Before creating new post programmatically I want to check if there is a post with the same headline in my database.
I am checking that like this:
$results = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_type = 'candidates' AND post_title = '$name'");
Example of value I get when I var_dump($results):
array(1) { [0]=> object(stdClass)#85 (1) { ["COUNT(*)"]=> string(1) "8" } }
Now I want to get that string(1) "8", add it to variable and convert it to number, but I am not sure how to get it.
I tried something like
$number = (int)$results[0]->COUNT(*)
but that isn't right. I also tried some other combinations but couldn't figure it out
Your very problem is the (*) in $number = (int)$results[0]->COUNT(*). You cannot use these special characters simply as 'variable'. You're better off using a column alias using AS your_column_alias.
So you want to use
SELECT COUNT(*) as post_count FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE post_type = 'candidates' AND post_title = '$name'
as query and
$number = (int) $results[0]->post_count;
to fetch the aliased column from your resultset.
At the top of my file I have checked what the $clientid is using echo $clientid. This echoes 731.
Further down the script I'm running this query:
$active_ts = db_select("SELECT * FROM `timesheets` WHERE clientid='".$clientid."' AND status=\"client\" OR status=\"cand\"");
What I expect to happen is only timesheets with a clientid of 731 to be chosen.
What the var_dump shows however is ["clientid"]=> string(3) "345", ["clientid"]=> string(3) "712", ["candid"]=> string(3) "730" and ["clientid"]=> string(3) "721"
I don't really know how to debug this further....
This is your query:
FROM `timesheets`
WHERE clientid = '".$clientid."' AND status = 'client' OR status = 'cand'
The WHERE clause has no parentheses. It is interpreted as:
WHERE (clientid = '".$clientid."' AND status = 'client') OR status = 'cand'
This is presumably not what you want. I would suggest you use IN:
WHERE clientid = '".$clientid."' AND status IN ('client', 'cand')
Because query select user with status = cand.
You need to change your query :
Change :
$active_ts = db_select('
SELECT * FROM `timesheets`
WHERE clientid='.$clientid.' AND (status="client" OR status="cand")
I think you don't need ' between clientid because it's int.
I got this result array(1) { ["meta_value"]=> string(1) "5" }
After a select statement request
$mp = $wpdb->get_row( $wpdb->prepare(
"SELECT meta_value FROM wp_postmeta inner join wp_posts ON post_id= %d WHERE meta_key = 'max_person'", $postid
) );
And the result should be "5"
Anybody can help me how to get "5" as integer
5 is all what I need from the select request
$value = (integer) $mp->meta_value;
I have very limited to zero knowledge about SQL or DBs, so apologies in advance.
I am attempting to make a table like structure within a webpage, a column for meal name, and a column for ingredients - it is also searchable via a button.
Thanks for all the replies, they have been most helpful.
The error no longer happens, however now I get no results from the database, but no error.
include("inc/dbConn.php"); /////$db_conx
$searchq = $_POST["search"];
$sql ="
FROM main_meal
JOIN meal_ingred on meal_ingred.meal_id =
JOIN ingred ON = meal_ingred.ingred_id
WHERE LIKE '%$searchq%'";
$results = $db_conx->query($sql);
while ($row =$results->fetch_object()){
echo "{$row->name} ({$row->name})<br>";
For clarification here is my structure:
(Sorry for external link, I dont have enough reputation to post images.)
The $results dumps:
object(mysqli_result)#2 (5) { ["current_field"]=> int(0) ["field_count"]=> int(2) ["lengths"]=> NULL ["num_rows"]=> int(0) ["type"]=> int(0) }
It is quite obvious I don't have a clue what I am doing, so any help is appreciated.
you're lacking a relation table here, which will store connection between meals and ingredients.
also you had error in your query because at first you've tried to use a/b naming correctly, to name a column, and then you user it to name a table.
IMHO you should do something like this (with relation table added):
$searchq = $_POST["search"];
$sql ="
SELECT AS a, as b
FROM main_meal
JOIN rel_meal_ingred on rel_meal_ingred.meal_id =
JOIN ingred ON = rel_meal_ingred.ingred_id
where LIKE '%$searchq%'";
$results = $db_conx->query($sql);
if($results->num_rows){ //////line 15
while ($row =$results->fetch_object()){
echo "{$row->a} ({$row->b})<br>";
You could try this?
FROM main_meal
JOIN meal_ingred ON meal_ingred.meal_id =
JOIN ingred ON meal_ingred.meal_id =
WHERE ingred.ingredName LIKE '%bread%'
LIMIT 0 , 30
with the php as follow:
$searchq = $_POST["search"];
$sql ="
FROM main_meal
JOIN meal_ingred ON meal_ingred.meal_id =
JOIN ingred ON meal_ingred.meal_id =
WHERE ingred.ingredName LIKE '%$searchq%'
LIMIT 0 , 30
//$results = $db_conx->query($sql);
if (!$results = $db_conx->query($sql)) {
printf("Error: %s\n", $db_conx->error);
$count = $results->num_rows;
if($count > 0){
echo $row['ingredName'];
echo $row['name'] . "<br />";
Line numbers would help, to see if line 15 is the assignment to $results, or if line 15 is the $results->num_rows
I'm also assuming you have a $db_conx->connect command somewhere in your code, to open the database connection before running the query?
Your SQL query is invalid: there is no such column as available in the WHERE clause, because you have renamed that table as b.
There is no reason to rename your tables (using AS ...) in this query. Leave that clause out. Then add a join condition (e.g, ... JOIN ingred ON (...) — omitting this will make the query return every row from main_meal.
Additionally, there is probably a SQL injection vulnerability in your code, because you are interpolating the contents of the (likely unfiltered) $searchq variable into the query. Use a query placeholder for the argument to LIKE.
How can I get this value from DB as string or int?
I've tried this:
$var = $this->db->query("SELECT SUBSTRING(`category_id`, 1, 3)
AS `category_id` FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "category
WHERE merlion_id = 'Q1'
ORDER BY category_id ASC");
And then I've checked it with var_dump and receive this:
object(stdClass)#26 (3) { ["row"]=> array(1) { ["category_id"]=> string(3) "859" } ["rows"]=> array(1) { [0]=> array(1) { ["category_id"]=> string(3) "859" } } ["num_rows"]=> int(1) }
No need to do SUBSTRING:
$var = $this->db->query("`category_id`FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "category
WHERE merlion_id = 'Q1'
ORDER BY category_id ASC");
Then, you have it, you don't "convert" the object, you take what you need from it:
$category_id = $var->row["category_id"];
I suggest you dive into basic PHP before you continue with your database-driven application. This is all trivial stuff. There are many good tutorials out there, also about PHP object oriented programming. Most notably the PHP documentation site.
How about this:
echo $var->row['category_id'];
You can also simplify your query:
$var = $this->db->query("SELECT `category_id`
AS `category_id` FROM `" . DB_PREFIX . "category`
WHERE merlion_id = 'Q1'
LIMIT 1");
Added backticks around the table name
Removed your ORDER clause. You do not need it if you only have one dataset whose *merlion_id* is Q1.
Added LIMIT clause since you only want one dataset.
I have a array with this var_dump value:
$query = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `$table` WHERE my mysql conditions");
var_dump($query); is this:
array(1) { [0]=> object(stdClass)#414 (1) { ["COUNT(*)"]=> string(3) "494" } }
How can I get the number 494 inside a variable?
$number = $query[0];
It'd be cleaner if you aliased your count so:
SELECT COUNT(*) AS `count`
$number = $query[0]->count;
If you only need to retrieve a single value, use $wpdb->get_var() instead of get_results(). This method exists specifically for situations like yours.
$number = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `$table` WHERE my mysql conditions");