mysql: wp database update - php

So, I have a following js and php:
var names = jQuery('#name').val();
data : {'action':'AJAX' , name:names },
The #name values are "mike,sean,steve"
global $wpdb;
$names = $_POST['name'];
$table = $wpdb->prefix . 'my_name';
$RSS_UPDATE = $wpdb->get_col("SELECT update_number FROM $table WHERE id_name IN ($names)");
//update_number are int (example: 0,3,1,2)
$name = explode(',', $names);
if ( $RSS_UPDATE ){
foreach ( $RSS_UPDATE as $RSS_SINGLE ){
$wpdb->update($table, array('update_number' => $RSS_ROW_NEW),array( 'id_name' => $name));
So, few things:
what I am trying to achieve:
With the input values, get corresponding update_number. Then increase each value by "1" and update the same column with the new value.
Unknown column 'Array' in 'where clause' for query SELECT update_number FROM wp_my_name WHERE id_name IN (Array)
Just in general, something is not right...
Can someone help me out?
Thank you.
Does this look right?
if(!empty($_POST['name'])) {
$names = $_POST['name']; //array
$table = $wpdb->prefix . 'rh_subs';
$query = "SELECT update_number FROM $table WHERE id_name = %s";
$RSS_UPDATE = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare($query, $names));
if(!empty($RSS_UPDATE)) {
foreach($RSS_UPDATE as $RSS_SINGLE) { // for each row
$RSS_ROW_NEW = $RSS_SINGLE->update_number + 1;
$wpdb->update($table, array('update_number' => $RSS_ROW_NEW),array('id_name' => $RSS_SINGLE->id_name));

Just what I've said in the comments in your earlier post, since you're taking multiple inputs, you'll need to use the WHERE IN clause.
The simple example would be like this:
$_POST['name']; // these are comma delimited string of names
// "mike,sean,steve"
So in essence, you'll need to construct them inside a WHERE IN clause like this:
WHERE id_name IN ('mike', 'sean', 'steve')
The unsafe and dirtiest way would be to just explode - put quotations on the strings - implode it back together with comma again:
$names = array_map(function($e){
return "'$e'";
}, explode(',', $test));
$names = implode(',', $names);
// 'mike','sean','steve' // SATISFIES WHERE IN CLAUSE
So in order to do this safely, use the wpdb prepared statements. (This could get you started).
if(!empty($_POST['name'])) {
$names = explode(',', $_POST['name']); // explode the comma delimited string into an array
$table = $wpdb->prefix . 'my_name';
$stringPlaceholders = implode(', ', array_fill(0, count($names), '%s')); // create placeholders for the query statement, this will generate
$statement = $wpdb->prepare("SELECT update_number, id_name FROM $table WHERE id_name IN ($stringPlaceholders)", $names); // create the statement using those placeholders
$RSS_UPDATE = $wpdb->get_results($statement); // execute
// fetch resuls
if(!empty($RSS_UPDATE)) {
foreach($RSS_UPDATE as $RSS_SINGLE) { // for each row
$RSS_ROW_NEW = $RSS_SINGLE->update_number + 1;
$wpdb->update($table, array('update_number' => $RSS_ROW_NEW),array('id_name' => $RSS_SINGLE->id_name));
Note: Of course you can get creative yourself. I think you could combine the UPDATE and WHERE IN clause so that you'll just execute all of this once.

First of all, It seems that $_POST['name'] returns an array.
You can view what exactly you are getting in $_POST['name'] by:
var_dump($_POST['name'], true);
Also For the id_name, if they are like these "mike,sean,steve" then you should do this for adding quotes for strings and the escaping issue so that they can be like this "'mike','sean','steve'" as you are using a WHERE IN clause:
$names = $_POST['name'];
if(!is_array($names)) $names = explode(",",$names);
$new_names = array();
foreach($names as $name){
$name = get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? stripslashes($name) : $name;
$new_names[] = "'".mysql_real_escape_string($name)."'";
$names = implode(",", $new_names);


Combine two if conditions

Im a new and just learning php. I have a data table with search boxes with this code.
$condition = '';
if(isset($_REQUEST['username']) and $_REQUEST['username']!="") {
$condition .= ' AND username LIKE "%'.$_REQUEST['username'].'%" ';
if(isset($_REQUEST['useremail']) and $_REQUEST['useremail']!=""){
$condition .= ' AND useremail LIKE "%'.$_REQUEST['useremail'].'%" ';
What I need is to search with both username AND useremail. I have attempted everything I know and spent a few hours searching for a solution but with no success.
You could write a complicated set of IF's with equals and not equals tests all over the place, but as the list of test gets bigger the IF's get almost impossible to maintain or understand. So it might be simpler to just build and array of things to AND in the query
$condition = '';
$and = []; #init the array
if(isset($_REQUEST['username']) and $_REQUEST['username']!="") {
$and[] = ['name' => 'username', 'value' => $_REQUEST['username'] ];
if(isset($_REQUEST['useremail']) and $_REQUEST['useremail']!=""){
$and[] = [''name' => 'useremail', 'value' => $_REQUEST['useremail'] ];
#now build the condition string
foreach ($and as $i => $andMe) {
if ( $i != 0 ){
// AND required here
$condition .= ' AND ';
$condition .= $andMe['name'] . ' = ' . $andMe['value'];
Also I have replaced the LIKE with an = as it seems more appropriate, I assume you dont ask people to enter something a bit like there user name and email, but in fact ask for the actual username or email
Of course that would still be susceptible to SQL Injection Attack So a better solution would be
#now build the condition string
foreach ($and as $i => $andMe) {
if ( $i != 0 ){
// AND required here
$condition .= ' AND ';
$condition .= $andMe['name'] . ' = ?';
And then prepare the query and use the value part to bind to the parameters.
Issue is you have leading AND in your query.
push condition to array then join conditions.
like that
$condition_array = [];
if(isset($_REQUEST['username']) and $_REQUEST['username']!="") {
$condition_array[] = 'username LIKE "%'.$_REQUEST['username'].'%" ';
if(isset($_REQUEST['useremail']) and $_REQUEST['useremail']!=""){
$condition_array[] = 'useremail LIKE "%'.$_REQUEST['useremail'].'%" ';
$condition = implode(" AND ",$condition_array);
You can create an array of all the keys that are to be searched. Then, create a new array and collect all conditions. Implode them in the end with AND as the glue. This way, query is made correctly without needing to add 100 different if conditions.
Use PDO objects to avoid SQL injection attacks. In the below snippet, if you ever need to add 1 more column for search, just add it in the below $keys array and rest works as usual without needing any further refactoring.
$keys = ['username', 'useremail'];
$conditions = [];
$placeholders = [];
foreach($keys as $key){
if(!empty($_REQUEST[ $key ])){
$conditions = " $key LIKE ?";
$placeholders[] = '%' . $_REQUEST[ $key ] . '%';
// you need to create $mysqli object here
if(count($conditions) === 0){
$stmt = $mysqli->prepare('select * from table');
// rest of your code
$stmt = $mysqli->prepare('select * from table where '. implode(" AND ", $conditions));
$stmt->bind_param(str_repeat('s', count($placeholders)), ...$placeholders);
// rest of your code

SQL Search query error in Laravel 5.3

I am trying to build a search query. I got following error, It seems syntax error of sql.
SQLSTATE[HY093]: Invalid parameter number (SQL: select * from products
where styles = Abstract , Abstract and subject = ? )
Why this error occurred ?
How to figure it out ?
My code as follows
if (isset($request->search)) {
$query_strings = $request->all();
$filtered_array = array_filter($request->all());
//remove the last item
$sql = array();
$values = array();
$x = 1;
foreach ( $filtered_array as $key =>$value ) {
if($x < count($filtered_array)){
$sql[]=" $key = ? and ";
$values[] =" $value , ";
} else {
$sql[]=" $key = ? ";
$values[] =" $value ";
$fields = join(' ', $sql);
$v = join(' ',$values);
dd( \DB::select("select * from products where {$fields} ", [$v]));
When you're passing some values, you should add ? placeholder:
\DB::select("select * from products where ?", [$value]));
This is a bit of a stretch and I doubt it will work as is on the first try. But I really suggest you try and make use of the Laravel's query builder.
This code assumes you're passing 'products' table column names as names of GET or POST parameters and values you want to query by as values. For example:
Where 'price' and 'size' are column names of 'products' table.
// Check if request has 'search' parameter
if($request->has('search')) {
// $filtered_array now has all parameters that were passed to the controller
$filtered_array = $request->all();
// Start a query on table 'products'. Laravel style (more:
$query = \DB::table('products');
// For each parameter passed to the controller, we make "and where products.$key = $value" statement in the query
foreach($filtered_array as $key => $value) {
$query->where($key, '=', $value);
// Tell the query builder to get the results and save it to $results variable
$results = $query->get();
This will undoubtedly cause a lot of errors as anyone can send anything as GET/POST parameters and query by that (which will throw SQL error that the column doesn't exist).
You should change the $filtered_array = $request->all() to:
$filtered_array = $request->only(['id', 'price', 'size']);
This way you will store only the parameters you specify in the ->only(array) in the $filtered_array and ignore all the others. So you should replace 'id', 'price' and 'size' with all the columns of the 'products' table you wish to query by.

Why I cant update rows with PDO using prepare function?

I have an SQL $query like this;
UPDATE `tags` SET `` = :name,
`tags.slug` = :slug,
`tags.date_published` = :date_published,
`tags.meta_title` = :meta_title,
`tags.meta_description` = :meta_description,
`tags.meta_keywords` = :meta_keywords
WHERE `` = :id
And my $values array;
[:name] => iphone
[:slug] => iphone
[:date_published] => 2016-03-27
[:meta_title] => iphone Yazıları
[:meta_description] => iphone hakkında son gelişmeler ve faydalı bilgiler.
[:meta_keywords] => iphone yazıları, iphone hakkında bilgiler, iphone haberleri
[:id] => 24
I'm trying to update one row with PDO's prepare function;
$sth = $this->db->prepare($query);
echo "affected rows: ".$sth->rowCount(); // prints 0
return $sth->rowCount() ? true : false;
And I get no errors but rows are not affected after execute the query. Where is my mistake?
mysql tags table
I'm creating values array like this;
$params = array(
"id", "name", "slug", "date_published",
"meta_title", "meta_description", "meta_keywords");
$values = array();
foreach ($params as $key) {
#$values[$key] = $_POST[$key];
And this is how I create the query;
$query = "UPDATE `$table` SET";
$values = array();
/* Add field names and placeholders to query. */
foreach ($params as $key => $value) {
$query .= " `{$table}.{$key}` = :" . $key . ",";
$values[":" . $key] = $value;
/* Remove last comma. */
$query = substr($query, 0, -1);
/* Build where condition. */
if ($cond) {
$query .= " WHERE ";
foreach ($cond as $key => $value) {
$query .= " `{$table}.{$key}` = :" . $key . ",";
$values[":" . $key] = $value;
/* Remove last comma. */
$query = substr($query, 0, -1);
You're escaping the column names incorrectly. For example, the back ticks should not enclose the whole of, but rather the table and column names separately:
Checking the output of PDO::errorInfo() confirms this (emulated prepares must be set to false in order to see this, however).
General notes:
You don't need to specify the colon prefix for the keys of the array being bound (likewise when explicitly binding columns via bindParam() or bindValue()).
You should avoid using back ticks in your PDO queries. They're a MySQL-specific feature, and PDO is not a SQL abstraction layer (thereby preventing one of the major benefits of PDO - portability).

Loop through an array to create an SQL Query

I have an array like the following:
If any of these have a value, I want to add it to an SQL query, if it doesnt, I ignore it.
Further, if one has a value it needs to be added as an AND and any subsequent ones need to be an OR (but there is no way of telling which is going to be the first to have a value!)
Ive used the following snippet to check on the first value and append the query as needed, but I dont want to copy-and-paste this 9 times; one for each of the items in the array.
$i = 0;
if (isset($_GET['tod_house'])){
if ($i == 0){
$query .= " AND ";
} else {
$query .= " OR ";
$query .= "tod_house = 1";
Is there a way to loop through the array changing the names so I only have to use this code once (please note that $_GET['tod_house'] on the first line and tod_house on the last line are not the same thing! - the first is the name of the checkbox that passes the value, and the second one is just a string to add to the query)
The answer is based heavily upon the accepted answer, but I will show exactly what worked in case anyone else stumbles across this question....
I didnt want the answer to be as suggested:
tod_bung = 1 AND (tod_barnc = 1 OR tod_small = 1)
rather I wanted it like:
AND (tod_bung = 1 OR tod_barnc = 1 OR tod_small = 1)
so it could be appended to an existing query. Therefore his answer has been altered to the following:
$qOR = array();
foreach ($list as $var) {
if (isset($_GET[$var])) {
$qOR[] = "$var = 1";
$qOR = implode(' OR ', $qOR);
$query .= " AND (" .$qOR . ")";
IE there is no need for two different arrays - just loop through as he suggests, if the value is set add it to the new qOR array, then implode with OR statements, surround with parenthesis, and append to the original query.
The only slight issue with this is that if only one item is set, the query looks like:
AND (tod_bung = 1)
There are parenthesis but no OR statements inside. Strictly speaking they arent needed, but im sure it wont alter the workings of it so no worries!!
$list = array('tod_house', 'tod_bung', 'tod_flat', 'tod_barnc', 'tod_farm', 'tod_small', 'tod_build', 'tod_devland', 'tod_farmland');
$qOR = array();
$qAND = array();
foreach ($list as $var) {
if (isset($_GET[$var])) {
if (!empty($qAND)) {
$qOR[] = "$var = 1";
} else {
$qAND[] = "$var = 1";
$values[] = $_GET[$var];
$qOR = implode(' OR ', $qOR);
if ($qOR != '') {
$qOR = '(' . $qOR . ')';
$qAND[] = $qOR;
$qAND = implode(' AND ', $qAND);
echo $qAND;
This will output something like tod_bung = 1 AND (tod_barnc = 1 OR tod_small = 1)
As the parameter passed to $_GET is a string, you should build an array of strings containing all the keys above, iterating it and passing the values like if (isset($_GET[$key])) { ...
You could then even take the key for appending to the SQL string.
Their are a lot of ways out their
$list = array('tod_house', 'tod_bung', 'tod_flat', 'tod_barnc', 'tod_farm', 'tod_small', 'tod_build', 'tod_devland', 'tod_farmland');
$query = "";
foreach ($_GET as $key=>$value){
$query .= (! $query) ? " AND ":" OR ";
if(in_array($key,$list) && $value){
$query .= $key." = '".$value."'";
Sure you have to take care about XSS and SQL injection
If the array elements are tested on the same column you should use IN (...) rather than :
AND ( ... OR ... OR ... )
If the values are 1 or 0 this should do it :
// If you need to get the values.
$values = $_GET;
$tod = array();
foreach($values as $key => $value) {
// if you only want the ones with a key like 'tod_'
// otherwise remove if statement
if(strpos($key, 'tod_') !== FALSE) {
$tod[$key] = $value;
// If you already have the values.
$tod = array(
'tod_house' => 1,
'tod_bung' => 0,
'tod_flat' => 1,
'tod_barnc' => 0
// remove all array elements with a value of 0.
if(($key = array_search(0, $tod)) !== FALSE) {
// discard values (only keep keys).
$tod = array_keys($tod);
// build query which returns : AND column IN ('tod_house','tod_flat')
$query = "AND column IN ('" . implode("','", $tod) . "')";

access multidimensional array

This is sort of a follow up to my last question. Im trying to access the data of a multidimensional array so as to insert into a database. Ive been looking all over the forums as well as trying different things on my own but cant find anything that works. Here is what the array looks like:
$_POST[] = array[stake](
'stakeholder1' => array(
'partner'=> 'partner',
'meet'=> 'meet'
'stakeholder2' => array(
'partner'=> 'partner',
'agreement'=> 'agreement',
'train'=> 'train',
'meet'=> 'meet'
I'm trying to do somthing like ( UPDATE list WHERE stakeholder = "stakeholder1" SET partner =1, meet =1 ) depending on which stakeholder/choices were selected (theres four different options). Thanks,
This one will set 1 for checked options, and 0 for unchecked options (otherwise you will miss some data updates).
$optionsList = array('partner', 'agreement', 'train', 'meet');
$stakeHolders = array('stakeholder1', 'stakeholder2', ...);
foreach($stakeHolders as $stakeHolder)
$selectedOptions = $_POST[$stakeHolder];
$arInsert = array();
foreach($optionsList as $option)
$arInsert[] = '`'.$option.'` = '.intval(isset($selectedOptions[$option]));
$sql = "UPDATE list
SET ".implode(", ", $arInsert)."
WHERE stakeholder = '".mysql_real_escape_string($stakeHolder)."'";
// TODO: execute $sql (mysql_query(), or PDO call,
// or any wrapper you use for DB)
$query = '';
foreach ($_POST as $k => $v) {
$query .= "UPDATE list WHERE stakeholder = '$k' SET " . implode(" = 1," $v) . ",";
$query = substr($query, 0, -2); //Get rid of the final comma
This should give you something like what you are looking for, if I understand your database schema correctly.
If you are using PDO, you could do something like:
foreach($_POST as $stakeholder => $data) {
$sth = $dbh->prepare('UPDATE `list` SET `' . implode('` = 1, `', array_keys($data)) . '` = 1 WHERE stakeholder = ?');
Be sure to sanitize the user input (keys of the data...).
foreach($main_array as $key => $sub_array) {
$sql = 'UPDATE list
WHERE stakeholder = "{$key}"
SET ';
$sets = array();
foreach($sub_array as $column_value)
$sets[] = $column_value." = 1";
$sql = $sql.implode(',', $sets);
