PHP: how to process this data from database - php

I'm pretty new to programming so I'm sorry if this is very nooby.
In a dummy database I have a column called currencies. The column has this data:
Above data is the amount and its respective currency the user has paid.
What I want to do is to display a table with each currency and the total amount of sales for that country and also display it in table form.
So with the above data, I want the output below:
Currency | # Sales
Total: 8

Try this
$data = "36:USD,74:GBP,68:USD,119:USD,114:BGN,15:USD,32:GBP,1:BGN";
$data = explode(",", $data);
$result = array();
foreach ($data as $value) {
$d_array = explode(":", $value);
$result[$d_array[1]] +=1;
$result[$d_array[1]] = 1;
$total = count($data);
And the result
array (size=3)
'USD' => int 4
'GBP' => int 2
'BGN' => int 2
int 8

$data = "36:USD,74:GBP,68:USD,119:USD,114:BGN,15:USD,32:GBP,1:BGN";
$data = explode(",", $data);
$final_array = array();
foreach ($data as $value)
$new_array = explode(":", $value);
array_push($final_array, $new_array[1]);
$final_array = array_count_values($final_array);
Array ( [USD] => 4 [GBP] => 2 [BGN] => 2 )

Take a look at my example. I hope its fine for you.
$orders = array("36:USD","74:GBP","68:USD","119:USD","114:BGN","15:USD","32:GBP","1:BGN");
$totalData = array();
foreach($orders as $singleOrder) {
$explodedData = explode(':',$singleOrder);
if(!isset($totalData[$explodedData[1]])) {
$totalData[$explodedData[1]] = $explodedData[0];
} else {
$totalData[$explodedData[1]] += $explodedData[0];
array (size=3)
'USD' => int 238
'GBP' => int 106
'BGN' => int 115


Multidimensional Array Search by Multiple Keys given as Variable?

I have a multidimensional array which has keys and key has values or have another array with keys and values so I want to search by keys but in input like 230 is user input
and it will go to 3 then 4 then 1 if result is a value but not an array it must print the value like
input = 230 result should be = "3-4-1"
so I need to str_split the number and search it 1 by 1 if first number is array then look for second kinda
edit1 = I found the way to split the key
$keys = "021";
$keysSplit =str_split($keys, strlen($keys)/strlen($keys));
echo $keys[0];
//edit 1 ends
$arr = [0 => [0=>"1-1", 1 => "1-2" , 2=>"1-3", 3=>[0=>"1-4-1", 1 => "1-4-2" , 2=>"1-4-3"]],
1 => [0=>"2-1", 1 => "2-2" , 2=>"2-3"],
2 => [0=>"3-1", 1 => "3-2" , 2=>"3-3", 3=>[0 =>"3-4-1" , 1=> "3-4-2"]],
$keys = "021";
function searchByKey($array , $keys){
$result = [];
$keys = "021";
$keys =str_split($keys, strlen($keys)/strlen($keys));
$key1 = $keys[0];
$key2 = $keys [1];
$key3 = $keys [2];
foreach ($array as $key1 => $value){
if (is_array($value)){
$key1 = null;
$key1 = $key2;
$key2 = $key3;
return searchByKey($value , $key1);
else {
echo $result;
$arr = searchByKey($arr, $keys);
The function only works as key and value given and it will print every key and value on the key it asked first so its not the thing I wanted to do could anyone help and explain?
Answer given by #Anggara I made it in to function ;
$input = "11";
function searchByNumber($array, $input){
$result = $array;
for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($input); $i++) {
if (is_array($result)) {
$result = $result[$input[$i]];
} else {
$result = "Does not exists";
echo $result;
$arr = searchByNumber($arr, $input);
You can access char in string like accessing an array. For example:
$input = "230";
// $input[0] is "2"
// $input[1] is "3"
// $input[2] is "0"
So my approach is to loop for each character in input key, and look for corresponding value in $arr. Each iteration will set found array element into variable $result. If the searched key does not exist (ex: "021"), print error message.
$arr = [
0 => [
0 => "1-1",
1 => "1-2",
2 => "1-3",
3 => [
0 => "1-4-1",
1 => "1-4-2",
2 => "1-4-3"
1 => [
0 => "2-1",
1 => "2-2",
2 => "2-3"
2 => [
0 => "3-1",
1 => "3-2",
2 => "3-3",
3 => [
0 => "3-4-1",
1 => "3-4-2"
$input = "230";
$result = $arr;
for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($input); $i++) {
if (is_array($result)) {
$result = $result[$input[$i]];
} else {
$result = 'Can not traverse path';
echo $result;
After splitting the keys
$arr = $arr[$keys[$i]];
echo json_encode($arr);
echo $arr;
You need a loop, which will go through the keys one by one and assigning into the array.

Pointer of Array conditional sum qty

I have a question about how to make an iteration. I want to place a total row after each item in the array if the next element in the array matches a specific condition. Spesific conditions have logic like this
the data like this
if i request a qty for example = 60 the result i hope like this
you can see
data[2] = 01/03/2020 just took 10 out of 40
$iter = new \ArrayIterator($values);
$sum = 0;
foreach($values as $key => $value) {
$nextValue = $iter->current();
$nextKey = $iter->key();
if(condition) {
$sum += $value;
how to make this logic work on php language/ laravel?
Following logic might help you on your way:
$stock = [
'01/01/2020' => 20,
'01/02/2020' => 30,
'01/03/2020' => 40
showStatus($stock, 'in stock - before transaction');
$demand = 60;
foreach ($stock as $key => $value) {
if ($value <= $demand) {
$stock[$key] = 0;
$supplied[$key] = $value;
$demand -= $value;
} else {
$stock[$key] -= $demand;
$supplied[$key] = $value - ($value - $demand);
$demand = 0;
showStatus($supplied, 'supplied');
showStatus($stock, 'in stock - after transaction');
function showStatus($arr = [], $msg = '')
echo $msg;
echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';
in stock - before transaction
[01/01/2020] => 20
[01/02/2020] => 30
[01/03/2020] => 40
[01/01/2020] => 20
[01/02/2020] => 30
[01/03/2020] => 10
in stock - after transaction
[01/01/2020] => 0
[01/02/2020] => 0
[01/03/2020] => 30
Working demo
I'm not sure I've understood you correctly but this might help:
$values = [
'01/01/2020' => 20,
'01/02/2020' => 30,
'01/03/2020' => 40
$demand = 60;
$total = array_sum($values);
$decrease = $total - $demand; //(20+30+40) - 60 = 30
$last_key = array_keys($values,end($values))[0]; //Is 01/03/2020 in this case
$values[$last_key] -= $decrease; //Decrease value with 30 calulated above
Would output:
[01/01/2020] => 20
[01/02/2020] => 30
[01/03/2020] => 10

how to Merge two cell on one cell

i have tow row that have the same data but only one cell Different than other like this :-
Customer Name | No Room | Room Type
Maikle dived 2 single
Maikle dived 1 double
So i wont to merge the Customer on one cell like this :-
Customer Name | No Room | Room Type
2 single
Maikle dived
1 double
how can i do this by PHP and mysql
If you are trying to output it as HTML then do following:
//$source should hold the data from DB
$source = array(
array('Maikle dived' => array('No Room' => 2, 'Room Type' => 'single'),
array('Maikle dived' => array('No Room' => 1, 'Room Type' => 'double'),
$result = array();
foreach($source as $item) {
$user = key($item);
$val = current($item);
if(!isset($result[$user])) {
$result[$val] = array();
$result[$user][] = $val;
then you can loop through the $result to build html
foreach($result as $user => $vals) {
echo $user;
echo '<ul>';
foreach($vals as $val) {
echo '<li>'.$val.'</li>';
echo '</ul>';

How do you Change Array Index Keys to MySQL values

I need help working with arrays. I have an array of data from a MySQL query. After printing it in a for loop, I get the following array_flip:
Array (
[Duru 60] => 0
[Maxwell 50] => 1
[Fashanu 70] => 2
[Nwankwo 80] => 3
[Obi 0] => 4
The array value is a combination of 2 fields name and total score. What I want to achieve is an array like so:
Array (
[Duru 60] => 60
[Maxwell 50] => 50
[Fashanu 70] => 70
[Nwankwo 80] => 80
[Obi 0] => 0
What I want to achieve is to change the default array numeric keys (0,1,2,3,4) to total score obtained from the query.
Here is the code that gave the first array block:
PHP code begins
$dataA = array();
foreach($data as $key => $val){
$dataC = $val['lastname']." ".$val['total'];
$dataD = (array_flip($dataA));
$dataA = array();
foreach($data as $key => $val){
$dataK = $val['lastname']." ".$val['total'];
$dataV = $val['total'];
$dataA[$dataK] = $dataV;
Try this:
$dataA = array();
foreach($data as $key => $val){
$dataC = $val['lastname']." ".$val['total'];
$dataA[$dataC] = $val['total'];
Why can't you just do:
$newData = array();
foreach($data as $key => $val) {
$newData[$val['lastname'] . ' ' . $val['total']] = $val['total'];

Split Array by Value

I'm working on a leader board that pulls the top scorers into first, second, and third place based on points. Right now I'm working with a sorted array that looks like this (but could be of infinite length with infinite point values):
$scores = Array
["bob"] => 20
["Jane"] => 20
["Jill"] => 15
["John"] => 10
["Jacob"] => 5
I imagine I could use a simple slice or chunk, but I'd like to allow for ties, and ignore any points that don't fit into the top three places, like so:
$first = Array
["bob"] => 20
["Jane"] => 20
$second = Array
["Jill"] => 15
$third = Array
["John"] => 10
Any ideas?
$arr = array(
"Jacob" => 5,
"bob" => 20,
"Jane" => 20,
"Jill" => 15,
"John" => 10,
$output = array();
foreach($arr as $name=>$score)
$output[$score][$name] = $score;
if (count($output)>3)
$output = array_values($output);
$first will be in $output[0], $second in $output[1] and so on.. Code is limited to 3 first places.
ps: updated to deal with tie on the third place
I would do something like:
function chunk_top_n($scores, $limit)
$current_score = null;
$rank = array();
$n = 0;
foreach ($scores as $person => $score)
if ($current_score != $score)
if ($n++ == $limit) break;
$current_score = $score;
$rank[] = array();
$p = &$rank[$n - 1];
$p[$person] = $score;
return $rank;
It sorts the array, then creates numbered groups. It breaks as soon as the limit has been reached.
You can do it with less code if you use the score as the key of the array, but the benefit of the above approach is it creates the array exactly how you want it the first time through.
You could also pass $scores by reference if you don't mind the original getting sorted.
Here's my go at it:
function array_split_value($array)
$result = array();
$indexes = array();
foreach ($array as $key => $value)
if (!in_array($value, $indexes))
$indexes[] = $value;
$result[] = array($key => $value);
$index_search = array_search($value, $indexes);
$result[$index_search] = array_merge($result[$index_search], array($key => $value));
return $result;
$scores = Array(
'bob' => 20,
'Jane' => 20,
'Jill' => 15,
'John' => 10,
'Jacob' => 5
echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';
