My problem is that I want to get a bill after paying for storage ( in .pdf) on the server. I've been looking at the API and create an invoice but know not how to get the bill automatically.
require __DIR__ . '/../bootstrap.php';
use PayPal\Api\Address;
use PayPal\Api\BillingInfo;
use PayPal\Api\Cost;
use PayPal\Api\Currency;
use PayPal\Api\Invoice;
use PayPal\Api\InvoiceAddress;
use PayPal\Api\InvoiceItem;
use PayPal\Api\MerchantInfo;
use PayPal\Api\PaymentTerm;
use PayPal\Api\Phone;
use PayPal\Api\ShippingInfo;
$invoice = new Invoice();
Invoice Info
->setMerchantInfo(new MerchantInfo())
->setBillingInfo(array(new BillingInfo()))
->setNote("Medical Invoice 16 Jul, 2013 PST")
->setPaymentTerm(new PaymentTerm())
->setShippingInfo(new ShippingInfo());
Merchant Info
A resource representing merchant information that can be used to identify merchant
->setbusinessName("Medical Professionals, LLC")
->setPhone(new Phone())
->setAddress(new Address());
Address Information
The address used for creating the invoice
->setLine1("1234 Main St.")
Billing Information
Set the email address for each billing
$billing = $invoice->getBillingInfo();
$billing[0]->setBusinessName("Jay Inc")
->setAdditionalInfo("This is the billing Info")
->setAddress(new InvoiceAddress());
->setLine1("1234 Main St.")
Items List
You could provide the list of all items for detailed breakdown of invoice
$items = array();
$items[0] = new InvoiceItem();
->setUnitPrice(new Currency());
Tax Item
You could provide Tax information to each item.
$tax = new \PayPal\Api\Tax();
$tax->setPercent(1)->setName("Local Tax on Sutures");
Second Item
$items[1] = new InvoiceItem();
Lets add some discount to this item.
$item1discount = new Cost();
->setUnitPrice(new Currency());
Tax Item
You could provide Tax information to each item.
$tax2 = new \PayPal\Api\Tax();
$tax2->setPercent(3)->setName("Local Tax on Injection");
Final Discount
You can add final discount to the invoice as shown below. You could either use "percent" or "value" when providing the discount
$cost = new Cost();
Shipping Information
->setBusinessName("Not applicable")
->setPhone(new Phone())
->setAddress(new InvoiceAddress());
->setLine1("1234 Main St.")
You can set the logo in the invoice by providing the external URL pointing to a logo
For Sample Purposes Only.
$request = clone $invoice;
try {
Create Invoice
Create an invoice by calling the invoice->create() method with a valid ApiContext (See bootstrap.php for more on ApiContext)
} catch (Exception $ex) {
ResultPrinter::printError("Create Invoice", "Invoice", null, $request, $ex);
ResultPrinter::printResult("Create Invoice", "Invoice", $invoice->getId(), $request, $invoice);
return $invoice;
if they could orient themselves, or some link which explains how to find it I would be grateful
i am trying to use Promotion code instead of coupon code in laravel cashier/stripe official package but i couldn't find any help in there on how to apply promotion code instead of coupon on subscription as i know how to apply coupon but i want to apply promotion code, how can i do it.
below is my code for applying coupon when creating new subscription but i don't know how can i achieve it using promotion code:
$subscription = $user->newSubscription($plan->name, $selectedPlan);
// Add the trial days if any
if ($plan->trial_days) {
$subscription = $subscription->trialDays($plan->trial_days);
// Add the coupon id if any
if ($request->input('coupon_id')) {
$subscription = $subscription->withCoupon($request->input('coupon_id'));
$subscription->create($paymentMethod->id, [
'email' => $user->email
You can add promotion code by using the ->withPromotionCode() e.g.
if ($request->input('promotion_code_id')) {
$subscription = $subscription->withPromotionCode($request->input('promotion_code_id'));
However, this function requires the promotion code ID instead of the code, and most likely you want your user to key in the code, not the ID. In such case, you can retrieve all active promotion codes and match the code.
if ($request->has('promotion_code')) {
$stripeClient = new \Stripe\StripeClient(config('cashier.secret'));
$result = $this->stripe->promotionCodes->all(
['code' => $request->get("promotion_code"), 'active' => true]
// handle invalid promo code here
$promoCodeID = $result->first()->id;
$subscription = $subscription->withPromotionCode($promoCodeID);
Good Day,
I'm working on a project involving Laravel Cashier. I want to give user's the ability to update their subscription quantity and get charged immediately (which I have been able to achieve, using the code below)
$user = Auth::user()
As much as the above works as expected, the invoice returned doesn't include a description indicating the changes instead the invoice description is blank. But when I checked the Event Data on stripe the two descriptions are there [see below image]
The above images shows a user who was currently on a subscription plan with 5000 quantities but increased to 15000 quantities. Is there a way to include these descriptions in the invoice generated.
After i checked the incrementAndInvoice() method , it only accepts two parameter (1. count, 2. Plan) as seen below;
no option to include description like we have for the charge() method. Is there any workaround to this? Any ideas or pointers in the right direction would be really appreciated.
Thanks for your help in advance.
At the time being there is no implementation to include the description in incrementAndInvoice().
So we have to implement it and before we do that please checkout Update an invoice.
First change this line: $user->subscription('main')->incrementAndInvoice(10000); to $subscription = $user->subscription('main')->incrementAndInvoice(10000); (we are assigning it to $subscription variable)
then get the invoice as below:
$new_invoice = $user->invoices()->filter(function($invoice) use ($subscription) {
return $invoice->subscription === $subscription->stripe_id;
After updating the subscription quantity we will add the following:
$client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client();
$request = $client->post('' . $invoice_id, [
'auth' => [$secret_key, null]
'json' => ['description' => 'your description']
$response = json_decode($request->getBody());
Or the following:
$stripe = new \Stripe\StripeClient(
['description' => 'your description']
Please note that:
the $invoice_id is the id of the invoice.
the $secret_key is the API key.
I am using paypal adaptive payments for my website. I have many sellers and different products. when I am as a user try to buy any product from my website then I can't see product name in Paypal form summary instead there is the name and surname of the seller.
Let me know please which parameter is being used to Pass product name ..
Here is the screenshot
With Adaptive Payments you can't send itemized details in the Pay request itself. Instead, you have to call Pay like usual, but then follow that up with a call to SetPaymentOptions. With that you'll pass in the PayKey you get back from the Pay request, and then you can setup all the additional details like itemized info that SetPaymentsOptions provides.
Then you would redirect to PayPal after that, and it should show you what you're after.
With Adaptive Payments, the item details you set with SetPaymentOptions are only displayed to the customer via Embedded flow.
The Embedded flow uses either a lightbox or a minibrowser for the checkout pages.
Here’s a technical instruction on how to implement the embedded flow in your front-end page,
I am having the same issue. It looks like it works only in an Embedded Payment Flow.
Embedded Payment Flow Using Adaptive Payments
$receiverOptions = new PayPal\Types\AP\ReceiverOptions();
$setPaymentOptionsRequest->receiverOptions[] = $receiverOptions;
$receiverOptions->description = 'Description';
$invoiceItems = array();
$item = new PayPal\Types\AP\InvoiceItem();
$item->name = 'Item Name';
$item->price = 10;
$item->itemPrice = 10;
$item->itemCount = 1;
$invoiceItems[] = $item;
$receiverOptions->invoiceData = new PayPal\Types\AP\InvoiceData();
$receiverOptions->invoiceData->item = $invoiceItems;
$receiverId = new PayPal\Types\AP\ReceiverIdentifier();
$receiverId->email = '';//Change it
$receiverOptions->receiver = $receiverId;
$setPaymentOptionsRequest->payKey = $_POST['payKey'];
$servicePaymentOptions = new PayPal\Service\AdaptivePaymentsService($config);
try {
/* wrap API method calls on the service object with a try catch */
$responsePaymentOptions = $servicePaymentOptions->SetPaymentOptions($setPaymentOptionsRequest);
print_r($responsePaymentOptions); die;
} catch(Exception $ex) {
if (isset($responsePaymentOptions) && $responsePaymentOptions->responseEnvelope->ack == "Success")
I was download and edit the code for google checkout from google help.Here i specify murchent calculation url in my site.But that function donot work in my site.Here is my code
function UseCase3() {
//Create a new shopping cart object
$merchant_id = "xxxxxxxxxxxxx"; // Your Merchant ID
$merchant_key = "xxxxxxxxxxxxx";
$server_type = "sandbox";
$currency = "USD";
$cart = new GoogleCart($merchant_id, $merchant_key, $server_type, $currency);
// Add items to the cart
$item = new GoogleItem("MegaSound 2GB MP3 Player",
"Portable MP3 player - stores 500 songs", 1, 175.49);
// Add merchant calculations options
"false", // merchant-calculated tax
"true", // accept-merchant-coupons
"true"); // accept-merchant-gift-certificates
// Add merchant-calculated-shipping option
$ship = new GoogleMerchantCalculatedShipping("2nd Day Air", // Shippping method
10.00); // Default, fallback price
$restriction = new GoogleShippingFilters();
$address_filter = new GoogleShippingFilters();
// Set default tax options
$tax_rule = new GoogleDefaultTaxRule(0.15);
$cart->AddRoundingPolicy("UP", "TOTAL");
// Specify <edit-cart-url>
// Specify "Return to xyz" link
// Display XML data
// echo "<pre>";
// echo htmlentities($cart->GetXML());
// echo "</pre>";
// Display a disabled, small button
echo $cart->CheckoutButtonCode("SMALL");
Merchant Calculations URL - as the name implies is the URL that Google will use to send a callback request for Shipping and Tax, promotions calculations. That is its purpose as documented in Merchant Calculations API. It is part of the Checkout Phase (sending information to Google for checkout).
API Callback URL - which is set in your account (Integration Settings) and not sent in any request (unlike merchant calculations url) and is the URL Google will send Notifications to as documented in Notification API. This is the API you need to implement in order to obtain data from Google (getting information from Google - e.g. after checkout)
So these urls/APIs serve different purposes.
Based on your comment:
I need to execute a php file after user pay through Google checkout
You need to implement the Notification API (the merchant calcuations url/api is not what you need).
I have to export the orders to a file, here is my code to go through the orders:
$orders = Mage::getModel('sales/order')->getCollection()
->addAttributeToSelect(array('status', 'ncm'))
array('attribute' => 'status', 'eq' => 'complete')
$order = $orders->getFirstItem();
//foreach($orders as $order){
$id = $order->getIncrementId();
$payment = $order->getPayment();
$method = $payment->getMethodInstance();
I need to print some information about the payment
like the method, the amount, how many months it was split, if was credit card, i need the reutrning id of the transaction and so the list goes on
how can I do that?
I think it will be
$payment = $order->getPayment();
It will retrieve the current order payment instance.
//Get Payment
$payment = $order->getPayment()
//Get card type
//Get Payment Info
//Get Credit Card info
$payment->getMethodInstance()->getCardsStorage()->getCards() //array()
To get the method code only it's far safer to use
Skipping instance object which can generate exception if the payment method was uninstalled.