Does adding sleep() to a loop alleviate server resources? - php

I'm running a PHP loop that 'scans' a directory, every 60 seconds, until a file with a given name is found:
do {
if (file_exists("../path/file.txt)) {
//Do Stuff
$status = "File Found";
echo $status;
} else {
$status = "File Not Found";
} while ($status == "File Not Found");
In this example, would removing sleep() require more server resources?
Thank you,

In a nutshell, yes, but don't worry about it.
While sleep is executing, CPU processing of your script virtually stops. So yes, it will alleviate processing resources. (The script is still in memory, so those resources are still used, but that shouldn't be a problem on a modern machine.)
If your goal is to do this every 60 seconds, the best practice would be make your PHP a cron script, and run it at low priority.
Configure Cron for a low priority PHP script:
nano crontab -e
Add the following:
* * * * * /usr/bin/nice -n 12 php -q /path/file.php
And replace the /path/file.php with the full path to your PHP script.
Ensure your PHP script is ready
Edit your script's file permissions to allow execution.
chmod ug+rwx /path/file.php
(Again replacing /path/file.php with your actual PHP script's full path.)
Lastly, it's a good idea to make these the very first 2 lines in your PHP script, if you intend to run it this way:

Yep, every instruction run costs resources whether it be register space, memory, or disk IO.
In this case DO NOT REMOVE your sleep() -- polling constantly without rest is a great way to needlessly crush your resources.
In this case, until the file shows up you'll be looping like mad wasting processor cycles and possibly some disk IO on the conditional check file_exists("../path/file.txt).
By waiting a minute between loop that's tremendously less costly that constant as-fast-as-you-can conditional checks.


Check if a php file command is already running on cron

I have a cron job that executes every minutes. But I discovered thats it's running multiple times. I'm looking for a way to check if the process is still running then don't start a new one, or terminate the already running process before starting a new one.
If you want the php solution, the simple way is to create a lock file, each time script is executed , check if file exist then exit script, if not let script go to end. But i think it's better to use flock in cron instruction ;)
$filename = "myscript.lock";
$lifelimit = 120; // in Second lifetime to prevent errors
/* check lifetime of file if exist */
$lifetime = time() - filemtime($filename);
$lifetime = 0;
/* check if file exist or if file is too old */
if(!file_exists($filename) || $lifetime > $lifelimit){
if($lifetime > $lifelimit){
unlink($filename); //Suppress if exist and too old
$file=fopen($filename, "w+"); // Create lockfile
if($file == false){
die("file didn't create, check permissions");
/* Your process */
unlink($filename); //Suppress lock file after your process
exit(); // Process already in progress
Here can be lot of variants to test it. For example you can update DB when task is in progress and each run test this flag. Or you can open file and lock it. And when your script executed - test if you can lock this file. Or you can read process list and if there no your script - continue execution
So, main goal is - create somewhere flag, that will tell your script that it is already in progress. But what is better for your specific case - it is your choice.
After some researches found good variant to use system "flock" command to do same things. Might be useful:
* * * * * flock -n /some/lockfile command_to_run_every_minute
As of all the locking mechanisms (including flock and lock files) - please note that if something will go wrong, your cron job will never run automatically:
flock: if server crashes (and this happens sometimes) you'll have an everlasting lock (until manually removed) on the command.
lock file: if command fails with fatal error, your file won't be removed, so the cron job won't be able to start (sure, you can use error handlers, this anyways won't save you from failures due to memory limits or server reset).
So, I recon running system "ps aux" is the best solution. Sure, this works only on Linux-based systems (and MacOS).
This snipped could be good solution for the problem. Please note that "grep -v grep" is necessary to filter out the particular query in a shell_exec.
#!/usr/bin/php -f
$result = shell_exec("ps aux | grep -v grep | grep ". basename(__FILE__) );
echo strlen($result) ? "running" : "not running";
This code is handy when you need to define if this particular file run by cron job

Dont run a cron php task until last one has finished

I have a php-cli script that is run by cron every 5 minutes. Because this interval is short, multiple processes are run at the same time. That's not what I want, since this script has to write inside a text file a numeric id that is incremented each time. It happens that writers are writing at the same time on this text file, and the value written is incorrect.
I have tried to use php's flock function to block writing in the file, when another process is writing on it but it doesnt work.
$fw = fopen($path, 'r+');
if (flock($fw, LOCK_EX)) {
ftruncate($fw, 0);
fwrite($fw, $latestid);
flock($fw, LOCK_UN);
So I suppose that the solution to this is create a bash script that verifies if there is an instance of this php script that is running, if so it should wait until it finished. But I dont know how to do it, any ideas?
The solution I'm using with a bash script is this:
exec 9>/path/to/lock/file
if ! flock -n 9 ; then
echo "another instance is running";
exit 1
# this now runs under the lock until 9 is closed (it will be closed automatically when the script ends)
A file descriptor 9> is created in /var/lock/file, and flock will exit a new process that's trying to run, unless there is no other instance of the script that is running.
How can I ensure that only one instance of a script is running at a time (mutual exclusion)?
I don't really understand how incrementing a counter every 5 minutes will result in multiple processes trying to write the counter file at the same time, but...
A much simpler approach is to use a simple locking mechanism similar to the below:
$lock_filename = 'nobodyshouldincrementthecounterwhenthisfileishere';
if(file_exists($lock_filename)) {
// your stuff...
This as a simple approach will not deal with a situation when the script breaks before it could remove the lock file, in which case it would never run again until it is removed.
More sophisticated approaches are also possible as you suggest, e.g. fork the job in its own process, write the PID into a file, then before running the job it could be checked whether that PID is still running.
To prevent start of a next session of any program until the previous session still running, such as next cron job, I recommend to use either built into your program or external check of running process of this program. Just execute before starting of your program
ps -ef|grep <process_name>|grep -v grep|wc -l
and check, if its result will be 0. Only in this case your program could be started.
I suppose, that you must guarantee an absence of 3rd party process having similar name. (For this purpose give your program a longer and unique name). And a name of your program must not contain pattern "grep".
This work good in combination with normal regular starting of your program, that is configured in a cron table, by cron daemon.
For the case if your check is written as an external script, an entry in the crontab might look like
<time_specification> <your_starter_script> <your_program> ...
2 important remarks: Exit code of your_starter_script must be 0 in case of not starting of your program and it would be better to completely prohibit writing to stdout or stderr by this script.
Such starter is very short and a simple programming exercise. Therefore I don't feel a need to provide its complete code.
Instead of using cron to run your script every 5 minutes, how about using at to schedule your script to run again, 5 minutes after it finishes. Near the end of your script, you can use shell_exec() to run an at command to schedule your script to run again in 5 minutes, like so:
at now + 5 minutes /path/to/script
Or, perhaps even simpler than my previous answer (using at to schedule the script to run again in 5 minutes) is make your script a daemon, by using a non-terminating loop, like so:
while(1) {
// whatever your script does here....
sleep(300) //wait 5 minutes
Then, you can do away with scheduling by way of cron or at altogether. Just simply run your script in the background from the command line, like so:
/path/to/your/script &
Or, add /path/to/your/script in /etc/rc.local to make your script start automatically when the machine boots.

Slow cronjobs on Cent OS 5

I have 1 cronjob that runs every 60 minutes but for some reason, recently, it is running slow.
Env: centos5 + apache2 + mysql5.5 + php 5.3.3 / raid 10/10k HDD / 16gig ram / 4 xeon processor
Here's what the cronjob do:
parse the last 60 minutes data
a) 1 process parse user agent and save the data to the database
b) 1 process parse impressions/clicks on the website and save them to the database
from the data in step 1
a) build a small report and send emails to the administrator/bussiness
b) save the report into a daily table (available in the admin section)
I see now 8 processes (the same file) when I run the command ps auxf | grep process_stats_hourly.php (found this command in stackoverflow)
Technically I should only have 1 not 8.
Is there any tool in Cent OS or something I can do to make sure my cronjob will run every hour and not overlapping the next one?
Your hardware seems to be good enough to process this.
1) Check if you already have hanging processes. Using the ps auxf (see tcurvelo answer), check if you have one or more processes that takes too much resources. Maybe you don't have enough resources to run your cronjob.
2) Check your network connections:
If your databases and your cronjob are on a different server you should check whats the response time between these two machines. Maybe you have network issues that makes the cronjob wait for the network to send the package back.
You can use: Netcat, Iperf, mtr or ttcp
3) Server configuration
Is your server is configured correctly? Your OS, MySQL are setup correctly? I would recommend to read these articles:
4) Check your database:
Make sure your database has the correct indexes and make sure your queries are optimized. Read this article about the explain command
If a query with few hundreds thousands of record takes times to execute that will affect the rest of your cronjob, if you have a query inside a loop, even worse.
Read these articles:
5) Trace and optimized PHP code?
Make sure your PHP code runs as fast as possible.
Read these articles:
A good technique to validate your cronjob is to trace your cronjob script:
Based on your cronjob process, put some debug trace including how much memory, how much time it took to execute the last process. eg:
echo "\n-------------- DEBUG --------------\n";
echo "memory (start): " . memory_get_usage(TRUE) . "\n";
$startTime = microtime(TRUE);
// some process
$end = microtime(TRUE);
echo "\n-------------- DEBUG --------------\n";
echo "memory after some process: " . memory_get_usage(TRUE) . "\n";
echo "executed time: " . ($end-$start) . "\n";
By doing that you can easily find which process takes how much memory and how long it takes to execute it.
6) External servers/web service calls
Is your cronjob calls external servers or web service? if so, make sure these are loaded as fast as possible. If you request data from a third-party server and this server takes few seconds to return an answer that will affect the speed of your cronjob specially if these calls are in loops.
Try that and let me know what you find.
The ps's output also shows when the process have started (see column STARTED).
$ ps auxf
root 2 0.0 0.0 0 0 ? S 18:55 0:00 [ktrheadd]
Or you can customize the output:
$ ps axfo start,command
18:55 [ktrheadd]
Thus, you can be sure if they are overlapping.
You should use a lockfile mechanism within your process_stats_hourly.php script. Doesn't have to be anything overly complex, you could have php write the PID which started the process to a file like /var/mydir/process_stats_hourly.txt. So if it takes longer than an hour to process the stats and cron kicks off another instance of the process_stats_hourly.php script, it can check to see if the lockfile already exists, if it does it will not run.
However you are left with the problem of how to "re-queue" the hourly script if it did find the lock file and couldn't start.
You might use strace -p 1234 where 1234 is a relevant process id, on one of the processes which is running too long. Perhaps you'll understand why is it so slow, or even blocked.
Is there any tool in Cent OS or something I can do to make sure my cronjob will run every hour and not overlapping the next one?
Yes. CentOS' standard util-linux package provides a command-line convenience for filesystem locking. As Digital Precision suggested, a lockfile is an easy way to synchronize processes.
Try invoking your cronjob as follows:
flock -n /var/tmp/stats.lock process_stats_hourly.php || logger -p cron.err 'Unable to lock stats.lock'
You'll need to edit paths and adjust for $PATH as appropriate. That invocation will attempt to lock stats.lock, spawning your stats script if successful, otherwise giving up and logging the failure.
Alternatively your script could call PHP's flock() itself to achieve the same effect, but the flock(1) utility is already there for you.
How often is that logfile rotated?
A log-parsing job suddenly taking longer than usual sounds like the log isn't being rotated and is now too big for the parser to handle efficiently.
Try resetting the logfile and see if the job runs faster. If that solves the problem, I recommend logrotate as a means of preventing the problem in the future.
You could add a step to the cronjob to check the output of your above command:
ps auxf | grep process_stats_hourly.php
Keep looping until the command returns nothing, indicating that the process isn't running, then allow the remaining code to execute.

Stopping Parallel Execution of PHP Script

I am trying to stop my cron script from allowing it to run in parallel. I need it so that if there is no current execution of it, the script will be allowed to run until it is complete, the script timesout or an exception occurs.
I have been trying to use the PHP flock function to engage a file lock, run the script and then release the lock. However, it still looks like I am able to run the script multiple times in parallel. Am I missing something?
Btw, I am developing on Mac OS X with the Mac filesystem, maybe this is the reason the file locks are being ignored? Though the PHP documentation only looks about NTFS filesystems?
// Construct cron lock file path
$cronLockFilePath = realpath(APPLICATION_PATH . '/locks/cron');
// Get cron lock file
$cronLockFile = fopen($cronLockFilePath, 'r');
// Lock cron lock file
if (flock($cronLockFile, LOCK_EX)) {
echo 'lock';
} else {
echo 'no lock';
Your idea is basically correct, but tinkering with file locks generally leads to strange behaviour.
Just create a file on script start and delete it in the end. The presense of the file will indicate if the cron is already running. Make absolutely sure, that the file is deleted in the end, even if the cron runs into an error halfway through.
From documentation:
On some operating systems flock() is
implemented at the process level. When
using a multithreaded server API like
ISAPI you may not be able to rely on
flock() to protect files against other
PHP scripts running in parallel
threads of the same server instance!
You can try to create and delete file, or write something in to it.
I think what you could do is write a regular file somewhere (lock.txt or something) when script starts to execute, without any flocks, and remove it when the script stops running. And then always check upon initialization whether that file already exists - another instance running.

PHP loop acting as cronjob[ensure only one instance running]

I have a multi part question for a php script file. I am creating this file that updates the database every second. There is no other modeling method, it has to be done every second.
Now i am running CentOS and i am new to it. The first noob question is:
How do i run a php file via SSH. I read it is just # php path-to/myfile.php. But i tried to echo something, and i dont see it in the text.
Now i don't think that starting the file is going to be a problem. One problem i guess will be, i don't know if it is even possible, but here goes.
Is it possible for me to be hundred percent sure that the file is only run once. What happens if i by accident run the file again.
I was wondering further, if i implement a write to a log every second, i can know if everything is running ok. If there is an error or something wrong the log file will stop.
Is the writing to a log file with the fopen, and write and close. Isn't this going to take a lot of time, isn't there an easier method in CentOS.
Ok another big point i have is what happens when i run the file. Is the file run in the memory, or does it use the file in the system. Does it respond on changes made in the file, for example to stop the execution of the script.
Can i implement some kind of stop mechanism in the file itself. Or is there a command i can use to stop the file.
Another option i know of is implementing a cronjob that runs every minute. And this cronjob executes the php file. The php file will loop for one minute, updateting everything needed, and terminating. I implemented this method, but just used a browser. I just browsed to mu file, and opened it. I saw the browser was busy for a minute, but it didn't update anything in the database. Does anyone have an idea what the reason of this can be.
Another question i have is by implementing the cronjob method, what is the command i fill in the PLESK panel. Is it the same as the above command. just php and the file name. Or are there special command like -f -q -something.
Sorry for all the noob questions.
If someone can help me i really appreciate it.
The simplest way to ensure only one copy of your script is running is to use flock() to obtain a file lock. For example:
$fp = fopen("/tmp/lock.txt", "r+");
if (flock($fp, LOCK_EX)) { // do an exclusive lock
ftruncate($fp, 0); // truncate file
fwrite($fp, "Write something here\n");
flock($fp, LOCK_UN); // release the lock
} else {
echo "Couldn't get the lock!";
So basically you'd have a dummy file set up where your script, upon starting, tries to acquire a lock. If it succeeds, it runs. If not, it exits. That way only one copy of your script can be running at a time.
Note: flock() is what is called an advisory locking method, meaning it only works if you use it. So this will stop your own script from being run multiple times but won't do anything about any other scripts, which sounds fine in your situation.
You can't always rely on the lock within the script itself, as stated in the comment to previous answer. This might be a solution.
#Mins Hours Days Months Day of week
* * * * * lockfile -r 0 /tmp/the.lock; php parse_tweets.php; rm -f /tmp/the.lock
* * * * * lockfile -r 0 /tmp/the.lock; php php get_tweets.php; rm -f /tmp/the.lock
This way even if the scripts crashes, the lockfile will be released. Taken from here:
