I have this file format of txt file generated from schematic software:
I need to get this:
[0] => Array
[0] => NETR5_2
[1] => R6,1
[2] => R5,2
[1] => Array
[0] => NETR1_2
[1] => R4,2
[2] => R3,1
[3] => R3,2
[4] => R2,1
[5] => R2,2
[6] => R1,1
[7] => R1,2
Here is code i try but i get all from input string:
$file = file('tangoLista.txt');
/* GET - num of lines */
$f = fopen('tangoLista.txt', 'rb');
$lines = 0;
while (!feof($f)) {
$lines += substr_count(fread($f, 8192), "\n");
for ($i=0;$i<=$lines;$i++) {
/* RESISTORS - check */
if (strpos($file[$i-1], '(') !== false && strpos($file[$i], 'NETR') !== false) {
/* GET - id */
for($k=0;$k<=10;$k++) {
if (strpos($file[$i+$k], ')') !== false || empty($file[$i+$k])) {
} else {
$json .= $k.' => '.$file[$i+$k];
$resistors_netlist[] = array($json);
echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';
I need to read between ( and ) and put into array values...i try using checking if line begins with ( and NETR and if yes put into array...but i don't know how to get number if items between ( and ) to get foreach loop to read values and put into array.
Where i im making mistake? Can code be shorter?
Try this approach:
$f = fopen('test.txt', 'rb');
$resistors_netlist = array();
$current_index = 0;
while (!feof($f)) {
$line = trim(fgets($f));
if (empty($line)) {
if (strpos($line, '(') !== false) {
$resistors_netlist[$current_index] = array();
if (strpos($line, ')') !== false) {
array_push($resistors_netlist[$current_index], $line);
This gives me:
[0] => Array
[0] => NETR5_2
[1] => R6,1
[2] => R5,2
[1] => Array
[0] => NETR1_2
[1] => R4,2
[2] => R3,1
[3] => R3,2
[4] => R2,1
[5] => R2,2
[6] => R1,1
[7] => R1,2
We start $current_index at 0. When we see a (, we create a new sub-array at $resistors_netlist[$current_index]. When we see a ), we increment $current_index by 1. For any other line, we just append it to the end of $resistors_netlist[$current_index].
Try this, using preg_match_all:
$text = '(
$chunks = explode(")(", preg_replace('/\)\W+\(/m', ')(', $text));
$result = array();
$pattern = '{([A-z0-9,]+)}';
foreach ($chunks as $row) {
preg_match_all($pattern, $row, $matches);
$result[] = $matches[1];
3v4l.org demo
I'm not the king of regex, so you can find a better way.
The main problem are parenthesis: I don't know what are between closing and next open parenthesis ( )????( ), so first I replace every space, tab, cr or ln between, then I explode the string by )(.
I perform a foreach loop for every element of resulted array, matching every occurrence of A-z0-9, and add array of retrieved values to an empty array that, at end of foreach, will contain desired result.
Please note:
The main pattern is based on provided example: if the values contains other characters then A-z 0-9 , the regex fails.
Replaced preliminar regex pattern with `/\)\W+\(/m`
I am using PHP 7.3.5 and I have the following set of array values:
$valueArr = ['-4.2%', '51.0', '90K', '0.5%', '0.74|2.6', '-1.2B', '779B', '215K', '92.2%', '42.8B', '1.49T', '1690B', '-10.8B', '0.38|3.9', '102.4', '1.00%', '0.07|1.3'];
Basically I want for each of these values the number and the "type", so if it is a percentage then I would like to get -4.2 and percentage.
I tried to create a minimum example (however the below code is no real good example ;( ), but I am stuck at the data structure level as some array keys have two inputs, such as '0.74|2.6':
$valueArr = ['-4.2%', '51.0', '90K', '0.5%', '0.74|2.6', '-1.2B', '779B', '215K', '92.2%', '42.8B', '1.49T', '1690B', '-10.8B', '0.38|3.9', '102.4', '1.00%', '0.07|1.3'];
$resArr = array();
$structureArr = array(
'value1' => "",
'number1' => "",
'value2' => "",
'number2' => ""
foreach ($valueArr as $key => $v) {
if (1 === preg_match('/%/', $valueArr[$key])) {
preg_match('!\d+\.*\d*!', $valueArr[$key], $structureArr['number1']);
$structureArr['value1'] = 'percentage';
if (1 === preg_match('|', $valueArr[$key])) {
$str = explode("|", $valueArr[$key]);
$value1 = 'number';
$number1 = $str[0];
$value2 = 'number';
$number2 = $str[1];
if (1 === preg_match('', $valueArr[$key])) {
array_push($resArr, $structureArr);
Wanted Result
[0] => Array
[0] => -4.2
[1] => 'percentage'
[1] => Array
[0] => 51.0
[1] => 'number'
[2] => Array
[0] => 90000
[1] => number
[3] => Array
[0] => 0.5
[1] => percentage
[4] => Array
[0] => 0.74
[1] => number
[2] => 2.6
[3] => number
I would highly appreciate your input on how to structure this array input.
Appreciate your replies!
If you join the array on a space and replace pipes | with a space, then you have a list of numbers and their symbol (if any) separated by a space. Then just match your numbers and whatever symbol comes after it. Then you just match the number index with the symbol index. I used an array to map the symbol to the word and number if none:
$string = str_replace('|', ' ', implode(' ', $valueArr));
preg_match_all('/([\d.-]+)([^\s]*)/', $string, $matches);
$types = ['%'=>'percent','K'=>'thousand','M'=>'million','B'=>'billion','T'=>'trillion'];
foreach($matches[1] as $k => $v) {
$t = $types[$matches[2][$k]] ?? 'number';
$result[] = [$v, $t];
This yields an array like this, with each number that was joined by a pipe with it's own element:
[0] => Array
[0] => -4.2
[1] => percent
[1] => Array
[0] => 51.0
[1] => number
[2] => Array
[0] => 90
[1] => thousand
If you need a floating point number then just change:
$result[] = [(float)$v, $t];
This expands on my comment. Not sure if it's the most optimal solution or not.
Rough outline...
Create array mapping suffix to multiplier. Loop through source array. explode on |. Loop through result. If last character is %, strip it, value=value and type=percentage, else, strip last char, use it as array index (if it is an available index), value=value*multiplier and type=number.
$resArr = array();
$multipliers = array("K" => 1000, "M" => 1000000, "B" => 1000000000, "T" => 1000000000000);
$valueArr = ['-4.2%', '51.0', '90K', '0.5%', '0.74|2.6', '-1.2B', '779B', '215K', '92.2%', '42.8B', '1.49T', '1690B', '-10.8B', '0.38|3.9', '102.4', '1.00%', '0.07|1.3'];
foreach($valueArr as $index => $value)
$parts = explode("|", $value);
$resArr[$index] = array();
foreach($parts as $part)
$lastChar = substr($part, -1);
if($lastChar == "%")
$resArr[$index][] = substr($part, 0, -1);
$resArr[$index][] = "percentage";
else if(in_array($lastChar, array_keys($multipliers)))
$multiple = $multipliers[$lastChar];
$resArr[$index][] = (substr($part, 0, -1))*$multiple;
$resArr[$index][] = "number";
$resArr[$index][] = $part;
$resArr[$index][] = "number";
I have a giant list in excel, they are just two columns
name type
The file is currently being read:
$lines = array_map('str_getcsv', file('file.csv', FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES));
print_r($lines); returns:
Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => name1;type1) [1] => Array ( [0] => name2;type2)...
I would like to access separate name and type in an foreach
How can I do this?
str_getcsv default delimiter is ',' so you need call it somehow with explicitly specifying ';' as delimeter
for example like this
$myGetCsv = function ($str) {
return str_getcsv($str, ';');
$lines = array_map($myGetCsv, file('file.csv', FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES));
Use this code for CSV file reading. it ease to use and understand how its work.
if (($handle = fopen('./suppression_invalid_emails.csv', "r")) !== false) {
//getting column name
$column_headers = fgetcsv($handle);
foreach ($column_headers as $header) {
//column as array;
$result[$header] = array();
// get data for column;
while (($data = fgetcsv($handle)) !== false) {
$i = 0;
foreach ($result as &$column) {
$column[] = $data[$i++];
echo '<pre>'; print_r($result); echo '</pre>';
i use two basic function for this 1st one is fopen for reading file and other is fgetcsv for getting data for column.
and result is:
[reason] => Array
[0] => Mail domain mentioned in email address is unknown
[1] => Known bad domain
[2] => Known bad domain
[email] => Array
[0] => muneque#collegeclub.om
[1] => saharfa2000#hatmail.com
[2] => tawheeda81#yahoo.co
[created] => Array
[0] => 1502644294
[1] => 1502480171
[2] => 1502344320
Hi I have been doing this project for almost a month now. Is there's anyway I can store the value of the next string after the searched string in the list of array?
For example:
Deviceid.txt content is:
Created:21/07/2016 1:50:53; Lat:30.037853; Lng:31.113798; Altitude:79; Speed:0; Course:338; Type:Gps;
Created:21/07/2016 1:49:53; Lat:30.037863; Lng:31.113733; Altitude:60; Speed:0; Course:338; Type:Gps;
Here is my sample php coding
$file_handle = fopen("data/deviceid.txt", "r");
while (!feof($file_handle)) {
$line = fgets($file_handle);
$searchword = 'Lat';
$matches = array_filter($a, function($var) use ($searchword) {
return preg_match("/\b$searchword\b/i", $var);
Matches Data:
[0] = 30.037853
[1] = 30.037863
After parsing the file with the code below, you can use array_column (php v5.5.0+) to get all values from a specific key, like so:
array_column($parsed, 'Lat');
[0] => 30.037853
[1] => 30.037863
See it in action here.
And here is the code to parse the content of the file:
// $a = each line of the file, just like you're doing
$a = array_filter($a); // remove empty lines
$parsed = array();
foreach($a as $v1){
$a1 = explode(';', $v1);
$tmp = array();
foreach($a1 as $v2){
$t2 = explode(':', $v2);
if(count($t2) > 1){
$tmp[trim(array_shift($t2))] = trim( implode(':', $t2) );
$parsed[] = $tmp;
This is the structure of $parsed:
[0] => Array
[Created] => 21/07/2016 1:50:53
[Lat] => 30.037853
[Lng] => 31.113798
[Altitude] => 79
[Speed] => 0
[Course] => 338
[Type] => Gps
[1] => Array
[Created] => 21/07/2016 1:49:53
[Lat] => 30.037863
[Lng] => 31.113733
[Altitude] => 60
[Speed] => 0
[Course] => 338
[Type] => Gps
See the code in action here.
I wrote a quick regex that can help you pull the field names and values from each line.
You may try with this:
$re = "/((?P<fieldname>[^\\:]*)\\:(?P<fieldvalue>[^\\;]*); *)/";
$str = "Created:21/07/2016 1:50:53; Lat:30.037853; Lng:31.113798; Altitude:79; Speed:0; Course:338; Type:Gps;";
preg_match_all($re, $str, $matches);
Do a print_r of $matches to inspect the results.
Hope this helps.
After your array_filter, iterate through your matches and apply a more specific regex to each line:
$lats = array();
foreach ($matches as $line)
$match = array();
preg_match("/\b$searchword:([\d\.]+);/i", $var, $match);
$lats[] = $match[1];
The variable $match will be populated with the full regex match at index 0, and the parenthesized match at index 1.
I have a text file countries.txt with a list of all countries:
1. Australia
2. Austria
3. Belgium
4. US
I want to create an array in country_handler.php like this:
$countries = array(
How to do that?
Better you can use this in a function like below - then just called this function from any where
function getCountryList()
return array(
$data = file_get_contents('countries.txt');
$countries = explode(PHP_EOL, $data);
$file = file('countries.txt');
$countries = array();
foreach ($file as $line) {
#list ($index, $country) = explode('.', $line);
$countries[trim($index)] = trim($country);
$lines = file('countries.txt');
$newArr = array();
foreach ($lines as $line) {
$erg = preg_split('/\.\s+/', $line);
$newArr[$erg[0]] = $erg[1];
Luckily (sometimes) regex doesn't include newlines in the ., so you can do this:
$contents = file_get_contents('countries.txt');
preg_match_all('#(\d+)\.\s+(.+)#', $contents, $matches);
The regex means:
(\d+) -- a number (save this)
\. -- a literal dot
\s+ -- white space
(.+) -- any character except \n or \r (end-of-line) (save this)
Which results in:
[0] => Array
[0] => 1. Australia
[1] => 2. Austria
[2] => 3. Belgium
[3] => 4. US
[1] => Array
[0] => 1
[1] => 2
[2] => 3
[3] => 4
[2] => Array
[0] => Australia
[1] => Austria
[2] => Belgium
[3] => US
and I'm sure from [1] and [2] you can make the keyed array you need.
array_combine to the easy rescue:
$countries = array_combine($matches[1], $matches[2]);
Try this:
$data = file_get_contents('countries.txt');
$countries = explode(PHP_EOL,$data);
$cnt = 1;
foreach($countries as $val) {
if($val <>"") {
$res[$cnt] = strstr(trim($val), ' ');
I am fetching some data from the db and then push them to an array. I need to find the count of some strings and print out the result (count) in an efficient way:
[0] => q1-1,q2-2,q3-2,q4-1,q5-2,q6-3,q7-1,q8-4,
[1] => q1-1,q2-2,q3-1,q4-3,q5-3,q6-3,q7-2,q8-1,
[2] => q1-1,q2-1,q3-1,q4-1,q5-1,q6-2,q7-2,q8-2,
[3] => q1-3,q2-1,q3-1,q4-1,q5-2,q6-3,q7-1,q8-1,
[4] => q1-2,q2-2,q3-3,q4-1,q5-3,q6-3,q7-1,q8-1,
[5] => q1-1,q2-2,q3-3,q4-1,q5-2,q6-3,q7-1,q8-1,
[6] => q1-3,q2-1,q3-1,q4-3,q5-2,q6-3,q7-2,q8-4,
[7] => q1-2,q2-2,q3-3,q4-1,q5-2,q6-5,q7-1,q8-1,
[8] => q1-1,q2-1,q3-2,q4-3,q5-3,q6-5,q7-1,q8-1,
[9] => q1-2,q2-1,q3-1,q4-1,q5-3,q6-3,q7-1,q8-1,
[10] => q1-3,q2-2,q3-3,q4-3,q5-4,q6-3,q7-1,q8-1,
Sample data is above.
I need to know how many occurences of q1-1, q1-2 ... q8-4 is in the array and print out readable version. Ex. The are 23: q1-1, 412: q1-2 and so on.
I was going to create an array of each string that needs to be searched that iterate through the array. For every result increment the resultVariable for that string but I'm not sure if that's the best way.
Pretty simple, loop on your array, create sub arrays, and create a counter array:
$counts = array () ;
foreach ( $your_array as $row ) {
$sub = explode(',', $row);
foreach ( $sub as $subval ) {
if ( array_key_exists ( $subval, $counts ) ) {
$counts[$subval] ++ ;
} else {
$counts[$subval] = 1 ;
Here is $counts:
Array (
'q1-1' => 23,
'q1-2' => 9,
// and so on....
$arr = array(...); //your array
$count = array();
foreach($arr as $v) {
$substr = explode(',', $v);
foreach($substr as $m) {
if(strstr($v, $m) !== FALSE)
Printing the counts,
foreach($count as $k => $v)
echo "Count for '$k': ". $v;