Insert nested JSON array as parameter in php mysql database - php

I want to insert JSON parameters in my phpmyadmin database. I tried with below code but it didn't work. Kindly help me in this.
my JSON parameters are:
`$ "address" = "bharuch"
"customer_id" = "108"
"products" = "[{"product_id":"1","product_name":"Potato","category_id":"1","subcategory_id":"1","product_memberprice":"11","product_nonmemberprice":"14","product_minquantity":"500 gms","product_image":"http:\/\/\/gaubharat\/images\/potato.png","product_brand":"","sub_total":"28","user_qty":"2"},{"product_id":"2","product_name":"Tomato","category_id":"1","subcategory_id":"1","product_memberprice":"15","product_nonmemberprice":"18","product_minquantity":"500 gms","product_image":"http:\/\/\/gaubharat\/images\/tomato.png","product_brand":"","sub_total":"18","user_qty":"1"}]"
"pincode" = "392025"
"order_totalamount" = "46"`
and my PHP code is:
$address = $_POST['address'];
$customerid = $_POST['customer_id'];
$amount = $_POST['order_totalamount'];
$pincode = $_POST['pincode'];
$product = json_decode($_POST['products']);
foreach( $product as $key => $val)
$product_id = $val['product_id'];
$product_name = $val['product_name'];
$category_id = $val['category_id'];
$subcategory_id = $val['subcategory_id'];
$product_memberprice = $val['product_memberprice'];
$product_nonmemberprice = $val['product_nonmemberprice'];
$product_minquantity = $val['product_minquantity'];
$product_image = $val['product_image'];
$product_brand = $val['product_brand'];
$sub_total = $val['sub_total'];
$user_qty = $val['user_qty'];
$query = "INSERT INTO `order`(cm_id,product_id,product_quantity,sub_total,order_totalamount,order_id,address,pincode,order_date) VALUES ('$customerid','$product_id','$user_qty','$sub_total','$amount','1','$address','$pincode',CURDATE())";
die('Error : ' . mysql_error());
$response["success"] = 1;
$response["message"] = "You order placed successfully!";
echo json_encode($response);
Kindly help me out in this.

You need to add json_decode function for $_POST['products'] as:
$address = $_POST['address'];
$customerid = $_POST['customer_id'];
$amount = $_POST['order_totalamount'];
$pincode = $_POST['pincode'];
$products = json_decode($_POST['products']);
foreach($products as $key => $val){
You have an issue in your query. You are using 9 columns and insert 10 values.
$query = "INSERT INTO `order`(cm_id,product_id,product_quantity,sub_total,order_totalamount,order_id,address,pincode,order_date) VALUES ('$customerid','$product_id','$user_qty','$sub_total','$amount','1','$address',,'$pincode',NOW())";
What is this ,, after $address?
Modified code:
$address = $_POST['address'];
$customerid = $_POST['customer_id'];
$amount = $_POST['order_totalamount'];
$pincode = $_POST['pincode'];
$product = json_decode($_POST['products']);
$values = array();
foreach($product as $key => $val)
$product_id = $val->product_id;
$product_name = $val->product_name;
$category_id = $val->category_id;
$subcategory_id = $val->subcategory_id;
$product_memberprice = $val->product_memberprice;
$product_nonmemberprice = $val->product_nonmemberprice;
$product_minquantity = $val->product_minquantity;
$product_image = $val->product_image;
$product_brand = $val->product_brand;
$sub_total = $val->sub_total;
$user_qty = $val->user_qty;
$values[] = "('$customerid','$product_id','$user_qty','$sub_total','$amount','1','$address','$pincode',CURDATE())";
if(count($values) > 0){
$query = "INSERT INTO `order` (cm_id,product_id,product_quantity,sub_total,order_totalamount,order_id,address,pincode,order_date) VALUES ";
$query .= implode(",",$values);
echo "Error";
$response["success"] = 1;
$response["message"] = "You order placed successfully!";
echo json_encode($response);


unable to change input data and db query result to array for pattern recognition

I'm unable to change an input string($prima = $_POST['id'];) and a db query result ($systemuser['id'];) into an array
which will be used for pattern matching using one single character at a time and then trying to
find a match in the database "id" row that is queried. The point is to use two-third of an id(supposedly incomplete id of a user of a system) to query and find the complete id. Please see my code. I'd appreciate some help. Thanks
I'm getting "undefined offset:0 through 9" error.
$error = false;
$gat = "";
$get = "";
$rt1 = "";
$rt2 = "";
$rt3 = "";
$rt4 = "";
$rt5 = "";
$rt6 = "";
$rt7 = "";
$rt8 = "";
$rt9 = "";
$rt0 = "";
$firstname = $_POST['firstname'];
$firstname = trim($firstname);
$firstname = trim($_POST['firstname']);
$firstname = htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($firstname));
$lastname = $_POST['lastname'];
$lastname = trim($lastname);
$lastname = trim($_POST['lastname']);
$lastname = htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($lastname));
$id = $_POST['id'];
$id = trim($id);
$id = trim($_POST['id']);
$id = htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($id));
$gender = $_POST['gender'];
if(!$error) {
//search data if no errors
$query = "select * from subscribers";
$conditions = array();
if(! empty($firstname)){
$conditions[] = "firstname='$firstname'";
if(! empty($lastname)){
$conditions[] = "lastname='$lastname'";
if(! empty($gender)){
$conditions[] = "gender='$gender'";
$sql = $query;
if(count($conditions) > 0){
$sql .= " WHERE " . implode(' AND ', $conditions);
$result = mysqli_query($conn, $sql);
while($systemuser = mysqli_fetch_array($result, MYSQLI_ASSOC)){
$gat = $systemuser['id'];
//convert user input to array
$prima = $_POST['id'];
$prima = array();
$rt1 = $prima[0];
$rt2 = $prima[1];
$rt3 = $prima[2];
$rt4 = $prima[3];
$rt5 = $prima[4];
$rt6 = $prima[5];
$rt7 = $prima[6];
$rt8 = $prima[7];
$rt9 = $prima[8];
$rt0 = $prima[9];
//retrieve and convert db data into array
$gat = array();
foreach( $gat as $get ){
$rt1 = $prima[0];
if (preg_match("/[$rt1]+/", $gat));{
$get += 1;
$rt2 = $prima[1];
if (preg_match("/[$rt2]+/", $gat)){
$get += 1;
$rt3 = $prima[2];
if (preg_match("/[$rt3]+/", $gat)){
$get += 1;
$rt4 = $prima[3];
if (preg_match("/[$rt4]+/", $gat)){
$get += 1;
$rt5 = $prima[4];
if (preg_match("/[$rt5]+/", $gat)){
$get += 1;
$rt6 = $prima[5];
if (preg_match("/[$rt6]+/", $gat)){
$get += 1;
$rt7 = $prima[6];
if (preg_match("/[$rt7]+/", $gat)){
$get += 1;
$rt8 = $prima[7];
if (preg_match("/[$rt8]+/", $gat)){
$get += 1;
$rt9 = $prima[8];
if (preg_match("/[$rt9]+/", $gat)){
$get += 1;
$rt0 = $prima[9];
if (preg_match("/[$rt0]+/", $gat)){
$get += 1;
if ($get > 9){
echo 'match found!';
echo 'match not found!';
I started to refactor but there is just too much that is wrong.
You are getting that Undefined offset: 0 notice because...
$prima = array();
$rt1 = $prima[0];
Is referencing offset zero on an empty array. The code makes no sense. You seem to frequently assign a value and then overwrite in on the next line.
FWIW: strings in PHP can behave much like an array...
I'm a little confused about crux here honestly. If I wanted to reference the first and second letters in a string I would do:
$str = "I like PHP";
$firstLetter = (isset($str[0])) ? $str[0] : '';
$secondLetter = (isset($str[1])) ? $str[1] : '';
See if you can follow this example:
$str = 'I like PHP';
for ($i=0; $i<strlen($str); $i++) {
echo $str[$i] . "|";
And then... are you looking to do a WHERE foo LIKE 'a%' type query? A "wildcard" search?

Check duplication while uploading to database

I need to find duplicated details in the existing table while uploading a Excel file that contains some details,i need to find that by phone number and customer name. I am using mattexcel to upload the data into database.
I don't want to insert that details if it is in there but other details must insert into that table
public function importExcel(Request $request)
if ($request->hasFile('import_file')) {
Excel::load($request->file('import_file')->getRealPath(), function ($reader) {
foreach ($reader->toArray() as $key => $row) {
$data['customername'] = $row['customername'];
$data['chassis'] = $row['chassis'];
$data['model'] = $row['model'];
$data['branchcode'] = $row['branchcode'];
$data['delivery'] = $row['delivery'];
$data['customerid'] = $row['customerid'];
$data['phone'] = $row['phone'];
$data['invoicedate'] = $row['invoicedate'];
$data['dse'] = $row['dse'];
$data['branch'] = $row['branch'];
$data['finance'] = $row['finance'];
$data['dono'] = $row['dono'];
$data['invoice'] = $row['invoice'];
$data['zsm'] = $row['zsm'];
$data['sm'] = $row['sm'];
$data['agm'] = $row['agm'];
$data['dsecode'] = $row['dsecode'];
$data['address'] = $row['address'];
$data['email'] = $row['email'];
$data['color'] = $row['color'];
$data['extendedwarrenty'] = $row['extendedwarrenty'];
$data['autocaddownload'] = $row['autocaddownload'];
$data['numberplate'] = $row['numberplate'];
$data['mcpstatus'] = $row['mcpstatus'];
$data['plandt'] = $row['plandt'];
$data['planok'] = $row['planok'];
$data['fasttag'] = $row['fasttag'];
// $data['settilment_pdf_path'] = $row['settilment_pdf_path'];
$data['rcstatus'] = $row['rcstatus'];
$branch = Branch::where([['branch_code', $row['branchcode']], ['status', 0]])->first();
$registration_id = Registration::orderBy('registration_id', 'desc')->take(1)->get();
if (count($registration_id) > 0) {
$regid = $registration_id[0]->registration_id;
$regid = $regid + 1;
} else {
$regid = 1;
$register = new Registration();
$register->registration_id = $regid;
$register->customername = $row['customername'];
$register->chassis = $row['chassis'];
$register->model = $row['model'];
$register->branchcode = $row['branchcode'];
$register->delivery = $row['delivery'];
$register->customerid = $row['customerid'];
$register->phone = $row['phone'];
$register->invoicedate = $row['invoicedate'];
$register->dse = $row['dse'];
$register->branch = $row['branch'];
$register->finance = $row['finance'];
$register->dono = $row['dono'];
$register->invoice = $row['invoice'];
$register->zsm = $row['zsm'];
$register->sm = $row['sm'];
$register->agm = $row['agm'];
$register->dsecode = $row['dsecode'];
$register->address = $row['address'];
$register->email = $row['email'];
$register->color = $row['color'];
$register->extendedwarrenty = $row['extendedwarrenty'];
$register->autocaddownload = $row['autocaddownload'];
$register->numberplate = $row['numberplate'];
$register->mcpstatus = $row['mcpstatus'];
$register->plandt = $row['plandt'];
$register->planok = $row['planok'];
$register->fasttag = $row['fasttag'];
$register->rcstatus = $row['rcstatus'];
$register->dealership = $branch->dealership_id;
$register->zone = $branch->zone_id;
$register->dh = $branch->dh_id;
$register->status = '0';
$register->created_user_id = Session::get('created_id');
$regidn = Registration::orderBy('registration_id', 'desc')->get();
$regidd = $regidn[0]->registration_id;
$ssitrack = new Ssi_track();
$ssitrack->registration_id = $regid;
$ssitrack->ssi_track_id = $regid;
$ssitrackk = Ssi_track::orderBy('ssi_track_id', 'desc')->get();
$ssitrackk = $ssitrackk[0]->registration_id;
return back()->with('success', 'Your File Is Successfully Uploaded To Database!');
Option 1. You can add unique values combination in migration.
Schema::table('your_table_name', function (Blueprint $table) {
$table->unique(['phone ','customername ']);
This won't let you insert same combination values for these column combination, however it also throws error stopping you import function.
Option 2 (Better).
Check if value already exits and ignore import for that column.
$old_customer = Regiter::where('phone', $row['phone'])->where('customername', $customername )->first();
//Inser only if customer not found
To decrease number of query you can pluck name and phone with single query or use any other optimization tricks.

data not gettinf inserted in mysql table

include 'dbh.php';
if (isset($_GET['gmail'])) {
$gname = $_GET['gmail'];
$gname = mysqli_real_escape_string($connect, $gname);
$_SESSION['myusername'] = $gname;
$today = date("d.m.y");
$sql = "SELECT cart_fext FROM cart WHERE cart_sess = '$sess'";
$result=mysqli_query($connect, $sql);
$kode[$k] = array();
$kame[$k] = array();
$kesc[$k] = array();
$kail[$k] = array();
$kid[$k] = array();
$kate[$k] = array();
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result, MYSQLI_ASSOC)) {
$k = $k + 1;
$kode[$k] = $ccode;
$kame[$k] = $cname;
$kesc[$k] = $cdesc;
$kail[$k] = $gname;
$kid[$k] = $cuserid;
$kate[$k] = $today;
for($i=1; $i<=$k; $i++) {
$sqlsal = "INSERT INTO sales (s_code, s_name, s_desc, s_mail, s_userid, s_date) VALUES ('$kode[$i]', '$kame[$i]', '$kesc[$i]', '$kail[$i]', '$kid[$i]' ,'$kate[$i]')";
$result=mysqli_query($connect, $sqlsal);
my table sales is just not accepting data, dbh.php is to connect to the database
I don't understand what is wrong with this script?
please help?
I have checked your insert query it is running fine but I think the problem is with your SELECT query
SELECT cart_fext FROM cart WHERE cart_sess = '$sess'
please print the result of the query. I think that it may not be giving any result.

Why is my domain value cookie equal to 0 at the developer tools chrome?

it supposed to be value 1 or other than zero and that makes it unable to insert data into my database cart when i click a product. My ajax statement was working successfully if i click the product but it does not insert anything data into the database table cart.
this is my init.php
$db = mysqli_connect ('','root','','tutorial');
if(mysqli_connect_errno()) {
echo 'Database connection failed with following error: '. mysqli_connect_error();
require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/tutorial/config.php';
require_once BASEURL. 'helpers/helpers.php';
$cart_id = '';
$cart_id = sanitize($_COOKIE[CART_COOKIE]);
$user_id = $_SESSION['SBUser'];
$query = $db->query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = '$user_id'");
$user_data = mysqli_fetch_assoc($query);
$fn = explode(' ', $user_data['full_name']);
$user_data['first'] = $fn[0];
$user_data['last'] = $fn[1];
echo '<div class="bg-success"><p class="text-success text- center">'.$_SESSION['success_flash'].'</p></div>';
echo '<div class="bg-danger"><p class="text-danger text-center">'.$_SESSION['error_flash'].'</p></div>';
this is config.php
define('BASEURL', $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/tutorial/');
define('CART_COOKIE_EXPIRE',time() + (86400 *30));
this is add_cart.php
require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/tutorial/core/init.php';
$product_id = sanitize($_POST['product_id']);
$size = sanitize($_POST['size']);
$available = sanitize($_POST['available']);
$quantity = sanitize($_POST['quantity']);
$item = array();
$item[] = array(
'id' => $product_id,
'size' => $size,
'quantity' => $quantity,
$domain = ($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] != 'localhost')?'.'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']:false;
$query = $db->query("SELECT * FROM products WHERE id = '{$product_id}'");
$product = mysqli_fetch_assoc($query);
$_SESSION['success_flash'] = $product['title']. 'was added to your cart.';
//check to see if the cart cookie exist
if($cart_id != ''){
$cartQ = $db->query("SELECT * FROM cart WHERE id = '{$cart_id}'");
$cart = mysqli_fetch_assoc($cartQ);
$previous_items = json_decode($cart['items'],true);
$item = 0;
$new_items = array();
foreach($previous_items as $pitem){
if($item[0]['id'] == $pitem['id'] && $item[0]['size'] == $pitem['size']) {
$pitem['quantity'] = $pitem['quantity'] + $item[0]['quantity'];
if($pitem['quantity'] > $available){
$pitem['quantity'] = $available;
$item_match = 1;
$new_items[] = $pitem;
if($item_match != 1){
$new_items = array_merge($item,$previous_items);
$items_json = json_encode($new_items);
$cart_expire = date("Y-m-d H:i:s",strtotime("+30 days"));
$db->query("UPDATE cart SET items = '{$items_json}', expire_date = '{$cart_expire}' WHERE id = '{$cart_id}'");
//add the cart to the database and set cookie
$items_json = json_encode($item);
$cart_expire = date("Y-m-d H:i:s",strtotime("+30 days"));
$db->query("INSERT INTO cart (items,expire_date) VALUES ('{$items_json}','{$cart_expire}')");
$cart_id = $db->insert_id;
if i change this part on file add_cart.php
$domain = ($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] != 'localhost')?'.'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']:false;
into $domain = false;
it still give me the value cookie = 0 when i inspect it in the developer tools chrome. can anyone had idea how to fix this so that im able to insert product details into my cart database.

Insert Multiple not empty

I need to insert multple records i have this right now.
Its adds also the empty field because i dont know how to exclude them from inserting:
/* as_factuurregel */
$product1 = $_POST['product1'];
$product2 = $_POST['product2'];
$product3 = $_POST['product3'];
$product4 = $_POST['product4'];
$product5 = $_POST['product5'];
$product6 = $_POST['product6'];
$aantal1 = $_POST['aantal1'];
$aantal2 = $_POST['aantal2'];
$aantal3 = $_POST['aantal3'];
$aantal4 = $_POST['aantal4'];
$aantal5 = $_POST['aantal5'];
$aantal6 = $_POST['aantal6'];
$sql = "INSERT INTO as_factuurregel (productid, factuurid, aantal)
VALUES ('$product1', 'test', '$aantal1'),('$product2', 'test', '$aantal2'),('$product4', 'test', '$aantal3'),('$product5', 'test', '$aantal5'),('$product5', 'test', '$aantal5')";
Thanks for helping.
Try this:
$product1 = $_POST['product1'];
$product2 = $_POST['product2'];
$product3 = $_POST['product3'];
$product4 = $_POST['product4'];
$product5 = $_POST['product5'];
$product6 = $_POST['product6'];
$array_one = array($product1,$product2,$product3,$product4,$product5,$product6);
$aantal1 = $_POST['aantal1'];
$aantal2 = $_POST['aantal2'];
$aantal3 = $_POST['aantal3'];
$aantal4 = $_POST['aantal4'];
$aantal5 = $_POST['aantal5'];
$aantal6 = $_POST['aantal6'];
$array_two = array($aantal1,$aantal2,$aantal3,$aantal4,$aantal5,$aantal6);
$newArray = array();
foreach ($array_one as $key => $value) {
if($value != '' && $array_two[$key] != '')
$newArray[] = "('$value','test','$array_two[$key]')";
$values = implode(",",$newArray);
$sql = "INSERT INTO as_factuurregel (productid, factuurid, aantal)
VALUES ".$values;
You can optimize this solution if you optimize your input fields and move them in an array.
