php pagination of an array with previous and next tab - php

I have this array which contain around 1000 records. I want to display 20 array records per page.
array([title]=>"sony", [description]=>"camera"),
array([title]=>"sony", [description]=>"mobiles"),
array([title]=>"lenovo", [description]=>"laptop"),
array([title]=>"lenovo", [description]=>"mobiles")
I have used the following code for pagination. It is giving me a long row for pagination. Can someone help me to include previous and next code to my existing code so that my pagination will look good.
$page = isset($_REQUEST['page']) && $_REQUEST['page'] > 0 ? $_REQUEST['page'] : 1;
function display($list, $page = 1)
$start = ($page - 1) * 2;
$list = array_slice($list, $start, 15);
foreach ($list as $key => $val) {
echo $val['title'] . '<br/>';
echo $val['description'] . '<br/>';
echo "<br>";
}} $len = count($list);
$pages = ceil($len / 2);
if ($page > $pages or $page < 1)
echo 'page not found';
display($list, $page);
for ($i = 1 ; $i <= $pages ; $i++)
$current = ($i == $page) ? TRUE : FALSE;
if ($current) {
echo '<b>' . $i . '</b>';
<?php echo $i;?>

Here's an example with the data array from your question.
The example
The page size is assumed to be 2 (20 in your question).
The size of the data array does not matter.
The start parameter is provided (as in your example) thru a GET parameter http://localhost/flipkart-api/fkt_offer.php?…start=index_or_page. This parameter is available in the script as $_GET['start'].
The previous and next start indices are to be calculated ($start +/- $maxpage, etc.).
To keep this example simple, I took the start index, not the page number, as parameter. But you also could use a page number and calculate the index, of course.
For the reason of brevity I omitted error checking ("what if no more items", etc.).
// The data array
array('title'=>"sony", 'description'=>"camera"),
array('title'=>"sony", 'description'=>"mobiles"),
array('title'=>"lenovo", 'description'=>"laptop"),
array('title'=>"lenovo", 'description'=>"mobiles")
// Evaluate URL
$proto = ((isset($_SERVER["HTTPS"])) && (strtoupper($_SERVER["HTTPS"]) == 'ON')) ? "https://" : "http://";
$hname = getenv("SERVER_NAME");
$port = getenv("SERVER_PORT");
if ( (($port==80)&&($proto=='http://')) || (($port==443)&&($proto=='https://')) ) { $port = ''; }
$params = '';
foreach ($_GET as $key=>$value) {
if (strtolower($key)=='start') continue;
$params .= (empty($params)) ? "$key=$value" : "&$key=$value";
$url = $proto . $hname . $port. $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] . '?' . $params;
// Page contents
$last = count($list)-1;
$start = (isset($_GET['start'])) ? intval($_GET['start']) : 0;
if ($start<0) $start = 0; if ($start > $last) $start = $last;
$maxpage = 2;
echo "<p>Start index = $start</p>" . PHP_EOL;
$curpage = 0;
for($xi=$start; $xi<=$last; $xi++) {
if ($curpage >= $maxpage) break;
echo 'Entry ' . $curpage .
': ' . $list[$xi]['title'] .
' - ' . $list[$xi]['description'] .
'<br />' . PHP_EOL;
// Navigation
$prev = $start - $maxpage; if ($prev<0) $prev = 0;
$next = ( ($start+$maxpage) > $last) ? $start : $start + $maxpage;
$prev = ( ($start-$maxpage) < 0) ? 0 : $start - $maxpage;
echo '<p>Previous ';
echo 'Next</p>';
Result (e.g)
Start index = 2
Entry 1: lenovo - laptop
Entry 2: lenovo - mobiles
Previous Next


How to use PHP pagination in array's

Since I am trying to learn more about PHP I would like to add Pagination to array's
I have a JSON output that I can read and echo via a foreach. But I am not able to show 10 or 20 records.
I have used the code from this page:
But I miss the place where I can store the echo for the array.
$persons = '[
$page = ! empty( $_GET['page'] ) ? (int) $_GET['page'] : 1;
$total = count( $persons ); //total items in array
$limit = 10; //per page
$totalPages = ceil( $total/ $limit ); //calculate total pages
$page = max($page, 1); //get 1 page when $_GET['page'] <= 0
$page = min($page, $totalPages); //get last page when $_GET['page'] > $totalPages
$offset = ($page - 1) * $limit;
if( $offset < 0 ) $offset = 0;
$yourDataArray = array_slice( $persons, $offset, $limit );
$link = 'index.php?page=%d';
$pagerContainer = '<div style="width: 300px;">';
if( $totalPages != 0 )
if( $page == 1 )
$pagerContainer .= '';
$pagerContainer .= sprintf( ' « prev page', $page - 1 );
$pagerContainer .= ' <span> page <strong>' . $page . '</strong> from ' . $totalPages . '</span>';
if( $page == $totalPages )
$pagerContainer .= '';
$pagerContainer .= sprintf( ' next page » ', $page + 1 );
$pagerContainer .= '</div>';
echo $pagerContainer;
I would like to know how I can fix this to use pagination for my array.
You need to json_decode() your JSON first to access array methods (count(), array_slice()). Also, your JSON data was invalid, missing some commas, fixed that.
$persons = '[
// Make the JSON an array, so count() and array_slice() work
$persons = json_decode($persons, true);
$page = ! empty( $_GET['page'] ) ? (int) $_GET['page'] : 1;
$total = count( $persons ); //total items in array
// $limit = 10; //per page
// Set limit to 3 for testing:
$limit = 3;
$totalPages = ceil( $total/ $limit ); //calculate total pages
$page = max($page, 1); //get 1 page when $_GET['page'] <= 0
$page = min($page, $totalPages); //get last page when $_GET['page'] > $totalPages
// Uncomment this for testing
// $page = 2;
$offset = ($page - 1) * $limit;
if( $offset < 0 ) $offset = 0;
$yourDataArray = array_slice( $persons, $offset, $limit );
$link = 'index.php?page=%d';
$pagerContainer = '<div style="width: 300px;">';
if( $totalPages != 0 )
if( $page == 1 )
$pagerContainer .= '';
$pagerContainer .= sprintf( ' « prev page', $page - 1 );
$pagerContainer .= ' <span> page <strong>' . $page . '</strong> from ' . $totalPages . '</span>';
if( $page == $totalPages )
$pagerContainer .= '';
$pagerContainer .= sprintf( ' next page » ', $page + 1 );
$pagerContainer .= '</div>';
echo $pagerContainer;
foreach($yourDataArray as $person) {
echo "\n";
echo "First name: " . $person['FrstName'];
echo " - Middle name: " . $person['Middlename'];
echo " - Last name: " . $person['LastName'];
echo " - Online: " . $person['Online'];
echo " - Dept: " . $person['DeptId'];

Pagination Producing Unexpected Results. What did I do wrong?

I am using code A, and everything is as expected. When I try to add pagination script(code B), the results are no longer as expected. What did I do wrong? Any assistance would be much appreciated. Thanks....
code A:
$data = 'path/to/file.txt';
$counts = array_count_values(
array_map(function($line){return strtoupper(end(explode('||', $line, -4)));},
array_filter(file($data), 'trim')));
foreach($counts as $key1=>$value){
echo '<div>'. $key1 .' - '. $value .'</div>';
code B:
$link_range = 2;
$listings = 2;
if (isset($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) {
$currentPage = $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];
} else {
$currentPage = '0';
$reg_ex = "[page=]";
$replace_word = "";
$str = $currentPage;
$currentPage = ''.ereg_replace($reg_ex, $replace_word, $str).'';
$data = 'path/to/file.txt';
$counts = array_count_values(
array_map(function($line){return strtoupper(end(explode('||', $line, -4)));},
array_filter(file($data), 'trim')));
$dataArray = $counts;
// Pagination settings
$perPage = $listings;
$numPages = ceil(count($dataArray) / $perPage);
if(!$currentPage || $currentPage > $numPages)
$currentPage = 0;
$start = $currentPage * $perPage;
$end = ($currentPage * $perPage) + $perPage;
// Extract ones we need
foreach($dataArray AS $keys => $val)
if($keys >= $start && $keys < $end)
$pagedData[] = $dataArray[$keys];
$range = $link_range;
if ($currentPage > 0 && $currentPage < $numPages) {
// show << link to go back to page 1
echo '<< |';
// get previous page num
$prevpage = $currentPage - 1;
// show < link to go back to 1 page
echo ' < |';
} // end if
// loop to show links to range of pages around current page
for ($x = ($currentPage - $range); $x < (($currentPage + $range) + 1); $x++) {
// if it's a valid page number...
if (($x > -1) && ($x <= $numPages - 1)) {
// if we're on current page...
if ($x == $currentPage) {
// 'highlight' it but don't make a link
echo ' '. ($x + 1) .' |';
// if not current page...
} else {
// make it a link
echo ' '. ($x + 1) .' |';
} // end else
} // end if
} // end for
if ($currentPage != $numPages - 1) {
// get next page
$nextpage = $currentPage + 1;
// echo forward link for next page
echo ' > |';
// echo forward link for lastpage
echo ' >>
} // end if
foreach($pagedData as $key1=>$value){
echo '<div>'. $key1 .' - '. $value .'</div>';
Lets say file.txt contains:
a||b||HONG KONG||c||d||e||f
a||b||UNITED STATES||c||d||e||f
Your problem is here (in which there's confusion about keys/values):
// Extract ones we need
foreach($dataArray AS $keys => $val)
if($keys >= $start && $keys < $end)
$pagedData[] = $dataArray[$keys];
Just replace that code with:
$pagedData = array_slice($dataArray, $start, $listings, true);
array_slice documentation

Adding previous(back) and next buttons next to the page numbers PHP

I have two tiny little problems;
1 . I want to add a previous / next button into this code
2 . I want it to only show like max 10 links between previous and next. So if i have 50 numbers/links it will only show 10 of them and not 50 links on the page.
I have searched on the clo
The code works, only need that two options in it.
Can someone help me out? Thank you !
include 'includes/connection.php';
$per_page = 8;
$pages_query = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(`id`) FROM `products`");
$pages = ceil(mysql_result($pages_query, 0) / $per_page);
$page = (isset($_GET['page'])) ? (int)$_GET['page'] : 1;
$start = ($page - 1) * $per_page;
$query = mysql_query("SELECT `name` FROM `products` LIMIT $start, $per_page");
while ($query_row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query)) {
echo '<p>', $query_row['name'] ,'</p>';
if ($pages >= 1 && $page <= $pages) {
for ($x=1; $x<=$pages; $x++) {
//echo $x, ' ';
echo ($x == $page) ? '<strong>'.$x.'</strong> ' : ''.$x.' ';
First of all, you should, just for good practice, put an "exit;" after the header() call at the end. It doesn't make a difference in this particular script, but keep in mind that any code following a header("Location: ...") call WILL be executed before redirection.
Now to your question, try this (UPDATE: This code has been tested and works.)
include 'includes/connection.php';
$per_page = 8;
$pages_query = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(`id`) FROM `products`");
$pages = ceil(mysql_result($pages_query, 0) / $per_page);
$page = (isset($_GET['page'])) ? (int)$_GET['page'] : 1;
$start = ($page - 1) * $per_page;
$query = mysql_query("SELECT `name` FROM `products` LIMIT $start, $per_page");
while ($query_row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query))
echo '<p>' . $query_row['name'] . '</p>';
// If the requested page is less than 1 or more than the total number of pages
// redirect to the first page
if($pages < 1 || $page > $pages)
header('Location: ?page=1');
// end execution of the rest of this script
// it will restart execution after redirection
// If more than one page, show pagination links
if($pages > 1)
$html = array();
$html[] = '<strong>';
// if you're on a page greater than 1, show a previous link
$html[] = (($page > 1) ? 'Previous ' : '');
// First page link
$pageFirst = '1';
$html[] = (($page == 1) ? "</strong>{$pageFirst}<strong>" : $pageFirst);
if ($pages > 6)
$start_cnt = min(max(1, $page - (6 - 1)), $pages - 6);
$end_cnt = max(min($pages, $page + 4), 8);
$html[] = ($start_cnt > 1) ? '...' : ' ';
for ($i = $start_cnt + 1; $i < $end_cnt; $i++)
$html[] = ($i == $page) ? '</strong>' . $i . '<strong>' : '' . $i . '';
if ($i < $end_cnt - 1)
$html[] = ' ';
$html []= ($end_cnt < $pages) ? '...' : ' ';
$html[] = ' ';
for ($i = 2; $i < $pages; $i++)
$html[] = ($i == $page) ? '</strong>' . $i . '<strong>' : '' . $i . '';
if ($i < $pages)
$html[] = ' ';
// last page link
$pageLast = '' . $pages . '';
$html[] = (($page == $pages) ? "</strong>{$pageLast}<strong>" : $pageLast);
// Show next page link if you're on a page less than the total number of pages
$html[] = ($page < $pages) ? ' Next' : '';
// If you're not on the last page, show a next link
$html[] = '</strong>';
// show page number 1, no link.
$html[] = '<strong>1</strong>';
echo implode('', $html);
Also note that the final ?> is not required in PHP files that do not have HTML code following the PHP code, so I left it off.
Buddy refer this URL
Surely will help you.

paging query problem

here is my paging code:
function getPagingQuery($sql, $itemPerPage = 10)
if (isset($_GET['page']) && (int)$_GET['page'] > 0) {
$page = (int)$_GET['page'];
} else {
$page = 1;
// start fetching from this row number
$offset = ($page - 1) * $itemPerPage;
return $sql . " LIMIT $offset, $itemPerPage";
function getPagingLink($sql, $itemPerPage = 10, $strGet ="")
$result = dbQuery($sql);
$pagingLink = '';
$totalResults = dbNumRows($result);
$totalPages = ceil($totalResults / $itemPerPage);
// how many link pages to show
$numLinks = 10;
// create the paging links only if we have more than one page of results
if ($totalPages > 1) {
$self = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ;
if (isset($_GET['page']) && (int)$_GET['page'] > 0) {
$pageNumber = (int)$_GET['page'];
} else {
$pageNumber = 1;
// print 'previous' link only if we're not
// on page one
if ($pageNumber > 1) {
$page = $pageNumber - 1;
if ($page > 1) {
$prev = " [Prev] ";
} else {
$prev = " [Prev] ";
$first = " [First] ";
} else {
$prev = ''; // we're on page one, don't show 'previous' link
$first = ''; // nor 'first page' link
// print 'next' link only if we're not
// on the last page
if ($pageNumber < $totalPages) {
$page = $pageNumber + 1;
$next = " [Next] ";
$last = " [Last] ";
} else {
$next = ''; // we're on the last page, don't show 'next' link
$last = ''; // nor 'last page' link
$start = $pageNumber - ($pageNumber % $numLinks) + 1;
$end = $start + $numLinks - 1;
$end = min($totalPages, $end);
$pagingLink = array();
for($page = $start; $page <= $end; $page++) {
if ($page == $pageNumber) {
$pagingLink[] = " $page "; // no need to create a link to current page
} else {
if ($page == 1) {
$pagingLink[] = " $page ";
} else {
$pagingLink[] = " $page ";
$pagingLink = implode(' | ', $pagingLink);
// return the page navigation link
$pagingLink = $first . $prev . $pagingLink . $next . $last;
return $pagingLink;
im calling it like:
$sql = "something";
$result = mysql_query(getPagingQuery($sql, $rowsPerPage));
$pagingLink = getPagingLink($sql, $rowsPerPage, $url);
now if my url is like
http://xyz/abc/list.php its working fine.
but when my url is like
after i click on page 2 the url changes like http://xyz/abc/list.php?page2&
'action=def' part is gone so the result changes.
if i use to pass the value in $strGet as $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']
the 1st time it is ok like http://xyz/abc/list.php?page2&action=def
but from the 2nd time onwards it gives like http://xyz/abc/list.php?page3&page2&action=def
so not getting the desired result.
whereas i want it to be like http://xyz/abc/list.php?page3&action=def
plz help.. thanxx in advance
So I consider you use $_GET['page'] ^^
$url = 'http://xyz/abc/list.php?';
foreach($_GET as $key=>$param) {
use http_build_query() instead of $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']
What i would do is before setting $page = url code. i would first echo $page before and after setting it. so that i can see exactly what the values are. And i would print echo statements before and after everytime i set $page with the url to make sure it is correct. and if in any place you can see that its not the desired output because you can see that from the echo statements then you can make the right changes to make sure the $page variable is set properly.
what i would do then to set it properly is clear the $page variable and make sure that the $page variable is then set freshly with the url.
also when setting the url make sure that the $strGet variable is also echoed out first to make sure that it is the right value that you want to set. and then set the url to the $page variable.
By doing this simple debugging you are making sure all the values are correct first and you know it is before setting them.
give it a go
let me know what happens

PHP & MySQL pagination display problem

I asked a similar question like this yesterday but after waiting for ever I figured out part of the problem but now I'm stuck again I'm trying to display ... when the search results are to long because my pagination links will keep on displaying and will not stop until every link is displayed on the page.
For example I'm trying to achieve the following in the example below. Can some one help me fix my code so I can update my site. Thanks
This is what I want to be able to do.
First Previous 1 2 ... 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 ... 199 200 Next Last
Here is my pagination code that displays the links.
$display = 20;
if (isset($_GET['p']) && is_numeric($_GET['p'])) {
$pages = $_GET['p'];
} else {
$q = "SELECT COUNT(id) FROM comments WHERE user_id=3";
$r = mysqli_query ($mysqli, $q) or trigger_error("Query: $q\n<br />MySQL Error: " . mysqli_error($mysqli));
$row = mysqli_fetch_array ($r, MYSQLI_NUM);
$records = $row[0];
if ($records > $display) {
$pages = ceil ($records/$display);
} else {
$pages = 1;
if (isset($_GET['s']) && is_numeric($_GET['s'])) {
$start = $_GET['s'];
} else {
$start = 0;
//content goes here
if ($pages > 1) {
echo '<br /><p>';
$current_page = ($start/$display) + 1;
if ($current_page != 1) {
echo 'First';
if ($current_page != 1) {
echo 'Previous ';
for ($i = 1; $i <= $pages; $i++) {
if ($i != $current_page) {
echo '' . $i . ' ';
} else {
echo '<span>' . $i . '</span> ';
if ($current_page != $pages) {
echo 'Next';
if ($current_page != $pages) {
echo 'Last';
echo '</p>';
Instead of the loop just use something like this:
if($current_page > 8 && $pages > 11) {
echo '1 ';
echo '2 ';
echo '...';
for ($i = max(1, $current_page - 4); $i < min($current_page + 4, $pages); $i ++) {
echo '' . $i . ' ';
if ($current_page < $pages - 8 && $pages > 11) {
echo '...';
echo '' . ($pages - 1) . ' ';
echo '' . $pages . ' ';
