Email a PDF generated with html2pdf from a dynamically generated page - php

So I work with codeigniter and I generate a page.
I want to send a mail with the page attached as PDF but I also want not to save it on the server.
I found 2 code resources that look like doing exactly what I need:
$content = "
<h1>Exemple d'utilisation</h1>
Ceci est un <b>exemple d'utilisation</b>
de <a href=''>HTML2PDF</a>.<br>
$html2pdf = new HTML2PDF('P','A4','fr');
For creating a PDF using html2pdf library
require_once (dirname)(__FILE__).'/html2pdf/html2pdf.class.php');
require_once (dirname)(__FILE__).'/pjmail/pjmail.class.php');
$pdf = new HTML2PDF ('P', 'A4');
$content_pdf = $pdf->Output('document.pdf', true);
$mail = new PJmail();
mail->setAllFrom('', "My Site");
$mail->text"Insert some text here...";
$mail->addbinattachement('test.pdf', $content_pdf);
echo $mail->sendmail();
For sending the email with a PDF attachment.
Now I have to say that I am a beginner in PHP and I KIND OF understand what the code does. I don't know how to pass the link to the $content variable.
Someone told me that I should use a function like curl or file_get_contents but it is not clear to me at all. Could someone explain me a little?

I send you code with dom pdf in which email send with pdf and after sent email pdf delete
set_include_path(get_include_path() . PATH_SEPARATOR . "/path/to/dompdf");
require_once APPPATH . "core/dom_pdf/";
$dompdf = new DOMPDF();
$dompdf->set_paper(DEFAULT_PDF_PAPER_SIZE, 'A4');
$output = $dompdf->output();
file_put_contents('pdf_name.pdf', $output);
$config = array (
'mailtype' => 'html',
'charset' => 'utf-8',
'priority' => '1'
$this->email->from('', 'Admin');
$this->email->to(Reciever email);
<!-- If you want to delete file after send email -->


Send PhpWord file as email attachment

What is the correct way to generate an email attachment with PhpWord?
I tried multiple ways but I get a corrupt file with size 1kb. If I trigger a download of the file instead, the file is OK.
$fileName = 'file.docx';
$fileAttachment = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'PHPWord');
$contentType = "application/octet-stream";
->setTemplate("template", $templateParams)
->setSubject($this->_("Email subject"))
->addRecipient("to", $email, $email)
->addAttachment($fileName, $fileAttachment, $contentType);
What am I doing wrong?
Thank you!
You could try to use file_get_contents function to read the contents of the file and then pass it as the second parameter to the addAttachment() method:
$fileAttachmentContent = file_get_contents($fileAttachment);
->setTemplate("template", $templateParams)
->setSubject($this->_("Email subject"))
->addRecipient("to", $email, $email)
->addAttachment($fileName, $fileAttachmentContent, $contentType);
PHPWord is for generating Word documents, but it does not send mails.
You can combine it with any PHP mailer library. This is a sample on how to do it using SwitfMailer:
require_once '[...]/phpword/src/PhpWord/Autoloader.php';
require_once '[...]/swiftmailer/lib/swift_required.php';
// create a new document with phpWord
$phpWord = new \PhpOffice\PhpWord\PhpWord();
$section = $phpWord->addSection();
$text = $section->addText("Here your text...");
// Use Swift Mailer to create an attachment object...
$attachment = new Swift_Attachment(
// ...and send the email
$transport = Swift_SmtpTransport::newInstance('', 25);
$mailer = Swift_Mailer::newInstance($transport);
$message = Swift_Message::newInstance('Here your subject')
->setFrom(['' => 'Sender Name'])
->setTo(['' => 'Receiver Name'])
->setBody('Here the body message...')
$result = $mailer->send($message);
You can use any other mail library you like. Or even use the PHP mail() function, but is more tricky to set the mail headers properly.

How can I Send HTML outputs to an email as a PDF using DOMPDF

I'm using this library from Dompdf, after showing the file as a PDF I want to send it to my email, I have tried several methods but I have not found a solution so far.
Thanks in advance
$dompdf = new Dompdf();
$dompdf->render(); // Render the HTML as PDF
$dompdf->stream($invoiceFileName, array("Attachment" => false));
Maybe this way will work for you:
$dompdf = new Dompdf();
$dompdf->render(); // Render the HTML as PDF
$output = $dompdf->output();
// Save PDF Document
file_put_contents('Document.pdf', $output);
// Use PHPMailer
// $mail->isSMTP();
// $mail->Host = '';
// $mail->SMTPAuth = true;
// $mail->Username = 'alice';
// $mail->Password = '123456'
// $mail->SMTPSecure = 'tls';
// $mail->Port = 25;
I gather from the DOMPDF docs that you can get a PDF binary string without saving it to a file by doing this:
$pdfData = $dompdf->output();
and then you can pass that directly to PHPMailer as a string attachment so your PDF data never has to be written to a temporary file:
$mail-addStringAttachment($pdfData, 'file.pdf');
PHPMailer will take care of the encoding and MIME type for you.

blank pdf attachment sent using FPDF and SwiftMailer

I am trying to create a PDF stream using FPDF library and to send the pdf over e-mail using Swift Mailer. Below is my code. The mail is sent successfully and even pdf is also attached but the pdf is blank. It has a size of 1Kb and can be opened as a pdf.
My code is :
require_once './lib/swift_required.php';
$pdf = new FPDF();
$pdf->Text(40, 10, "Dummy text");
$data=$pdf->Output('./emails/order.pdf', 'F');
$message = Swift_Message::newInstance('Subject')
->setFrom(array("" => 'Company Admin'))
->setBody('This is body text', 'text/html');
$attachment = Swift_Attachment::fromPath('./emails/order.pdf');
//$attachment = Swift_Attachment::newInstance($data, 'pdf_name.pdf', 'application/pdf');
$transport = Swift_MailTransport::newInstance();
$mailer = Swift_Mailer::newInstance($transport);
$result = $mailer->send($message);
I referred to this question previous question
I finally got it to work. I changed the code as follows:
as edited above and it worked. I think the problem was in in the AddPage.

PDF Attachment missing with PHPMailer

I have a problem with PHPMailer. It seems that i have customers that do no receive the attachment in their outlook box. Below is the code i am using. I tested it at my private gmail where the attachment is visible.
Could it be because i am using a stringAttachment instead of a real file?
$mail = new SMail();
$mail->SetFrom('', 'Domain b.v.');
$mail->Subject = 'Factuur ' . $invoice->getReferenceNumber();
$mail->AddStringAttachment($this->getAction($invoice->invoiceId, null, 'S'), $invoice->getReferenceNumber() . '.pdf', 'base64', 'application/pdf');
'title' => 'Uw factuur',
'referenceNumber' => $invoice->getReferenceNumber(),
$mail->MsgHTML($this->objTemplate->render('mail/invoice.tpl', false, true));
The problem was the fact that outlook blocked the inline image content on which also the attachment broke somehow.

Swift Mailer attachments

I'm creating a CSV on the fly with PHP, I then need to attach this CSV file to the the Swift Mailer Message. I have tried using file_get_content on the created file aswell as using chunk_split(base64_encode(file_get_contents()) on the created file aswell as attaching the file before writing it to disk. Without writing to disk I get Rescource #183 in the CSV, with attaching it with file_get_content I get just a string in each row of the CSV file, anyone know what I'm doing wrong?
if($file = fopen (_PS_ORDERS_DIR_.$orderDate.'/'.$file_name.'.csv', 'x+'))
foreach ($list as $fields)
fputcsv($file, $fields);
$attachment['mime'] = 'application/';
$attachment['content'] = file_get_contents($file);
$attachment['name'] = $order.'order';
Mail::Send(1, 'order_conf', 'Order CSV Attachment', $success, '', Address, NULL, NULL, $attachment); // attach and send
Attaching a file into a swift mailer:
$swift =& new Swift(new Swift_Connection_SMTP(MAIL_SMTP_URL, MAIL_SMTP_PORT));
$message =& new Swift_Message($subject);
$recpients =& new Swift_RecipientList();
$sender =& new Swift_Address('', '');
$recpients->addTo('', '');
$message->attach(new Swift_Message_Part('this is my body'));
$message->attach(new Swift_Message_Attachment($binarycontents, $fileTitle, $mimeType));
$swift->send($message, $recpients, $sender);
in your case the attaching would be:
$message->attach(new Swift_Message_Attachment(file_get_contents($file), $order.'order.csv', 'application/'));
just for example ofcourse :)
//to set headers of csv file(first row)
$content = "user_id,first_name,last_name,phone,gender,pan_number\r\n";
//this can be dynamic data from database or from anywhere can loop this for multiple rows
$content .= "1,test_fn,test_ln,8888999900,M,ASDD3333\r\n";
//include swiftmailer library in order to run the below code
->setSubject('your subject' )
->setHtmlBody('<table><tr><td>your email body message here</td></tr> </table>')
->attachContent($content, ['fileName' => 'user.csv', 'contentType' => 'application/'])->send();
