I am trying to show a characters html entity
echo htmlentities(htmlentities("&"));
//outputs &
echo htmlentities(htmlentities("<"));
//outputs <
but it does not seem to work with emoji
echo htmlentities(htmlentities("😎"));
//outputs 😎
How can I get it to output 😎?
I am trying to display a string input by the user with all of the html entities encoded.
echo htmlentities(htmlentities($input))
"this & that 😎" -> "this & that 😎"
This works for regular HTML entities, UTF-8 emoticons (and other utf stuff) as well as regular strings of course.
I was just having trouble with empty string value, so I had to put this condition into the function.
function entities( $string ) {
$stringBuilder = "";
$offset = 0;
if ( empty( $string ) ) {
return "";
while ( $offset >= 0 ) {
$decValue = ordutf8( $string, $offset );
$char = unichr($decValue);
$htmlEntited = htmlentities( $char );
if( $char != $htmlEntited ){
$stringBuilder .= $htmlEntited;
} elseif( $decValue >= 128 ){
$stringBuilder .= "&#" . $decValue . ";";
} else {
$stringBuilder .= $char;
return $stringBuilder;
// source - http://php.net/manual/en/function.ord.php#109812
function ordutf8($string, &$offset) {
$code = ord(substr($string, $offset,1));
if ($code >= 128) { //otherwise 0xxxxxxx
if ($code < 224) $bytesnumber = 2; //110xxxxx
else if ($code < 240) $bytesnumber = 3; //1110xxxx
else if ($code < 248) $bytesnumber = 4; //11110xxx
$codetemp = $code - 192 - ($bytesnumber > 2 ? 32 : 0) - ($bytesnumber > 3 ? 16 : 0);
for ($i = 2; $i <= $bytesnumber; $i++) {
$offset ++;
$code2 = ord(substr($string, $offset, 1)) - 128; //10xxxxxx
$codetemp = $codetemp*64 + $code2;
$code = $codetemp;
$offset += 1;
if ($offset >= strlen($string)) $offset = -1;
return $code;
// source - http://php.net/manual/en/function.chr.php#88611
function unichr($u) {
return mb_convert_encoding('&#' . intval($u) . ';', 'UTF-8', 'HTML-ENTITIES');
/* ---- */
var_dump( entities( "&" ) ) . "\n";
var_dump( entities( "<" ) ) . "\n";
var_dump( entities( "😎" ) ) . "\n";
var_dump( entities( "☚" ) ) . "\n";
var_dump( entities( "" ) ) . "\n";
var_dump( entities( "A" ) ) . "\n";
var_dump( entities( "Hello 😎 world" ) ) . "\n";
var_dump( entities( "this & that 😎" ) ) . "\n";
$emoji = "\xF0\x9F\x98\x8E"; // its your emoji
I get this callback from convert unicode to html entities hex
$hex = preg_replace_callback('/[\x{80}-\x{10FFFF}]/u', function ($m) {
$char = current($m);
$utf = iconv('UTF-8', 'UCS-4', $char);
return sprintf("&#x%s;", ltrim(strtoupper(bin2hex($utf)), "0"));
}, $emoji);
echo $hex;
echo json_encode(("\xF0\x9F\x98\x8E")); // its decoded. htmlentities doesn't work with it.
Is this OK ?
htmlentities documentation states that
all characters which have HTML character entity equivalents are
translated into these entities.
Your emoji does not have an equivalent like < is for <, so it doesn't get converted. 😎 is just an HTML code, not an HTML entity.
function htmlEntitiesOrCode($string) {
//try htmlentities first
$result = htmlentities($string, ENT_COMPAT, "UTF-8");
//if the output is different from input, an entity was returned
if ($result != $string) {
return $result;
//get the html code
$offset = 0;
$code = ord(substr($string, $offset,1));
if ($code >= 128) {
if ($code < 224) {
$bytesnumber = 2;
} else if ($code < 240) {
$bytesnumber = 3;
} else if ($code < 248) {
$bytesnumber = 4;
$codetemp = $code - 192 - ($bytesnumber > 2 ? 32 : 0) - ($bytesnumber > 3 ? 16 : 0);
for ($i = 2; $i <= $bytesnumber; $i++) {
$offset ++;
$code2 = ord(substr($string, $offset, 1)) - 128;
$codetemp = $codetemp*64 + $code2;
$code = $codetemp;
$offset += 1;
if ($offset >= strlen($string)) {
$offset = -1;
$result = "&#" . $code;
return $result;
HTML code function taken from here: http://php.net/manual/en/function.ord.php#109812
how can I change the colors of ONLY decimals of a number in PHP?
this is my function for formatting numbers
function formatNumber($input, $decimals = 'auto', $prefix = '', $suffix = '') {
$input = floatval($input);
$absInput = abs($input);
if ($decimals === 'auto') {
if ($absInput >= 0.01) {
$decimals = 2;
} elseif (0.0001 <= $absInput && $absInput < 0.01) {
$decimals = 4;
} elseif (0.000001 <= $absInput && $absInput < 0.0001) {
$decimals = 6;
} elseif ($absInput < 0.000001) {
$decimals = 8;
$result = ROUND(($input/1000000000000000),2).' TH ';
$result = ROUND(($input/1000000000000),2).' T ';
$result = ROUND(($input/1000000000),2).' B ';
}elseif($input>1000000) {
$result = ROUND(($input / 1000000), 2) . ' M ';
} else {
$result = number_format($input, $decimals, config('decimal-separator','.'), config('thousand-separator', ',')) ;
return ($prefix ? $prefix : '') . $result. ($suffix ? $suffix : '');
and I use it like that
<?php echo formatNumber($chart['assist'], 2)?>
i want my decimals with a different color... can i use css there or add classes?
Here is an example of what I meant in my comment by manipulate the string:
$n = 123.456;
$whole = floor($n); // 123
$fraction = $n - $whole; // .456
//echo str_replace('.', '<span class="colorme">.</span>', $n);
echo $whole . '<span class="colorme">.</span>' . substr($fraction, strpos($fraction, '.')+1);
//Simply do a string replace on the decimal point.
UPDATED break out parts, concatenate.
A client side approach with Javascript (with some jQuery) would be something like:
$('#myDiv').each(function () {
$(this).html($(this).html().replace(/\./g, '<span class="colorme">.</span>'));
//or decimal point and decimal number part...
$(this).html($(this).html().replace(/\.([0-9]+)/g, '<span class="colorme">.$1</span>'));
Remember that other locales don't always use . for divider.
So with your existing code, you could do something like:
$dec_point = config('decimal-separator','.');
$wrapped_dec_point = "<span class='dec_point'>{$dec_point}</span>";
$result = number_format($input, $decimals, $wrapped_dec_point, config('thousand-separator', ',')) ;
and then of course, for your CSS, you would just need
.dec_point {
color: magenta;
Here is shorter solution
$n = 123.456;
$nums = explode(".",$n);
echo $nums[0] . '<span class="colorme">.' . $nums[1] . '</span>';
I need to get only 30 characters from the paragraph submitted by user. In case the 30th character is an emoji, the output shows question marks. How can I avoid breaking the emojis?
echo substr("Hello world Hello world Hell😄 ", 0, 30);
Output: Hello world Hello world Hell��
Also, when using json_encode to return the output, the output is blank.
$myvariable = array();
$myvariable['hello'] = substr("Hello world Hello world Hell😄 ", 0, 30);
echo json_encode($myvariable);
I think the simplest solution would be to use mb_substr
Performs a multi-byte safe substr() operation based on number of
php > $myvariable = array();
php > $myvariable['hello'] = mb_substr("Hello world Hello world Hell😄 ", 0, 30);
php > var_dump($myvariable);
array(1) {
string(33) "Hello world Hello world Hell😄 "
php > echo json_encode($myvariable);
{"hello":"Hello world Hello world Hell\ud83d\ude04 "}
php >
<meta charset="ISO-8859-1">
function entities( $string ) {
$stringBuilder = "";
$offset = 0;
if ( empty( $string ) ) {
return "";
while ( $offset >= 0 ) {
$decValue = ordutf8( $string, $offset );
$char = unichr($decValue);
$htmlEntited = htmlentities( $char );
if( $char != $htmlEntited ){
$stringBuilder .= $htmlEntited;
} elseif( $decValue >= 128 ){
$stringBuilder .= "&#" . $decValue . ";";
} else {
$stringBuilder .= $char;
return $stringBuilder;
// source - http://php.net/manual/en/function.ord.php#109812
function ordutf8($string, &$offset) {
$code = ord(substr($string, $offset,1));
if ($code >= 128) { //otherwise 0xxxxxxx
if ($code < 224) $bytesnumber = 2; //110xxxxx
else if ($code < 240) $bytesnumber = 3; //1110xxxx
else if ($code < 248) $bytesnumber = 4; //11110xxx
$codetemp = $code - 192 - ($bytesnumber > 2 ? 32 : 0) - ($bytesnumber > 3 ? 16 : 0);
for ($i = 2; $i <= $bytesnumber; $i++) {
$offset ++;
$code2 = ord(substr($string, $offset, 1)) - 128; //10xxxxxx
$codetemp = $codetemp*64 + $code2;
$code = $codetemp;
$offset += 1;
if ($offset >= strlen($string)) $offset = -1;
return $code;
// source - http://php.net/manual/en/function.chr.php#88611
function unichr($u) {
return mb_convert_encoding('&#' . intval($u) . ';', 'UTF-8', 'HTML-ENTITIES');
/* ---- */
var_dump( entities( "&" ) ) . "\n";
var_dump( entities( "<" ) ) . "\n";
var_dump( entities( "😎" ) ) . "\n";
var_dump( entities( "☚" ) ) . "\n";
var_dump( entities( "" ) ) . "\n";
var_dump( entities( "A" ) ) . "\n";
var_dump( entities( "Hello 😎 world" ) ) . "\n";
var_dump( entities( "this & that 😎" ) ) . "\n";
$first = preg_replace_callback('/[\x{80}-\x{10FFFF}]/u', function ($m) {
$char = current($m);
$utf = iconv('UTF-8', 'UCS-4', $char);
return sprintf("&#x%s;", ltrim(strtoupper(bin2hex($utf)), "0"));
}, $string);
string 'Français' (length=13)
echo json_decode('"\uD83D\uDE00"');
This question already has answers here:
PHP Fatal error: Using $this when not in object context
(9 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
I have the below function, But when I run the code make error like:
Fatal error: Using $this when not in object context in E:....
How to fix it. I replace $this-> with self:: but it failed too.
Please help in this regards,
function cehck_files()
$file1 = 'C:\xampp\htdocs\test\test1.php';
$file2 = 'C:\xampp\htdocs\test\test2.php';
$test = $this->compareFiles($file1,$file2,true);
$test_display = $this->toTable($test);
echo "<pre>";
echo "</pre>";
function compareFiles($file1, $file2, $compareCharacters = false) {
return $this->compare(file_get_contents($file1),file_get_contents($file2),$compareCharacters);
function compare($string1, $string2, $compareCharacters = false) {
$start = 0;
if ($compareCharacters){
$sequence1 = $string1;
$sequence2 = $string2;
$end1 = strlen($string1) - 1;
$end2 = strlen($string2) - 1;
} else {
$sequence1 = preg_split('/\R/', $string1);
$sequence2 = preg_split('/\R/', $string2);
$end1 = count($sequence1) - 1;
$end2 = count($sequence2) - 1;
// skip any common prefix
while ($start <= $end1 && $start <= $end2 && $sequence1[$start] == $sequence2[$start]) {
$start ++;
// skip any common suffix
while ($end1 >= $start && $end2 >= $start && $sequence1[$end1] == $sequence2[$end2]) {
$end1 --;
$end2 --;
// compute the table of longest common subsequence lengths
$table = self::computeTable($sequence1, $sequence2, $start, $end1, $end2);
// generate the partial diff
$partialDiff =
self::generatePartialDiff($table, $sequence1, $sequence2, $start);
// generate the full diff
$diff = array();
for ($index = 0; $index < $start; $index ++){
$diff[] = array($sequence1[$index], UNMODIFIED);
while (count($partialDiff) > 0) $diff[] = array_pop($partialDiff);
for ($index = $end1 + 1; $index < ($compareCharacters ? strlen($sequence1) : count($sequence1)); $index ++) {
$diff[] = array($sequence1[$index], UNMODIFIED);
// return the diff
return $diff;
function computeTable($sequence1, $sequence2, $start, $end1, $end2) {
$length1 = $end1 - $start + 1;
$length2 = $end2 - $start + 1;
// initialise the table
$table = array(array_fill(0, $length2 + 1, 0));
// loop over the rows
for ($index1 = 1; $index1 <= $length1; $index1 ++) {
// create the new row
$table[$index1] = array(0);
// loop over the columns
for ($index2 = 1; $index2 <= $length2; $index2 ++){
// store the longest common subsequence length
if ($sequence1[$index1 + $start - 1] == $sequence2[$index2 + $start - 1]) {
$table[$index1][$index2] = $table[$index1 - 1][$index2 - 1] + 1;
} else {
$table[$index1][$index2] =
max($table[$index1 - 1][$index2], $table[$index1][$index2 - 1]);
// return the table
return $table;
function generatePartialDiff( $table, $sequence1, $sequence2, $start ) {
$diff = array();
// initialise the indices
$index1 = count($table) - 1;
$index2 = count($table[0]) - 1;
// loop until there are no items remaining in either sequence
while ($index1 > 0 || $index2 > 0){
// check what has happened to the items at these indices
if ($index1 > 0 && $index2 > 0 && $sequence1[$index1 + $start - 1] == $sequence2[$index2 + $start - 1]) {
// update the diff and the indices
$diff[] = array($sequence1[$index1 + $start - 1], UNMODIFIED);
$index1 --;
$index2 --;
} elseif ($index2 > 0 && $table[$index1][$index2] == $table[$index1][$index2 - 1]) {
// update the diff and the indices
$diff[] = array($sequence2[$index2 + $start - 1], INSERTED);
$index2 --;
// update the diff and the indices
$diff[] = array($sequence1[$index1 + $start - 1], DELETED);
$index1 --;
// return the diff
return $diff;
function toTable($diff, $indentation = '', $separator = '<br>') {
$html = $indentation . "<table class=\"diff\">\n";
// loop over the lines in the diff
$index = 0;
while ($index < count($diff)){
// determine the line type
switch ($diff[$index][1]){
// display the content on the left and right
$leftCell =
$diff, $indentation, $separator, $index, UNMODIFIED);
$rightCell = $leftCell;
// display the deleted on the left and inserted content on the right
$leftCell =
$diff, $indentation, $separator, $index, DELETED);
$rightCell =
$diff, $indentation, $separator, $index, INSERTED);
// display the inserted content on the right
$leftCell = '';
$rightCell =
$diff, $indentation, $separator, $index, INSERTED);
// extend the HTML with the new row
$html .=
. " <tr>\n"
. $indentation
. ' <td class="diff'
. ($leftCell == $rightCell
? 'Unmodified'
: ($leftCell == '' ? 'Blank' : 'Deleted'))
. '">'
. $leftCell
. "</td>\n"
. $indentation
. ' <td class="diff'
. ($leftCell == $rightCell
? 'Unmodified'
: ($rightCell == '' ? 'Blank' : 'Inserted'))
. '">'
. $rightCell
. "</td>\n"
. $indentation
. " </tr>\n";
// return the HTML
return $html . $indentation . "</table>\n";
You are using $this for a function which is not a method of any class.
Instead of
$test = $this->compareFiles($file1,$file2,true);
$test = compareFiles($file1,$file2,true);
Also, change
return $this->compare(file_get_contents($file1),file_get_contents($file2),$compareCharacters);
return compare(file_get_contents($file1),file_get_contents($file2),$compareCharacters);
And to the remaining changes in this way.
i programmed this php function that takes any text/html string and trims it.
For example:
gen_string("Hello, how are you today?",10);
Hello, how...
The problem arises when the function string limit is the same as the position of a special character such as: á, ñ, etc...
In which case:
gen_string("Helló my friend",5);
Returns: Hell�...
Any ideas on how to solve this issue? This is the current function:
# string: advanced substr
function gen_string($string,$min,$clean=false) {
$text = trim(strip_tags($string));
if(strlen($text)>$min) {
$blank = strpos($text,' ');
if($blank) {
# limit plus last word
$extra = strpos(substr($text,$min),' ');
$max = $min+$extra;
$r = substr($text,0,$max);
if(strlen($text)>=$max && !$clean) $r=trim($r,'.').'...';
} else {
# if there are no spaces
$r = substr($text,0,$min).'...';
} else {
# if original length is lower than limit
$r = $text;
return trim($r);
You should use the multibyte string functions to correctly handle unicode characters.
For example you could try using mb_strimwidth to truncate a string to a specified length.
You could also take a different approach and make use of the PCRE regex extension's UTF-8 capabilities (assuming your strings are UTF-8!).
function gen_string($string, $length)
$str = trim(strip_tags($string));
$strlen = strlen(utf8_decode($str));
// String is less than limit
if ($strlen <= $length) return $str;
// Shorten string, preserving whole "words" (non-whitespace)
preg_match('/^.{'.($length-1).'}\S*/su', $str, $match);
// Append ellipsis if needed (bytes length is OK to check)
if (strlen($match[0]) !== strlen($str)) $match[0] .= '...';
return $match[0];
Aside from the multibyte issue, maybe you can write it shorter
function gen_string($str, $limit) {
if ($str >= strlen($limit))
return $str;
$offset = -(strlen($str) - $limit);
return substr($str, 0, strrpos($str, ' ', $offset)).'...';
It will limit the length of the string, so rather than cut it after the first word beyond the limit, it ensures that the length is never larger than the limit.
strlen() cannot be used for UTF-8 string, because it would count also the continuation characters, which should not be counted.
You can try with the following code:
'\x{0}-\x{2F}\x{3A}-\x{40}\x{5B}-\x{60}\x{7B}-\x{A9}\x{AB}-\x{B1}\x{B4}' .
'\x{B6}-\x{B8}\x{BB}\x{BF}\x{D7}\x{F7}\x{2C2}-\x{2C5}\x{2D2}-\x{2DF}' .
'\x{2E5}-\x{2EB}\x{2ED}\x{2EF}-\x{2FF}\x{375}\x{37E}-\x{385}\x{387}\x{3F6}' .
'\x{482}\x{55A}-\x{55F}\x{589}-\x{58A}\x{5BE}\x{5C0}\x{5C3}\x{5C6}' .
'\x{5F3}-\x{60F}\x{61B}-\x{61F}\x{66A}-\x{66D}\x{6D4}\x{6DD}\x{6E9}' .
'\x{6FD}-\x{6FE}\x{700}-\x{70F}\x{7F6}-\x{7F9}\x{830}-\x{83E}' .
'\x{964}-\x{965}\x{970}\x{9F2}-\x{9F3}\x{9FA}-\x{9FB}\x{AF1}\x{B70}' .
'\x{BF3}-\x{BFA}\x{C7F}\x{CF1}-\x{CF2}\x{D79}\x{DF4}\x{E3F}\x{E4F}' .
'\x{E5A}-\x{E5B}\x{F01}-\x{F17}\x{F1A}-\x{F1F}\x{F34}\x{F36}\x{F38}' .
'\x{F3A}-\x{F3D}\x{F85}\x{FBE}-\x{FC5}\x{FC7}-\x{FD8}\x{104A}-\x{104F}' .
'\x{109E}-\x{109F}\x{10FB}\x{1360}-\x{1368}\x{1390}-\x{1399}\x{1400}' .
'\x{166D}-\x{166E}\x{1680}\x{169B}-\x{169C}\x{16EB}-\x{16ED}' .
'\x{1735}-\x{1736}\x{17B4}-\x{17B5}\x{17D4}-\x{17D6}\x{17D8}-\x{17DB}' .
'\x{1800}-\x{180A}\x{180E}\x{1940}-\x{1945}\x{19DE}-\x{19FF}' .
'\x{1A1E}-\x{1A1F}\x{1AA0}-\x{1AA6}\x{1AA8}-\x{1AAD}\x{1B5A}-\x{1B6A}' .
'\x{1B74}-\x{1B7C}\x{1C3B}-\x{1C3F}\x{1C7E}-\x{1C7F}\x{1CD3}\x{1FBD}' .
'\x{1FBF}-\x{1FC1}\x{1FCD}-\x{1FCF}\x{1FDD}-\x{1FDF}\x{1FED}-\x{1FEF}' .
'\x{1FFD}-\x{206F}\x{207A}-\x{207E}\x{208A}-\x{208E}\x{20A0}-\x{20B8}' .
'\x{2100}-\x{2101}\x{2103}-\x{2106}\x{2108}-\x{2109}\x{2114}' .
'\x{2116}-\x{2118}\x{211E}-\x{2123}\x{2125}\x{2127}\x{2129}\x{212E}' .
'\x{213A}-\x{213B}\x{2140}-\x{2144}\x{214A}-\x{214D}\x{214F}' .
'\x{2190}-\x{244A}\x{249C}-\x{24E9}\x{2500}-\x{2775}\x{2794}-\x{2B59}' .
'\x{2CE5}-\x{2CEA}\x{2CF9}-\x{2CFC}\x{2CFE}-\x{2CFF}\x{2E00}-\x{2E2E}' .
'\x{2E30}-\x{3004}\x{3008}-\x{3020}\x{3030}\x{3036}-\x{3037}' .
'\x{303D}-\x{303F}\x{309B}-\x{309C}\x{30A0}\x{30FB}\x{3190}-\x{3191}' .
'\x{3196}-\x{319F}\x{31C0}-\x{31E3}\x{3200}-\x{321E}\x{322A}-\x{3250}' .
'\x{3260}-\x{327F}\x{328A}-\x{32B0}\x{32C0}-\x{33FF}\x{4DC0}-\x{4DFF}' .
'\x{A490}-\x{A4C6}\x{A4FE}-\x{A4FF}\x{A60D}-\x{A60F}\x{A673}\x{A67E}' .
'\x{A6F2}-\x{A716}\x{A720}-\x{A721}\x{A789}-\x{A78A}\x{A828}-\x{A82B}' .
'\x{A836}-\x{A839}\x{A874}-\x{A877}\x{A8CE}-\x{A8CF}\x{A8F8}-\x{A8FA}' .
'\x{A92E}-\x{A92F}\x{A95F}\x{A9C1}-\x{A9CD}\x{A9DE}-\x{A9DF}' .
'\x{AA5C}-\x{AA5F}\x{AA77}-\x{AA79}\x{AADE}-\x{AADF}\x{ABEB}' .
'\x{D800}-\x{F8FF}\x{FB29}\x{FD3E}-\x{FD3F}\x{FDFC}-\x{FDFD}' .
'\x{FE10}-\x{FE19}\x{FE30}-\x{FE6B}\x{FEFF}-\x{FF0F}\x{FF1A}-\x{FF20}' .
function utf8_strlen($text) {
if (function_exists('mb_strlen')) {
return mb_strlen($text);
// Do not count UTF-8 continuation bytes.
return strlen(preg_replace("/[\x80-\xBF]/", '', $text));
function utf8_truncate($string, $max_length, $wordsafe = FALSE, $add_ellipsis = FALSE, $min_wordsafe_length = 1) {
$ellipsis = '';
$max_length = max($max_length, 0);
$min_wordsafe_length = max($min_wordsafe_length, 0);
if (utf8_strlen($string) <= $max_length) {
// No truncation needed, so don't add ellipsis, just return.
return $string;
if ($add_ellipsis) {
// Truncate ellipsis in case $max_length is small.
$ellipsis = utf8_substr('...', 0, $max_length);
$max_length -= utf8_strlen($ellipsis);
$max_length = max($max_length, 0);
if ($max_length <= $min_wordsafe_length) {
// Do not attempt word-safe if lengths are bad.
$wordsafe = FALSE;
if ($wordsafe) {
$matches = array();
// Find the last word boundary, if there is one within $min_wordsafe_length
// to $max_length characters. preg_match() is always greedy, so it will
// find the longest string possible.
$found = preg_match('/^(.{' . $min_wordsafe_length . ',' . $max_length . '})[' . PREG_CLASS_UNICODE_WORD_BOUNDARY . ']/u', $string, $matches);
if ($found) {
$string = $matches[1];
else {
$string = utf8_substr($string, 0, $max_length);
else {
$string = utf8_substr($string, 0, $max_length);
if ($add_ellipsis) {
$string .= $ellipsis;
return $string;
function utf8_substr($text, $start, $length = NULL) {
if (function_exists('mb_substr')) {
return $length === NULL ? mb_substr($text, $start) : mb_substr($text, $start, $length);
else {
$strlen = strlen($text);
// Find the starting byte offset.
$bytes = 0;
if ($start > 0) {
// Count all the continuation bytes from the start until we have found
// $start characters or the end of the string.
$bytes = -1;
$chars = -1;
while ($bytes < $strlen - 1 && $chars < $start) {
$c = ord($text[$bytes]);
if ($c < 0x80 || $c >= 0xC0) {
elseif ($start < 0) {
// Count all the continuation bytes from the end until we have found
// abs($start) characters.
$start = abs($start);
$bytes = $strlen;
$chars = 0;
while ($bytes > 0 && $chars < $start) {
$c = ord($text[$bytes]);
if ($c < 0x80 || $c >= 0xC0) {
$istart = $bytes;
// Find the ending byte offset.
if ($length === NULL) {
$iend = $strlen;
elseif ($length > 0) {
// Count all the continuation bytes from the starting index until we have
// found $length characters or reached the end of the string, then
// backtrace one byte.
$iend = $istart - 1;
$chars = -1;
$last_real = FALSE;
while ($iend < $strlen - 1 && $chars < $length) {
$c = ord($text[$iend]);
$last_real = FALSE;
if ($c < 0x80 || $c >= 0xC0) {
$last_real = TRUE;
// Backtrace one byte if the last character we found was a real character
// and we don't need it.
if ($last_real && $chars >= $length) {
elseif ($length < 0) {
// Count all the continuation bytes from the end until we have found
// abs($start) characters, then backtrace one byte.
$length = abs($length);
$iend = $strlen;
$chars = 0;
while ($iend > 0 && $chars < $length) {
$c = ord($text[$iend]);
if ($c < 0x80 || $c >= 0xC0) {
// Backtrace one byte if we are not at the beginning of the string.
if ($iend > 0) {
else {
// $length == 0, return an empty string.
return '';
return substr($text, $istart, max(0, $iend - $istart + 1));
For your return statement you could try:
return htmlspecialchars(trim($r));
EDIT: I tried your code as you provided it and it ran fine for me without having to use htmlspecialchars(). This is probably due to the face that in the <head> of the page the code was running on, the charset was set to UTF-8. So your options could be to set the encoding of the page like this:
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
or to use htmlspecialchars() as above.
Here is an excerpt function:
function excerpt($text, $phrase, $radius = 100, $ending = "...") {
270 if (empty($text) or empty($phrase)) {
271 return $this->truncate($text, $radius * 2, $ending);
272 }
274 $phraseLen = strlen($phrase);
275 if ($radius < $phraseLen) {
276 $radius = $phraseLen;
277 }
279 $pos = strpos(strtolower($text), strtolower($phrase));
281 $startPos = 0;
282 if ($pos > $radius) {
283 $startPos = $pos - $radius;
284 }
286 $textLen = strlen($text);
288 $endPos = $pos + $phraseLen + $radius;
289 if ($endPos >= $textLen) {
290 $endPos = $textLen;
291 }
293 $excerpt = substr($text, $startPos, $endPos - $startPos);
294 if ($startPos != 0) {
295 $excerpt = substr_replace($excerpt, $ending, 0, $phraseLen);
296 }
298 if ($endPos != $textLen) {
299 $excerpt = substr_replace($excerpt, $ending, -$phraseLen);
300 }
302 return $excerpt;
303 }
Its drawback is that it doesn't try to match as many searched words as possible,which only matches once by default.
How to implement the desired one?
The code listed here thus far has not worked for me so I spent some time thinking of an algorithm to implement. What I have now works decently, and it does not appear to be a performance problem - feel free to test. Results are not as snazzy Google's snippets as there is no detection for where sentences start and end. I could add this but it'd be that much more complicated and I'd have to throw in the towel on doing this in a single function. Already its getting crowded and could be better coded if, for example, the object manipulations were abstracted to methods.
Anyhow, this is what I have and it should be a good start. The most dense excerpt is determined and the resulting string will approximately be the span you have specified. I urge some testing of this code as I have not done a thorough job of it. Surely there are problematic cases to be found.
I also encourage anyone to improve on this algorithm, or simply the code to execute it.
// string excerpt(string $text, string $phrase, int $span = 100, string $delimiter = '...')
// parameters:
// $text - text to be searched
// $phrase - search string
// $span - approximate length of the excerpt
// $delimiter - string to use as a suffix and/or prefix if the excerpt is from the middle of a text
function excerpt($text, $phrase, $span = 100, $delimiter = '...') {
$phrases = preg_split('/\s+/', $phrase);
$regexp = '/\b(?:';
foreach ($phrases as $phrase) {
$regexp .= preg_quote($phrase, '/') . '|';
$regexp = substr($regexp, 0, -1) . ')\b/i';
$matches = array();
preg_match_all($regexp, $text, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE);
$matches = $matches[0];
$nodes = array();
foreach ($matches as $match) {
$node = new stdClass;
$node->phraseLength = strlen($match[0]);
$node->position = $match[1];
$nodes[] = $node;
if (count($nodes) > 0) {
$clust = new stdClass;
$clust->nodes[] = array_shift($nodes);
$clust->length = $clust->nodes[0]->phraseLength;
$clust->i = 0;
$clusters = new stdClass;
$clusters->data = array($clust);
$clusters->i = 0;
foreach ($nodes as $node) {
$lastClust = $clusters->data[$clusters->i];
$lastNode = $lastClust->nodes[$lastClust->i];
$addedLength = $node->position - $lastNode->position - $lastNode->phraseLength + $node->phraseLength;
if ($lastClust->length + $addedLength <= $span) {
$lastClust->nodes[] = $node;
$lastClust->length += $addedLength;
$lastClust->i += 1;
} else {
if ($addedLength > $span) {
$newClust = new stdClass;
$newClust->nodes = array($node);
$newClust->i = 0;
$newClust->length = $node->phraseLength;
$clusters->data[] = $newClust;
$clusters->i += 1;
} else {
$newClust = clone $lastClust;
while ($newClust->length + $addedLength > $span) {
$shiftedNode = array_shift($newClust->nodes);
if ($shiftedNode === null) {
$newClust->i -= 1;
$removedLength = $shiftedNode->phraseLength;
if (isset($newClust->nodes[0])) {
$removedLength += $newClust->nodes[0]->position - $shiftedNode->position;
$newClust->length -= $removedLength;
if ($newClust->i < 0) {
$newClust->i = 0;
$newClust->nodes[] = $node;
$newClust->length += $addedLength;
$clusters->data[] = $newClust;
$clusters->i += 1;
$bestClust = $clusters->data[0];
$bestClustSize = count($bestClust->nodes);
foreach ($clusters->data as $clust) {
$newClustSize = count($clust->nodes);
if ($newClustSize > $bestClustSize) {
$bestClust = $clust;
$bestClustSize = $newClustSize;
$clustLeft = $bestClust->nodes[0]->position;
$clustLen = $bestClust->length;
$padding = round(($span - $clustLen)/2);
$clustLeft -= $padding;
if ($clustLeft < 0) {
$clustLen += $clustLeft*-1 + $padding;
$clustLeft = 0;
} else {
$clustLen += $padding*2;
} else {
$clustLeft = 0;
$clustLen = $span;
$textLen = strlen($text);
$prefix = '';
$suffix = '';
if (!ctype_space($text[$clustLeft]) && isset($text[$clustLeft-1]) && !ctype_space($text[$clustLeft-1])) {
while (!ctype_space($text[$clustLeft])) {
$clustLeft += 1;
$prefix = $delimiter;
$lastChar = $clustLeft + $clustLen;
if (!ctype_space($text[$lastChar]) && isset($text[$lastChar+1]) && !ctype_space($text[$lastChar+1])) {
while (!ctype_space($text[$lastChar])) {
$lastChar -= 1;
$suffix = $delimiter;
$clustLen = $lastChar - $clustLeft;
if ($clustLeft > 0) {
$prefix = $delimiter;
if ($clustLeft + $clustLen < $textLen) {
$suffix = $delimiter;
return $prefix . trim(substr($text, $clustLeft, $clustLen+1)) . $suffix;
I came up with the below to generate excerpts. You can see the code here https://github.com/boyter/php-excerpt It works by finding all the locations of the matching words, then takes an excerpt based on which words are the closest. In theory this does not sound very good but in practice it works very well.
Its actually very close to how Sphider (for the record it lives in searchfuncs.php from line 529 to 566) generates its snippets. I think the below is much easier to read and is without bugs which exist in Sphider. It also does not use regular expressions which makes it a bit faster then other methods I have used.
I blogged about it here http://www.boyter.org/2013/04/building-a-search-result-extract-generator-in-php/
// find the locations of each of the words
// Nothing exciting here. The array_unique is required
// unless you decide to make the words unique before passing in
function _extractLocations($words, $fulltext) {
$locations = array();
foreach($words as $word) {
$wordlen = strlen($word);
$loc = stripos($fulltext, $word);
while($loc !== FALSE) {
$locations[] = $loc;
$loc = stripos($fulltext, $word, $loc + $wordlen);
$locations = array_unique($locations);
return $locations;
// Work out which is the most relevant portion to display
// This is done by looping over each match and finding the smallest distance between two found
// strings. The idea being that the closer the terms are the better match the snippet would be.
// When checking for matches we only change the location if there is a better match.
// The only exception is where we have only two matches in which case we just take the
// first as will be equally distant.
function _determineSnipLocation($locations, $prevcount) {
// If we only have 1 match we dont actually do the for loop so set to the first
$startpos = $locations[0];
$loccount = count($locations);
$smallestdiff = PHP_INT_MAX;
// If we only have 2 skip as its probably equally relevant
if(count($locations) > 2) {
// skip the first as we check 1 behind
for($i=1; $i < $loccount; $i++) {
if($i == $loccount-1) { // at the end
$diff = $locations[$i] - $locations[$i-1];
else {
$diff = $locations[$i+1] - $locations[$i];
if($smallestdiff > $diff) {
$smallestdiff = $diff;
$startpos = $locations[$i];
$startpos = $startpos > $prevcount ? $startpos - $prevcount : 0;
return $startpos;
// 1/6 ratio on prevcount tends to work pretty well and puts the terms
// in the middle of the extract
function extractRelevant($words, $fulltext, $rellength=300, $prevcount=50, $indicator='...') {
$textlength = strlen($fulltext);
if($textlength <= $rellength) {
return $fulltext;
$locations = _extractLocations($words, $fulltext);
$startpos = _determineSnipLocation($locations,$prevcount);
// if we are going to snip too much...
if($textlength-$startpos < $rellength) {
$startpos = $startpos - ($textlength-$startpos)/2;
$reltext = substr($fulltext, $startpos, $rellength);
// check to ensure we dont snip the last word if thats the match
if( $startpos + $rellength < $textlength) {
$reltext = substr($reltext, 0, strrpos($reltext, " ")).$indicator; // remove last word
// If we trimmed from the front add ...
if($startpos != 0) {
$reltext = $indicator.substr($reltext, strpos($reltext, " ") + 1); // remove first word
return $reltext;
function excerpt($text, $phrase, $radius = 100, $ending = "...") {
$phraseLen = strlen($phrase);
if ($radius < $phraseLen) {
$radius = $phraseLen;
$phrases = explode (' ',$phrase);
foreach ($phrases as $phrase) {
$pos = strpos(strtolower($text), strtolower($phrase));
if ($pos > -1) break;
$startPos = 0;
if ($pos > $radius) {
$startPos = $pos - $radius;
$textLen = strlen($text);
$endPos = $pos + $phraseLen + $radius;
if ($endPos >= $textLen) {
$endPos = $textLen;
$excerpt = substr($text, $startPos, $endPos - $startPos);
if ($startPos != 0) {
$excerpt = substr_replace($excerpt, $ending, 0, $phraseLen);
if ($endPos != $textLen) {
$excerpt = substr_replace($excerpt, $ending, -$phraseLen);
return $excerpt; }
I could not contact erisco, so I am posting his function with multiple fixes (most importantly multibyte support).
* #param string $text text to be searched
* #param string $phrase search string
* #param int $span approximate length of the excerpt
* #param string $delimiter string to use as a suffix and/or prefix if the excerpt is from the middle of a text
* #return string
public static function excerpt($text, $phrase, $span = 100, $delimiter = '...')
$phrases = preg_split('/\s+/u', $phrase);
$regexp = '/\b(?:';
foreach($phrases as $phrase)
$regexp.= preg_quote($phrase, '/') . '|';
$regexp = mb_substr($regexp, 0, -1) .')\b/ui';
$matches = [];
preg_match_all($regexp, $text, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE);
$matches = $matches[0];
$nodes = [];
foreach($matches as $match)
$node = new stdClass;
$node->phraseLength = mb_strlen($match[0]);
$node->position = mb_strlen(substr($text, 0, $match[1])); // calculate UTF-8 position (#see https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=67487)
$nodes[] = $node;
if(count($nodes) > 0)
$clust = new stdClass;
$clust->nodes[] = array_shift($nodes);
$clust->length = $clust->nodes[0]->phraseLength;
$clust->i = 0;
$clusters = new stdClass;
$clusters->data =
$clusters->i = 0;
foreach($nodes as $node)
$lastClust = $clusters->data[$clusters->i];
$lastNode = $lastClust->nodes[$lastClust->i];
$addedLength = $node->position - $lastNode->position - $lastNode->phraseLength + $node->phraseLength;
if($lastClust->length + $addedLength <= $span)
$lastClust->nodes[] = $node;
$lastClust->length+= $addedLength;
if($addedLength > $span)
$newClust = new stdClass;
$newClust->nodes =
$newClust->i = 0;
$newClust->length = $node->phraseLength;
$clusters->data[] = $newClust;
$newClust = clone $lastClust;
while($newClust->length + $addedLength > $span)
$shiftedNode = array_shift($newClust->nodes);
if($shiftedNode === null)
$removedLength = $shiftedNode->phraseLength;
$removedLength+= $newClust->nodes[0]->position - $shiftedNode->position;
$newClust->length-= $removedLength;
if($newClust->i < 0)
$newClust->i = 0;
$newClust->nodes[] = $node;
$newClust->length+= $addedLength;
$clusters->data[] = $newClust;
$bestClust = $clusters->data[0];
$bestClustSize = count($bestClust->nodes);
foreach($clusters->data as $clust)
$newClustSize = count($clust->nodes);
if($newClustSize > $bestClustSize)
$bestClust = $clust;
$bestClustSize = $newClustSize;
$clustLeft = $bestClust->nodes[0]->position;
$clustLen = $bestClust->length;
$padding = intval(round(($span - $clustLen) / 2));
$clustLeft-= $padding;
if($clustLeft < 0)
$clustLen+= $clustLeft * -1 + $padding;
$clustLeft = 0;
$clustLen+= $padding * 2;
$clustLeft = 0;
$clustLen = $span;
$textLen = mb_strlen($text);
$prefix = '';
$suffix = '';
if($clustLeft > 0 && !ctype_space(mb_substr($text, $clustLeft, 1))
&& !ctype_space(mb_substr($text, $clustLeft - 1, 1)))
while(!ctype_space(mb_substr($text, $clustLeft, 1)))
$prefix = $delimiter;
$lastChar = $clustLeft + $clustLen;
if($lastChar < $textLen && !ctype_space(mb_substr($text, $lastChar, 1))
&& !ctype_space(mb_substr($text, $lastChar + 1, 1)))
while(!ctype_space(mb_substr($text, $lastChar, 1)))
$suffix = $delimiter;
$clustLen = $lastChar - $clustLeft;
if($clustLeft > 0)
$prefix = $delimiter;
if($clustLeft + $clustLen < $textLen)
$suffix = $delimiter;
return $prefix . trim(mb_substr($text, $clustLeft, $clustLen + 1)) . $suffix;