Change whmcs template from hook - php

I too searched in all forums and even I post my question on the whmcs forum but no response. What i need is that i create an addon in modules and i want to change template (from six to five) in hooks of this addon. The aim is to change template for specific clients.
I already test to change the GET var but not working :
$_GET['systpl'] = 'five';
I also tested this but the css files don't load. It redirect me to home :
global $smarty;
$template = $smarty->getTemplateVars('template');
$template = 'six';
$smarty->assign('template', $template);
$template = $smarty->getTemplateVars('template');
Any suggestion please?

I have done this in one of my products - to get this to work, you have to pull the global $systpl variable:
global $systpl;
$systpl = $tpl;
$GLOBALS['_SESSION']['Template'] = $tpl;
$GLOBALS['CONFIG']['Template'] = $tpl;
Where $tpl is the template name you are looking to set, in your case 'five'. You have to also set the GLOBALS variables there so that the user session is maintained with that template and so that the system knows to use that template name when pulling from the config.
Hope that is of help.

In WHMCS to load another template folder for specified page, I did:
use WHMCS\Database\Capsule;
use WHMCS\View\Menu\Item as MenuItem;
define("CLIENTAREA", true);
// Set the template you want to use for the custom page BEFORE init.php is called
$GLOBALS['_REQUEST']['systpl'] = 'five';
// Set the session back to the default template:
$GLOBALS['_SESSION']['Template'] = 'six';


drupal username hyperlink missing site url - ahref from user_load($node->uid)

I'm using the drupal FAQ module which sends an email to the admin including the authors username as hyperlink, defined via:
'creator' => theme('username', array('account' => user_load($node->uid), 'plain' => TRUE)),
unfortunately it only links to /users/joeblock and thus missing the site url which means it won't work in emails.
Joe Block
I already tried the module pathologic hoping it adds the site url but didn't help (perhaps because the rendered ahref includes a / infront of it).
Is it possible to modify the hyperlink just for this instance to insert the siteurl?
adding $variables['link_options']['absolute'] = true;into includes/ worked.
function theme_username($variables) {
if (isset($variables['link_path'])) {
// We have a link path, so we should generate a link using l().
// Additional classes may be added as array elements like
// $variables['link_options']['attributes']['class'][] = 'myclass';
$variables['link_options']['absolute'] = true;
$output = l($variables['name'] . $variables['extra'], $variables['link_path'], $variables['link_options']);
Yes, it's possible! the faq module uses the theme username. This theme is defined in includes/ function theme_username
In your custom theme you can implement the template_process_username hook and alter the $variables array.
The theme username uses the url function to create the url. This function accepts the absolute attribute to build an absolute url.
to create this function you can create a custom theme and put the yourthemename_process_username function inside the template.php file of your custom theme.
Otherwise you can add the function in a custom module.
Let's do an example with a custom module (with the markus name) because is much more common to create a custom module than a custom theme.
Create the site/all/modules/custom/markus directory.
Inside this directory create the markus.module file with this content:
function markus_node_presave($node){
if( $node->type == 'faq' ){
drupal_static('markus_faq_node_save', true);
function markus_process_username( &$variables ){
if( drupal_static('markus_faq_node_save', false) ){
// alter the link_options only when you came from the ask module otherwise, without
// this if, all the username links in drupal will be absolute url.
// Actually this is not a problem but it may be overkilling
$variables['link_options']['absolute'] = true;
create the file inside the markus directory with this content:
name = markus
description = "my custom module"
core = 7.x
package = "markus"
Now from the admin menu enable your theme.
It's better to implement the markus_process_username function in a custom module and not to edit the includes/ file because in this way you can update drupal much more easly. The drupal core should never be edited :)

Best way to implement dynamic menus/headers/footer using codeigniter

I was just wondering the best way/practice to implement menus, headers and footers with changing content such as notifications using codeigniter.
For example say I had an alert within the header menu that linked back to data within a database and I needed to check for changes each time a page is loaded. Initially I thought I could call the header using $this->load->view('header') each time, but this would mean I would need a global function to work out any changes on alerts and then pass that to the header view, each time, not good!
I guess I need a global way to call function that loads the website header (menu) from any controller which works out the content and displays the view accordingly.
so for example a controller that shows blog pages.
in your controller constructor - define the folder your blog view files are in and the template name
// the folder your content files are in
$this->templatefolder = 'blog' ;
// the template name
$this->view_template = 'blog_template' ;
in a method when you are ready to call some views
$data['content01'] = 'search_articles';
$data['content02'] = 'main_article';
$data['content03'] = 'suggested_articles';
$this->load->view( $this->view_template, $data );
the template itself
// opening html etc that is generic to website
// so if the header has to be dynamic
// get the header from a model (or library etc)
// and either pass the header content or just echo it out directly
if( ! $newHeader = $this->header->returnNewHeader() )
// fallback if the header doesn't come back from the model
{ echo $newHeader ; }
// this is optional but IF the template folder is not set
// we have a default folder called 'pages' to look in for the content views
// but in this example the folder is set to be 'blog'
// so the blog view files will be in application/views/blog/search_articles.php etc etc
if( isset($this->templatefolder)){
$templatefolder = $this->templatefolder . '/' ; }
else { $templatefolder = 'pages/'; }
// header that is specific for the content
$this->load->view($templatefolder . 'header');
// so in this specific example its going to load 3 view files, but this part is completely flexible
// example of an optional file that you can uncomment for testing
// $this->load->view('objecttesting');
// bottom nav bar generic to website
// closing html etc generic to website

Set Facebook wordpress plugin fields while using wp-insert-post

I am using wp-insert-post to create posts dynamically in wordpress. The script is in an external file and I have included the wp-load.php file to make use of the wordpress functions there. My query is that while using the wp-insert-post function, we can make use of the default parameters, but how can we include the parameters that are used by the plugin (Facebook, in this case).
I wish to set this parameter: facebook_page_message_box_message
I tried using:
$post = array();
$post['post_type'] = 'post';
$post['post_title'] = 'Custom title';
$post['post_content'] = 'Custom content';
$post['post_author'] = '1';
$post['facebook_page_message_box_message'] = 'Custom Title (to be displayed on the Facebook timeline, when the post is published)';
$post_id = wp-insert-post($post);
But this is not working. I also tried using wordpress functions like,
Wp_set_object_terms, but even that didn't work.
The following links may provide additional information

Drupal 7 - What is the variable in template.php that dictates which page template is used?

Ok, here's the deal: I am constructing a Drupal website that has several different sections. Each section is a view that displays a content type. (Each section has it's own content type) For example, I have a view that points to ?q=blog which displays content type blog.
All the sections look a little different than each other. Not like 'website-within-a-website' different but different enough that they can't all use the same template file and each be modified with CSS. Each section needs it's own page.tpl.php.
Unfortunately, AFAIK Drupal theme's .info files can only either assign one page.tpl.php for the entire theme or assign a page-node-####.tpl.php for each node. There is going to be lots of content on this website so setting Drupal to make a new identical page-node-####.tpl.php for every created node would get unmanagable very fast.
To solve this problem, I am going to use pathauto to create an alias for each content type. For example, all nodes of content type blog are given an alias ?q=blog/[post title]. Modify template.php to use page-blog.tpl.php for any page who's alias starts with the word 'blog'.
Other people have tried doing this sort of thing and have created functions such as the one described. Unfortunately, all the ones I have seen are for Drupal 6 or below. I have tried modifying existing ones with no success. So far, though, I think this is on the right track:
function basic_preprocess_page(&$vars, $hook) {
if( module_exists('path') ) {
$alias = drupal_get_path_alias( $_GET['q'] );
$site_section = "blog";
if( strpos( $alias, $site_section ) === 0 ) {
I cannot find $VARIABLE_THAT_TELLS_THE_PAGE_WHAT_TEMPLATE_TO_USE does anyone know what it is?
Maybe my site is structured badly. If anyone knows how to restructure my site so I can more easily make a theme with seperate sections please share how!
Thanks a million! (c:
EDIT: Perhaps I need to use template suggestions instead. Does anyone know the function or variable to use to set this?
They changed the name of this array key in D7 and I haven't seen it documented anywhere. I finally figured this out after a good bit of debugging. You can override the theme template in template.php with a hook_preprocess_page() like so:
function myTheme_preprocess_page(&$vars) {
global $node;
if ($node->type == 'blog') {
$vars['theme_hook_suggestions'] = array('my__blog_template'); // use my--blog-template.tpl.php, note '-' = '_'
elseif ($node->type == 'articles') {
$vars['theme_hook_suggestions'] = array('article__node_template'); // use article--node-template.tpl.php
Oh and don't forget to flush the Drupal caches after making changes to your template.php.
Ok, I found it:
$alias = drupal_get_path_alias($_GET['q']);
if ($alias != $_GET['q']) {
$template_filename = 'page';
foreach (explode('/', $alias) as $path_part) {
$template_filename = $template_filename . '-' . $path_part;
$variables['template_files'][] = $template_filename;
Credit to this function goes to user mfb.
I had a lot of trouble with this so I will explain it here in case anyone finds it useful.
This function goes in your template.php. It needs to be part of the <theme name>_preprocess_page function. What it does is it takes the alias and then explodes it into a bunch of different components. For example if you are on a page with the alias ?q=blog/blog-post-title it would be exploded into blog and blog-post-title. It then turns each component into a name for a template suggestion. It puts each template suggestion into the template_files[] array (inside the $variables[] array) so that the page now has two new template suggestions:
page-blog, and page-blog-blog-post-title
Template suggestions are alternate template files. In this case they are for pages, but they don't necessarily have to be. You can have template suggestions for anything you can think of including blocks, nodes and the like. Don't let the name 'template suggestion' fool you. Template suggestions will be used over default templates as long as they exist. I don't know why it was named like that. I think it should be renamed.
What you do, then, now that you've set up Drupal to look for a template suggestion that points to your alias, is create a new template file where all the rest are in your theme. In this case, let's say I want to theme my entire blog section. In the templates folder I should create a file named page--blog.tpl.php (note the --double hyphens--) with the layout I want.
Drupal will use the most specific template suggestion it can find so if you wanted you could make one blog post to look completely different than the rest of the site long as you make a template for it named page--blog--blog-post-title and put it in your theme's templates directory. (again, note the double hyphens.)

Drupal: Inserting fivestar widget in an external php file

I have been trying to load fivestar module and show the rating widget of the selected node in an external php file. I have gotten the rating widget displayed on the page but it only displays degraded version of the widget (non-JavaScript, dropdown widget and "Rate" button) I looked into the source code of the page but the javascript for fivestar module was not loaded. I have tried to load javascript using following functions but had no luck:
$path = drupal_get_path('module','fivestar');
drupal_add_js($path.'/js/fivestar.js', 'inline', 'footer');
The following is the code in the php file:
//require the bootstrap include
require_once 'includes/';
//Load Drupal
// I have used one of the following two functions one at a time to test.
$path = drupal_get_path('module','fivestar');
drupal_add_js($path.'/js/fivestar.js', 'inline', 'footer');
$book = $_GET["book"];
$chap = $_GET["chap"];
$prob = $_GET["prob"];
$string = $book.'/'.$chap.'/'.$prob;
$query = "SELECT ctcr.nid FROM content_type_comments_ratings AS ctcr WHERE ctcr.field_problem_value = '".$string."'";
$row = db_fetch_array($result);
$nid = $row['nid'];
node_load(FALSE, NULL, TRUE);
$fivestar = node_load($nid, NULL, TRUE);
if (function_exists('fivestar_widget_form')) print fivestar_widget_form($fivestar);
If you could give me a hint or direct me to some reading on the web, I would appreciate it. Thank you very much in advance.
By doing all this on an 'external' page/file, you circumvent the Drupal theming system - drupal_add_js() (and fivestar_add_js(), as it is just using that in the end) do not output the script tags themselves, but simply ensure that they will be included in the $scripts variable in page.tpl.php, which is then responsible to print that variables content. As you do not go through the page template, you get no script tags.
You could do a print drupal_get_js(); in your external file to output the scripts added via drupal_add_js() as a quick fix, but note that this will output all the default drupal js files as well, which might be more than you need (but might as well contain other scripts needed by fivestar, e.g. jquery). Alternatively, you'll have to create the needed script tags yourself.
As for hints on what to read, it is difficult to point you to something particular, but you might want to read up on the theming system in general.
