? I am providing my controller and model
public function newdoctor_post() {
$employee_id = $this->post('EMPLOYEE_ID');
$doctorname = $this->post('DOCTOR_NAME');
$mobilenumber = $this->post('DRMOBILE');
$users_data = $this->Rest_user_model->doctor_exists($mobilenumber);
if ($users_data == 1) {
$message = ['status' => 2,
// 'result' => array(),
'message' => 'Doctor already registered'];
} else {
$speciality = $this->post('SPECIALITY');
$longitude = $this->post('LONGITUDE');
$latitude = $this->post('LATITUDE');
$drcode = $this->post('DRCODE');
$createdon = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$insert_array = array('EMPLOYEE_ID' => $employee_id, 'DOCTOR_NAME' => $doctorname, 'DRMOBILE' => $mobilenumber, 'SPECIALITY' => $speciality, 'LONGITUDE' => $longitude, 'LATITUDE' => $latitude, 'CREATEDON' => $createdon);
$users_data = $this->Rest_user_model->doctorregistration($insert_array);
$message = ['status' => 1, // 'result' => $users_data,
'message' => 'Doctor Registered Successfully'];
$this->set_response($message, REST_Controller::HTTP_OK);
public function doctorregistration($data) {
if (!empty($data)) {
$this->db->insert('DOCTORDETAILS', $data);
return $this->db->insert_id();
return 0;
Code Generation
if (!$sql1) { // add this check.
die('Invalid query: ' . mysql_error());
// echo $ids;
$num =$num = 'DR' . str_pad($su + substr($ids, 3), 6, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);;
Try this - replace this code below with your Code Generation code.
if (!$sql1) { // add this check.
die('Invalid query');
foreach($query->result_array() as $row)
// echo $ids;
$num =$num = 'DR' . str_pad($su + substr($ids, 3), 6, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);;
You should make a different column fr drcode, leave it blank.
Now make a trigger on insert, it should be run after insert.
I am assuming DOCTORDETAILS as table name and drcode as column name
CREATE TRIGGER trigger_after_insert
The trigger create a new string with your new auto generated id
Trigger in MySQL:
MySQL Trigger on after insert

about laravel form calculation

I had encountered the calculation in Laravel or maybe PHP stuff, I would like to ask for solution or maybe some others approach to get the things done.
These are the codes in the Model
public function getRedeemCount($member_id){
$count = DB::table('stamps')->where('user_id', '=', $member_id)->select('stamp_counter')->first();
return $count;
public function getFreeOfferCount($member_id){
$free_offer_count = DB::table('stamps')->where('user_id', '=', $member_id)->select('free_offer_counter')->first();
return $free_offer_count;
These are the codes in the Controller
public function redeemFreeOffer(Request $request)
$free_offer_counter = $request->input('minus_free_offer_counter');
$member_id = $request->input('sub_id');
$total_stamp_count = $this->userModel->getRedeemCount($member_id);
$free_offer_count = $this->userModel->getFreeOfferCount($member_id);
$insert_arr = array(
'user_id' => $member_id,
'free_offer_counter' => $free_offer_counter,
'created_at'=>date("Y-m-d H:i:s")
$stamps = DB::table('stamps')->insert($insert_arr);
$arr = array('status' => 1,'message'=>'success','value'=>$free_offer_counter);
else {
$total_free_offer_count = floor($total_stamp_count->stamp_counter/10);
$current_offer_count = $free_offer_count->free_offer_counter - $free_offer_counter;
$update_arr = array(
'free_offer_counter' => $current_offer_count,
'updated_at' => date("Y-m-d H:i:s")
$stamps = DB::table('stamps')->where('user_id', $member_id)->update($update_arr);
if ($stamps) {
$arr = array('status' => 1, 'message' => 'success', 'value' => $current_offer_count);
echo json_encode($arr);
Since I am using jQuery AJAX, so there's too much code, but I think it should be enough information for now. If it is insufficient, I will provide more in future.
The problem is how do I inject $total_free_offer_count into $current_offer_count? I do not have any columns that stored $total_free_offer_count.
$total_free_offer_count = floor($total_stamp_count->stamp_counter/10);
$current_offer_count = $free_offer_count->free_offer_counter - $free_offer_counter;
