CC or forward is not possible to set on mailserver for authorisation mail sent by Joomla itself, but we'd like to store these e-mails.
Question is: how to set it in php of specific plugin? (plugin is sending these e-mails)
// send auth email to user who signed ...
if ($signature_verification = (int)$this->settings->get('security.signature_verification', 0)) {
// unpublished, visitor must verify it first
$this->db->set('published', 0);
$config = JFactory::getConfig();
$from = $config->get('mailfrom', '');
$fromname = $config->get('fromname', '');
$recipient = (string)$this->db->get('email', '');
When I replace last line wth: $recipient = (''), then I get that message, but i want one for visitor and copy for me.
Thanks for advice
OK, actually this piece of code initiates sending of that mail:
if (
) !== true
) {
throw new phpmailerException(JText::_('PLG_CONTENT_CDPETITIONS_EMAIL_SEND_FAILED'), 500);
When I make copy of that code, paste it below, and replace $recipient with my e-mail, it works: I have the same message delivered on both adresses. But I need it have it like CC (carbon copy) and have original recipient adress in header of mail, which is delivered to me.
Use the built in mailer methods for Joomla:
$msg = "This is my email message.";
$subject = "Database Update Email";
$to = (string)$this->db->get('email');
$config = JFactory::getConfig();
$fromemail = $config->get('mailfrom');
$fromname = $config->get('fromname');
$from = array($fromemail,$fromname);
$mailer = JFactory::getMailer();
This should use PHP to send an HTML email to whomever you want and copy other users on the email through either direct send, CC, or BCC depending on which method you use.
I'm trying to send emails with PHP. I would like to add some style with CSS (no matter if inline, internal or with external file).
I've tried PHPmailer, but it fails to recognize some elements (such as body), media queries (#media) and declarations (max-width, inline-block, etc...). I'm now trying to use SwiftMailer, but online documentation doesn't mention anything about styling.
Just for sake of clarity, here's the snippet I would like to use: JsFiddle
Any ideas to send PHP emails with working HTML/CSS?
You could use a CSS inliner tool like
to convert your 'normal' template (made like a normal HTML page) to an email-friendly template. This is needed because mail clients doesn't recognise separate elements.
I currently use a template based on the ones made available by Zurb,
It also depends on the receiver's email client. Not all clients accept all css. Use a litmus test of some sort to check with different e-mail clients which css you can use. Tables often work with email clients, a lot of them don't accept divs I believe.
I use PHPMailer to send emails with PHP, and it never fails to recognize these elements (for me anyway).
To use it, i create a fonction :
function sendMail($name, $from, $message, $to, $subject)
$mail = new PHPMailer();
$body = "<html><head></head><body style=\"background-color: #F2F1F0;\"><p>".$message."</p></body></html>";
$mail->SetFrom($from, $name);
$mail->AddReplyTo($from, $name);
// Only if you want to send an attachment, send a variable $object to the function
$mail->Subject = $subject;
$mail->AltBody = "To view the message, please use an HTML compatible email viewer!"; // optional, comment out and test
$mail->AddAddress($to, $name);
if(!$mail->Send()) {
$result = $mail->ErrorInfo;
$result = "Mail sent successfully";
return $result;
And an exemple to use it :
// Preparation of the message
$message = '<p class="img"><img src="" width="220px"></p>';
$message .= '<p class="txt">Hello Mr Dupond !</p>';
$message .= '<p class="txt">We are glad to have you among us</p>';
$message .= '<p class="txt">Se you soon on our Website !</p>';
$message = utf8_decode($message);
// variables needed
$name = "Mr Oktopuss";
$from = "";
$to = "contactAddress#domain.ext";
$subject = "The subject of this mail !";
// Send the mail and receive the result
$result = sendMail($name, $from, $message, $to, $subject);
echo $result;
Maybe that could be help you
I'm using Swift Mailer v3.3.2 to send emails from my app and I need to be able to change the text of the sender.
My code looks like this:
//Sending email
$swift = email::connect();
$email_message = new View('email/email_template');
$subject = "Subject here";
$from = "";
$email_message->content_email = new View('email/content/signup');
$email_message->content_email->user = $user;
$message = $email_message;
$recipients = new Swift_RecipientList;
// Build the HTML message
$message = new Swift_Message($subject, $message, "text/html");
if ($swift->send($message, $recipients, $from)) {
} else {
I want to be able to set the name text of the sender as 'Senders_Name Senders_Surname', even though the sender is still
Any clue on how to do that?
After line
$message = new Swift_Message($subject, $message, "text/html");
you should add
$message->setFrom(new Swift_Address($from , 'Senders_Name Senders_Surname'));
The whole working script below (I've just tested it in 3.3.2 version):
require ('lib/Swift.php');
require('lib/Swift/Connection/SMTP.php') ;
$smtp = new Swift_Connection_SMTP();
$swift = new Swift($smtp);
$subject = "Subject here";
$from = '';
$message = 'test message';
$recipients = new Swift_RecipientList;
// Build the HTML message
$message = new Swift_Message($subject, $message, "text/html");
$message->setFrom(new Swift_Address($from , 'Senders_Name Senders_Surname'));
if ($swift->send($message, $recipients, $from)) {
} else {
Below image how the sender is displayed in email client (Thunderbird for me) so it works fine. If you test it in your email client make sure you don't have account from set as one of your mail accounts. In that case email client shows for example "Me" or sth else. The best for test just fill in addTo with your email and smtp settings and leave from and other parts unchanged
I have a PHP script and I want to send messages via the bcc attribute. But this PHP script sends the message but does not send as bcc. The bcc addresses appear in the email message.
// Construct the email
$recipient = '';
$headers = array();
$headers['From'] = 'ME <>';
$headers['Subject'] = $subject;
$headers['Reply-To'] = '';
$headers['Bcc'] = ',';
$headers['Return-Path'] = '';
//$params['sendmail_args'] = ''; // this does not work
$body = 'message body';
// Define SMTP Parameters
$params = array();
$params['host'] = '';
$params['port'] = '25';
$params['auth'] = 'LOGIN';
$params['username'] = ''; // this needs to be a legitimate mail account on the server and not an alias
$params['password'] = 'abcdef';
// Create the mail object using the Mail::factory method
$mail_object =& Mail::factory('smtp', $params);
// Send the message
$mail_object->send($recipient, $headers, $body);
Here's something that I found: "If the Cc or Bcc lines appear in the message body, make sure you're separating header lines with a new line (\n) rather than a carriage return-new line (\r\n). That should come at the very end of the headers."
You might also want to try moving that header before or after others to see if it fixes things.
An even better solution would be to switch to phpMailer, which is supposedly a much, much better solution for sending mail through php.
I faced an issue in Joomla JUtility::sendMail function
The function arguments mentioned in the Joomla documentation is like this
The issue is i can't set the fromemail(Sender email).When i set the sender email and replay to email .The replay to email is showing in the mail is the one from joomla admin config email.
when i set the other email in replay to or sender email Its not taking correct one every time its using the email from joomla admin config.
I got one refference from google almost same but I tried this it not working.
I am using Joomla 1.7
I tried with
$your_email //can be array but here string one email
$your_name //name i will work fine
$user_email //admin email
$subject //subject
//last two argument is reply to and replay name Its showing inside mail but click on replay it will admin config email.
JUtility::sendMail($your_email, $your_name, $user_email, $subject, $fcontent,1,NULL,NULL,NULL,$your_email,$your_name);
Any help will appreciated..
Try like this
$mailer =& JFactory::getMailer();
//add the sender Information.
$sender = array(
//add the recipient.
$recipient = $user_email;
//add the subject
$mailer->setSubject('Your subject string');
//add body
$send =& $mailer->Send();
if ( $send !== true ) {
echo 'Error sending email: ' . $send->message;
} else {
echo 'Mail sent';
It's done.For more information see this link Sending email from extensions.
I thinks it may help you.
Based on the Joomla! documentation #, I'm trying to send emails with the code below:
function sendmail($file,$mailto)
$mailer =& JFactory::getMailer();
//var_dump($mailer); exit;
$config =&JFactory::getConfig();
$sender = array(
$config->getValue( 'config.mailfrom' ),
$config->getValue( 'config.fromname' )
$recipient = array($mailto);
$body = "Your body string\nin double quotes if you want to parse the \nnewlines etc";
$mailer->setSubject('Your subject string');
// Optional file attached
$send =&$mailer->Send();
if ( $send !== true ) {
echo 'Error sending email: ' . $send->message;
} else {
echo 'Mail sent';
($file is the full path of a file zip and $mailto is a my gmail.)
However, when I send mail, I receive the error:
Could not instantiate mail function.
Fatal error: Cannot access protected property JException::$message in /var/www/html/dai/components/com_servicemanager/views/i0602/view.html.php on line 142
What is causing this error?
Please save yourself some sanity and do not try to use Joomla's mailer implementation. Not only is it unreliable as you've experienced, it handles different charsets and HTML content poorly. Just include and use PHPMailer.
echo 'Error sending email: ' . $send->message;
echo 'Error sending email:'.$send->get('message');
then run your code again. The error that you get should tell us why it isn't instantiating.
In joomla send a mail with attachment file
$from="";//Please set Proper email id
$to ='';
// Set a you want send email to
$subject = "Download";
$message = "Thank you For Downloading";
$attachment = JPATH_BASE.'/media/demo.pdf';
// set a file path
$res = JFactory::getMailer()->sendMail($from, $fromname, $to,$subject, $message,$mode=1,$cc = null, $bcc = null, $attachment);
$errormsg = "Mail Successfully Send";
$errormsg ="Mail Not Send";
after you have check mail in your inbox or spam folder.
mail in spam folder because not proper set email id in from id.
After several years of Joomla development, I recommend using RSFORM PRO by RSJOOMLA to send mail for you after the visitor to your website fills out the form. It is much easier to manage than having to deal with the internal mail server.