Symfony 2.7 access image outside web directory - php

I read a lot of article about the problem but it seems that there has to be no answer yet to this.
So my project directory is like :
+ uploads_dir
+ symfony_proj
- app
- bin
- src
- vendor
- web
I want to get the image inside the uploads_dir for me to use in my view page
I created twig extension that fetches the roor directory.. but it seems not to read if I put "root_dir"."../../uploads_dir".
Any suggestions ?
Here is the my twig extension part of it:
* #var container
protected $container;
public function __construct(ContainerInterface $container){
$this->container = $container;
public function bannerFilter($filename)
$file = $this->container->getParameter('kernel.root_dir').'../../uploads_dir'.$filename;

I would make the getting of a resource go through a function, this also enables your to do any kind of other checks (like is user logged in, etc).
Create a controller action that processes the request, and then in your twig you can just use a normal path() function.
Some sample code;
upload_destination: '%kernel.root_dir%/../../uploads_dir'
Sample function;
public function getFileAction($file_name)
$base_path = $this->container->getParameter('upload_destination');
$full_path = $base_path . '/' . $file_name;
$fs = new FileSystem();
if (!$fs->exists($full_path)) {
throw $this->createNotFoundException();
$file_name = basename($full_path);
$mime_type = $this->getMimeType($full_path);
$file = readfile($full_path);
$headers = array(
'Content-Type' => $mime_type,
'Content-Disposition' => 'inline; filename="'.$file_name.'"');
return new Response($file, 200, $headers);
protected function getMimeType($file)
if ('jpg' === substr($file, -3)) {
$best_guess = 'jpeg';
} else {
$guesser = MimeTypeGuesser::getInstance();
$best_guess = $guesser->guess($file);
return $best_guess;
In your twig;
<img src="{{ path('whatever_you_called_your_route', {'file_name': 'my_file.jpg'}) }}" />

I got passed this by using /uploads_dir/.
I hopes this helps.


How to force clear cache for dynamic url in Fat-free Framework?

How do i clear the cache of my patterned url (dynamic url)?
Like, /assets/js/#jsname.js...
I don't want to wait until the cache expired, i want to it, immediately after i updated things on my database.
They said that to clear the database, you need to specify the key for it. And i don't know what should i enter for the key :(
Here's my code:
\F3::route("GET #virtualasset: /assets/img/#link/#size.#id.#type", "Control\\Imager->akses", 3600 * 24 * 7); // cache seminggu :3
HTTP responses are cached using the following key: hash(VERB URI).url.
So if you want to refresh assets/js/foo.js, you'll have to do:
$hash=$f3->hash('GET /assets/js/foo.js');
But that's a bit of a hack since this key is not documented and may change in the future.
Also you need to remember that the route $ttl parameter not only triggers server cache but also client cache. Which means that you need to implement a cache buster to refresh the client cache. Something like assets/js/foo.js?v=3.
You may consider implementing cache directly in your controller class. That would give you more flexibility.
I use this route:
GET|HEAD /assets/#folder/#type/v-#version/* = controllers\Assets->send, 3600
My controller:
namespace controllers;
class Assets {
private $paths;
private $types = ['css', 'js', 'i', 'fonts', 'files', 'icons'];
private $dontminify = ['i', 'fonts', 'files', 'icons'];
public function __construct() {
$this->fw = \Base::instance();
$this->paths['app'] = '../app/views/site_tpl/assets/';
$this->paths['core'] = '../core/views/default/assets/';
public function send() {
if (in_array($this->fw->get('PARAMS.folder'), array_keys($this->paths))
&& in_array($this->fw->get('PARAMS.type'), $this->types))
$folder = $this->paths[$this->fw->get('PARAMS.folder')];
$type = $this->fw->get('PARAMS.type');
if (in_array($type, $this->dontminify)) {
$file = $folder . $type . '/' . $this->fw->pop('PARAMS');
if (\Web::instance()->send($file)) {
return true;
} else {
$this->fw->set('UI', $folder . $type . '/');
$file = $this->fw->pop('PARAMS');
if (file_exists($this->fw->get('UI') . $file)) {
if (!$this->fw->exists('GET.dontminify')) {
echo \Web::instance()->minify($file);
return true;
} elseif (\Web::instance()->send($this->fw->get('UI') . $file)) {
return true;
So, when I want to update version of file, I write somethong like this:
<script src="/assets/app/js/v-20160205/main.js"></script>

manually creating an Symfony UploadedFile

I'm facing following problem and can't seem to figure this one out.
I wrote an API endpoint accepting a POST with binary data (header: content-type:image/jpeg).
I know i can read out the raw string with file_get_content('php://input') or Laravel's $request->getContent().
PHP also has a function createimagefromstring($string) which also seems to read the string in correctly.
What i'd like to do is create an UploadedFile from this raw data , so that I can handle it with already written functions.
Is this possible?
Thank you in advance
I think I found it... Still curious if there are improvements that can be made..
$imgRaw = imagecreatefromstring( $request->getContent() );
if ($imgRaw !== false) {
imagejpeg($imgRaw, storage_path().'/tmp/tmp.jpg',100);
$file = new UploadedFile( storage_path().'/tmp/tmp.jpg', 'tmp.jpg', 'image/jpeg',null,null,true);
// DO STUFF WITH THE UploadedFile
You can try to use base64 encoding. Symfony have some nice stuff for this.
Your code will be smthng like this:
$base64Content = $request->request->get('base64Content'); // this is your post data
$yourFile = new UploadedBase64EncodedFile(new Base64EncodedFile($base64Content)); // this is an instance of UploadedFile
Hope it helps!
As per Laravel 8
Just follow the constructor:
* #param string $path The full temporary path to the file
* #param string $originalName The original file name of the uploaded file
* #param string|null $mimeType The type of the file as provided by PHP; null defaults to application/octet-stream
* #param int|null $error The error constant of the upload (one of PHP's UPLOAD_ERR_XXX constants); null defaults to UPLOAD_ERR_OK
* #param bool $test Whether the test mode is active
$file = new UploadedFile(
There is no need to manually create it, Symfony parses received $_FILES array for you. Http Request object has a FileBag property called $files with a get() method which returns an UploadedFile instance.
/** #var UploadedFile $file */
$file = $request->files->get('user-pictures-upload')[0];
$cmd = new UploadPictureCmd($file, $this->getUser()->getId());
Here is the example of generating images files using fzaninotto/faker in Symfony 4 Fixtures
class FileFixtures extends Fixture
private $faker;
private $parameterBag;
public function __construct(ParameterBagInterface $parameterBag)
$this->faker = Factory::create();
$this->parameterBag = $parameterBag;
public function load(ObjectManager $manager)
$tempFixturesPath = $this->parameterBag->get('kernel.project_dir') . '/tmp';
if (!file_exists($tempFixturesPath)) {
$fileName = $this->faker->image($tempFixturesPath, 640, 480, 'cats', false, true);
$file = new UploadedFile($tempFixturesPath . '/' . $fileName, $fileName, 'image/jpeg', null, null, true);
//do something with $file
If it counts for anything, this is how I did it in Laravel 5.4. In my case, I wanted to be able to easily resize an image and be able to do something like this.
request()->file('image')->resize(250, 250)->store('path/to/storage');
This is what I did to the UploadedFile class.
Illuminate\Http\UploadedFile.php ~this file ships with the Laravel framework
public function resize($w, $h) {
$image = Intervention::make($this)->fit($w, $h)->save($this->getPathname());
$filesize = filesize($this->getPathname());
return new static(
Using Intervention, I resized the image that is stored in the /tmp/ folder when files are uploaded and then I saved it in the same place. Now all I do after that is create an instance of UploadedFile so that I can keep using Laravel's methods on request()->file('image'). Hope this helps.

Manipulate Symfony 2 UploadFile object in a unit test

I'm working on a Symfony2 project.
I created a simple TempFile class to manipulate an UploadFile. Here is my constructor :
public function __construct(UploadedFile $file, $destination, $suffix)
$this->file = $file;
$this->destination = $destination;
$this->fileId = sprintf('%s_%s', uniqid(), (string) $suffix);
And my move method
public function move()
$extension = $this->file->guessExtension();
if (!$extension) {
throw new \Exception(__METHOD__ . ' -> Unable to detect extension');
$this->tmpFileName = sprintf('%s.%s', $this->fileId, $extension);
$this->file->move($this->destination, $this->tmpFileName);
I try to create an UploadFile object in my test and here is what I did :
protected function setUp()
$this->file = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'upload');
imagepng(imagecreatetruecolor(10, 10), $this->file);
$this->uploadedFile = new UploadedFile($this->file, "test.png");
public function testMoveWithAValidUploadedFile()
$tempFile = new TempFile($this->uploadedFile, '/tmp', 'tmp');
// Future assertion
I have the following error :
Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\File\Exception\FileException: The file "test.png" was not uploaded due to an unknown error
Any ideas ?
From memory, Symfony2 checks if a file was uploaded as part of the request using is_uploaded_file(). This can be overridden using the test mode of the UploadedFile class. You can also define which PHP upload error code constitutes success.
copy(__DIR__ . '/Fixtures/test.pdf', '/tmp/test.pdf');
new UploadedFile(
true /* test */

Laravel: load images stored outside 'public' folder

I'm trying to display an image stored outside the 'public' folder in my view. These are simple profile images whose paths are stored in the DB. The path looks like
/Users/myuser/Documents/Sites/myapp/app/storage/tenants/user2/images/52d645738fb9d-128-Profile (Color) copy.jpg
Since the image is stored a DB column for each user, my first thought was to create an Accessor in the User model to return the image. I tried:
public function getProfileImage()
return readfile($this->profile_image);
return null;
That produced unreadable characters in the view. I also tried file_get_contents() in place of read file. Any suggestions about how this might be accomplished?
How about this (just tested it myself and it works):
The view:
<img src="/images/theImage.png">
Route::get('images/{image}', function($image = null)
$path = storage_path().'/imageFolder/' . $image;
if (file_exists($path)) {
return Response::download($path);
Here is a slightly modified version of #Mattias answer. Assume the file is in the storage/app/avatars folder which is outside the web root.
<img src="/avatars/3">
Route::get('/avatars/{userId}', function($image = null)
$path = storage_path().'/app/avatars/' . $image.'.jpg';
if (file_exists($path)) {
return response()->file($path);
Probably needs and else. Also I have wrapped mine inside the middleware auth Route Group which means you have to be logged in to see (my requirements) but I could do with more control over when it is made visible, perhaps alter the middleware.
Forgot to mention that this is for Laravel 5.3.
Here's what I came up with:
I'm trying to show the images in the view, not download. Here's what I came up with:
Note that these images are stored above the public folder, which is why we have to take extra steps to display the image in the view.
The view
{{ HTML::image($user->getProfileImage(), '', array('height' => '50px')) }}
The model
* Get profile image
* #return string
public function getProfileImage()
if(!empty($this->profile_image) && File::exists($this->profile_image))
$subdomain = subdomain();
// Get the filename from the full path
$filename = basename($this->profile_image);
return 'images/image.php?id='.$subdomain.'&imageid='.$filename;
return 'images/missing.png';
$tenantId = $_GET["id"];
$imageId = $_GET["imageid"];
$path = __DIR__.'/../../app/storage/tenants/' . $tenantId . '/images/profile/' . $imageId;
// Prepare content headers
$finfo = finfo_open(FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE);
$mime = finfo_file($finfo, $path);
$length = filesize($path);
header ("content-type: $mime");
header ("content-length: $length");
// #TODO: Cache images generated from this php file
If somebody has a better way, please enlighten us!! I'm very interested.

where to save custom autoloaders in zend?

I am trying to use phpThumb in my application by making a custom autoloader.
class My_Loader_Autoloader_PhpThumb implements Zend_Loader_Autoloader_Interface {
static protected $php_thumb_classes = array(
'PhpThumb' => '',
'ThumbBase' => '',
'PhpThumbFactory' => '',
'GdThumb' => '',
'GdReflectionLib' => 'thumb_plugins/',
* Autoload a class
* #param string $class
* #return mixed
* False [if unable to load $class]
* get_class($class) [if $class is successfully loaded]
public function autoload($class) {
$file = APPLICATION_PATH . '/../library/PhpThumb/' . self::$php_thumb_classes[$class];
if (is_file($file)) {
return $class;
return false;
i saved this file as PhpThumb.php in the loaders/Autoloader folder. Then added this line to the bootstrap file:
Zend_Loader_Autoloader::getInstance()->pushAutoloader(new My_Loader_Autoloader_PhpThumb());
But it produces an error saying the class was not found. I am guessing that the 'CustomLoader_PhpThumb.php' needs to be saved somewhere else. Any idea guys ?
Bootstrap.php file contents
class Bootstrap extends Zend_Application_Bootstrap_Bootstrap
protected function _initAutoload()
$resourceLoader=new Zend_Loader_Autoloader_Resource(array(
//return $autoLoader;
$resourceLoader->addResourceType('loader', 'loaders/', 'My_Loader_');
$autoLoader->pushAutoloader(new My_Loader_Autoloader_PhpThumb());
I'm also using PhpThumb and the same autoloader. In my case however it is called My_Loader_Autoloader_PhpThumb and is located in APPLICATION_PATH . '/loaders/Autoloader/PhpThumb.php.
In my Bootstrap.php, first I load the loaders path to the Zend_Loader_Autoloader and then I push the My_Loader_Autoloader_PhpThumb autoloader as follows:
$autoLoader = Zend_Loader_Autoloader::getInstance();
$resourceLoader = new Zend_Loader_Autoloader_Resource(array(
'namespace' => '',
$resourceLoader->addResourceType('loader', 'loaders/', 'My_Loader_');
$autoLoader->pushAutoloader(new My_Loader_Autoloader_PhpThumb());
Hope this will help.
PhpThumb.php should be saved to library/CustomLoader folder, and you should setup autoloader for this class also, for example in application.ini:
autoloaderNamespaces[] = "CustomLoader_"
or in Bootstrap.php:
I couldn't try, I hope it works!
I did it in another way, long more easy, without any autoloader, just using "My".
1.- Create a phpThumbFolder with all the files of the library into project/library/My/PhpThumb
2.- Create a file named PhpThumbFactory.php into that folder with the following content:
class My_PhpThumb_PhpThumbFactory
public static function create ($filename = null, $options = array(), $isDataStream = false)
return PhpThumbFactory::create($filename, $options, $isDataStream);
3.- Enjoy:
public function editimageAction()
//rutaImg is the physical path to my images defined in application.ini
$rutaImg = Zend_Registry::get('config')->rutaImg. "test.jpg";
//Call to our "gateway" class
$thumb = My_PhpThumb_PhpThumbFactory::create($rutaImg);
$thumb->adaptiveResize(20, 20);
I hope it can help anyone ;)
P.D. The "gateway" class is to avoid modifying any code of the library, so any possible update is easy.
