I need to merge a blurry rectangle on another image (a white rectangle). I tried to imagesavealpha() but unfortunately the background of the rectangle remains black, and I want it with a gradient from red to white.
Here is my code:
$width = 200;
$height = 180;
$bw = $bh = 30;
$img1 = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height);
$img2 = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height);
$white = imagecolorallocate($img1, 255, 255, 255);
$red = imagecolorallocate($img2, 255, 0, 0);
imagefilledrectangle($img1, 0, 0, 100, 100, $white);
imagefilledrectangle($img2, 5, 5, 25, 25, $red);
imagefilter($img2, IMG_FILTER_GAUSSIAN_BLUR);
imagefilter($img2, IMG_FILTER_GAUSSIAN_BLUR);
imagefilter($img2, IMG_FILTER_GAUSSIAN_BLUR);
imagefilter($img2, IMG_FILTER_GAUSSIAN_BLUR);
imagefilter($img2, IMG_FILTER_GAUSSIAN_BLUR);
imagesavealpha($img2, true);
imagecopymerge($img1, $img2, 20, 20, 0, 0, $bw, $bh, 100);
header('Content-Type: image/png');
The restulting image is:
If you just want a blurred red rectangle on a white background your code can be simplified to this:
$width = 200;
$height = 180;
$img = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height);
// fill with opaque white.
imagefill($img, 0, 0, 0x00ffffff);
// draw rectangle in opaque red.
imagefilledrectangle($img, 5, 5, 25, 25, 0x00ff00000);
for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) {
imagefilter($img, IMG_FILTER_GAUSSIAN_BLUR);
header('Content-Type: image/png');
Result (of course the white background blends with the page background...):
If you want to be able to blend the red rectangle with any background colour (full alpha blending) then you might be out of luck. As far as I can tell IMG_FILTER_GAUSSIAN_BLUR doesn't support alpha values (I'm using PHP 7.0.3).
So I'm trying to take two large images (but later I'll be combinging 6 images in total), resize them to the x, y width, height I have taken from photoshop, and combine them into one 460 x 230 sized image.
This is the code I'm using
$dest = imagecreatefrompng('https://blzgdapipro-a.akamaihd.net/hero/ana/career-portrait.png');
$src = imagecreatefrompng('https://blzgdapipro-a.akamaihd.net/game/rank-icons/season-2/rank-6.png');
imagealphablending($dest, false);
imagesavealpha($dest, true);
imagealphablending($src, false);
imagesavealpha($src, true);
//imagescale($dest, 396, 161.92);
$some = imagecreate(460, 230);
$dest2 = resize($dest, 396, 162);
$src2 = resize($src, 79.19, 79.19);
//imagecopyresized($dest, $dest, 0, 0, 0, 0, 396, 161.92, 1098, 449);
imagecopyresized($src, $src, 10, 10, 0, 0, 79.19, 79.19, 256, 256);
//$img2 = imagecopymerge($dest, $src, 0, 0, 0, 0, 256, 256, 100); //have to play with these numbers for it to work for you, etc.
imagecopymerge($dest2, $src2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 460, 230, 50);
header('Content-Type: image/png');
imagepng($dest, 'merged2.png');
//file_put_contents('merged.png', $contents);
function resize($img, $width, $height, $stretch = false)
$temp = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height);
imagealphablending($temp, true);
imagesavealpha($temp, true);
$bg = imagecolorallocatealpha($temp, 0, 0, 0, 0); // Background color
imagefill($temp, 0, 0, $bg);
if ($stretch)
imagecopyresampled($temp, img, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width, $height, imagesx($img), imagesy($img));
if (imagesx($img) <= $width && imagesy($img) <= $height)
$fwidth = imagesx($img);
$fheight = imagesy($img);
$wscale = $width / imagesx($img);
$hscale = $height / imagesy($img);
$scale = min($wscale, $hscale);
$fwidth = $scale * imagesx($img);
$fheight = $scale * imagesy($img);
($width - $fwidth) / 2, ($height - $fheight) / 2,
0, 0,
$fwidth, $fheight,
imagesx($img), imagesy($img)
return $temp;
The issue is that the image rendered is very faded
because of this line:
imagecopymerge($dest2, $src2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 460, 230, 50);
If I change the 50, which is the PCT value to 100, it shows one image with a black background (masking the other image), but if I change it to 0, it shows only the other image with a black background (masking the other image)
If the value is either 0 or 100, the image shown is at its full color though. How do I merge these 2 images together while preserving their transparency and vibrancy of color?
Instead of imagecopymerge use imagecopy. You also always need to correctly specify the dimensions of the source image when copying:
$dest = imagecreatefrompng('https://blzgdapipro-a.akamaihd.net/hero/ana/career-portrait.png');
$src = imagecreatefrompng('https://blzgdapipro-a.akamaihd.net/game/rank-icons/season-2/rank-6.png');
$dest2 = resize($dest, 396, 162);
$src2 = resize($src, 79, 79); // should be int not float.
// the last 2 params must match the width/height of the $src2 image.
imagecopy($dest2, $src2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 79, 79);
header('Content-Type: image/png');
You don't need to change the alpha settings on $dest or $src because they aren't being rendered - you render the new image resource created in, and returned by, your resize function. Because of this you do need to slightly change the function:
function resize($img, $width, $height, $stretch = false)
$temp = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height);
imagealphablending($temp, false); // changed to false.
imagesavealpha($temp, true);
You might be better off simply using the imagescale function instead of using your own resize function:
$dest = imagecreatefrompng('https://blzgdapipro-a.akamaihd.net/hero/ana/career-portrait.png');
$src = imagecreatefrompng('https://blzgdapipro-a.akamaihd.net/game/rank-icons/season-2/rank-6.png');
$dest2 = imagescale($dest, 396);
imagealphablending($dest2, false);
imagesavealpha($dest2, true);
$src2 = imagescale($src, 79);
imagecopy($dest2, $src2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 79, 79);
header('Content-Type: image/png');
So I have a 3x3 pixel image using imagecreate. I want to scale up the image with imagescale while maintaining the look of a 3x3 grid of "pixels". However, the pixels on the right and bottom edge are not the same size.
Here is my code and output image:
$image = imagecreate(3, 3);
imagecolorallocate($image, 0, 0, 255);
$red = imagecolorallocate($image, 255, 0, 0);
imagesetpixel($image, 0, 0, $red);
imagesetpixel($image, 1, 1, $red);
imagesetpixel($image, 2, 2, $red);
imagepng(imagescale($image, 200, 200, IMG_NEAREST_NEIGHBOUR));
header("Content-Type: image/png");
This is my output:
Notice how the bottom-right pixel is cut off. I kept playing with the numbers for the new dimensions and arrived at 256x256 at which point the pixels are all the same size.
This is the output after using 256x256:
My question is: How can I derive the dimensions to use for the resized image with the effect I described?
Bonus question: Is an alternative method which will allow me to resize to an arbitrary size and keep the pixels approximately the same size?
I would use imagecopyresampled to achieve this.
$width = 3;
$height = 3;
$image = imagecreate($width, $height);
imagecolorallocate($image, 0, 0, 255);
$red = imagecolorallocate($image, 255, 0, 0);
imagesetpixel($image, 0, 0, $red);
imagesetpixel($image, 1, 1, $red);
imagesetpixel($image, 2, 2, $red);
$new_width = 200;
$new_height = 200;
$dst = imagecreatetruecolor($new_width, $new_height);
imagecopyresampled($dst, $image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $new_width, $new_height, $width, $height);
header("Content-Type: image/png");
Im trying to crop a square image and merge it with a Marker, but i cant get the copped circle image to be transparent.
When is save the circle image as a PNG , it shows it OK with Transparent corners, but when i open it in Photoshop it has a White Color on the corners like the final image below.
here is the code im using:
$width = 320;
$height = 320;
$img1 = '';
case '.png':
$img1 = ImageCreateFrompng($img= $image_config['new_image']);
case '.jpg':
$img1 = ImageCreateFromjpeg($img= $image_config['new_image']);
case '.gif':
$img1 = ImageCreateFromgif($img= $image_config['new_image']);
$x=$width ;
$img2 = imagecreatetruecolor($x, $y);
$bg = imagecolorallocate($img2, 255, 255, 255);
imagefill($img2, 0, 0, $bg);
$e = imagecolorallocate($img2, 0, 0, 0);
$r = $x <= $y ? $x : $y;
imagefilledellipse ($img2, ($x/2), ($y/2), $r, $r, $e);
imagecolortransparent($img2, $e);
imagecopymerge($img1, $img2, 0, 0, 0, 0, $x, $y, 100);
imagecolortransparent($img1, $bg);
header("Content-type: image/png");
imagepng($img1, './img/deviceImg/pin'.$datetime.'.png');
imagedestroy($img2); // kill mask first
imagedestroy($img1); // kill canvas last
$width = 320;
$height = 320;
$image_1 = imagecreatefrompng('./img/deviceImg/pin.png');
imagesavealpha($image_1, true);
imagealphablending($image_1, true);
$image_2 = imagecreatefrompng('./img/deviceImg/pin'.$datetime.'.png');
imagesavealpha($image_2, true);
imagealphablending($image_2, true);
imagecopy($image_1, $image_2, 40, 22, 0, 0, $width, $height);
imagepng($image_1, './img/deviceImg/pinASD'.$datetime.'.png');
Transparency is only copied with imagecopymerge(), not imagecopy(). So your penultimate line:
imagecopy($image_1, $image_2, 40, 22, 0, 0, $width, $height);
Should be changed to:
imagecopymerge($image_1, $image_2, 40, 22, 0, 0, $width, $height, 100);
Note the extra parameter (pct) at the end. As per the manual:
The two images will be merged according to pct which can range from 0 to 100. When pct = 0, no action is taken, when 100 this function behaves identically to imagecopy() for pallete images, except for ignoring alpha components, while it implements alpha transparency for true colour images.
I have a white icon (256x256) with a transparent background. Somehow, I want to be able to change the white icon, which has some transparent pixels in it (for anti-aliasing), to any RGB color.
I have tried using the following function but
imagefilter($im, IMG_FILTER_COLORIZE, 0, 255, 0)
Is there any way to do this in PHP GD? What functions can I look into?
I just created the following code and it works wonders.
Beware: If you set $backgroundTransparent to false, the image may lose quality when the background is painted under it.
$width = 256;
$height = 256;
$backgroundColor = array(0, 255, 0);
$backgroundTransparent = true;
$icon = imagecreatefrompng('Access-New.png');
imagealphablending($icon, false);
imagesavealpha($icon, true);
imagefilter($icon, IMG_FILTER_BRIGHTNESS, -255);
imagefilter($icon, IMG_FILTER_COLORIZE, 255, 0, 0);
if($backgroundTransparent == false) {
$background = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height);
imagefill($background, 0, 0, imagecolorallocate($background, $backgroundColor[0], $backgroundColor[1], $backgroundColor[2]));
imagealphablending($icon, true);
imagecopy($background, $icon, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width, $height);
imagepng($background, NULL, 0, PNG_NO_FILTER);
else {
imagepng($icon, NULL, 0, PNG_NO_FILTER);
header("Content-type: image/png");
So I have an image, and I am writing text and a color box onto the image. It works but it's being added to the image in the top right corner, but I need it in the center of the image. I tried changing the x and y variables, but it only moves the text and not the white box.
Here is code
$image_filepath = './kenshin.jpg';
saveImageWithText("Welcome to Eureka!", $color, $image_filepath);
function saveImageWithText($text, $color, $source_file) {
$public_file_path = '.';
// Copy and resample the imag
list($width, $height) = getimagesize($source_file);
$image_p = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height);
$image = imagecreatefromjpeg($source_file);
imagecopyresampled($image_p, $image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width, $height, $width, $height);
// Prepare font size and colors
$text_color = imagecolorallocate($image_p, 0, 0, 0);
$bg_color = imagecolorallocate($image_p, 255, 255, 255);
$font = $public_file_path . '/arial.ttf';
$font_size = 12;
// Set the offset x and y for the text position
$offset_x = 0;
$offset_y = 20;
// Get the size of the text area
$dims = imagettfbbox($font_size, 0, $font, $text);
$text_width = $dims[4] - $dims[6] + $offset_x;
$text_height = $dims[3] - $dims[5] + $offset_y;
// Add text background
imagefilledrectangle($image_p, 0, 0, $text_width, $text_height, $bg_color);
// Add text
imagettftext($image_p, $font_size, 0, $offset_x, $offset_y, $text_color, $font, $text);
// Save the picture
imagejpeg($image_p, $public_file_path . '/output.jpg', 100);
// Clear
Here is output
Try this. It will help you…
$img = imagecreatefromjpeg("girl-hugging-the-globe.jpg"); // image.jpg is the image on which we are going to write text ,you can replace this iamge name with your
if(!$img) die("Unabe to load image");
$red = imagecolorallocate($img, 255, 0, 0);
$green = imagecolorallocate($img, 0, 255, 0);
$width = 600;// it will store width of image
$height = 100; //it will store height of image
$fontsize = 6; // size of font
$text = "Block Prints Online"; // Define the text
$pos = ( $width - imagefontwidth($fontsize)*STRLEN($text) );// calculate the left position of the text:
imagestring($img, $fontsize, 200, 150, $text, $red);
header('Content-type: image/jpeg');
imagejpeg($img);//it will output a jpeg image
imagedestroy($img);//it will destroy $img*/