Question how is it possible to create an authentication service within a micro-service application and have other services check against that token (JWT) and retrieve a user?
Possible Solution
My current thinking is based around the auth service inserting { token, user } into Redis once a user is authenticated. All other service can check against the user's Authorization: Bearer kdI8$dj$nD&... header token within Redis.
If token is present in Redis, user is authenticated.
If token is not present in Redis, user is not authenticated.
User sends { username, password } to auth service
Auth service authenticates credentials and retrieves { token, user }
Auth service inserts { token, user } into Redis
User makes request to Service-1 with { token }
Service-1 loooks for { token } in Redis and retrieves { token, user }
Service-1 does its thing and sends back { data }
Are there any possible security, logic or architectural problems with this approach?
It's not really clear why you would want to store tokens in Redis. The security token typically contains information about the user (claims data) already. If you need information about the user that is not stored in the token, you should be able to look that up by a simple database query on the user id claim.
Each service can validate the incoming token by checking its digital signature (only needs the public key of the signing certificate for this), lifetime (when does the token expire), audience (who is the token for) etc. If the caller presents a valid token, the user is authenticated.
Using this approach you will have to validate the token in all your services, if you are okay with this then you are probably fine.
The access token may have an expire time that will make it necessary to use a refresh token to get a new access token from the auth service:
When the access token expires you would return a 401 to the client, from the Service X that you are trying to talk to.
The client would have to call the Auth service providing a refresh token, getting a new access token
Finaly the client would be hitting the Service X again with this new access token, have it validated and get the expected response from Service X.
In my recent assignment I wrote a micro-service that proxied all the requests validating their tokens, the proxy handled everything from login/auth to roles and sending 401's for expired tokens and revoking refresh tokens etc. I think this gave me a greater separation of concerns than having to deal with tokens in all services. However it ofcourse makes the proxy a possible bottle neck into the system, autoscaling of the auth service is meant to deal with this in my case.
Also I did not user redis but stored a hashed key (consisting of hashed accesstoken properties + salt) in the accesstoken that I could validate by rehashing the other properties of the accesstoken+salt.
Important Note: In the refresh token scenario above my proxy only would experience load for an invalid/expired accesstoken, whilst in your scenario any service could be reached with invalid tokens, I don't know if this is of any concern in your particular case but it is probably worth mentioning...
Another approach would be to let Service-A and Service-B call the auth service to validate the tokens, but this would infer a lot of more traffic between the services since each HTTP request with a token has to be validated. In this scenario as well a invalid token request would reach your Service X and hence infer some load on it...
I need to implement centralised authentication server with single sign on.
One of the requirements are, that there should be no intermediate login screen (a.k.a direct login from service provider), so OAuth2 with password grant seems like the best option here.
User is read-only, authentication is used only to access specific content, which is the same for all users, the users can't change their personal data or anything else. We use user ID as an username and date of birthday as a password, it's not really secure, but that's not something we can control, because we get credentials from other 3rd party service, though we still want to make everything secure as possible, because user data includes such personal data as full name and home address.
To make it clear, next I will describe how I imagine OAuth2 and SSO flow to work together:
User enters his credentials and submits the login form in service provider
Service provider (SP) sends a request to identity provider (IdP), to check if credentials are valid (Request is signed with client id and secret as a base64 bearer token: base64(client_id:secret))
If credentials are valid, IdP creates access token (5min) and refresh token (24h) and returns them to SP
On every user request, SP uses access token to receive user data from IdP
If token is expired, SP makes another request with refresh token to retrieve new access token. Request must be signed with client id and secret.
So it's pretty much, how OAuth2 password grant would work, probably hardest part is to make it work with SSO, I couldn't really find any working stateless implementations, so came up with this:
When access and refresh tokens are issued, IdP stores refresh token in a cookie.
When user visits SP for the first time, quick redirect to IdP is made, if refresh token exists in a cookie it’s added as query param to the redirect url and user is redirected back to SP. If no, some query param is added to identify, that user is not logged in, to avoid redirect loop.
SP uses retrieved refresh token to issue new access token (which is unique for every SP).
So access token can be used only by service provider, which it was issued for. And refresh token, can be used by all service providers, but to issue new access token client id and secret must be provided, so refresh token alone is useless.
Also forgot to mention that all websites use TLS.
What do you think about this implementation, is it secure enough? Maybe you have other suggestions?
I am working on a project which I need to integrate an api. The API's website requires that every request to their API be authorized by an Authorization token.
My problem is how to save the Authorization token safely and regenerate the token after expiration, so that the users of my website are able to use the Access token for their requests.
The token expires in 2 hours
Below is my request to obtain authorization token and the response.
response ="",
headers={ "Accept": "application/json" },
params={ "apiKey": "my_api_key, "secret": "my_secret" });
I will receive below json response
"status": "success",
"token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpZCI6MTQwLCJuYW1lIjoic2F2YW5hIHNtYXJ0c2F2ZSIsImFjY291bnROdW1iZXIiOiIiLCJiYW5rQ29kZSI6Ijk5OSIsImlzQWN0aXZlIjp0cnVlLCJjcmVhdGVkQXQiOiIyMDE2LTEyLTA4VDEwOjM4OjE5LjAwMFoiLCJ1cGRhdGVkQXQiOiIyMDE3LTA2LTE0VDEzOjAxOjQ5LjAwMFoiLCJkZWxldGVkQXQiOm51bGwsImlhdCI6MTQ5ODMzNTE2NSwiZXhwIjoxNDk4MzQyMzY1fQ.WojvkYOC2j6XTUfg_E4WQkxQChPUyCgYUCIKaW83YXA", // a valid merchant token
Perhaps the most commonly used standard for use cases like this is OAuth 2.0.
OAuth is a widely-recognized protocol on top of HTTP that is used to issue tokens to clients after successful authentication (see also: "What is the difference between authentication and authorization?" on ServerFault). It provides different "flows" to obtain the tokens by, the most suitable in your case would probably be the "Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant" flow. Clients can then use the tokens given to them to make the actual API request.
Storing the tokens is usually done in a database. In truly stateless applications, JSON Web Tokens can eliminate the need to store tokens on the server-side.
Its always better to save Token in DB and stored in session too.
With every request you can get token from session and track session activity by DB stored session.
Basically this kind of things part project flow, so according to project need and flow with aspect of security we can take decesion.
You should save this token in DB.
In one table, save the access token, auth token and expire date.
You can save multiple records if you want, but if you have only one auth token, one record is enough.
Before every call to that API, you check in the DB if the available access token is still valid, if it's not, you must renew the access token through the auth token.
I couldn't understand which language are you using to this task.
If javascript, you can make a post for your backend, asking for the latest valid token.
Hope that helps.
I am authenticating users to consume my own API (so a trusted source). What I am struggling to identify is where is the best place to store the return access_token on the client side? Do I create a cookie, or save the data in localstorage?
Also should I only store the access_token, I should I record the refresh_token? What is the refresh token used for?
It is safer if you only store the access token on the client side even if your refresh token expires after a certain period of time although doing this decreases the possible attack window.
This is one way of doing it (if you want to store access & refresh tokens):
However there is another way of doing it.
In this way, the client will only get the access token and refresh token is completely hidden from the user. But inorder to do this, the access token as well as the refresh token should be stored in the server side. The best place is in the database. This raises the obvious question: security? Well the answer to that is you can always encrypt the data that is being store in the database and secure your database as much as possible.
Create a table (user_token table) that can store the user_id, access token, refresh_token and even the session_id.
In every login check if a record is existing under the user_id in the user_token table. If it does not exist, request the oauth/token and store the access and the refresh token in the user_token table.
After the login is successful, you can write a .run function in your angular to request for the access token for the user. (remember in the user_token table we had a "user_id" column. Hence you can request filter the current logged in user from the Auth::id() function in laravel.
Once the access token is found, the server should return the access token and access token only to the client.
After the client received the access token, you can do a handshake call to the route which is protected under 'middleware' => 'auth:api' by adding the recieved access_token to the header like this :$http.defaults.headers.common.Authorization = 'Bearer ' + data.access_token;. Also after doing that make sure you add the same token to the a rootscope variable like this:$rootScope.accesstoken = data.access_token;
If the handshake call is successful, then you can add valid access token from the rootscope to an angular cookie like this : $cookies.put('access_token', $rootScope.accesstoken);
If the handshake call is not successful, you can request a new token. To request a new token, use a new route that will redirect to a seperate function. This function will fetch the refresh token under the user_id of the current user and request a new access token from the oAuth end point (refer Passport API docs). Once you do this update the record under the user in the 'user_tokens' table and return the new access token to the web client. On the webclient side, store the recieved token in the angular cookie like this: $cookies.put('access_token', $rootScope.accesstoken); and add that same token to the http headers liek this: $http.defaults.headers.common.Authorization = 'Bearer ' + data.access_token;
By the way why did I mention that I should store the token in the angular cookie. Well if you store it only on the rootscope, if the page refreshes, the app will have to request for a token again because whatever the data in the angular rootscope is lost after refresh. But in the angular cookie, it is not. hence this is why I suggested to add to the angular cookie.
Very important:
For every ajax request you make, if the request fails under the code 401 (unauthorized access), you should call a request new token function from angular to Laravel's request new token function. And once it is successful, insert that new token to the http header and the angular cookie as I mentioned.
The point of the refresh token is to verify that you are the authenticated user for the old access token (let's call the token xxx).
You can use the access token as long as it expires. Once it does you need to tell the server that you cannot been using this access_token xxx and it is expired now, so give me a new token. When you make this request (to give you a new token) the server should know you are the legitimate user of the previous access token, so the server will ask you to prove that you are legitimate. At that time, you can to present the refresh token and prove the server that you are legitimate. This is the use of the refresh token.
So how will the server verify you are legitimate by the refresh token?
initially when you requested the access token, you are given the refresh token so in that case the server will know.
I suggest you read and learn more on OAuth 2.0.
I recently went through some client-side options for token storage so I'll refer you the answer provided in: Where to save a JWT in a browser-based application.
Long story short, both cookies and Web storage are suitable options for storing access tokens and the right choice depends on your exact scenario.
In relation to what you should store, it's usually just the access token mostly because refresh tokens are not typically issued to browser-based applications because they are long-lived credentials meaning the time available for someone trying to steal them is highly increased and the browser storage options all have their deficiencies.
The refresh token is also of particular interest when a client application wants to have access to a protected resourced owned by the end-user even when the user is not interacting with the application; usually referred to as offline access. Most scenarios for browser based applications still imply that the user is online so lack of refresh tokens is not that a big of a deal.
I am using JWT token based authentication for the authenticating my REST APIs exposed to mobile apps. I have a login API where the user will be hitting to and get a JWT back as a response. App has to use the JWT token for the rest of the requests. One question that struck during the development is.
Once I give an authentication token to the user, he has access to rest of the set of APIs.
User 1 with JWT token T1 trying to access resources of user 2 is possible in my current design which is a flaw in my system. On each request do I have to check whether the user id in the token and the user id for which the process is requested matches and then proceed? or is there any better way this is been handled some other way?
I am using laravel framework with dingo rest and JWT lib.
Eg :
I as an individual got the endpoints from the app. I logged in and received my jwt token which will be valid across rest of my resources. Now to get a list of products I have added using a different user id.I can do it this way
My JWT token in the header
GET /products/3 and 3 is not my user id!
In this case, Im just validating a jwt token, which will validate it and respond with the resource which is not MINE!
TL;DR: It is imho quite common to use it this way, you should be good the way it is!
More detail:
The point here is that the token is "obscure enough" so that there is an negligable chance a non-authorized user is obtaining the token from an authorized user. In your example this means, that user 2 can with a very high probabilty not guess the token that user 1 is using.
Of course this way may be prune to man-in-the-middle-attacks, so you should be sure to only transfer the tokens over a secure connection. I suggest "HTTPS only". Also, you may think about only sending and receiving the tokens in the header, so they are not exposed in any content views.
As a bit more background: Think about how PHP "standard" session cookies are working: The user (client) gets a session ID in a cookie and sends it back. This is basically the same as you are doing here with the JWT, as user 2 could also somehow steal the cookie from user 1 here, and act on his behalf. JWT even adds you a level with which you can easily confirm that you actually issued the token (provided you are using the RSA-keypair-style approach), which i think is an advantage over the PHP session ID cookie approach.
I am working on a PHP project that utilizes the API from a few services. For a single API, it uses OAuth 2.0 authorization to authenticate the application's API access. However, I am unsure how I should approach the process to authenticate a local console application.
I would not be using a webflow to authenticate the API, as my PHP script runs in a local console. The API allows for the retrieving of the access token and refresh token by entering my username and password (they recommend this only for console applications).
Once I get the access token, I may use it to make API requests. This works fine. However, I am unsure what to do with my refresh token. The API consumes refresh tokens as such:
/oauth2/access_token/ (Refresh token usage)
Context: Client's Web Server
Required arguments: refresh_token, grant_type=refresh_token,
client_id, client_secret
Access token scope: None
On success, a JSON response is returned to the client:
"access_token": a valid access token,
"scope": scope as given in authorize,
"expires_in": seconds to expiry,
"refresh_token": a token that can be used to get a new access token
Consuming a refresh token will immediately expire the related access
token. Refresh tokens are single-use. A new refresh token is returned
from this call, ready for consumption later.
From what I gather from this, my authentication process should be something like this:
Initial authentication - pass username/password via environment variable, get the access/refresh token from response
Store the refresh token? Check for the expiry of the initial access token
If initial access token has expired, pull refresh token from file and make a request for a new access/refresh token
Store new refresh token?
Does this sound like the correct authentication flow? Is there a specific way I should be storing the refresh token? I am aware there may be a lot of security concerns for simply storing the refresh token in a text file, as it has the ability to give complete access to my account. Are there any better alternatives?
Authentication flow is fine. For more detailing and validation, you can read .
You can store ‘Refresh token’ either in file or db using encryption key and this MUST only be transmitted using TLS. ‘Refresh token’ is used in senerios where server do want to some scheduled background activities like accessing of profile and related data from other oAuth server based on previous stored access token without asking user name and password again over and again. If in case ‘Access token’ is invalidated then ‘Refresh token’ will be used to get new ‘Access token’ to serve purpose.