Composer autoload custom classes - php

I try to autoload my custom pdo class with composer.
Ran the following command to update autoload:
compser update
composer install
Both seem to work, no error prompted. But,
Does not list the custom namespace added to composer.js.
File structure
->various extensions loaded with composer
PHP Class
namespace Classes\Pdo;
Class DB {
//Do some stuff...
"autoload": {
"psr-4": {
"Classes\\Pdo\\": "classes/pdo"
$pdo = new \Classes\Pdo\DB(); //Fatal error: Class 'Classes\Pdo\DB' not found

Old question, but I just ran across this myself.
For future Googlers, in my case the issue turned out to be the name of the class file did not exactly match the class name.
See this post: Why does 'composer dumpautoload -o' fix 'Class not found' PHP error?


php composer - my package with namespace and class

i have maybe primitive problem. I created my first package in composer. It is just one class in one namespace.
"autoload": {
"psr-4": {
"UrlParser\\": "src/"
and i have this in: src/UrlParser/url.php
namespace UrlParser;
class Url{
everything is OK, i uploaded my package into composer. I install it into my project, but when i call this:
require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
$a = new UrlParser\Url("http://localhost/aaa.html");
i get this: Fatal error: Class 'UrlParser\Url' not found in C:\xampp\htdocs\ccc\01\index.php on line 3
I am new in composer and i try to google my problem, but i am lost :)
Try this
namespace UrlParser;
$a = new Url("http://localhost/aaa.html");
If it doesn't work, there's probably a problem with autoload that you didn't get the right way
the problem was, that i didnĀ“t do this:
composer dump-autoload -o

"Convert" package to load in Symfony

I have THIS package (a payment gateway), which I would like to use in Symfony 3.0.1
Unfortunately I get this error:
ClassNotFoundException in AppKernel.php line 21: Attempted to load class "SofortBundle" from namespace "Sofort\SofortLib".
Did you forget a "use" statement for another namespace?
In the sofort\sofortlib-php folder i created the file SofortBundle.php with this content
namespace Sofort\SofortLib;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Bundle\Bundle as BaseBundle;
class SofortBundle extends BaseBundle
and I loaded the Bundle in AppKernel.php:
new Sofort\SofortLib\SofortBundle(),
But that only leads to above exception.
What am I missing?
Don't copy packages to your custom folder. Install package as described:
In composer.json add:
"require": {
"sofort/sofortlib-php": "3.*"
Run composer update sofort/sofortlib-php
In your code you can use the library like this:
use \Sofort\SofortLib\Billcode;
class MyClass
function doSomething($configkey) {
$SofortLibBillcode = new Billcode($configkey);

Load git repo with composer - autoloading issue

I have a github repository and I would like to add it to my project.
In project root I created composer.json file and defined the following autoloading properties:
"autoload": {
"files": [
When I run
php composer.phar install
repository is being downloaded, but it looks like autoloader is not working. When I try to initialize one of the classes
$test = new Ups()
I got the following error:
Fatal error: Class 'Ups' not found in application/....
Did I define "autoload" property incorrectly?
I'd suggest not using the "files" autoloader, because that isn't very automatic - the files mentioned here are ALWAYS included. Replacing it with "classmap" would be better. And then you'd not be required to mention ALL files, but you can simply state the directory you want to have scanned for classes.
Now what I don't see anywhere: Did you initialize Composer's autoloader anywhere? This usually is something like
require "vendor/autoload.php";
Finaly, I have found out what was the problem. composer.json file in the project I was trying to load - UPS library -was invalid. I was able to download files when I ran:
composer.phar install
but it looks like composer.json file was ignored. I found it out when I ran
composer.phar update
and got
No valid composer.json was found
With option -v I got error that "name" is undefined index. So, I simply added "name" field to the composer.json. Final version is:
"autoload": {
"files": [

Laravel 5: How can I add seeder class to autoload?

I follow the docs:
I placed UserTableSeeder file near DatabaseSeeder. In resources/database/seeds/ folder.
These files are without namespaces (only classes in app/ are namespaced).
Of course there is an exception: exception 'ReflectionException' with message 'Class UserTableSeeder does not exist'
What is the best way to solve this problem?
The default Laravel 5 project has a classmap defined in its composer.json:
// ...
"autoload": {
"classmap": [
// ...
Run composer dump every time you add or remove a class on your database directory to update the Composer autoloader
You should use composer dump-autoload command. From the docs:
Once you have written your seeder, you may need to regenerate Composer's autoloader using the dump-autoload command:
composer dump-autoload
Reference here.

Composer and PSR-0 class autoloading with namespaces

Hello guys i have problem with autoloading my class with composer. On Linux all work perfect, but now my boss change env and set Windows. All this work on linux but windows show newbie fatal error:
Fatal error: Class 'AbstractController' not found in
D:\xampp\htdocs\ikacFw\frontController.php on line 7
Common to see my composer.json and stucture for better picture on problem.
Stucture is :
-- vendor
----- Doctrine
----- Ikac
--------- Components
---------- Mvc
------------- Controller
Am trying to load all data from vendor directory.
"autoload": {
"psr-0": {
"vendor": ""
Also new component i add manual. Like this :
$loader = require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
$loader->add('vendor', "Ikac");
Okay next when i try to call :
require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
use Ikac\Mvc\Controller;
$a = new AbstractController();
I get error "not found".
My class AbstractController contain defined namespace but dont work again. Like test i do this:
namespace Ikac\Mvc\Controller;
class AbstractController {
function __construct() {
echo __CLASS__;
I do from cmd composer dump-autoload, install, but dont work. All this perfect work on linux but here wont. Any idea how to fix this or where i do mistake.
Thanks guys!
"autoload": {
"psr-0": {
"": "vendor/"
Well you should do
require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
use Ikac\Mvc\Controller\AbstractController;
$a = new AbstractController();
Your autoloading declaration is wrong.
You will NEVER ever need to include the vendor folder in any autoloading. The vendor folder will contain the autoloading for both all dependencies, and - if configured - for your own classes as well.
You can use Composer to create autoloading for your own classes. Just include the correct info. But from your current info I cannot deduct what would be correct.
