i want to insert two different values into my database.
The field names are same but i want two different values to be saved there.
For Now i have a form which creates Organization. in that i have two fields sales and tech. So i insert Name,last_name,email for sales and tech as well. Now whatever values i get from there i save it to users table and save their id to my organization table.
First i want insert sales person information and then tech person
information and get their id and save it in organization
This is my code:
$this->data['company'] = $this->company_m->get_new();
$this->data['user'] = $this->secure_m->get_new();
$rules = $this->company_m->rules_admin;
if ($this->form_validation->run() == TRUE)
$data =$this->secure_m->array_from_post(array('first_name','last_name','email'));
$sales_id = $this->secure_m->save($data,$id);
$data =$this->secure_m->array_from_post(array('first_name','last_name','email'));
$tech_id = $this->secure_m->save($data,$id);
$data = $this->company_m->array_from_post(array('org_name','dba','addr1','addr2','city','state','country','pin','sales_id','tech_id','tax_number','comment','url'));
$data['sales_id']= $sales_id;
$data['tech_id']= $tech_id;
$this->company_m->save($data, $id);
// Load the view
$this->data['subview'] = 'admin/company/add';
$this->load->view('admin/_layout_main', $this->
Array from POST code
public function array_from_post($fields){
$data = array();
foreach ($fields as $field) {
$data[$field] = $this->input->post($field);
return $data;
You're trying to get values from wrong keys. I.e. you have first_name_sales and first_name_tech, but always read from first_name.
$data_tech = $this->secure_m->array_from_post(array('first_name_tech','last_name_tech','email_tech','tech'));
// ...
$data_sales = $this->secure_m->array_from_post(array('first_name_sales','last_name_sales','email_sales','sales'));
// ...
Also you should set_value from corresponding objects instead of same $user. Pass like $user_tech and $user_sales to view. Smth like
$this->load->view('admin/_layout_main', ['user_tech' => $data_tech, 'user_sales' => $data_sales]);
$values = array(
'first_name' => $this->input->post('first_name'),
'last_name' => $this->input->post('last_name'),
'email' => $this->input->post('email'),
'user_type' => $this->input->post('user_type'),
$data = $this->model->inset('table_name', $values);
And also use this array to many tables
I've an existing form which is passing the input data to the model in an array format. $postdata has all the data from the view and sending to model.
$inquiry_id = $this->input->post('inquiry_id');
$postdata = $this->input->post();
function insertdata($data = array(), $inquiry_id){
$sql = $this->db->query("select * from design where inquiry_id='".$inquiry_id."'");
if($sql->num_rows() == 0){
$sql_query = $this->db->insert('design', $data);
$this->db->where('inquiry_id', $inquiry_id);
$this->db->update('design', $data);
Above is working fine. Now, I'd like to add few fields in the view and save in a different database table. Need to exclude the new field values from $postdata array getting saved. Need to find the best approach to do this. I can start with some name for all the new fields, so that we can add any filter if available to exclude from the $postdata.
You can use elements() function from Array helper.
$array = array(
'id' => 101,
'title' => 'example',
'desc' => 'something',
'unwanted' => 'bla bla'
$filtered_array = elements(array('id','title','desc'),$array); //you can use this directly to the post data
You can use array_merge() or array_push() functions to add new fields to the array.
Let's say you have following data
$postdata = array("name"=>"xyz",
Of which first 3 records are from old fields and last 2 are from new fields as you saying.
You need to find last index of first set i.e. '3' Now you can do this.
$firstDb = array_splice($postdata,0,3); //here 3 is index we are using to get first 3 records from $postdata
$secondDb = array_slice($postdata,0,3); //here 3 is index we are using to get records from position 3 from $postdata
$firstDb = array("name"=>"xyz","email"=>"xyz#gmail.com","age"=>"40");
$secondDb = array("gender"=>"Male","occupation"=>"Engineer");
Now you can insert you records as you wish to. Happy coding
I have an array of the names of my POST variables to use when I update a row in my database.
$jobs = array( "proposal_id",
Using this style my table is called jobs and each value in the array is a column id.
I want to edit this array so each item (column id) contains a single _POST Value
Then I have a function that uses the variables to create generic queries.
function save_data($jobs) {
foreach ($jobs as $job)
$job[$job[$i]] = _$Post[$job];
Table_name[column] = cell value;
I would like to be able to save $values into the post variables associated to it. Something like
For example if I was going to manually create this array it would look like
$jobs = array('proposal_id' => '12345678','title_of_project' => 'aTitle','creator' => 'aUser','last_modified' => '0000-00-00','date_created' => '0000-00-00','price' =>'1000');
This should be what you're looking for:
$jobs = array( "proposal_id",
$jobValues = array();
foreach($jobs as $job) {
$jobValues[] = isset($_POST[$job]) ? $_POST[$job] : null;
$jobs = array_combine($jobs, $jobValues);
I'm using codeigniter.
I'm trying to compare some posted values from a form with entries from a database.
Put simply, i want to check to see if the entry is already in the database, if so ignore the posted data, but if there is no database entry then add to the database.
My thinking was that it shouldn't actually be that hard, but having some issues, and now im completely confused. Any pointers in the right direction would be appreciated.
I have an array coming from POST $assigned_ids
And i want to compare that with the data from $assign_data which is being output from the database.
I've been trying foreach loops, looping over the posted data, and then inside that looping through the database and comparing and adding if neccessary.
It works upto a point, but if there is data coming from the database, its adding multiple entires.
Heres my code, surely im over complicating things?
// posted values foreach - loop through all posted values
foreach($assigned_ids as $id) {
if(is_array($assign_data) && count($assign_data) > 0) {
// query all data in assignments table
foreach($assign_data as $key => $value) {
// is the user id from assignments table in posted id's
if(in_array($value->user_id, $id)){
// if it is, then do the course id's match as well? if so, do nothing, already an entry
if($value->course_id == $course_id) {
echo "match id and course, do nothing";
} else {
// else if there isnt an entry for this user for this course, add the entry
$add_data = array(
'user_id' => $value->user_id,
'course_id' => $course_id,
'org_id' => $org_id
} else {
// the user id was not in the array from the db, but was in the posted vars, so log in db
$add_data = array(
'user_id' => $id,
'course_id' => $course_id,
'org_id' => $org_id
} else {
$add_data = array(
'user_id' => $id,
'course_id' => $course_id,
'org_id' => $org_id
I think your main issue is your array is not properly structured that's why your having a hard time.
My opinion is to predefined your db result after fetching it.
function getAssignedData(){
// its better to get the only field you'll need than to fetch everything
$result = $this->db->select($field)->get();
$existing_ids = [];
foreach($result->result() as $row){
$existing_ids[] = $row->$field;
return array_flip($existing_ids);
return FALSE;
And you can already compare the values like this
foreach($assigned_ids as $id)
if(!isset($existing_ids[$id])) {
// do something
Hope that helps.
So I went over this thread to figure out how to send data from controller to a view here.
However I am trying to pass multiple values with identical titles to the view and I cannot seem to figure out how to do this and still access them later.
I have a for loop that grabs all the films a user has in their database, this information is then stored into a array called $data
$data = array();
foreach ($films as $film)
$title = $film->title;
$description = $film->description;
$url = $film->fileUrl;
$data = array_add($data, 'title', $title);
$data = array_add($data, 'description', $description);
$data = array_add($data, 'url', $url);
$this->layout->content = View::make('profileFilms')->with($data);
This works but I cannot figure out how to access this information, I tried making each "film" its own array with all three data values and then adding that to the larger array and then passing that array to the view, which again worked but I cannot figure out how to access the data. if i use say {{$title}} it will grab one title, but I have no way of getting both.
How can I pass N number of films each with its title, description and url to a view so I can display them, and how can I display them?
You are adding the values directly to the array once and that is it, because Laravels array_add only overwrites non existing keys.
You should do something like that (or use Eloquent):
$data = array();
foreach ($films as $film){
$data['films'][] = array(
'title' => $film->title,
'description' => $film->description,
'url' => $film->fileUrl
$this->layout->content = View::make('profileFilms')->with($data);
Then you can access your films (Blade style):
#foreach($films as $film)
If you want to use it like $film->title you can use the (object) typecast while assigning the array.
Of course, you could also pass $films directly like
$data = array(
'films' => $films
Then you can access your films like you would in the controller. You can alsways use print_r and var_dump to see, what the variable really contains.
$data = array();
foreach ($films as $film)
$row = array();
$row = array_add($data, 'title', $film->title);
$row = array_add($data, 'description', $film->description);
$row = array_add($data, 'url', $film->fileUrl);
// will send to view
$data[] = $row;
$this->layout->content = View::make('profileFilms')->with($data);
I have created a custom module which displays a tab and a section in admin configuration panel to manage customer attributes.
I have loaded all customer attributes with a check box each.
This is my code for displaying all customer attributes as checkboxes. I want the checkbox value selected from here to be added as a column in Manage Customer Grid.
$attributes = Mage::getModel('customer/entity_address_attribute_collection');
$result = array();
foreach ($attributes as $attribute)
if (($label = $attribute->getFrontendLabel()))
$result[$attribute->getId()] = $label;
$attributes1 = Mage::getModel('customer/entity_attribute_collection');
$result1 = array();
foreach ($attributes1 as $attribute1)
if (($label1 = $attribute1->getFrontendLabel()))
$result1[$attribute1->getId()] = $label1;
$final = array_merge($result, $result1);
return $final;
Now based on selection of these check boxes, I would like to add an extra column in 'Manage Customer' Grid.
I tried retrieving the value of selected checkbox but I just get the array index number.
Can some one tell me how to fetch the the selected checkbox value and add a column based on the selection represented by that checkbox?
Thanks in advance.
When you use array_merge you are destroying the correct indexes, which are supposed to be the attribute IDs. Also it's good practice to give your variables meaningful names.
$result = array();
$addressAttributes = Mage::getModel('customer/entity_address_attribute_collection');
foreach ($addressAttributes as $addressAttribute)
if (($addrlabel = $addressAttribute->getFrontendLabel()))
$result[$addressAttribute->getId()] = $addrlabel;
$customerAttributes = Mage::getModel('customer/entity_attribute_collection');
foreach ($customerAttributes as $customerAttribute)
if (($custlabel = $customerAttribute->getFrontendLabel()))
$result[$customerAttribute->getId()] = $custlabel;
return $result;
I suppose the next step is to remove the columns that your grid's parent will add, these are stored in a grid's protected _columns property. Not all columns are to be removed, such as the massaction column. Then add your chosen columns back in.
protected function _prepareColumns()
// remove the excess columns here
$attributeIds = Mage::getStoreConfig('sectionname/groupname/fieldname');
$attributes = Mage::getModel('eav/entity_attribute')->getCollection()
->addFieldToFilter('attribute_id', array('in' => $attributeIds));
foreach ($attributes as $attribute)
$options = array();
if ($attribute->getFrontendInput() == 'select') {
foreach ($attribute->getSource()->getAllOptions() as $value) {
$options[$value['value']] = $value['label'];
$this->addColumn($attribute->getCode(), array(
'index' => $attribute->getCode(),
'header' => $attribute->getFrontendLabel(),
'type' => $attribute->getFrontendInput(),
'options' => $options
return $this;
This way may lose useful formatting like column widths, etc. so a more sophisticated way would be to work out which columns are already in place and leave them, then only remove those that haven't been selected.
I would, in your module, set in config.xml that you are overwrting the Block Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Customer_Grid with your own block (which inherits from Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Customer_Grid) and in your own block make a function
protected function _prepareColumns()
$this->addColumn('mycolumn', array(
'header' => Mage::helper('customer')->__('My Column'),
'index' => 'key',
return parent::_prepareColumns();
Without knowing more about your data its hard to give better advice, but this should be enough to get you started.