I am new in the database migration world. I use or try to use migrations in Rails and Laravel but in none of them I did not understand this parts:
1.For each modification of database like adding a column, change a field type from integer to string, change database type from InnoDB in Myisam should I generate a migration from comand line?
php artisan make:migration ........ for laravel
rake db:migration ..... for rails
Or to edit existing migration files and after execute migration? Or create manually file?
2.When Laravel documentation say:
To rename a column, you may use the renameColumn method on the Schema
builder. Before renaming a column, be sure to add the doctrine/dbal
dependency to your composer.json file:
Schema::table('users', function ($table) {
$table->renameColumn('from', 'to');
This mean that I have to insert this code to the last migration file or to create a new migration file?
Most common practice is to generate new migrations for changes. Compare workflows:
When creating new migration:
rails g migration ...
rake db:migrate
When editing existing:
rake db:rollback # you should not forget to execute it first; also, data may be lost
edit migration
rake db:migrate
Restore data if it was lost on first step
Also, when you work in team, each member should process these steps, too. Just too much noise, better to generate new migration.
Hello everyone
I'm going to try to explain my problem as clear as possible, feel free to ask me more precision if you didn't understand what I meant and forgive my mistakes, English is not my mother tongue.
My goal
I want to start using migrations again because I need to create a new table, after a year where developers of my company bypassed them by creating/deleting/updating tables directly from phpmyadmin.
The things you have to know
The last migration was a year ago, but many tables have been created without migrations since that time.
Why I need your help
I'd like to know what is the best way to start using again migration without losing data or tables, because I'm working on an environment production.
What is the best way to do that ? Keeping the migrations that already exists and just ignoring the tables that have been created ? Deleting all migration files and deleting all the row in the migration table ?
If I delete all the migration files and truncate the migration table, will a php artisan migratewill have any impact on the existing schema ?
What is the best practice ? Should I recreate all the migrations of all the tables of my schema ? Or should I create only one migration with the new table I want to create ?
You could start from scratch by deleting all migrations and truncating the migrations table.
Then take a look at this post to recreate all the migrations for your current database schema.
Laravel keeps track of the migrations using a dedicated table that records when they were applied. When any one migration gets run, it inserts a new record in the table, and if you roll back a migration the corresponding record is deleted. You can therefore prevent undesired migrations from being run by adding them to this table.
My advice would be as follows:
Create the missing migrations
Run them on your local copy to get the database in the required state there
Export the migrations table
Import it to the production database
If you have any additional migrations you want to run after the ones you ran locally, run them in production
I'd definitely be careful to have a dry run beforehand though - perhaps after exporting the migrations, import the production database to your local copy, then import the migrations, and check it there.
I'd also be inclined to take steps to stop people applying changes to the production database directly - it's a very dangerous step that avoids accountability and makes it hard to test your application locally. Perhaps lock down PHPMyAdmin.
Mostly in these cases I try to sync migrations with my table so that I don't lose the current data which is on the database and I know that my migrations are updated .
So I from the first table whatever you have added in your table manually, you have to add that to your migration too .
In this case in future if you need to create a database truncate or anything else you know that your migrations are already up to date .
To be honest the best practice is to make the changes in your migration not in the database so you have not done the best practice so . this is the best practice that even can be done in your case so you make a migration to your project like this :
php artisan make:migration added_photo_to_user_table --table=users
and then in your migration :
public function up()
Schema::create('users', function (Blueprint $table) {
then u have to run the command
php artisan migrate
but in your case because you added the fields to the database you don't need to run the last command you just have to make migrations so in future if you want to make update to the database you do it as the best practice and you don't encounter any data lost .
Best way for me to describe my problem and it's go-to solution would be this link;
My problem is exactly this, and the solution actually is working, but not in my case, either I will have an alternative solution for mine, or I'm doing something wrong with my schema builder and I need to understand it better.
My code is basically like this:
//just an example, not my code
Schema A (as)
//other code, such as table->increments('id')
Schema B (bs)
Schema C (cs)
So neither order helps me with this solution.
Is there a solution to my case, or my code/schema logic is wrong and I need to modify my code?
Your schema is incorrect. You can't have tables being interdependent, i.e, they can't be both master and slave to each other at the same time. This way, you can never make them at all.
You should create master tables first, let's say A,B,C.
Schema A:
// some other columns
Schema B:
// some other columns
Schema C:
// some other columns
Now, create the child tables, in other words, these are intermediate tables describing many-to-many relationships and you can access them using pivot attribute.
Schema AS:
Schema BS:
Schema CS:
Now, you can successfully run a migration in this order and you should be good to go.
In Laravel >= 5.0, one way to achieve this is to have certain scripts in properly named migration folders. Like I use to have migrations in Sprints.
With this approach, you have to run the migration command on each of your subfolders:
php artisan migrate --path=/database/migrations/Sprint8
php artisan migrate --path=/database/migrations/Sprint9
However, what you can do is easily extend the artisan system to write your own migrate command that will iterate through all folders under the migrations folder, create these commands for you and run them.
You can also simply write a shell script if you don't want to get into doing this via artisan
I need to remove a single value from a laravels migration table, but within the database (I use phpmyadmin) I cant edit any data on the table i can click on the table but nothing more theres not even an option to delete the separate fields, does anyone know why this is and furthermore how would i alter the tables.
To prevent any further confusion its the table thats auto generated by laravel and auto updated anytime you run any migrations
It's important to know why you're using migrations. The best benefit of migrations is that you can redeploy an application and the database will have the same structure. This means that if I make a migration, and you deploy my application and run the migration, we both have the same database.
This means when you're using the migrations you have to keep that in mind. When you make a migration you change the database. If you want to change something after that, you'll have to make another migration. If you change the existing migration files or change your database manually the database won't be the same. This means different errors in different environments and alot of other problems you'll face.
So to answer your question, make the changes to your database using another migration.
Some links that can be of help to you understanding this concept:
Why use migrations
Migrations documentation
Try this,
just copy paste migration value which is 2015_12_07..., something like that
and fire query in phpmyadmin as
delete from migrations where migration = 'copy_pasted_string'
I hope this will work
And yes, you can perform all operation on the record by this string.
Please refer to
Schema::table('users', function (Blueprint $table) {
Im trying to add fields to the Users model that is based around Sentry 2 for Laravel 4.
I want to do it properly with migrations.
Is there a way to simply add to the sentry 2 migrations? or should i simply make my own migrations and add the required extra fields?
any guidance with the framework would be awesome!
If you want add some fields you need this:
run Sentry Migrations: php artisan migrate --package=cartalyst/sentry
create a migration to add custom fields to Users table: php artisan migrate:make --table=users
example in funcion up():
Schema::table('users', function(Blueprint $table)
And then extend the Sentry User Model:
Check this example is extending Sentry Model and full implementation example check this: Laravel 4 Backend and simple web site
The purpose of migrations is versioning of the database structure. The answer to any question similar to "where should I put database changes?" is always: "in a new migration", because then you're able to rollback changes.
In this case, I think I would first add Sentry 2 to your project and commit "Added Sentry 2". After, I would create a new migration with your desired changes, then commit: "Added fields x y and z to Users table".
See also the introduction paragraph of the documentation: http://four.laravel.com/docs/migrations
The best way to do this is simple navigate to the actual sentry migration file found at
copy the needed migrations out and create your own migrations file.
There is no other way. Just me being lazy i guess.
I'm using YII 1.1.12. When I do:
yiic migrate
inside the protected folder of my application, I get told that there is a new migration to be applied. I answer "Yes" so that the migration would be applied. After a while, I get:
*** applied m121220_121256_initialize_database (time: 6.060s)
Migrated up successfully.
All is fine up to this point. Then when I type 'yiic migrate', instead of being told that there is no new migration, I get told that:
Yii Migration Tool v1.0 (based on Yii v1.1.12)
Total 1 new migration to be applied:
Apply the above migration? (yes|no) [no]:
WhenI check the tbl_migration table, the only thing in there is the base migration. There's nothing aboutinitialize_database.
Any ideas?
Does your migration create the database? If so it might be throwing Yii off, and it's creating the migration structure at the start and then can't insert into, I'm not sure what the behaviour would be.
If m121220_121256_initialize_database is doing any kind of destructive work then it's probably a good idea to use yiic migrate mark 121220_121256 to manually set the database to this migration after you've ran it.
That way you can do further tests to see whether it's a migration bug or something destructive in the migration like dropping/creating a database.
I realised the problem was that the sql commands I was running straight from PHPMyAdmin contained a transaction. When I removed the lines about transactions, the database row in the yii_migration table was inserted successfully. I'm not sure why this should be, but there it is.