Trying to sent packages from my webhost to a game server, using this code. However it always results in Unable to open socket: Connection timed out (110) ad I can't figure out why it times out. When I try this on my localhost, it works perfectly but when on webhost, it just times out. I've tried to set the timeout to something else but it didn't help.
class RCon {
var $Password;
var $Host;
var $Port = 27015;
var $_Sock = null;
var $_Id = 0;
function RCon ($Host,$Port,$Password) {
$this->Password = $Password;
$this->Host = $Host;
$this->Port = $Port;
$this->_Sock = #fsockopen($this->Host,$this->Port, $errno, $errstr, 30) or
die("Unable to open socket: $errstr ($errno)\n");
function Auth () {
$PackID = $this->_Write(SERVERDATA_AUTH,$this->Password);
// Real response (id: -1 = failure)
$ret = $this->_PacketRead();
if ($ret[1]['id'] == -1) {
die("Authentication Failure\n");
function _Set_Timeout(&$res,$s,$m=0) {
if (version_compare(phpversion(),'4.3.0','<')) {
return socket_set_timeout($res,$s,$m);
return stream_set_timeout($res,$s,$m);
function _Write($cmd, $s1='', $s2='') {
// Get and increment the packet id
$id = ++$this->_Id;
// Put our packet together
$data = pack("VV",$id,$cmd).$s1.chr(0).$s2.chr(0);
// Prefix the packet size
$data = pack("V",strlen($data)).$data;
// Send packet
// In case we want it later we'll return the packet id
return $id;
function _PacketRead() {
//Declare the return array
$retarray = array();
//Fetch the packet size
while ($size = #fread($this->_Sock,4)) {
$size = unpack('V1Size',$size);
//Work around valve breaking the protocol
if ($size["Size"] > 4096) {
//pad with 8 nulls
$packet = "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00".fread($this->_Sock,4096);
} else {
//Read the packet back
$packet = fread($this->_Sock,$size["Size"]);
return $retarray;
function Read() {
$Packets = $this->_PacketRead();
foreach($Packets as $pack) {
if (isset($ret[$pack['ID']])) {
$ret[$pack['ID']]['S1'] .= $pack['S1'];
$ret[$pack['ID']]['S2'] .= $pack['S1'];
} else {
$ret[$pack['ID']] = array(
'Response' => $pack['Response'],
'S1' => $pack['S1'],
'S2' => $pack['S2'],
return $ret;
function sendCommand($Command) {
$Command = '"'.trim(str_replace(' ','" "', $Command)).'"';
function rconCommand($Command) {
$ret = $this->Read();
//ATM: Source servers don't return the request id, but if they fix this the code below should read as
// return $ret[$this->_Id]['S1'];
return $ret[0]['S1'];
If I specify udp connection in fsockopen it does not timeout, however if I try tcp, it times out. Most likely caused by the host, but I have no idea where to go from this.
I want to check if a quake3 game server is online or offline. If offline then echo 'Server is offline' if online then echo 'Server is online'.
I'm using this library:
As you see in the library there's already an isOnline function I think that's for server is online or no?! but I don't know how to output that.
Calling the game server data's:
include 'test/GameServerQuery.php';
$data = GameServerQuery::queryQuake3('', 28960);
echo 'Hostname: ' . $data['sv_hostname'] . '<br />';
echo 'Players online: ' . $data['sv_maxclients'] . '<br />'; /// How can I count online players / maxclients? ex.: 0/20
echo 'Punkbuster: ' . $data['sv_punkbuster'] . '<br />';
Here is relevant code from the library (in case the link should die or change):
public static function isOnline ($host, $port, $type)
if ($type == 'minecraft') { // No need for the full ping
return #fclose (#fsockopen ( $host , $port , $err , $errstr , 2 ));
if (method_exists('GameServerQuery', 'query'.$type)) {
return self::{'query'.$type}($host , $port);
return #fclose (#fsockopen ( $host , $port , $err , $errstr , 2 ));
public static function queryQuake3($host, $port)
$reponse = self::ping($host, $port, "\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFFgetstatus\x00");
if ($reponse === false || substr($reponse, 0, 5) !== "\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFFs") {
return false;
$reponse = substr($reponse, strpos($reponse, chr(10))+2);
$info = array();
$joueurs = substr($reponse, strpos($reponse,chr(10))+2);
$reponse = substr($reponse, 0, strpos($reponse, chr(10)));
while($reponse != ''){
$info[self::getString($reponse, '\\')] = self::getString($reponse, '\\');
if (!empty($joueurs)) {
$info['players'] = array();
while ($joueurs != ''){
$details = self::getString($joueurs, chr(10));
$info['players'][] = array('frag' => self::getString($details, ' '),
'ping' => self::getString($details, ' '),
'name' => $details);
return $info;
private static function ping($host, $port, $command)
$socket = #stream_socket_client('udp://'.$host.':'.$port, $errno, $errstr, 2);
if (!$errno && $socket) {
stream_set_timeout($socket, 2);
fwrite($socket, $command);
$buffer = #fread($socket, 1500);
return $buffer;
return false;
private static function getString(&$chaine, $chr = "\x00")
$data = strstr($chaine, $chr, true);
$chaine = substr($chaine, strlen($data) + 1);
return $data;
It's a static function, just like the one you're already calling. Something like this would do the job, I think:
$result = GameServerQuery::isOnline('', 28960, "Quake3");
That will show you what result you get back. I suspect it will be the same as the queryQuake3 function actually, because if you specify "Quake3" as the last parameter, the isOnline function will simply call the "queryQuake3" function and pass the result back directly.
So, the function should return either false if the server is offline or otherwise unresponsive, and either true, or a more complex dataset if it's online.
So in fact I think you could write:
$result = GameServerQuery::isOnline('', 28960, "Quake3");
if ($result === false) {
echo "Server is offline";
else {
echo "Server is online";
I have code for client - server. Server code use C++ with local port and the client i wanna make use PHP or Android. But I dont't know how to make the code.
NB :
Server App use local port 10001
My code server like this (networkex.cpp)
bool CNetworkEX::LoginStatRequest(int n, char* pMsg)
_login_server_stat_request_aclo* pRecv = (_login_server_stat_request_aclo*)pMsg;
_login_server_stat_result_loac Send;
Send.wClientIndex = pRecv->wClientIndex;
if ( pRecv->byStat == 0 )
else if ( pRecv->byStat == 1 )
g_Main.m_bExternalOpen = true;
::StringOutput("Connection External Open");
else if ( pRecv->byStat == 2 )
g_Main.m_bExternalOpen = false;
::StringOutput("Connection External Close");
if ( g_Main.m_bExternalOpen )
Send.byRet = 1;
Send.byRet = 2;
BYTE byType[msg_header_num] = {system_msg, login_server_stat_result_loac};
m_pProcess[LINE_ACCOUNT]->LoadSendMsg(0, byType, (char*)&Send, Send.size());
return true;
My main (mainthread.cpp)
bool CMainThread::CommandProcess(char* pszCmd)
int nWordNum = ::ParsingCommand(pszCmd, max_cheat_word, s_pszDstCheat, max_cheat_word_size);
if(nWordNum <= 0)
return false;
if(!strcmp("/open", s_pszDstCheat[0]))
::StringOutput("Connection External Open");
m_bExternalOpen = true;
return true;
else if(!strcmp("/close", s_pszDstCheat[0]))
::StringOutput("Connection External Close");
m_bExternalOpen = false;
return true;
else if(!strcmp("/patchup", s_pszDstCheat[0]))
DWORD dwBufNum = m_dwPatchServerNum + 1;
::StringOutput("Patch Server increases(%d -> %d)", m_dwPatchServerNum, dwBufNum);
m_dwPatchServerNum = dwBufNum;
return true;
else if(!strcmp("/patchdown", s_pszDstCheat[0]))
DWORD dwBufNum;
if(m_dwPatchServerNum <= 1)
dwBufNum = 1;
dwBufNum = m_dwPatchServerNum - 1;
::StringOutput("Patch Server decreases(%d -> %d)", m_dwPatchServerNum, dwBufNum);
m_dwPatchServerNum = dwBufNum;
return true;
else if(!strcmp("/예약", s_pszDstCheat[0]))
if(nWordNum > 1)
if(!strcmp("The outer block", s_pszDstCheat[1]) && nWordNum == 7)
if(_SetReserveExternalClose(atoi(s_pszDstCheat[2]), atoi(s_pszDstCheat[3]), atoi(s_pszDstCheat[4]), atoi(s_pszDstCheat[5]), atoi(s_pszDstCheat[6])))
::StringOutput("Reservations accepted");
::StringOutput("Booking time errors");
return true;
else if(!strcmp("/loginstat", s_pszDstCheat[0]))
if ( m_bExternalOpen )
::StringOutput("External access status");
::StringOutput("External connection error status");
return true;
else if(!strcmp("/clientcount", s_pszDstCheat[0]))
DWORD dwClientCount = CountAliveConnection();
::StringOutput( "Connection : %d", dwClientCount );
return true;
return false;
I wanna my client just send the message like "/open" or "close" but i don't know hot to write the code in php or android. anyone can help me to solve my problem?
I already try use this php code
$host = "";
$port = 10001;
$message = "open";
echo "Message To server :".$message;
// create socket
$socket = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0) or die("Could not create socket\n");
// connect to server
$result = socket_connect($socket, $host, $port) or die("Could not connect to server\n");
// send string to server
socket_write($socket, $message, strlen($message)) or die("Could not send data to server\n");
// get server response
$result = socket_read ($socket, 1024) or die("Could not read server response\n");
echo "Reply From Server :".$result;
// close socket
and the respon in my browser like this and in my server app not recieve the message /open
Using the following class:
class Email_reader {
// imap server connection
public $conn;
// inbox storage and inbox message count
private $inbox;
private $msg_cnt;
// email login credentials
private $server = '';
private $user = '';
private $pass = 'xxxxxxxxx';
private $port = 143; // adjust according to server settings
// connect to the server and get the inbox emails
function __construct() {
// close the server connection
function close() {
$this->inbox = array();
$this->msg_cnt = 0;
// open the server connection
// the imap_open function parameters will need to be changed for the particular server
// these are laid out to connect to a Dreamhost IMAP server
function connect() {
$this->conn = imap_open('{'.$this->server.'/notls}', $this->user, $this->pass);
// move the message to a new folder
function move($msg_index, $folder='INBOX.Processed') {
// move on server
imap_mail_move($this->conn, $msg_index, $folder);
// re-read the inbox
// get a specific message (1 = first email, 2 = second email, etc.)
function get($msg_index=NULL) {
if (count($this->inbox) <= 0) {
return array();
elseif ( ! is_null($msg_index) && isset($this->inbox[$msg_index])) {
return $this->inbox[$msg_index];
return $this->inbox[0];
// read the inbox
function inbox() {
$this->msg_cnt = imap_num_msg($this->conn);
$in = array();
for($i = 1; $i <= $this->msg_cnt; $i++) {
$in[] = array(
'index' => $i,
'header' => imap_headerinfo($this->conn, $i),
'body' => imap_body($this->conn, $i),
'structure' => imap_fetchstructure($this->conn, $i)
$this->inbox = $in;
And the following usage code:
$email = new Email_reader();
$msg = $email->get(1);
echo "message body is [".$msg['body']."]<br />"; //prints body //good
echo "message index is [".$msg['index']."]<br />"; //prints "2" //good
echo "message subject is [".$msg['header']->Subject."]<br />"; //prints strangness
echo "message toaddress is [".$msg['header']->toaddress."]<br />"; //prints strangeness
the attempt to print subject line prints "=?utf-8?B?TWljcm9zb2Z0IE9mZmljZSBPdXRsb29rIFRlc3QgTWVzc2FnZQ==?="
and the toaddress also something similar.
I looked at some other examples online but i dont see anything different that they do than what im doing.
You have to decode the RFC 2047 encoding of the Unicode data. Check the imap_utf8 function.
I have checked the memory whilst sending and receiving data over one connection, and I appear to be correctly clearing variables, as the memory returns to its previous value.
But for some reason if I make a new connection, then close the connection, memory is leaked. I believe the problem may be occurring when a socket is accepted.
I am using PHP 5.2.10
Hopefully one of you can find the time to have a play with the source and figure out where its gone wrong. Thanks in advance
Class SuperSocket
var $listen = array();
var $status_listening = FALSE;
var $sockets = array();
var $event_callbacks = array();
var $recvq = 1;
var $parent;
var $delay = 100; // 10,000th of a second
var $data_buffer = array();
function SuperSocket($listen = array(''))
$listen = array_unique($listen);
foreach ($listen as $address)
list($address, $port) = explode(":", $address, 2);
$this->listen[] = array("ADDR" => trim($address), "PORT" => trim($port));
function start()
if ($this->status_listening)
return FALSE;
$this->sockets = array();
$cursocket = 0;
foreach ($this->listen as $listen)
if ($listen['ADDR'] == "*")
$this->sockets[$cursocket]['socket'] = socket_create_listen($listen['PORT']);
$listen['ADDR'] = FALSE;
$this->sockets[$cursocket]['socket'] = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP);
if ($this->sockets[$cursocket]['socket'] < 0)
return FALSE;
if (#socket_bind($this->sockets[$cursocket]['socket'], $listen['ADDR'], $listen['PORT']) < 0)
return FALSE;
if (socket_listen($this->sockets[$cursocket]['socket']) < 0)
return FALSE;
if (!socket_set_option($this->sockets[$cursocket]['socket'], SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, 1))
return FALSE;
if (!socket_set_nonblock($this->sockets[$cursocket]['socket']))
return FALSE;
$this->sockets[$cursocket]['info'] = array("ADDR" => $listen['ADDR'], "PORT" => $listen['PORT']);
$this->sockets[$cursocket]['channels'] = array();
$this->sockets[$cursocket]['id'] = $cursocket;
$this->status_listening = TRUE;
function new_socket_loop(&$socket)
$socket =& $this->sockets[$socket['id']];
if ($newchannel = #stream_socket_accept($socket['socket'], 0));//#socket_accept($socket['socket']))
$socket['channels'][]['socket'] = $newchannel;
$channel = array_pop(array_keys($socket['channels']));
$this->remote_address($newchannel, $remote_addr, $remote_port);
$socket['channels'][$channel]['info'] = array('ADDR' => $remote_addr, 'PORT' => $remote_port);
$event = $this->event("NEW_SOCKET_CHANNEL");
if ($event)
$event($socket['id'], $channel, $this);
function endswith($string, $test) {
$strlen = strlen($string);
$testlen = strlen($test);
if ($testlen > $strlen) return false;
return substr_compare($string, $test, -$testlen) === 0;
function recv_socket_loop(&$socket)
$socket =& $this->sockets[$socket['id']];
foreach ($socket['channels'] as $channel_id => $channel)
unset($buffer);#Flush buffer
$status = #socket_recv($channel['socket'], $buffer, $this->recvq, 0);
if ($status === 0 && $buffer === NULL)
$this->close($socket['id'], $channel_id);
elseif (!($status === FALSE && $buffer === NULL))
$sockid = $socket['id'];
//Putty ends with \r\n
else if($buffer!="\n") //ignore the additional newline char \n
$event = $this->event("DATA_SOCKET_CHANNEL");
if ($event)
$event($socket['id'], $channel_id, $this->data_buffer[$sockid], $this);
function stop()
$this->status_listening = FALSE;
foreach ($this->sockets as $socket_id => $socket)
$event = $this->event("SERVER_STOP");
if ($event)
function closeall($socket_id = NULL)
if ($socket_id === NULL)
foreach ($this->sockets as $socket_id => $socket)
foreach ($socket['channels'] as $channel_id => $channel)
$this->close($socket_id, $channel_id);
foreach ($this->sockets[$socket_id]['channels'] as $channel_id => $channel)
$this->close($socket_id, $channel_id);
function close($socket_id, $channel_id)
unset($this->data_buffer[$socket_id]); //clear the sockets data buffer
$arrOpt = array('l_onoff' => 1, 'l_linger' => 1);
$event = $this->event("LOST_SOCKET_CHANNEL");
if ($event)
$event($socket_id, $channel_id, $this);
function loop()
while ($this->status_listening)
foreach ($this->sockets as $socket)
$event = $this->event("END_SOCKET_CHANNEL");
if ($event)
function write($socket_id, $channel_id, $buffer)
#socket_write($this->sockets[$socket_id]['channels'][$channel_id]['socket'], $buffer);
#socket_write($this->sockets[$socket_id]['channels'][$channel_id]['socket'], 'Server memory usage: '.memory_get_usage().'/'.memory_get_peak_usage(true)."\r\n");
function get_channel_info($socket_id, $channel_id)
return $this->sockets[$socket_id]['channels'][$channel_id]['info'];
function get_socket_info($socket_id)
$socket_info = $this->sockets[$socket_id]['info'];
if (empty($socket_info['ADDR']))
$socket_info['ADDR'] = "*";
return $socket_info;
function get_raw_channel_socket($socket_id, $channel_id)
return $this->sockets[$socket_id]['channels'][$channel_id]['socket'];
function remote_address($channel_socket, &$ipaddress, &$port)
socket_getpeername($channel_socket, $ipaddress, $port);
function event($name)
if (isset($this->event_callbacks[$name]))
return $this->event_callbacks[$name];
function assign_callback($name, $function_name)
$this->event_callbacks[$name] = $function_name;
function startswith($string, $test) {
return strpos($string, $test, 0) === 0;
function newdata($socket_id, $channel_id, $buffer, &$server)
//$server->write($socket_id, $channel_id, ">".$buffer."\r\n");
else if($buffer=="DATETIME")
$server->write($socket_id, $channel_id, ">".date("dmYHis")."\r\n");
$server->write($socket_id, $channel_id, ">BAD\r\n");
function newclient($socket_id, $channel_id, &$server)
$server->write($socket_id, $channel_id, "HEADER\n\r");
$socket = new SuperSocket(array(''));
$socket->assign_callback("DATA_SOCKET_CHANNEL", "newdata");
$socket->assign_callback("NEW_SOCKET_CHANNEL", "newclient");
set_time_limit(60*60*24*5); //5 days
Edit: sorry you might need to change the socket accept back to:
if ($newchannel = #socket_accept($socket['socket']))
then close the connection, memory is leaked
This is a tricky one - even the standard reference counting garbage collector only kicks in at intervals which are difficult to predict. Calling gc_collect_cycles() should trigger the gc though. Try calling that whenever you close a connection and see if it makes a difference.
If you're still seeing problems - then check if you've got the cyclic reference counter compiled in - if not, then get it.
The Channel array was never removed upon closing the connection, surprised no one picked up on this. Memory usage is now super tight.
But it does mean that any event for LOST_SOCKET_CHANNEL is pretty useless for the time being.
Will accept my own answer when stack over flow allows. Thanks for all your help ppl .. i guess..
I am trying to establish P2P between two PHP daemon deployed on machines in different network (both behind NAT). I searched around for NAT traversal using PHP on Google and seems like their is no existing solution for this in PHP.
Does anyone know about a solution/library to work this around with PHP?
If anybody else is looking for an answer, here is a simple class that does the job:
class STUNClient
private $socket;
public function __construct()
$this->setServerAddr("", 19302);
public function setServerAddr($host, $port = 3478)
$this->serverIP = $host;
$this->serverPort = $port;
public function createSocket()
$this->socket = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, getprotobyname("udp"));
public function getPublicIp()
$msg = "\x00\x01\x00\x08\xc0\x0c\xee\x42\x7c\x20\x25\xa3\x3f\x0f\xa1\x7f\xfd\x7f\x00\x00\x00\x03\x00\x04\x00\x00\x00\x00";
$numberOfBytesSent = socket_sendto($this->socket, $msg, strlen($msg), 0, $this->serverIP, $this->serverPort);
$st = time();
while (time() - $st < 1) {
socket_recvfrom($this->socket, $data, 32, 0, $remoteIP, $remotePort);
if (strlen($data) < 32) {
try {
$info = unpack("nport/C4s", substr($data, 26, 6));
$ip = sprintf("%u.%u.%u.%u", $info["s1"], $info["s2"], $info["s3"], $info["s4"]);
$port = $info['port'];
return [
'ip' => $ip,
'port' => $port
} catch (Exception $e) {
return [
'ip' => "",
'port' => "0"
It's used like this:
$sc = new STUNClient;
print_r( $sc->getPublicIp() ); //prnints out the public ip and port