i got it right though my problem now is how can i put a style on the table row that has the data inside it and much better if i can put rowspan to it so that it will look like one table row.
here is the output:
and here is my code:
$db = new mysqli("localhost", "root", "", "bsu_db");
if($db->connect_errno > 0){
die('Unable to connect to database [' . $db->connect_error . ']');
$times = ["7:00:00", "7:30:00", "8:00:00", "8:30:00", "9:00:00", "9:30:00", "10:00:00", "10:30:00", "11:00:00", "11:30:00", "12:00:00"];
$days = ["Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"];
$SubjDay = array();
$sqlSubjDay = "SELECT * FROM subject_day_tbl";
$qrySubjDay = $db->query($sqlSubjDay);
while($rowSubjDay = $qrySubjDay->fetch_assoc()){
//array_push($SubjDay, $rowSubjDay['sub_day'], $rowSubjDay['start_time'], $rowSubjDay['end_time']);
$SubjDay[] = $rowSubjDay;
<table class="table table-bordered table-condensed">
foreach ($days as $day ) {
echo "<th>$day</th>";
foreach ($times as $time) {
<td><?php echo $time; ?></td>
foreach ($days as $day) {
echo "<td>";
foreach($SubjDay as $sd){
if($day == $sd['sub_day'] && strtotime($time) >= strtotime($sd['start_time']) && strtotime($time) <= strtotime($sd['end_time'])){
echo $sd['sub_day'] , " " , $sd['start_time'] , " - " , $sd['end_time'];
echo "</td>";
I have created a table in my MySQL DB which contains the dates for a whole month.
I am then trying to display them in a table (looking like a calendar)
I have created a script, so the first day of the month shows on the right day (eg Saturday for October).
I'm then displaying all other dates after it.
$Firstdate = date('Y-m-01');
$FirstDay = date("N", strtotime($Firstdate));
if ($FirstDay == 1) {}
if ($FirstDay == 2) { echo"<td></td>";}
if ($FirstDay == 3) { echo"<td></td> <td></td>";}
if ($FirstDay == 4) { echo"<td></td> <td></td> <td></td>";}
if ($FirstDay == 5) { echo"<td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td>";}
if ($FirstDay == 6) { echo"<td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td>";}
if ($FirstDay == 7) { echo"<td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td>";}
$result=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM calendar")or die('ERROR 315' );
$num_rows = mysql_num_rows($result);
for ($i = 1; $i <= mysql_num_rows($result); $i++)
$row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
$TheDate = $row ['date'];
$TheDateF = date("jS", strtotime($TheDate));
echo " <td> $TheDateF</Center><br><br><br><br></td>";
if ($i % 7 == 0) {
echo '</tr><tr>'; // it's time no move to next row
This starts on the correct day, however see screenshot below, I need it to start a new row after the Sunday date:
Any ideas how I can resolve this?
Try this code. Modify according to your need. I'm pretty sure this will help you.
/* Set the default timezone */
/* Set the date */
$date = strtotime(date("Y-m-d"));
$day = date('d', $date);
$month = date('m', $date);
$year = date('Y', $date);
$firstDay = mktime(0,0,0,$month, 1, $year);
$title = strftime('%B', $firstDay);
$dayOfWeek = date('D', $firstDay);
$daysInMonth = cal_days_in_month(0, $month, $year);
/* Get the name of the week days */
$timestamp = strtotime('next Sunday');
$weekDays = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < 7; $i++) {
$weekDays[] = strftime('%a', $timestamp);
$timestamp = strtotime('+1 day', $timestamp);
$blank = date('w', strtotime("{$year}-{$month}-01"));
<table class='table table-bordered' border=1 style="table-layout: fixed;">
<th colspan="7" class="text-center"> <?php echo $title ?> <?php echo $year ?> </th>
<?php foreach($weekDays as $key => $weekDay) : ?>
<td class="text-center"><?php echo $weekDay ?></td>
<?php endforeach ?>
<?php for($i = 0; $i < $blank; $i++): ?>
<?php endfor; ?>
<?php for($i = 1; $i <= $daysInMonth; $i++): ?>
<?php if($day == $i): ?>
<td><strong><?php echo $i ?></strong></td>
<?php else: ?>
<td><?php echo $i ?></td>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if(($i + $blank) % 7 == 0): ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php endfor; ?>
<?php for($i = 0; ($i + $blank + $daysInMonth) % 7 != 0; $i++): ?>
<?php endfor; ?>
I am trying to create a PHP/MySQL event calendar. However it doesn't go quite right. Below is my code:
// calender.php
$servername = "localhost";
$username = "username";
$password = "";
// Create connection
$conn = mysqli_connect($servername, $username, $password);
// Check connection
if (!$conn) {
die("Connection failed: " . mysqli_connect_error());
if (!#mysqli_select_db) {
die("database connection failed".mysqli_connect_error());
mysqli_connect($hostname,$username,$password) or die ($error);
mysqli_select_db($dbname) or die ($error);
function lastmonth(month,year) {
if (month == 1) {
month = 13;
var monthstring= ""+month+"";
var monthlength = monthstring.length;
if (monthlength <=1) {
monthstring = "0" + monthstring;
document.location.href = "<?= $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];?>?month="+monthstring+"&year="+year;
function nextmonth(month,year) {
if(month == 12) {
month = 0;
var monthstring= ""+month+"";
var monthlength = monthstring.length;
if (monthlength <=1) {
monthstring = "0" + monthstring;
document.location.href = "<?=$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];?>?month="+monthstring+"&year="+year;
if (isset($_GET['day'])) { //to pass variable
$day = $_GET['day'];
} else {
$day = date("j");
if (isset($_GET['month'])) {
} else {
$month = date("n");
if (isset($_GET['year'])) {
} else {
$year = date("y");
$currentTimeStamp = strtotime("$year-$month-$day");
$monthname = date("F", $currentTimeStamp);
$numofdays = date("t", $currentTimeStamp);
$counter = 0;
if (isset($_GET['add'])) {
$title =$_POST['txttitle'];
$detail =$_POST['txtdetail'];
$eventdate = $month."/".$day."/".$year;
$insert = "INSERT into calendar(Title,Detail,EventDate,DateAdded) values ('".$title."','".$detail."','".$eventdate."',now())";
$check = mysqli_query($conn,$insert);
if ($check ) {
echo "Event Added...";
} else {
echo "Failed....";
<table border='1'>
<td><input style='width:50px;' type='button' value='<' name='previous' onclick="lastmonth(<?php echo $month.",".$year ?>)"> </td>
<td colspan='5' align='center'> <?php echo $monthname.",".$year ?> </td>
<td><input style='width:50px;' type='button' value='>' name='next' onclick="nextmonth(<?php echo $month.",".$year ?>)"></td>
<td width='50px' align='center'>Sun</td>
<td width='50px'align='center'>Mon</td>
<td width='50px'align='center'>Tue</td>
<td width='50px'align='center'>Wed</td>
<td width='50px'align='center'>Thu</td>
<td width='50px'align='center'>Fri</td>
<td width='50px'align='center'>Sat</td>
echo "<tr>";
for ($i=1;$i<$numofdays+1;$i++,$counter++) {
$TimeStamp = strtotime("$year-$month-$i");
if ($i == 1) {
$firstday = date("w", $TimeStamp); //which day 1 falls on
for ($j = 0; $j < $firstday; $j++, $counter++) {
echo "<td> </td>";
if ($counter % 7 == 0) {
echo "</tr><tr>";
if ($monthlength<=1) {
$monthstring = "0".$monthstring;
if ($daylength<=1) {
echo "<td align='center'> <a href='".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?month=".$monthstring."&day=".$daystring."&year=".$year."&v=true'>".$i."</a> </td>";
echo "</tr>";
if (isset($_GET['v'])) {
echo "<a href='".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?month=".$monthstring."&day=".$daystring."&year=".$year."&v=true&f=true'>Add Event </a>";
if (isset($_GET['f'])) {
<form name='event' method='POST' action="<?php $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>?month=<?php echo $month;?>&day=<?php echo $day;?>&year=<?php echo $year; ?>&v=true&add=true">
<table width='400px' border='0'>
<td width='150px'>Title</td>
<td width='250px'><input type='text' name='txttitle'</td>
<td width='150px'>Detail</td>
<td width='250px'><textarea name='txtdetail'></textarea></td>
<td colspan='2' align='center'><input type='submit' name='btnadd' value='Add Event'></td>
CREATE TABLE `calendar` (
`Title` VARCHAR( 65 ) NOT NULL ,
`Detail` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL ,
`EventDate` VARCHAR( 10 ) NOT NULL ,
I am unable to insert data into the database. I have pasted my calendar.php, event.php and SQL code. Kindly please check the code and help me out in inserting the data.
You need to add the connection variable with the mysqli_select_db(). So your code will be:
$servername = "localhost";
$username = "username";
$password = "";
// Create connection
$conn = mysqli_connect($servername, $username, $password);
// Check connection
if (!$conn) {
die("Connection failed: " . mysqli_connect_error());
//#mysqli_select_db($conn, "calen");
if(!mysqli_select_db($conn, "calen")) {
die ("database connection failed".mysqli_connect_error());
mysqli_connect($hostname,$username,$password) or die ($error);
mysqli_select_db($dbname) or die ($error);
function lastmonth(month,year)
if(month == 1)
month = 13;
var monthstring= ""+month+"";
var monthlength = monthstring.length;
if(monthlength <=1)
monthstring = "0" + monthstring;
document.location.href ="<?php $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];?>?month="+monthstring+"&year="+year;
function nextmonth(month,year)
if (month == 12) {
month = 0;
var monthstring= ""+month+"";
var monthlength = monthstring.length;
if (monthlength <=1) {
monthstring = "0" + monthstring;
document.location.href ="<?php $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];?>?month="+monthstring+"&year="+year;
if (isset($_GET['day'])) { //to pass variable
} else {
$day = date("j");
if (isset($_GET['month'])) {
} else {
$month = date("n");
if (isset($_GET['year'])) {
} else {
$year = date("y");
$currentTimeStamp = strtotime("$year-$month-$day");
$monthname = date("F", $currentTimeStamp);
$numofdays = date("t", $currentTimeStamp);
$counter = 0;
if (isset($_GET['add'])) {
$title =$_POST['txttitle'];
$detail =$_POST['txtdetail'];
$eventdate = $month."/".$day."/".$year;
$insert = "INSERT INTO calendar (Title,Detail,EventDate,DateAdded) VALUES ('".$title."','".$detail."','".$eventdate."', NOW())";
$check = mysqli_query($conn,$insert);
if ($check) {
echo "Event Added...";
} else {
echo "Failed....";
<table border='1'>
<td> <input style='width:50px;' type='button' value='<' name='previous' onclick="lastmonth(<?php echo $month.",".$year ?>)"> </td>
<td colspan='5' align='center'> <?php echo $monthname.",".$year ?> </td>
<td><input style='width:50px;' type='button' value='>' name='next' onclick="nextmonth(<?php echo $month.",".$year ?>)"></td>
<td width='50px' align='center'>Sun</td>
<td width='50px'align='center'>Mon</td>
<td width='50px'align='center'>Tue</td>
<td width='50px'align='center'>Wed</td>
<td width='50px'align='center'>Thu</td>
<td width='50px'align='center'>Fri</td>
<td width='50px'align='center'>Sat</td>
echo "<tr>";
for ($i=1;$i<$numofdays+1;$i++,$counter++) {
$TimeStamp = strtotime("$year-$month-$i");
if ($i == 1) {
$firstday = date("w", $TimeStamp); //which day 1 falls on
for ($j = 0; $j < $firstday; $j++, $counter++) {
echo "<td> </td>";
if($counter % 7 == 0) {
echo "</tr><tr>";
if ($monthlength<=1) {
$monthstring = "0".$monthstring;
if ($daylength<=1) {
echo "<td align='center'> <a href='".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?month=".$monthstring."&day=".$daystring."&year=".$year."&v=true'>".$i."</a> </td>";
echo "</tr>";
<?php if (isset($_GET['v'])) {
echo "<a href='".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?month=".$monthstring."&day=".$daystring."&year=".$year."&v=true&f=true'>Add Event </a>";
if (isset($_GET['f'])) {
Hope this works for you!
More information at http://www.w3schools.com/php/func_mysqli_select_db.asp
I am currently creating a calendar where you can see all users that are saved in the database for that day and the possibility to add an user per date.
I want to work with dates because I think it is easier to work with in the future.
So what I am doing: I save a date into the database combined to an userid.
While I am fetching the data from database into a table I am converting the dates to days and weeks and years. Just to see which day is at 2015/10/05.
So I get $day = Monday, $week = 41, $year = 2015
In the table I want to put the users to the matching day.
The calendar looks like this:
I am calling an if statement:
if ($day == 'Mon') {
// SELECT * FROM users WHERE datum=$date
// Fetch and echo the users name into that day
The database looks like this:
The weeks showed here in the database, maybe they can be used for a proper display? But I don't know I tried several things.
I am using this code for putting the database rows into a table:
$sql = "SELECT distinct(week),datum, van , tot FROM roosternew ORDER BY datum ASC";
$run_sql = mysqli_query($conn , $sql);
<table class="table">
<tr class="primary">
<th width="5%"><center>Week</center></th>
<th width="10%">Maandag</th>
<th width="10%">Dinsdag</th>
<th width="10%">Woensdag</th>
<th width="10%">Donderdag</th>
<th width="10%">Vrijdag</th>
<th width="10%">Zaterdag</th>
<th width="10%">Zondag</th>
<?php while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($run_sql)) {
echo $row['datum'].'test';
$datum = $row['datum'];
$van = $row['van'];
$tot = $row['tot'];
$tijd = $van.' - '.$tot;
$date = new DateTime($datum);
$week = $date->format("W");
$dag = $date->format("D");
$jaar = $date->format("Y");
$newdate_ = new DateTime($datum);
$newdate = $newdate_->format('Y-m-d');
$week_start = new DateTime();
$thisdate_ = $week_start->format('d-m');
//Create plus button
$plus_button = ' <i class="fa fa-plus-square"></i><br/>';
//Plus button
$thisdate = '<div class="datetable"><div class="datetable">'.$thisdate_.'</div></div><br/>';
<td class="primary"><center><strong><?= $week; ?></strong><br/><?php echo $thisdate.'<h4><small>'.$jaar.'</small></h4>'; ?></center></td>
createPlusButton(0, $jaar,$week);
if ($dag == 'Mon') {
createPlusButton(1, $jaar,$week);
if ($dag == 'Tue') {
createPlusButton(2, $jaar,$week);
if ($dag == 'Wed') {
createPlusButton(3, $jaar,$week);
if ($dag == 'Thu') {
createPlusButton(4, $jaar,$week);
if ($dag == 'Fri') {
createPlusButton(5, $jaar,$week);
if ($dag == 'Sat') {
createPlusButton(6, $jaar,$week);
if ($dag == 'Sun') {
<? } ?>
The function getScheduleAdmin($newdate):
function getScheduleAdmin($newdate) {
$sql2 = "SELECT * FROM roosternew WHERE datum='$newdate'";
$run_sql2 = mysqli_query($conn , $sql2);
while ($row2 = mysqli_fetch_assoc($run_sql2)) {
$id_rooster_users = $row2['idusers'];
$sql= mysqli_query($conn,"SELECT * FROM users WHERE idusers='$id_rooster_users'");
$row = mysqli_fetch_array($sql);
$name = $row['name'];
$color = $row['color'];
$sql3 = "SELECT van,tot FROM roosternew WHERE idusers= '$id_rooster_users'";
$sql3_run = mysqli_query($conn,$sql3);
$sql3_array = mysqli_fetch_array($sql3_run);
$van_user = $sql3_array['van'];
$tot_user = $sql3_array['tot'];
$tijd_user = $van_user.' - '.$tot_user;
echo ''.$name.'<br/>'.'('.$tijd_user.')';
echo '<br/>';
The problem is described in the first image (the calendar), it will show me more than once the week and they won't merge.
I dont know how to merge the weeks so that it will be :
Something like that.
And not like this (situation right now):
if anyone knows a better way of doing this, please tell me.
I have php to display the calender and another php to check database to see bookings, If there is a booking on certain day it displays "Booked". In database i have column for date of booking and title. How could i make it to display Title from the database instead of "Booked"?
This is to display calender.
$monthNames = Array("January", "February", "March", "April", "May",
"June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December");
if (!isset($_REQUEST["month"]))
$_REQUEST["month"] = date("n");
if (!isset($_REQUEST["year"]))
$_REQUEST["year"] = date("Y");
$cMonth = $_REQUEST["month"];
$cYear = $_REQUEST["year"];
$prev_year = $cYear;
$next_year = $cYear;
$prev_month = $cMonth-1;
$next_month = $cMonth+1;
if ($prev_month == 0 )
$prev_month = 12;
$prev_year = $cYear - 1;
if ($next_month == 13 )
$next_month = 1;
$next_year = $cYear + 1;
$myBookingsDB = new BookingsDB();
$bookings = $myBookingsDB->getMonthlyBookings($cMonth,$cYear);
<div align="left">
<table width="400" border="5" align="left" id="calendar">
<tr align="center">
<td bgcolor="#999999" style="color:#FFFFFF"><table width="100%" border="0"
cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td width="50%" align="left"><a href="<?php echo $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]
. "?month=". $prev_month . "&year=" . $prev_year; ?>"
<td width="50%" align="right"><a href="<?php echo $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]
. "?month=". $next_month . "&year=" . $next_year; ?>"
<td align="center"><table width="100%" border="2" cellpadding="2"
<tr align="center">
<td colspan="7" bgcolor="#999999" style="color:#FFFFFF"><strong> <?php
echo $monthNames[$cMonth-1].' '.$cYear; ?></strong></td>
<td align="center" bgcolor="#999999" style="color:#FFFFFF">
<td align="center" bgcolor="#999999" style="color:#FFFFFF">
<td align="center" bgcolor="#999999" style="color:#FFFFFF">
<td align="center" bgcolor="#999999" style="color:#FFFFFF">
<td align="center" bgcolor="#999999" style="color:#FFFFFF">
<td align="center" bgcolor="#999999" style="color:#FFFFFF">
<td align="center" bgcolor="#999999" style="color:#FFFFFF">
// Check connection
if (mysqli_connect_errno())
echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: " . mysqli_connect_error();
$sql= "select activityEvent.activityTitle from activityEvent";
$result = mysqli_query($con,$sql);
$timestamp = mktime(0,0,0,$cMonth,1,$cYear);
$maxday = date("t",$timestamp);
$thismonth = getdate ($timestamp);
$startday = $thismonth['wday'];
$today = getdate();
for ($i=0; $i<($maxday+$startday); $i++)
if(($i % 7) == 0 )
echo "<tr> ";
if($i < $startday)
echo "<td></td> ";
$day = $i - $startday + 1;
$thisDate = new DateTime("$cYear-$cMonth-$day");
$jsEvent[] = "document.getElementById('trigger" . $i . "').onclick = function() {showForm()};";
echo "<td align='center' valign='middle' height='20px'><a href='#' id='trigger" . $i . "'>". ($i - $startday + 1) . "</a>";
foreach ($bookings as $bookingDate)
if ($thisDate==$bookingDate)
echo "Booked";
while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result))
echo $sql= "select activityEvent.activityTitle from activityEvent";
echo "</td>";
if(($i % 7) == 6 )
echo "</tr> ";
<script type="text/javascript">
<?php foreach($jsEvent as $event)
echo $event;
function showForm(){
This PHP checks booked dates in the database.
class BookingsDB
private $bookings = array();
private $con;
public function BookingsDB()
$this->con = mysqli_connect($mysql_host,$mysql_user,$mysql_password,$mysql_database);
public function getMonthlyBookings($thisMonth,$thisYear)
$sql = "SELECT date,activityTitle FROM activityEvent WHERE YEAR(date) = $thisYear AND MONTH(date) = $thisMonth";
$result = mysqli_query($this->con,$sql);
$thisBooking = $row['date'];
$thisBookingDateTime = new DateTime($thisBooking);
return $this->bookings;
public function close()
<!DOCTYPE html>
To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties.
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and open the template in the editor.
<meta charset="UTF-8">
color: red
background-color: aquamarine;
text-align: center;
height: 60px;
width: 100px;
background-color: rgba(0,0,0,.2);
$Cur_day = date('d');
$Cur_Month = date('m');
$Cur_Year = date('Y');
$op = '';
if (isset($_REQUEST['month']) || isset($_REQUEST['year']) && isset($_REQUEST['stday']))
$Mo = $_REQUEST['month'];
$Year = $_REQUEST['year'];
$query_date = $Year . '-' . $Mo . '-21';
if (isset($_REQUEST['opra']))
$str = $_REQUEST['opra'];
if ($str == 'iny')
$op = '+1 year';
if ($str == 'dey')
$op = '-1 year';
if ($str == 'inm')
$op = '+1 month';
if ($str == 'dem')
$op = '-1 month';
if ($str == 'dem' || $str == 'inm' || $str == 'dey' || $str == 'iny')
$query_date1 = date('Y-m-01', strtotime($op, strtotime($query_date)));
$lastDay = date('t', strtotime($op, strtotime($query_date)));
$year = date('Y', strtotime($op, strtotime($query_date)));
$month = date('n', strtotime($op, strtotime($query_date)));
$Month_Name = date('M', strtotime($op, strtotime($query_date)));
$pre_month = date('t', strtotime('-1 month', strtotime($year . '-' . $month . '-21')));
if ($str == 'No')
$query_date1 = date('Y-m-01', strtotime($query_date));
$lastDay = date('t', strtotime($query_date));
$year = date('Y', strtotime($query_date));
$month = date('n', strtotime($query_date));
$Month_Name = date('M', strtotime($query_date));
$pre_month = date('t', strtotime('-1 month', strtotime($year . '-' . $month . '-21')));
<input type="hidden" name="txt_year" id="txt_year1" value="<?php echo $year; ?>">
<input type="hidden" name="txt_month1" id="txt_month1" value="<?php echo $month; ?>">
<table border="1">
<td colspan="3"><?php echo $Month_Name . "-" . $year; ?></td>
echo '<tr>';
for ($i = 1; $i <= 7; $i++)
if ($_REQUEST['stday'] == 'Sun')
$j_val = 0;
echo "<th>" . date("l", gmmktime(0, 0, 0, 11, $i, 2015));
echo '</th>';
} else
$j_val = 1;
echo "<th>" . date("l", gmmktime(0, 0, 0, 6, $i, 2015));
echo '</th>';
echo '</tr>';
$Conn = new mysqli("localhost", "root", "", "demo");
$firstDays = mktime(0, 0, 0, date($month), 1, date($year));
$weekday = date('N', $firstDays);
$i = 0;
$j = 0;
$date = 1;
$Count = 0;
$Count1 = 0;
$next_mo = 1;
function Holiday($day1, $month1, $year1)
global $Conn;
$result = $Conn->query("SELECT * FROM holiday");
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result))
if ($row['day'] == $day1 && $row['month'] == $month1 && $row['year'] == $year1)
return $row['title'] . "<br>";
for ($i = 0; $i < 6; $i++)
echo '<tr>';
$pre_month = $pre_month - ($weekday - $j_val);
for ($j = $j_val; $j <= 6 + $j_val; $j++)
if ($Count < $weekday - $j_val && ($weekday != 7 || $_REQUEST['stday'] == 'Mon'))
echo "<td class='opcity'>" . ( ++$pre_month) . "</td>";
} else
if ($date <= $lastDay)
if ($Cur_day == $date && $Cur_Month == $month && $Cur_Year == $year)
if (date("l", gmmktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $date, $year)) == 'Sunday')
echo '<td class = "green red">';
echo Holiday($date, $month, $year);
} else
echo '<td class = "green">';
echo Holiday($date, $month, $year);
} else
if (date("l", gmmktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $date, $year)) == 'Sunday')
echo '<td class = "red">';
echo Holiday($date, $month, $year);
} else
echo '<td >';
echo Holiday($date, $month, $year);
echo $date;
echo '</td>';
if ($date == $lastDay)
$i = 7;
} else
echo "<td class='opcity'>" . $next_mo++ . "</td>";
echo '</tr>';
<!DOCTYPE html>
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<meta charset="UTF-8">
<script src="JS/jquery-1.11.3.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
function Caleonload()
$('#month').val('<?php echo date("n"); ?>');
$('#year').val('<?php echo date('Y'); ?>');
function Cal(month)
function Cal1(year)
function Opretion(Op)
var st_day = $('input[type="radio"][class="rd_sun_mon"]:checked').val();
var Mo = $('#month').val();
var Year = $('#year').val();
var Op1 = Op;
month: Mo,
year: Year,
opra: Op1,
stday: st_day
function (data)
var txt_year = $('#txt_year1').val();
for (var y = parseInt(txt_year) - 5; y < parseInt(txt_year) + 5; y++)
$("#year").append('<option value="' + y + '">' + y + '</option>');
function incyear()
function deyear()
function incmonth()
function demonth()
<body onload="Caleonload()">
<select name="month" id="month" onchange="Cal(this.value)" size="1">
<option value="1">January</option>
<option value="2">February</option>
<option value="3">March</option>
<option value="4">April</option>
<option value="5">May</option>
<option value="6">June</option>
<option value="7">July</option>
<option value="8">August</option>
<option value="9">September</option>
<option value="10">October</option>
<option value="11">November</option>
<option value="12">December</option>
<select name="year" id="year" onchange="Cal1(this.value)" size="1">
<option value="2013">2013</option>
<option value="2014">2014</option>
<option value="2015">2015</option>
<option value="2016">2016</option>
Starting Day :
<input type="radio" name="rd_sun_mon" class="rd_sun_mon" value="Sun" checked="" onchange="Opretion('No')">Sunday
<input type="radio" name="rd_sun_mon" class="rd_sun_mon" value="Mon" onchange="Opretion('No')">Monday
<div id="Show_Cal"></div>
day int(4) NOT NULL,
month int(4) NOT NULL,
year int(6) NOT NULL,
title varchar(20) NOT NULL,
I think your problem is that is that you need to put the format in order to compare two Datetime :
if ($thisDate->format('Y-m-d')==$bookingDate->format('Y-m-d'))
echo "Booked";
In addition to #SimonGuichard's answer, I suggest that you return an associative array from the getMonthlyBookings function that contains both the date and the activityTitle. This way, you wouldn't have to select the title from the database again when it needs to be displayed.
public function getMonthlyBookings($thisMonth,$thisYear) {
$sql = "SELECT date,activityTitle FROM activityEvent WHERE YEAR(date) = $thisYear AND MONTH(date) = $thisMonth";
$result = mysqli_query($this->con,$sql);
while($row=mysqli_fetch_array($result)) {
$this->bookings[] = array('date'=>new DateTime($row['date']), 'activityTitle'=>$row['activityTitle']);
return $this->bookings;
Then in the script that displays the calendar, you should modify it this way:
$day = $i - $startday + 1;
$thisDate = new DateTime("$cYear-$cMonth-$day");
$jsEvent[] = "document.getElementById('trigger" . $i . "').onclick = function() {showForm()};";
echo "<td align='center' valign='middle' height='20px'><a href='#' id='trigger" . $i . "'>". ($i - $startday + 1) . "</a>";
// $bookings is an associative array of the form array('0'=>array('date'=>'date_value', 'activityTitle'=>'activityTitle_value'))
foreach ($bookings as $key => $value) {
if ($thisDate->format('Y-m-d') === $value['date']->format('Y-m-d')) {
// this prints out the activity title
echo $value['activityTitle'];
SO i have form which consist of "Event Name" "Event Description" "Event Date" and checkbox "is important". When i check checkbox value "yes" its important, it sends to the sql value = "1" to table "is_important". Everything is all right, but i give the bootstrap style "bg-danger" for that "is_important" = 1 table and it doesnt show up. What's the problem?
You can see in the code:
if (isset($_POST['important'])) {
$error = array();
$success = array();
$eventTime = time();
$important = $_POST['important'];
$eventName = trim(mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['EventName']));
$eventDesc = htmlentities(trim(mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['EventDesc'])), ENT_QUOTES);
if (!isset($eventName) || empty($eventName)) {
$error['eventName'] = "Prasome ivesti ivykio varda";
} else if (strlen($eventName) > 32 || strlen($eventName) < 3) {
$error['eventName'] = "Ivykio pavadinimas turi buti tarp 3 ir 32 simboliu";
if (!isset($eventDesc) || empty($eventDesc)) {
$error['eventDesc'] = "Prasome ivesti ivykio aprasyma";
if (empty($error)) {
$sql = "INSERT INTO notes_list (title, description, timestamp,is_important) VALUES ('$eventName', '$eventDesc','$eventTime','$important')";
$result = mysqli_query($con, $sql);
$success[] = "SEKME !";
} else {
<table class="table table-striped">
<th>Event name</th>
<th>Event description</th>
<th>Event date</th>
$query = "SELECT * FROM notes_list ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 10";
$result2 = mysqli_query($con, $query);
if ($result2) {
while ($note = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result2)) {
<tr<?php echo (($note['is_important'] == 1) ? "class='bg-danger'" : ""); ?>>
<td><?php echo $note['title']; ?></td>
<td><?php echo $note['description'] ?></td>
<td><?php echo date('l M jS', $note['timestamp']); ?></td>
/* close connection */
Full Example in this picture:
<tr<?php echo (($note['is_important'] == 1) ? "class='bg-danger'" : ""); ?>>
would render this:
in case is_important is 1. You need a space there, before the class.