I have a very strange problem with Laravel 5.2 factories.
I have recently upgraded from Laravel 5.1 to 5.2 following the upgrade guide on the Laravel website. All works as exepected except one factory. Yes the others work ok. Here are two of the factories:
$factory->define(App\Client::class, function (Faker\Generator $faker) {
return [
'name' => $faker->company,
'building' => $faker->buildingNumber,
'street' => $faker->streetName,
'town' => $faker->city,
'postcode' => $faker->postcode,
'country' => 'UK',
'telephone' => $faker->phoneNumber,
'fax' => $faker->phoneNumber,
$factory->define(App\Shift::class, function (Faker\Generator $faker) {
return [
'client_id' => $faker->numberBetween($min = 1, $max = 15),
'user_id' => $faker->numberBetween($min = 1, $max = 15),
'start' => $faker->dateTimeBetween($startDate='now', $endDate='+60 days'),
'public' => $faker->boolean(),
The top factory works no problem but the second one doesn't run at all cause my db seed to throw an error because its not populating the client_id which is a foreign key.
The only difference between the two models is that the client model doesn't use timestamps where as the shift model does. Other than that they are identical.
I will keep plugging away but any help to shed light on this would be greatly received.
When you add your own constructor, are you making sure to call parent::__construct() inside it?
Good Afternoon,
I'm trying to create a Laravel factory where 2 of the 'columns' have the same values every time its called and the rest of the factory can be random.
For instance, I have the following columns in my DB
I currently have my factory as follows;
$factory->define(Brand::class, function (Faker $faker) {
return [
'name' => $faker->unique()->company,
'email' => $faker->companyEmail,
'phone_number' => $faker->phoneNumber
This part works perfectly, as it should, the problem is that each specific status message comes with an individual status code. Is there a way I could add an array of status messages with a status code and have the factory pick a set at random for that record?
The status code / messages are listed below in array format;
'3e2s' => 'tangled web',
'29d7' => 'get certified',
'2r5g' => 'art of war',
I hope this makes sense. any help would be greatly appreciated.
as i can understand u need to pick random from this array u mentioned in above
$factory->define(Brand::class, function (Faker $faker) {
$data = [
'3e2s' => 'tangled web',
'29d7' => 'get certified',
'2r5g' => 'art of war',
$statusCode = array_rand($data);
$statusMessage = $data[$statusCode];
return [
'name' => $faker->unique()->company,
'email' => $faker->companyEmail,
'phone_number' => $faker->phoneNumber,
'status_message' => $statusMessage,
'status_code' => $statusCode,
I have a factory:
$factory->define(\App\MissingData::class, function (Faker $faker) {
$operations = Operation::all()->pluck('id')->toArray();
$operationId = $faker->randomElement($operations);
$operation = Operation::find($operationId);
$meters = $operation->meters->pluck('id')->toArray();
$arrStatus = ['Done', 'Undone'];
return [
'operation_id' => $operationId,
'meter_id' => $faker->randomElement($meters),
'date_ini' => $faker->dateTimeThisYear,
'date_end' => $faker->dateTimeThisYear,
'status' => $faker->randomElement($arrStatus),
In my migration, I have:
When I want to insert an array in DB, I always prefer to use factory:
return [
'operation_id' => $measure->operation_id,
'meter_id' => $measure->meter_id,
'conso_prod' => $measure->conso_prod,
'date_ini' => $missingDataIni,
'date_end' => $missingDataEnd,
The wanted behaviour is to insert the status: 'Undone' configured in DB, but my factory will generate a fake status, so I will always have to send Undone status to my factory, which is not the point of using a DB default.
How am I supposed to manage this. Using factory to create and insert model is a good practice.
Using default in DB is also very practical, I believe they can be used both at the same time, but I don't see how should I do that.
Any idea ?
Your best bet is probably to default the status to undone then have a seperate state for done and any other status' that you may add.
$factory->define(\App\MissingData::class, function (Faker $faker) {
$operations = Operation::all()->pluck('id')->toArray();
$operationId = $faker->randomElement($operations);
$operation = Operation::find($operationId);
$meters = $operation->meters->pluck('id')->toArray();
return [
'operation_id' => $operationId,
'meter_id' => $faker->randomElement($meters),
'date_ini' => $faker->dateTimeThisYear,
'date_end' => $faker->dateTimeThisYear,
'status' => 'Undone',
$factory->state(\App\MissingData::class, 'done', fn() => ['status' => 'Done']);
Then when you want the status to be done you would use the state like this.
I have this nested relation im abit unsure how i assertJson the response within the phpunit test.
public function show(string $id)
$film = Film::with([
public function getFilmTest()
$film = factory(Film::class)->create();
$response = $this->json('GET', '/film/' . $film->id)
'id' => $film->id,
'description' => $film->description,
'account' => $film->account->toArray(),
'account.user' => $film->account->user->toArray(),
'account.user.location' => $film->account->user->location->toArray()
Obviously this isnt working because its returning every column for the user im a little unfamiliar with how you test nested relations with the code you need so im unsure with a toArray can anyone help out?
Testing is a place where you throw DRY (don't repeat yourself) out and replace it with hard coded solutions. Why? simply, you want the test to always produce the same results and not be bound up on model logic, clever methods or similar. Read this amazing article.
Simply hard code the structure you expect to see. If you changed anything in your model to array approach, the test would still pass even thou your name was not in the response. Because you use the same approach for transformation as testing. I have tested a lot of Laravel apps by now and this is the approach i prefers.
$account = $film->account;
$user = $account->user;
$location = $user->location;
'description' => $film->description,
'account' => [
'name' => $account->name,
'user' => [
'name' => $user->name,
'location' => [
'city' => $location->city,
Don't test id's the database will handle those and is kinda redundant to test. If you want to check these things i would rather go with assertJsonStructure(), which does not assert the data but checks the JSON keys are properly set. I think it is fair to include both, just always check the JSON structure first as it would likely be the easiest to pass.
'account' => [
'user' => [
'location' => [
I got a problem, i have to admit i don't find any solution.
I'm actually developping some testing for functionnalities and Factories are blocking me.
First I'm trying to add with factories an Entity called "Tasklist" which contains one or many "sections" which contains one or many "actions".
I have a 3 level deep relationship.
Here are my factories:
$factory->define(\App\V2\Models\Tasklist::class, function (\Faker\Generator $faker) {
return [
'id_course' => \App\V2\Models\Program::all()->random(1)->id,
'id_event' => \App\V2\Models\Stage::all()->random(1)->id,
'id_course_rounds' => \App\V2\Models\ProgramRound::all()->random(1)->id,
'name' => $faker->word,
'display_name' => $faker->word,
'color' => 0,
'key' => str_random(16),
'auto_active' => 1,
'status' => 1,
$factory->define(\App\V2\Models\TasklistSection::class, function (\Faker\Generator $faker) {
return [
'id_tasklist' => function(){
return factory(\App\V2\Models\Tasklist::class)->create()->id;
'number' => 1,
'title' => $faker->word,
'text' => $faker->text(100),
'status' => 1
$factory->define(\App\V2\Models\TasklistAction::class, function(\Faker\Generator $faker) {
return [
'id_tasklists_section' => factory(\App\V2\Models\TasklistSection::class)->create()->id,
'number' => rand(1, 10),
'title' => $faker->word,
'percent' => $faker->numberBetween(0, 100),
'status' => 1
In my testing class, i'm trying to generate a tasklist with 1 section with one action. The only way i found actually was something like that:
$task = factory(Tasklist::class, 2)->create()
To this code, if I delete the second each, it works, i got 2 tasklists with each 1 sections. In fact, the each is disturbing me.
I would like to create only one tasklist, with one or several sections with one or several actions on it.
But the each only accept Collection input the save method accepts only model input and not collection.
Does somebody have an idea how to deal with that ?
One approach can be this:
create task with sections and store them in the variable and then loop through each task section and add actions to it like this:
$tasklist = factory(App\Tasklist::class)->create();
$tasklist->sections()->saveMany(factory(App\TasklistSection::class, 3)->make());
foreach ($tasklist->sections as $section){
$section->actions()->saveMany(factory(App\TasklistAction::class, 3)->make());
this will work as expected.
I'm trying to seed using factories in Laravel 5.2
My code dies in the User factory:
$factory->define(App\User::class, function (Faker\Generator $faker) {
$countries = Countries::all()->pluck('id')->toArray();
return [
'name' => $faker->name,
'email' => $faker->email,
'password' => bcrypt(str_random(10)),
'grade_id' => $faker->numberBetween(1, 5),
'country_id' => $faker->randomElement($countries),
'city' => $faker->city,
'latitude' => $faker->latitude,
'longitude' => $faker->longitude,
'role_id' => $faker->numberBetween(1, 3),
'verified' => true,
'remember_token' => str_random(10),
'provider' => '',
'provider_id' => str_random(5)
Giving me this error:
A four digit year could not be found Data missing
I found the cause, but don't know how to fix it.
When I call the factory, I call it like that:
If I call it like that:
I get no more error.
But I really need to seed different kind of users...
Any idea???
have you tried using key value array in the create method:
factory(User::class)->create(['role_id' => 2]);
I might be late to the party, I was having the same problem and it turns out its because I provided a key without a value in the array returned.
get rid of 'provider' => ''.
As to the cause of the problem i really don't know but it has something to do with Carbon
I had the same issue when using mass assignment and it turned I had forgotten to wrap my array of inputs in the request helper function
That is I had
Model::create([form inputs]);
Instead of
Model::create(request([form inputs]);
Just incase someone comes across it.
I recently encounter the same problem, lately I found out that the only problem is I put an invalid value to the timestamp column type.
In my case I have column email_verified_at [timestamp]. I miss understood I put a string like company#example.com instead of date values, it should be now().