I have an array with information that I get from the Amazon API and parsed it using SimpleXML. This gives me an array that looks like this :
0 => SimpleXMLElement Object (0 => B00TU53O8Q)
], [
0 => SimpleXMLElement Object (0 => B00TU53O8Q),
1 => SimpleXMLElement Object (0 => B015K13HWQ)
], [
0 => SimpleXMLElement Object (0 => B00TU53O8Q)
], [
Now, I want to convert this array to a more simplified format that no longer has any SimpleXML objects in them anymore.
Basically, I just want an array with only the strings they represent :
0 => B00TU53O8Q,
1 => B015K13HWQ,
2 => B00TU53O8Q,
1 => B00TU53O8Q
I then want to split that array into a 2-dimentional array, that looks something like this :
0 => [
0 => B00TU53O8Q
1 => B00TU53O8Q
2 => B015K13HWQ
3 => B00TU53O8Q
4 => B00TU53O8Q
1 => [
0 => B015K13HWQ
I don't know how to do this. Can you please help me?!
Here is a function to process your input:
function translate($data, &$result) {
if (is_array($data)) {
foreach($data as $element) {
translate($element, $result);
} else {
$result[] = (string) $data;
Call it like this:
// some test data:
$data = array(
new SimpleXMLElement("<test>B00TU53O8Q</test>")
new SimpleXMLElement("<test>B00TU53O8Q</test>"),
new SimpleXMLElement("<test>B015K13HWQ</test>")
new SimpleXMLElement("<test>B00TU53O8Q</test>")
new SimpleXMLElement("<test>B00TU53O8Q</test>"),
new SimpleXMLElement("<test>B015K13HWQ</test>")
$result = array();
translate($data, $result);
If you want to break up the $result array in chunks of 5, then proceed like this:
$chunks = array();
while (count($result)) {
$chuncks[] = array_slice($result, 0, 5);
$result = array_slice($result, 5);
print_r ($chuncks);
Ouput, based on test data, gives 2 chunks:
[0] => Array
[0] => B00TU53O8Q
[1] => B00TU53O8Q
[2] => B015K13HWQ
[3] => B00TU53O8Q
[4] => B00TU53O8Q
[1] => Array
[0] => B015K13HWQ
right off the bat I think your if statement is wrong. Should be a double == if you are making a comparison. Essentially you are setting $asinValue equal to 'Asin Not Found' and it will evaluate true. It does not seem like you will ever get to the else portion of your code.
I am trying to add my data to my array inside my foreach loop.
I have almost done it successfully, except the array is too in-depth.
It's showing array->array->{WHAT I WANT}
When I need array->{WHAT I WANT}
Example, I'm needing it to be like:
[home] => Array
[0] => Dashboard\Main#index
[1] => GET
[home/] => Array
[0] => Dashboard\Main#index
[1] => GET
When at the moment, it's showing:
[0] => Array
[services/content-writing] => Array
[0] => Dashboard\Services#contentwriting
[1] => GET
[1] => Array
[services/pbn-links] => Array
[0] => Dashboard\Services#pbnlinks
[1] => GET
The code I'm currently using inside my foreach loop is:
$realArray = array();
// Services exist
// Sort them into our array
foreach ($services as $service) {
$servicePageName = $service->page_name;
$serviceName = str_replace(' ', '', strtolower($service->name));
$realArrayNew = array(
"services/$servicePageName" => ["Dashboard\Services#$serviceName", 'GET']
array_push($realArray, $realArrayNew);
//'home' => ['Dashboard\Main#index', 'GET'],
return $realArray;
The servicePageName variable must be the key field on the realArray to get the results you want.
I'm presuming you input object array looks something like this:
(int) 0 => object(stdClass) {
name => 'contentwriting'
page_name => 'content-writing'
(int) 1 => object(stdClass) {
name => 'pbnlinks'
page_name => 'pbn-links'
If we do this:
$realArray = [];
if ($services) {
foreach ($services as $service) {
$servicePageName = $service->page_name;
$serviceName = str_replace(' ', '', strtolower($service->name));
$realArray["services/$servicePageName"] = [
0 => "Dashboard\Services#$serviceName",
1 => "GET"
This is what we get on realArray:
'services/content-writing' => [
(int) 0 => 'Dashboard\Services#contentwriting',
(int) 1 => 'GET'
'services/pbn-links' => [
(int) 0 => 'Dashboard\Services#pbnlinks',
(int) 1 => 'GET'
This portion of the code inserts a new subarray to your main array:
$realArrayNew = array(
"services/$servicePageName" => ["Dashboard\Services#$serviceName", 'GET']
array_push($realArray, $realArrayNew);
Replace it all with:
$realArray["services/$servicePageName"] = ["Dashboard\Services#$serviceName", 'GET'];
That way your top level will have service names as keys.
I have an multidimensional array and I need to count their specific value
[0] => Array
[Report] => Array
[id] => 10
[channel] => 1
[1] => Array
[Report] => Array
[id] => 92
[channel] => 0
[2] => Array
[Report] => Array
[id] => 18
[channel] => 0
[n] => Array
I need to get output like that: channel_1 = 1; channel_0 = 2 etc
I made a function with foreach:
foreach ($array as $item) {
echo $item['Report']['channel'];
and I get: 1 0 0 ... but how can I count it like: channel_1 = 1; channel_0 = 2, channel_n = n etc?
Try this. See comments for step-by-step explanation.
array(2) {
// Your input array.
$a =
'Report' =>
'id' => 10,
'channel' => 1
'Report' =>
'id' => 92,
'channel' => 0
'Report' =>
'id' => 18,
'channel' => 0
// Output array will hold channel_N => count pairs
$result = [];
// Loop over all reports
foreach ($a as $report => $values)
// Key takes form of channel_ + channel number
$key = "channel_{$values['Report']['channel']}";
if (!isset($result[$key]))
// New? Count 1 item to start.
$result[$key] = 1;
// Already seen this, add one to counter.
array(2) {
You can easily do this without a loop using array_column() and array_count_values().
$reports = array_column($array, 'Report');
$channels = array_column($reports, 'channel');
$counts = array_count_values($channels);
$counts will now equal an array where the key is the channel, and the value is the count.
[1] => 1
[0] => 2
I need to take an array like this:
[0] => Array
[county_code] => 54045
[count] => 218
[1] => Array
[county_code] => 54045
[count] => 115
[2] => Array
[county_code] => 54051
[count] => 79
And merge all arrays with the same county_code adding the count, like this:
[0] => Array
[county_code] => 54045
[count] => 333
[1] => Array
[county_code] => 54051
[count] => 79
There will be multiple instances of multiple county codes.
Can anyone point me in the right direction?
Try this out:
// your example array
$array = [
"county_code" => 54045,
"count" => 218
"county_code" => 54045,
"count" => 115
"county_code" => 54051,
"count" => 79
// intrim step to collect the count.
$intrimArray = [];
foreach( $array as $data ){
$countyCode = $data["county_code"];
if (!$intrimArray[$countyCode]) {
$intrimArray[$countyCode] = $data["count"];
} else {
$intrimArray[$countyCode] = $intrimArray[$countyCode] + $data["count"];
// build the final desired array using interim array.
$finalArray = [];
foreach($intrimArray as $countyCode => $totalCount) {
array_push($finalArray, [
"county_code" => $countyCode,
"count" => $totalCount
As promised:
$initial_array = [
['country_code' => 54045, 'count' => 218],
['country_code' => 54045, 'count' => 115],
['country_code' => 54051, 'count' => 79],
$synth = [];
foreach ($initial_array as $sa) { # $sa: subarray
if (!isset($synth[$sa['country_code']])) {
$synth[$sa['country_code']] = 0;
$synth[$sa['country_code']] += $sa['count'];
print_r($synth); # Synthesis array: keys are country codes, values are cumulative counts.
# If you need the same format for both the initial and synthesis arrays, then continue with this:
$synth2 = [];
foreach ($synth as $k => $v) {
$synth2[] = ['country_code' => $k, 'count' => $v];
A fiddle for this code: https://3v4l.org/M8tkb
Best regards
Im having trouble extracting some information from a large array and placing it in a smaller array, the large array i have is as follows;
[0] => Array
[BlanketBrand] => Array
[BlanketBrandID] => 125
[BlanketBrandName] => Neptune
[BlanketBrandActive] => Y
[1] => Array
[BlanketBrand] => Array
[BlanketBrandID] => 126
[BlanketBrandName] => King Size
[BlanketBrandActive] => Y
What i would like is to create an array from this with just the BlanketBrandID as the key and the BlanketBrandName as the value
125 => Neptune,
126 => King Size
Something like that so its easier for me to work with.
Any help would be great.
This can be done in a very simple foreach loop:
$array = [
'BlanketBrand' => [
'BlanketBrandID' => 125,
'BlanketBrandName' => 'Neptune',
'BlanketBrandActive' => 'Y'
'BlanketBrand' => [
'BlanketBrandID' => 126,
'BlanketBrandName' => 'King Size',
'BlanketBrandActive' => 'Y'
$new_array = [];
foreach ($array as $item) {
$new_array[ $item['BlanketBrand']['BlanketBrandID'] ] = $item['BlanketBrand']['BlanketBrandName'];
See example here.
You can also accomplish this with array_reduce():
$new_array = array_reduce($array, function($a, $b) {
$a[ $b['BlanketBrand']['BlanketBrandID'] ] = $b['BlanketBrand']['BlanketBrandName'];
return $a;
}, []);
See example here.
I checked several similar questions like this, this, and this but remain not clear that, can I get a firm value by operations inside a deep nested array, rather than calling function or assigning a variable?
As an example below to insert at the first position of $arr['row'] depending on $s:
$s = true; //or false;
$arr = [
if($s) return array('x'=>'y',...);
else return null;
// Output:
[row] => Array
[0] => Closure Object
[parameter] => Array
[$s] =>
[1] => Array
[row2a] => val2a
[row2b] => val2b
got Closure Object not array('x'=>'y',...) in $arr['row'][0]. Or it's no way to get value by operations inside an array, but calling function or passing by variables? Thanks.
If this is what you need you can always try this approach:
$s = 1;
$value = call_user_func(function($s) { return $s; }, $s);
And it will produce:
Try below code
function abc($flag) {
if ($flag):
return $array;
return null;
$arr = [
'key1' => 'val1',
'key2' => 'val2',
'row' => [
$resultset = abc($s),
'row2a' => 'val2a',
'row2b' => 'val2b',
'row3a' => 'val3a',
'row3b' => 'val3b',
[key1] => val1
[key2] => val2
[row] => Array
[0] => Array
[x] => x
[y] => y
[1] => Array
[row2a] => val2a
[row2b] => val2b
[2] => Array
[row3a] => val3a
[row3b] => val3b