Insert image path and data in MySQL database - php

I have two pages: displayhotels.php and addrooms.php. When I click on the add rooms link which is on the displayhotels.php page, it fetches the hotel name and displays it on the addrooms.php page. Now, I need to insert the hotel name and other variables in a table. For some reason, the image path and data are not storing in the db. However, the image is updating in the folder.
if (!isset($_FILES['image']['tmp_name'])) {
echo "";
$image= addslashes(file_get_contents($_FILES['image']
$image_name= addslashes($_FILES['image']['name']);
["tmp_name"],"rooms/" . $_FILES["image"]["name"]);
$image="rooms/" . $_FILES["image"]["name"];
$rnum = $_POST['rnum'];
$rtype = $_POST['rtype'];
$people = $_POST['people'];
$cond = $_POST['cond'];
$price = $_POST['price'];
$rooms = $_POST['rooms'];
$sql = "INSERT INTO `room`(`hotel_name`, `roomNum`,`roomType`,
`noOfPeople`, `conditions`, `price`, `rooms`, `image`) VALUES
('$name','$rnum', '$rtype', '$people', '$cond', '$price', '$rooms',

You are first making correct $image variable:
$image="rooms/" . $_FILES["image"]["name"];
But then you overwrite it with a wrong one:
$image = $_POST['image'];
So you need to remove this line and you'll do fine i guess.

Few debugging tips:
First of all add error_reporting() in your code.
Than check are you getting values from HTML form by using:
Also check are you using proper name attributes in input field?
Error in your code:
In your query you didn't defined the variable:
You missed hotel_name in your query.

Try debugging with a logger and using tail -f [log file name] from the terminal if using LAMP to step through the code. Are you sure $_POST['submit'] is set? How are you connecting to the db? This isn't shown in the code. Maybe the file I/O is working fine (the image updates in the folder) but you're not connecting to the db and the problem isn't the sql statement itself but the actual connection.
Also, look into using prepared statements to make your code more secure, and not directly accessing $_POST variables. See and for more information.


file not updating in sql in php

I am working in php I want browse and upload the image file
this is my php code
$link= mysql_connect('localhost','root','');
if(isset($_FILES['image']) && $_FILES['image']['size'] >0)
//Temporary file name stored on the server
$tmpname = $_FILES['image']['tmp_name'];
//read a file
$fp = fopen($tmpname,'r');
$query = ("UPDATE user_summary SET image='$data' where user_id=2");
$query .= "(image) VALUES ('$data)";
$results = mysql_query($query,$link);
echo "Working code";
echo mysql_error();
when i click on submit button my image should updated in my database but its not updating in database
any help?
The main problem at the moment is the line...
$query .= "(image) VALUES ('$data)";
This looks more like something that would be part of an INSERT statement. Commenting this out should mean the UPDATE should be correct.
Although as pointed out - you should work towards updating this to use either PDO or mysqli libraries and using prepared statements and bind variables.

error to upload to images with php

I am trying to upload two images with php. And add them to the database. Somehow it only uploads one image and the records in the database always have the same values.
this is the code i use
include "../connect.php";
$name1 = $_FILES['pic1']['name'];
$size1 = $_FILES['pic1']['size'];
$name2 = $_FILES['pic2']['name'];
$size3 = $_FILES['pic2']['size'];
$extension1 = pathinfo($name1,PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
$array = array('png','gif','jpeg','jpg');
if (!in_array($extension1,$array)){
echo "<div class='faild'>".$array[0]."-".$array[1]."-".$array[2]."-".$array[3]." --> (".$name.")</div>";
}else if ($size>10000000){
echo "<div class='faild'>Size</div>";
}else {
$new_image1 = time().'.'.$extension1;
$file1 = "images/upload";
$pic1 = "$file1/".$new_image1;
$insert = mysql_query("update temp set pic='$pic1' ") or die("error ins");
$extension2 = pathinfo($name2,PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
$array = array('png','gif','jpeg','jpg');
if (!in_array($extension2,$array)){
echo "<div class='faild'>".$array[0]."-".$array[1]."-".$array[2]."-".$array[3]." --> (".$name.")</div>";
}else if ($size>10000000){
echo "<div class='faild'>Size</div>";
}else {
$new_image2 = time().'.'.$extension2;
$file2 = "images/upload";
$pic2 = "$file2/".$new_image2;
$insert = mysql_query("update temp set passport='$pic2'") or die("error ins");
One of the problems you have is with your update statement. There is no 'where' statement saying which record in the database should be updated so this query updates them all. That's why you only have the last image in all the database rows.
Besides that, your code is not very good from a security point of view. You should take a look at mysqli or pdo for your database connection and queries because MySQL is deprecated and removed from PHP. Also take a look at SQL injections and data validation. Besides some very basic extension and size validation there is nothing there to keep things save. Try escaping and validating all user inputs.
And another point would be to take a look at 'functions'. You're running almost the exact same piece of code at least twice. And every code change has to be done twice. Perfect for a function call, something like
function storeImage($image){
// write the uploading and storing PHP here

Code won't insert into database

I have the following code that should collect the filled values from a former page and insert them in a MySQLi database. This does not work and I only get a blank page as a result, without any messages. I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong.
echo mysqli_connect_error();
$company_name = $_POST['company_name'];
$description = $_POST['description'];
$welcome_text = $_POST['welcome_text'];
$thanks_message = $_POST['thanks_message'];
$image = addslashes (file_get_contents($_FILES['image']['tmp_name']));
$logo = getimagesize($_FILES['image']['tmp_name']);
$image_type = $logo['mime'];
$q = "INSERT INTO project VALUES('','$company_name','$description','$image','$image_type','$welcome_text','$thanks_message')";
$r = mysqli_query($mysqli,$q);
echo "<h1>Projektet är skapat!</h1><br>
Tryck på knappen nedan för att ta dig till Dashboard.<br><br>
<a href='dashboardadmin.php'><button id='projectbutton'>Dashboard</button></a>";
echo mysqli_errno($mysqli) . ": " . mysqli_error($mysqli) . "\n";
Correct syntax of INSERT is:
INSERT INTO table_name (column1,column2,column3,...) VALUES (value1,value2,value3,...);
Please try entering column names before your values first. Also check your $_POST values, whether $_FILES['image'] is available and confirm your mysqli connection.
Is the first value (empty one) your primary key? If so, can you omit that bit in your code and try again? (Assuming pid is integer and auto incrementing value.)
INSERT INTO project (project_name, description, image, image_type, welcome_text, thanks_message) VALUES('$company_name','$description','$image','$image_type','$welcome_text',‌​'$thanks_message')
Somehow I don't think this would be Azure specific issue as per your comment.
Can you see any errors in logs etc? Also try echoing the query before you run it and check if you run it directly on your phpmyadmin etc to see if it'd work.
Please also try using echo mysqli_errno($mysqli) . ": " . mysqli_error($mysqli) . "\n";
at if($r){..} else { //here } to see if you get an error.
Latest Update:
$q = "INSERT INTO project (project_name, description, image, image_type, welcome_text, thanks_message) VALUES('".$company_name."','".$description."','".$image."','".$image_type."','".$welcome_text."','".$thanks_message."')";
Try this, because your primary key value is auto incremented.
$q = "INSERT INTO project VALUES('$company_name','$description','$image','$image_type','$welcome_text','$thanks_message')";

How to POST a newly defined variable into SQL - beginners PHP

The sql column avatar_link isn't updating:
A form submits data and directs to the script (partial) below. The SQL columns: name, comment, email and story_id all insert fine. The image saves to the server with no problem (I didn't include that part of the script to keep things brief). $templink is a newly created variable that should represent the URL of a image uploaded. I'm redefining the variable as $avatar_link and using POST.
$tempLink = "" . $_FILES["file"]["name"];
$page_path = $_POST['page_path'];
$name = $_POST['name'];
$comment = $_POST['comment'];
$email = $_POST['email'];
$storyid = $_POST['storyid'];
$avatar_link = $_POST['$tempLink'];
// Check connection
if (mysqli_connect_errno())
echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: " . mysqli_connect_error();
$sql = 'INSERT INTO comments (name, comment, email, storyid, avatar_link, entry_date)';
$sql .= 'VALUES("'.$name.'", "'.$comment.'", "'.$email.'", "'.$storyid.'", "'.$avatar_link.'", now())';
if (!mysqli_query($con,$sql))
die('Error: ' . mysqli_error($con));
I marked the title of this 'beginners PHP' because this question seems very basic (and I can't still figure it out)...if that is not appropriate let me know and I will remove.
$_POST variables come from a submitted form. If you are simply defining a variable and passing it into a statement for insertion into a database, you could eliminate a few steps here, and just do this:
$avatar_link = "" . $_FILES["file"]["name"];
Also, pay attention to #Marc B's comment here. You can learn about parameterizing mysqli statement all over the web, or here on Stack Overflow. What's really best, and what I'd recommend, is learning PDO.

SQL database not inserting data?

I am working on a program that takes HTML code made by a WYSIWYG editor and inserting it into a database, then redirecting the user to the completed page, which reads the code off the database. I can manually enter code in phpmyadmin and it works but in PHP code it will not overwrite the entry in the code column for the ID specified. I have provided the PHP code to help you help me. The PHP is not giving me any parse errors. What is incorrect with the following code?
//POST VARIABLES------------------------------------------------------------------------
//$rawcode = $_POST[ 'editor1' ];
//$code = mysqli_real_escape_string($rawcode);
$code = 'GOOD';
$id = "1";
echo "$code";
//SQL VARIABLES-------------------------------------------------------------------------
$database = mysqli_connect("localhost" , "root" , "password" , "database");
//INSERT QUERY DATA HERE----------------------------------------------------------------
$queryw = "INSERT INTO users (code) VALUES('$code') WHERE ID = '" . $id . "'";
mysqli_query($queryw, $database);
//REDIRECT TO LOGIN PAGE----------------------------------------------------------------
echo "<script type='text/javascript'>\n";
echo "window.location = '" . $id . "/default.htm';\n";
echo "</script>";
Your problem is that mysql INSERT does not support WHERE. Change the query to:
INSERT INTO users (code) VALUES ('$code')
Then to update a record, use
UPDATE users SET code = '$code' WHERE id = $id
Of course, properly prepare the statements.
Additionally, mysqli_query requires the first parameter to be the connection and second to be the string. You have it reversed. See here:
It should also be noted that this kind of procedure should be run before the output to the browser. If so, you can just use PHP's header to relocate instead of this js workaround. However, this method will still work as you want. It is just likely to be considered cleaner if queries and relocation is done at the beginning of the script.
