I need to count the number of items returned in the subquery. If I write the subquery how DQL - all good, but if I try to build a query via QueryBuilder - I get an error.
Subquery DQL:
$qb3 = $this->createQueryBuilder('c')
->where('c.id IN (SELECT cl.id FROM Acme\AppBundle\Entity\ClassC cl INNER JOIN Acme\AppBundle\Entity\ClassP p WHERE p.var1 = :var1 AND p.var2 = cl.id GROUP BY cl.id)')
->setParameter('var1', $var);
Subquery via QueryBuilder:
$qb = $this->createQueryBuilder('c');
->innerJoin('Acme\AppBundle\Entity\ClassP', 'p')
->where('p.var1 = :var1')
->setParameter('var1', $var)
->andWhere('p.var2 = cl.id')
Both versions return the same DQL.
Try to move setParameter() to main level of query.
$qb = $this->createQueryBuilder('c');
->innerJoin('Acme\AppBundle\Entity\ClassP', 'p')
->where('p.var1 = :var1')
->andWhere('p.var2 = cl.id')
->setParameter('var1', $var);
I'm trying to make a "complex" (for me) querybuilder. Here is the basic SQL request:
SELECT DISTINCT fif.idfichefrais, fif.idvisiteur, fif.date, fif.nbjustificatifs, fif.montantvalide, fif.datemodif, fif.idetat, montantTotalFraisForfait, montantTotalFraisHorsForfait, libelleFraisHorsForfait
FROM FicheFrais fif
INNER JOIN (SELECT lff.idfichefrais, SUM(frf.montantFraisForfait*lff.quantite) as montantTotalFraisForfait
FROM LigneFraisForfait AS lff
INNER JOIN FraisForfait AS frf ON frf.idfraisforfait = lff.idfraisforfait
GROUP BY lff.idfichefrais) a USING (idfichefrais)
INNER JOIN (SELECT e.idetat, e.libelleEtat
FROM Etat AS e) b USING (idetat)
LEFT JOIN (SELECT lfhf.idfichefrais, SUM(lfhf.montant) as montantTotalFraisHorsForfait, lfhf.libelle as libelleFraisHorsForfait
FROM LigneFraisHorsForfait AS lfhf
GROUP BY lfhf.idfichefrais) c USING (idfichefrais)
WHERE fif.idvisiteur = '?'
AND YEAR(fif.date) ='?'
and here is my querybuilder that I'm trying to accomplish
public function findFicheFraisByIdVisiteurAndAnnee($idvisiteur, $annee): array
$qb = $this->getEntityManager()->createQueryBuilder();
$a = $this->getEntityManager()->createQueryBuilder();
$b = $this->getEntityManager()->createQueryBuilder();
$c = $this->getEntityManager()->createQueryBuilder();
$selectFraisForfait = $a->select(array('lff.idfichefrais, SUM(frf.montantFraisForfait*lff.quantite)'))
->from('App:Lignefraisforfait', 'lff')
->innerJoin('App:Fraisforfait', 'frf', Join::WITH, 'frf.idfraisforfait = lff.idfraisforfait')
$selectEtat = $b->select(array('e.idetat, e.libelleEtat ad libelleFraisHorsForfait'))
->from('App:Etat', 'e');
$selectFraisHorsForfait = $c->select(array('lfhf.idfichefrais, SUM(lfhf.montant) as montantTotalFraisHorsForfait'))
return $FicheFraisByIdVisiteurAndAnnee = $qb
->select(array('fif.idfichefrais, identity(fif.idvisiteur) as idvisiteur, fif.date, fif.nbjustificatifs, fif.montantvalide, fif.datemodif, identity(fif.idetat) as idetat,montantTotalFraisForfait, montantTotalFraisHorsForfait, libelleFraisHorsForfait'))
->from('App:Fichefrais', 'fif')
->innerJoin('App:Lignefraisforfait', sprintf('($s)selectfraisforfait', $selectFraisForfait->getDQL()), Join::WITH, 'fif.idfichefrais = selectfraisforfait.idfichesfrais')
->innerJoin('App:Etat', sprintf('($s)selectetat', $selectEtat->getDQL()), Join::WITH, 'fif.idetat = selectetat.idetat')
->leftJoin('App:Lignefraishorsforfait', sprintf('($s)selectFraisHorsForfait', $selectFraisHorsForfait->getDQL()), Join::WITH, 'fif.idfichefrais = selectfraishorsforfait.idfichefrais')
->where('fif.idvisiteur = :idvisiteur')
->setParameter('idvisiteur' , $idvisiteur)
->andWhere('YEAR(fif.date) = :annee')
->setParameter('annee', $annee)
->orderBy('MONTH(fif.date)', 'ASC')
I have the following relations:
Member one-to-many Product
Product many-to-one Member
This is the query that I have that works:
$qb = $this->createQueryBuilder('m');
->where('m.Authority = :Authority')
->setParameter('Authority', Authority::CREATOR)
->innerJoin('m.Product', 'p')
->select('COUNT(p) AS HIDDEN item_count', 'm')
->orderBy("item_count", "ASC");
However when I add additional parameters for product status
$qb = $this->createQueryBuilder('m');
->where('m.Authority = :Authority')
->setParameter('Authority', Authority::CREATOR)
->andWhere('p.Status = :Status')
->setParameter('Status', 1);
->innerJoin('m.Product', 'p')
->select('COUNT(p) AS HIDDEN item_count', 'm', 'p')
->orderBy("item_count", "ASC");
The order by doesn't happen anymore. I dumped the value for item_count and it's alway 1. Has anyone encountered the same problem? The goal here is to get a list of Members with Products with status = 1 ordered by the number of Products.
If I change groupBy('p') to groupBy('m'), it will only load one related Product for each Member
For anyone who struggled with the same problem, this is how I did it:
$qb = $this->createQueryBuilder('m');
->where('m.Authority = :Authority')
->setParameter('Authority', Authority::CREATOR)
->andWhere('p.Status = :Status')
->setParameter('Status', 1);
->select('p, m')
FROM Eccube\Entity\Member m1
INNER JOIN Eccube\Entity\Product p1
WHERE m1.Authority = ' . Authority::CREATOR . ' AND p1.Status = 1 AND p1.Creator = m.id
) AS hidden item_count')
->innerJoin('m.Product', 'p')
->orderBy("item_count", "ASC");
It works but I don't understand why this is p1.Creator = m.id ? If I use m1.id it will just sum up the item count.
Edit: Added updated code after Jakumi's comment regarding the join. Even though both code works, the second one makes more sense.
$qb = $this->createQueryBuilder('m');
->where('m.Authority = :Authority')
->setParameter('Authority', Authority::CREATOR)
->andWhere('p.Status = :Status')
->setParameter('Status', 1);
->select('p, m')
FROM Eccube\Entity\Member m1
INNER JOIN m1.Product p1
WHERE m1.Authority = ' . Authority::CREATOR . ' AND p1.Status = 1 AND p1.Creator = m
) AS hidden item_count')
->innerJoin('m.Product', 'p')
->orderBy("item_count", "ASC");
I need to write some complex query builder expression. The sql looks like:
SELECT query,popularity,nb_words
FROM gemini_suggestion
WHERE query IN
SELECT query
FROM gemini_suggestion
GROUP BY query
HAVING COUNT(query) > 1
) AS subquery
The code im stucked at is:
$queryBuilder = $em->createQueryBuilder();
->from($this->entity['class'], 'a')
->where($queryBuilder->expr()->In('a.query', $subQuery->getDQL()));
$subQuery2 = $em->createQueryBuilder()
->from($this->entity['class'], 'b')
$subQuery = $em->createQueryBuilder();
Any help would be nice!
You can try something like this. I'm assuming you have a namespace Entities where you have all your entities classes.
// Subquery to get the queries greater than 1
$subQueryBuilder = $this->entityManager->createQueryBuilder();
->from('Entities\gemini_suggestion', 'gemini_suggestion')
->having($subQueryBuilder->expr()->gt('COUNT(gemini_suggestion.query)', 1));
// Main query where you use the subquery to filter out the records you want
$queryBuilder = $this->entityManager->createQueryBuilder();
$queryBuilder->select('query, popularity, nb_words')
->from('Entities\gemini_suggestion', 'gemini_suggestion')
->where($queryBuilder->expr()->in('gemini_suggestion.query', $subQueryBuilder->getDQL()));
$result = $queryBuilder->getQuery()->getResult();
return $result;
I am using Symfony v3.4 branch with Doctrine.
I am having trouble translating SQL query to Doctrine ORM query.
I have 3 tables.
User --> 1:1 --> Firm --> 1:1 --> Shop
(Symfony developer tool bar reports that associations in tables are made correctly).
I want to get Shop data that corresponds to cretain User in one query.
My SQL, that get a result:
FROM mp2_fos_user as u
LEFT JOIN mp2_firm AS f ON u.id = f.firmUserId
LEFT JOIN mp2_shop AS s ON f.id = s.shopFirmId
WHERE u.id = 1
My Doctrine ORM query
$query = $em->createQueryBuilder()
->select('u, f, s')
->from('App:User', 'u')
->leftJoin('u.userFirm WITH u.id = f.firmUserId', 'f')
->leftJoin('f.firmShop WITH f.id = s.shopFirmId', 's')
->where('u.id = :user_id')
->setParameter('user_id', $user_id)
at the moment running the code results in an error
[Syntax Error] line 0, col 57: Error: Expected end of string, got 'u'
What would be best practice for my issue?
Help would be much appreciated,
Thank you!
$query = $em->createQueryBuilder()
->from('App:User', 'u')
->leftJoin('u.userFirm WITH f.firmUser = u', 'f')
->leftJoin('f.firmShop WITH s.shopFirm = f', 's')
->where('u.id = :user_id')
->setParameter('user_id', $user_id)
got [Syntax Error] line 0, col 54: Error: Expected end of string, got 'f'
There is no need to use WITH clause if you have defined mapping in your entities, WITH clause is used when you want to join your entities with additional matching criteria
class User
* #ORM\YourRelationShipNature(targetEntity="App\Entity\Firm", mappedBy="user")
private $userFirm;
class Firm
* #ORM\YourRelationShipNature(targetEntity="App\Entity\Shop", mappedBy="firm")
private $firmShop;
class Shop
And then your could simple use properties to join your entites
$query = $em->createQueryBuilder()
->select('u, f, s')
->from('App:User', 'u')
->leftJoin('u.userFirm', 'f')
->leftJoin('f.firmShop', 's')
->where('u.id = :user_id')
->setParameter('user_id', $user_id)
I was thinking of something more along the lines of this (assuming the entity names are correct):
$query = $em->createQueryBuilder()
->select('u, f, s')
->from('App:User', 'u')
->leftJoin('App:UserFirm f WITH f.firmUser = u')
->leftJoin('App:FirmShop s WITH s.shopFirm = f')
->where('u.id = :user_id')
->setParameter('user_id', $user_id)
Hello there I am trying to join 3 tables in doctrine codeigniter i have successfully join two tables but have problem in joining the third one.
Here is my codeigniter active record Query. I want to handle this query in doctrine
$query = $this->db->select('table1.name, table3.date')
->join('table2', 'table2.id = table1.Uid')
->join('table3', 'table3.id = table1.Rid')
->where('table1.Uid', $Uid)
return $query->result();
This is my Doctrine query builder query where i join two tables successfully.
$qb = $this->em->createQueryBuilder();
$query = $qb->select('t1, t2')
->from('table1', 't1')
->join('table2', 't2')
// ->join('table3', 't3')
->where('t1.Uid = :Uid')
->andwhere('t2.Yid = :Yid')
->setParameters(array('Uid'=> $Uid, 'Yid' => $user_id))
Try using the following code, seems like your syntax is not correct.
$qb = $this->em->createQueryBuilder();
$query = $qb->select('t1.name', 't2.name')
->from('table1', 't1')
->leftJoin('t1', 'table2', 't2', 't2.id = t1.Uid')
->leftJoin('t1', 'table3', 't3', 't3.id = t1.Rid')
->where('t1.Uid = :Uid')
->andwhere('t2.Yid = :Yid')
->setParameters(array('Uid'=> $Uid, 'Yid' => $user_id))
More information about Constructing a new QueryBuilder object