How can i get user name and surname from facebook authentication. I do login with facebook and i want to do signup. I need Name, Surname and birthday from user. I read about this but cant find concrete information.
my controller is here:
public function oAuthSuccess($client) {
// get user data from client
$userAttributes = $client->getUserAttributes();
$user = User::find()->where(['Email' => $userAttributes['email']])->one();
if (!$user) {
$model = new \frontend\modules\settings\models\ProfileForm();
$model->Name = $userAttributes['name'];
$model->Email = $userAttributes['email'];
if ($model->saveFacebookClient()) {
return $this->redirect('index.php?r=content/news');
This is the API call:
Of course you need to authorize the user with the user_birthday permission. Information about the login process in general can be found in the docs:
I suggest using the JavaScript SDK for login, hereĀ“s one tutorial:
If you really want to login with PHP, here are more links:
After reading: I was able to retrieve the user details from the OAuth provider (Facebook) using Socialite:
But I couldn't find any further documentation on how to save the user in the database or log the user in.
I want to do the equivalent to:
Auth::attempt(['email' => $email, 'password' => $password])
But for the details retrieved via Socialite (I don't have a password)
Can you please show me an example on using "Auth" with user data retrieved via Socialite?
Add to "users" table new column: facebook_user_id. Every time when user tries to login through Facebook, Facebook will return the same user id.
public function handleProviderCallback($provider)
$socialize_user = Socialize::with($provider)->user();
$facebook_user_id = $socialize_user->getId(); // unique facebook user id
$user = User::where('facebook_user_id', $facebook_user_id)->first();
// register (if no user)
if (!$user) {
$user = new User;
$user->facebook_id = $facebook_user_id;
// login
return redirect('/');
How Laravel Socialite works?
public function redirectToProvider()
// 1. with this method you redirect user to facebook, twitter... to get permission to use user data
return Socialize::with('github')->redirect();
public function handleProviderCallback()
// 2. facebook, twitter... redirects user here, where you write code to log in user
$user = Socialize::with('github')->user();
I've been Googling for quite some time now for some ideas or a guide on how to integrate OAuth (v1.0 & v2.0) alongside the standard Laravel 4 Eloquent authentication driver.
Essentially, I'd like to be able for site visitors to create an account via their existing Google, Facebook, or Twitter accounts, or via the standard email/password authentication. Certain user information such as email, first and last names, and avatar are important for me to have stored in a unified users table.
So far the projects I've looked at seem to support only OAuth and do away with the standard method. These projects include: eloquent-oauth, and oauth-4-laravel.
At this point, I might just roll my own solution, but I'm hoping some of you guys might have better advice for me!
TL;DR: I'm stuck at trying to find a simple and secure way to allow OAuth and standard Eloquent user authentication in Laravel. Halp.
I think the easiest way would be to use this service provider that you mention "artdarek/oauth-4-laravel" and then store the values as usual and log them in.
* Login user with facebook
* #return void
public function loginWithFacebook() {
// get data from input
$code = Input::get( 'code' );
// get fb service
$fb = OAuth::consumer( 'Facebook' );
// check if code is valid
// if code is provided get user data and sign in
if ( !empty( $code ) ) {
// This was a callback request from facebook, get the token
$token = $fb->requestAccessToken( $code );
// Send a request with it
$result = json_decode( $fb->request( '/me' ), true );
// store new user or login if user exists
$validator = Validator::make($result, array(
if ($validator->passes()) {
# Save user in DB
$user = new User;
$user->username = $result['name'];
$user->email = $result['email'];
}else {
$user = User::findByUsernameOrFail($result['name']);
// if not ask for permission first
else {
// get fb authorization
$url = $fb->getAuthorizationUri();
// return to facebook login url
return Redirect::to( (string)$url );
I created an Android App that communicates with an API I set up using PHP and am going to attempt to rewrite the PHP stuff using Laravel. One of the big changes I want to make is to allow OAuth login into my app that is associated with a user account on my local servers and I am confused about the application flow involved to do this.
Should I do my OAuth authentication on my Android app before registering, then store some sort of credential along with user information when I call my API to create my local user account?
Also, when logging a user in using OAuth, how do I know that the person who is authenticated by the provider, say Facebook, Is associated with a local user account on my servers? Is there some sort of token I can store?
Thanks for any overview information you can provide.
I did the same (without OAuth provider from my site) with HybridAuth There is also a composer package at
I have two tables for that:
users with columns id, email, password (table with my normal users and user infos)
authentications with columns: id, user_id, provider, provider_uid (authentication table with the stuff for OAuth.)
The Code I have in my AuthController (for the route /login/social Route::controller('login','AuthController');)
class AuthController extends BaseController {
public function getSocial($action = '')
// check URL segment
if ($action == 'auth') {
// process authentication
try {
catch (Exception $e) {
// redirect back to http://URL/social/
return Redirect::to('login/social');
try {
// create a HybridAuth object
$socialAuth = new Hybrid_Auth(app_path() . '/config/hybridauth.php');
// authenticate with provider
if($action != ''){
// only allow facebook and google
$provider = $socialAuth->authenticate($action);
// catch this form_error in the login form
return Redirect::to('login')->withErrors(array('form_errors'=>'The url was invalid'));
return Redirect::to('login');
// fetch user profile
$userProfile = $provider->getUserProfile();
catch(Exception $e) {
// exception codes can be found on HybBridAuth's web site
return Redirect::to('login')->withErrors(array('form_errors'=>'Error on Login: #'.$e->getCode().': '.$e->getMessage()));
/*access user profile data
echo "Connected with: <b>{$provider->id}</b><br />";
echo "As: <b>{$userProfile->displayName}</b><br />";
echo "<pre>" . print_r( $userProfile, true ) . "</pre><br />";
//check if User exists
if($user_id = DB::table('authentications')->where('provider', $provider->id)->where('provider_uid',$userProfile->identifier)->pluck('user_id')){
//login user
//update user details (eg photo, name, etc)
//Here you can update the user details
return Redirect::to('dashboard');
//lets see if we already know this email -> connect it with the registered account
if($user = User::where('email',$userProfile->email)->first()){
$user->authentications()->save(new Authentication(array('provider'=>$provider->id, 'provider_uid'=>$userProfile->identifier)));
//here you can update the user details
return Redirect::to('dashboard')->with('user_social_linked',$provider->id);
//register user
$user = $this->createUser(array('email'=>$userProfile->email,'password'=>''));
$user->authentications()->save(new Authentication(array('provider'=>$provider->id, 'provider_uid'=>$userProfile->identifier)));
//here you can set/update the user details
return Redirect::to('dashboard')->with('user_created',true);
private function createUser($credentials)
$user = new User();
$user->email = $credentials['email'];
$user->password = $credentials['password'];
return $user;
The User model has also the following function
public function setPasswordAttribute($password){
//disable blank passwords => disables account login (eg login only with third party aka social providers)
if($password != ''){
$this->attributes['password'] = Hash::make($password);
$this->attributes['password'] = $password;
Now you can treat your own OAuth provider just as any other OAuth provider, eg by adding / configuring a hybridauth provider.
To your questions:
Should I do my OAuth authentication on my Android app before registering, then store some sort of credential along with user information when I call my API to create my local user account?
I would handle it the same as with any other OAuth provider: like in the example above one function to call (I only use login via the Laravel Auth, so I do not have the issues with expiring provider sessions and the user does not have to create another account).
Also, when logging a user in using OAuth, how do I know that the person who is authenticated by the provider, say Facebook, Is associated with a local user account on my servers? Is there some sort of token I can store?
This is done by the user_id column in the authentications table.
Hope that helps.
I am working in yii 1.1 and have an extension yii-facebook-opengraph wrapper of php sdk 3.1.1
$facebook_id = Yii::app()->facebook->getUser();
if ($facebook_id)
// check that you get a Facebook ID before calling api()
// now we know we have a Facebook Session,
$user_info = Yii::app()->facebook->api('/me'); // so it's safe to call api()
if ($user_info)
// ... code ...
the problem is when user login by facebook in one tab and logout from facebook in other tab then $facebook_id is still set. Why?
and when tried to access user info, got error "Requires user session ".
i have searched a lot and find something like
to get user session but this function is not available in yii-facebook-opengraph
Please suggest me any solution.
if ($facebook_id) {
$user_info = $fb->api('/me');
catch(FacebookApiException $e){
Where $fb is your instance of your $fb = new Facebook();
I have twitter username and password. What I want is, when a client adds any new article from the admin side I want its url be auto twit. I dont want to bother client to login to twitter each time he adds an article. Is there any way to auto login using Abraham twitteroauth library. Thankyou
Twitter requires first to Authorize a client app, then you'll able to auto-tweet on certain occasions (i.e. publishing new article). For a detailed depiction you may take a look at this Twitter module for Chyrp that I've created. It uses the Abraham's Twitter oAuth library. There's also a clear example inside the abraham's library archive that may clear this up a bit.
On the other hand, the CMS/Blog you're using for your client's site, should provide hooks (callbacks) in order to know when a post is being created, in order to call the Tweet method accordingly.
Example from the linked Twitter module for Chyrp:
1) Authorize with Twitter:
static function admin_chweet_auth($admin) {
if (!Visitor::current()->group->can("change_settings"))
show_403(__("Access Denied"), __("You do not have sufficient privileges to change settings."));
# If the oauth_token is old redirect
if (isset($_REQUEST['oauth_token']) && $_SESSION['oauth_token'] !== $_REQUEST['oauth_token'])
Flash::warning(__("Old token. Please refresh the page and try again."), "/admin/?action=chweet_settings");
# New TwitteroAuth object with app key/secret and token key/secret from SESSION
$tOAuth = new TwitterOAuth(C_KEY, C_SECRET, $_SESSION['oauth_token'], $_SESSION['oauth_token_secret']);
$access_token = $tOAuth->getAccessToken($_REQUEST['oauth_verifier']);
# Save access tokens locally for future tweeting.
$config = Config::current();
$config->set("chweet_oauth_token", $access_token["oauth_token"]);
$config->set("chweet_oauth_secret", $access_token["oauth_token_secret"]);
$config->set("chweet_user_id", $access_token["user_id"]);
$config->set("chweet_username", $access_token["screen_name"]);
if (200 == $tOAuth->http_code)
Flash::notice(__("Chweet was successfully Authorized to Twitter."), "/admin/?action=chweet_settings");
Flash::warning(__("Chweet couldn't be authorized."), "/admin/?action=chweet_settings");
2) add_post (trigger)
public function add_post($post) {
fallback($chweet, (int) !empty($_POST['chweet']));
array("name" => "tweeted",
"value" => $chweet,
"post_id" => $post->id));
if ($chweet and $post->status == "public")
3) Tweet-it method (truncated).
public function tweet_post($post) {
$tOAuth = new TwitterOAuth(C_KEY, C_SECRET, $config->chweet_oauth_token, $config->chweet_oauth_secret);
$user = $tOAuth->get("account/verify_credentials");
$response = $tOAuth->post("statuses/update", array("status" => $status));
return $response;