I am creating a multistep form in CakePHP using http://bakery.cakephp.org/2012/09/09/Multistep-forms.html?
But it's not redirecting well. As I click next in step 1, it redirects me to msf_index.
Probably I'm not proceeding the right step count in the msf_setup method.
Why is this happening ?
Here is the Controller Code that I have just copy-pasted.
class UsersController extends AppController {
* use beforeRender to send session parameters to the layout view
public function beforeRender() {
$params = $this->Session->read('form.params');
$this->set('params', $params);
* delete session values when going back to index
* you may want to keep the session alive instead
public function msf_index() {
* this method is executed before starting the form and retrieves one important parameter:
* the form steps number
* you can hardcode it, but in this example we are getting it by counting the number of files that start with msf_step_
public function msf_setup() {
App::uses('Folder', 'Utility');
$usersViewFolder = new Folder(APP.'View'.DS.'Users');
$steps = count($usersViewFolder->find('msf_step_.*\.ctp'));
$this->Session->write('form.params.steps', $steps);
$this->Session->write('form.params.maxProgress', 0);
$this->redirect(array('action' => 'msf_step', 1));
* this is the core step handling method
* it gets passed the desired step number, performs some checks to prevent smart users skipping steps
* checks fields validation, and when succeding, it saves the array in a session, merging with previous results
* if we are at last step, data is saved
* when no form data is submitted (not a POST request) it sets this->request->data to the values stored in session
public function msf_step($stepNumber) {
* check if a view file for this step exists, otherwise redirect to index
if (!file_exists(APP.'View'.DS.'Users'.DS.'msf_step_'.$stepNumber.'.ctp')) {
* determines the max allowed step (the last completed + 1)
* if choosen step is not allowed (URL manually changed) the user gets redirected
* otherwise we store the current step value in the session
$maxAllowed = $this->Session->read('form.params.maxProgress') + 1;
if ($stepNumber > $maxAllowed) {
} else {
$this->Session->write('form.params.currentStep', $stepNumber);
* check if some data has been submitted via POST
* if not, sets the current data to the session data, to automatically populate previously saved fields
if ($this->request->is('post')) {
* set passed data to the model, so we can validate against it without saving
* if data validates we merge previous session data with submitted data, using CakePHP powerful Hash class (previously called Set)
if ($this->User->validates()) {
$prevSessionData = $this->Session->read('form.data');
$currentSessionData = Hash::merge( (array) $prevSessionData, $this->request->data);
* if this is not the last step we replace session data with the new merged array
* update the max progress value and redirect to the next step
if ($stepNumber < $this->Session->read('form.params.steps')) {
$this->Session->write('form.data', $currentSessionData);
$this->Session->write('form.params.maxProgress', $stepNumber);
$this->redirect(array('action' => 'msf_step', $stepNumber+1));
} else {
* otherwise, this is the final step, so we have to save the data to the database
$this->Session->setFlash('Account created!');
} else {
$this->request->data = $this->Session->read('form.data');
* here we load the proper view file, depending on the stepNumber variable passed via GET
The problem might be here:
public function msf_setup() {
App::uses('Folder', 'Utility');
$usersViewFolder = new Folder(APP.'View'.DS.'Users');
$steps = count($usersViewFolder->find('msf_step_.*\.ctp'));
$this->Session->write('form.params.steps', $steps);
$this->Session->write('form.params.maxProgress', 0);
$this->redirect(array('action' => 'msf_step', 1));
Also, I have added four msf_setp files in view/Users like
msf_step_1, msf_step_2, msf_setp_3, msf_step_4.
Please help. I'm Stuck. Thankx in advance.
I am working on an application that I need to post a secret variable. I wrote this code.
<form target="_blank" action="/validate/lista.php" method="POST">
<input type="hidden" name="evento" value="<?php echo $pname ?>" />
<button class="btn btn-block btn-md btn-outline-success">Lista</button>
My problem is that if the user inspect the element with chrome or whatever, he can see the value and change it before POST.
I could use SESSION but every user has a different session ID and this way I would need to POST the session ID (because they are separete applications), which I think is not secure. Or is it ok?
How can I prevent this? I am new to programming...
Thank you
Maintain HTML Form State safely ('Conversation' Tracking)
Keep track of the 'state' of an HTML Form as it is processed by the client and the server.
The typical 'conversation' is:
Send a new form to the client, often for a specific user who has to login.
The client enters data and returns it.
It is validated and may be sent out again.
The data changes are applied.
the client is informed of the result.
It sounds simple. Alas, we need to keep track of the 'state' of the form during the 'conversation'.
We need to record the state in a hidden field. This can open us up to various 'failure modes'.
This answer is one method of reliably keeping track of the 'conversations'.
Including people being 'malicious'. It happens. ;-/
This is a data change form so we don't want it applied to the wrong person.
There are various requirements:
Sensible ones:
prevent a form being processed twice
Ask a user to confirm the data if the form is too old
Malicious ones:
Changing the form to appear to be from a different user
Using an old copy of the form
Changing other hidden data to corrupt the user data
Now, we cannot prevent the client changing the hidden data, or storing it to replay later. etc.
What to do?
We need to ensure that if it is changed then we can detect that it is tampered with and tell the user about it. We do nothing.
If they send us an old stored valid copy then we can detect that as well.
Is there a simple way of doing this? Oh yes! :)
Give each form a unique id: makes it easy to determine if we have already seen it.
Give each form a timestamp of when it was first created.
we can then decide the max age we allow to use it.
If it is too old then we just copy the entered data to a new form and ask the user to confirm it. see Captcha :)
When we process the form we store the form id.
The first check before processing a form is to see if we have already processed it
Identifying 'tampering'?
We encrypt it with AES! :) Only the server needs to know the password so there are no client issues.
If it is changed then the decrypt will fail and we just issue a new form to the user with the data input on it. :)
Is it a lot of code? Not really. And it makes forms processing safe.
One advantage is that has the protection for the CSRF attack built in so no separate code needed.
Program Code (FormState Class)
* every 'data edit' form has one of these - without exeception.
* This ensures that the form I sent out came from me.
* It has:
* 1) A unique #id
* 2) A date time stamp and a lifetime
* Can be automatically generated and checked.
class FormState {
const MAX_FORM_AGE = 600; // seconds
const ENC_PASSWORD = '327136823981d9e57652bba2acfdb1f2';
const ENC_IV = 'f9928260b550dbb2eecb6e10fcf630ba';
protected $state = array();
public function __construct($prevState = '')
if (!empty($prevState)) {
$this->reloadState($prevState); // will not be valid if fails
* Generate a new unique id and timestanp
* #param $name - optional name for the form
public function setNewForm($name = '')
$this->state = array();
$this->state['formid'] = sha1(uniqid(true)); // each form has a unique id
$this->state['when'] = time();
if (!empty($name)) {
$this->setAttribute('name', $name);
* retrieve attribute value
* #param $name attribute name to use
* #param $default value to return if attribute does not exist
* #return string / number
public function getAttribute($name, $default = null)
if (isset($this->state[$name])) {
return $this->state[$name];
} else {
return $default;
* store attribute value
* #param $name attribute name to use
* #param $value value to save
public function setAttribute($name, $value)
$this->state[$name] = $value;
* get the array
public function getAllAttributes()
return $this->state;
* the unique form id
* #return hex string
public function getFormId()
return $this->getAttribute('formid');
* Age of the form in seconds
* #return int seconds
public function getAge()
if ($this->isValid()) {
return time() - $this->state['when'];
return 0;
* check the age of the form
*#param $ageSeconds is age older than the supplied age
public function isOutOfDate($ageSeconds = self::MAX_FORM_AGE)
return $this->getAge() >= $ageSeconds;
* was a valid string passed when restoring it
* #return boolean
public function isValid()
return is_array($this->state) && !empty($this->state);
/** -----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Encode as string - these are encrypted to ensure they are not tampered with
public function asString()
$serialized = serialize($this->state);
$encrypted = $this->encrypt_decrypt('encrypt', $serialized);
$result = base64_encode($encrypted);
return $result;
* Restore the saved attributes - it must be a valid string
* #Param $prevState
* #return array Attributes
public function fromString($prevState)
$encrypted = #base64_decode($prevState);
if ($encrypted === false) {
return false;
$serialized = $this->encrypt_decrypt('decrypt', $encrypted);
if ($serialized === false) {
return false;
$object = #unserialize($serialized);
if ($object === false) {
return false;
if (!is_array($object)) {
throw new \Exception(__METHOD__ .' failed to return object: '. $object, 500);
return $object;
public function __toString()
return $this->asString();
* Restore the previous state of the form
* will not be valid if not a valid string
* #param $prevState an encoded serialized array
* #return bool isValid or not
public function reloadState($prevState)
$this->state = array();
$state = $this->fromString($prevState);
if ($state !== false) {
$this->state = $state;
return $this->isValid();
* simple method to encrypt or decrypt a plain text string
* initialization vector(IV) has to be the same when encrypting and decrypting
* #param string $action: can be 'encrypt' or 'decrypt'
* #param string $string: string to encrypt or decrypt
* #return string
public function encrypt_decrypt($action, $string)
$output = false;
$encrypt_method = "AES-256-CBC";
$secret_key = self::ENC_PASSWORD;
// iv - encrypt method AES-256-CBC expects 16 bytes - else you will get a warning
$secret_iv_len = openssl_cipher_iv_length($encrypt_method);
$secret_iv = substr(self::ENC_IV, 0, $secret_iv_len);
if ( $action == 'encrypt' ) {
$output = openssl_encrypt($string, $encrypt_method, $secret_key, OPENSSL_RAW_DATA, $secret_iv);
} else if( $action == 'decrypt' ) {
$output = openssl_decrypt($string, $encrypt_method, $secret_key, OPENSSL_RAW_DATA, $secret_iv);
if ($output === false) {
// throw new \Exception($action .' failed: '. $string, 500);
return $output;
Example Code
Full Example Application Source Code (Q49924789)
Website Using the supplied Source Code
FormState source code
Do we have an existing form?
$isExistingForm = !empty($_POST['formState']);
$selectedAction = 'start-NewForm'; // default action
if ($isExistingForm) { // restore state
$selectedAction = $_POST['selectedAction'];
$formState = new \FormState($_POST['formState']); // it may be invalid
if (!$formState->isValid() && $selectedAction !== 'start-NewForm') {
$selectedAction = "formState-isWrong"; // force user to start a new form
} else {
$_POST = array(); // yes, $_POST is just another PHP array
$formState = new \FormState();
Start New Form
$formState = new \FormState();
$_POST = array();
$displayMsg = "New formstate created. FormId: ". $formState->getFormId();
Store UserId (Database Id) in the FormState
$formState->setAttribute('userId' $userId);
Check a form being to old?
$secsToBeOutOfDate = 3;
if ($formState->isOutOfDate($secsToBeOutOfDate)) {
$errorMsg = 'Out Of Date Age: '. $secsToBeOutOfDate .'secs'
.', ActualAge: '. $formState->getAge();
Reload State from the form hidden field.
$formState = new \FormState('this is rubbish!!');
$errorMsg = "formState: isValid(): ". ($formState->isValid() ? 'True' : 'False');
Check if a form has already been processed.
if (isset($_SESSION['processedForms'][$formState->getFormId()])) {
$errorMsg = 'This form has already been processed. (' . $formState->getFormId() .')';
$_SESSION['processedForms'][$formState->getFormId()] = true;
$displayMsg = "Form processed and added to list.";
I'm building the admin for a Magento2 store (currently on 2.1.7, they want to use the newest version until we go live and then want to stabilize a particular version). The module in question is supposed to display all existing orders, with an actionsColumn that contains links to cancel, edit, and open a detailed overview of the purchased items associated with that order. The order detail page contains a grid view that should display all order items associated with an order number passed in the URL.
In order to filter out Order Items that don't relate to the specific Order Number, I've extended the \Magento\Framework\View\Element\UiComponent\DataProvider\SearchResult class. This works except for one weird caveat. If, in the addFieldToFilter call, I replace $ordNum with, say, '10000', it grabs the correct data. When using $ordNum to call this dynamically, however, it returns no rows at all. This despite trying all sorts of casting and === checks to ensure that there's no difference between the hardcoded and dynamic values. Is this a Magento bug? I can't at all figure out why this would be the case.
class OrderItems extends \Magento\Framework\View\Element\UiComponent\DataProvider\SearchResult
protected function _initSelect()
return $this;
private function filterByOrderNum()
$request = \Magento\Framework\App\ObjectManager::getInstance()
$ordNum = $request->getParam('order_num');
$this->addFieldToFilter('order_num', ['eq' => $ordNum]); //if I switch this to hardcoded 10000, this works. With the variable, no dice.
return $this;
I just fixed it by using mentioned below steps
Store param value in session in controller
public function execute() {
$this->_view->getPage()->getConfig()->getTitle()->set(__('Redeem Token History'));
Use session value in dataprovider
$tokensCollection->addFieldToFilter('token_id', ['eq' => $this->_catalogSession->getTokenId()]);
Enjoy :)
Try this in place of the getParam statement:
$url = parse_url($request);
$path = explode('/',$url['path']);
$ordNum = $path[3];
Just to make sure we are on the same page, this is the full code:
class OrderItems extends \Magento\Framework\View\Element\UiComponent\DataProvider\SearchResult
protected function _initSelect()
return $this;
private function filterByOrderNum()
$request = \Magento\Framework\App\ObjectManager::getInstance()
$url = parse_url($request);
$path = explode('/',$url['path']);
$ordNum = $path[3];
$this->addFieldToFilter('order_num', $ordNum); //if I switch this to hardcoded 10000, this works. With the variable, no dice.
return $this;
We have solved this issue by doing the following :
* CcCustompriceProductListingDataProvider constructor.
* #param string $name
* #param string $primaryFieldName
* #param string $requestFieldName
* #param \Magento\Framework\Api\Search\ReportingInterface $reporting
* #param \Magento\Framework\Api\Search\SearchCriteriaBuilder $searchCriteriaBuilder
* #param \Magento\Framework\App\RequestInterface $request
* #param \Magento\Framework\Api\FilterBuilder $filterBuilder
* #param array $meta
* #param array $data
* #throws \Exception
public function __construct(
ReportingInterface $reporting,
SearchCriteriaBuilder $searchCriteriaBuilder,
RequestInterface $request,
FilterBuilder $filterBuilder,
array $meta = [],
array $data = []
) {
$data['config']['filter_url_params']['product_id'] = $request->getParam('cppc_product_id', 0);
parent::__construct($name, $primaryFieldName, $requestFieldName, $reporting, $searchCriteriaBuilder, $request, $filterBuilder, $meta, $data);
You do not need to use any other function. The reason why this is is because it is also updated with an update URL and that does not have that parameter. By using adding that to the data it also parses that into the update url.
You can see that here (Parent function)
* #return void
protected function prepareUpdateUrl()
if (!isset($this->data['config']['filter_url_params'])) {
foreach ($this->data['config']['filter_url_params'] as $paramName => $paramValue) {
if ('*' == $paramValue) {
$paramValue = $this->request->getParam($paramName);
if ($paramValue) {
$this->data['config']['update_url'] = sprintf(
I have a php file(users.php) which I save the user info. Every time I update or add employee I need to open the file in text editor and make some changes. This is the sample lists of employees in $users array.
$users = array(
'001' => array('id'=>'001', 'name'=>'first lastname', 'dept'=>'Sales', 'position'=>'Lead Team', 'rate'=>'800', 'dayoff'=>'SUN'),
'002' => array('id'=>'002', 'name'=>'sec lastname', 'dept'=>'Sales', 'position'=>'Designer', 'rate'=>'800', 'dayoff'=>'SUN'),
'003' => array('id'=>'003', 'name'=>'david, sample', 'dept'=>'IT', 'position'=>'', 'rate'=>'220.83', 'dayoff'=>'SUN'),
'004' => array('id'=>'004', 'name'=>'Test, Johny', 'dept'=>'', 'position'=>'', 'rate'=>'600', 'dayoff'=>''),
'005' => array('id'=>'005', 'name'=>'Name, Last', 'dept'=>'IT', 'position'=>'Programmer', 'rate'=>'500', 'dayoff'=>'SUN')
When I compute their salary I grab all the details of employee($users array) from that file. This is my sample function.
function compute(){
global $users;
//import list of users;
foreach($the_log as $k=>$v){
//codes here
//show user data with computed salary
How can I make a simple database(like csv file or text file) not MySql or any open source database, so that I can add, edit and delete a user(with just a click) easily whenever I want. What I want to achieve here is to be able to make $users array editable. Is it possible?
Edit: When I use or save data in .csv file, How can I edit or delete a specific user/row?
Just because it's fun, I created an example of how you could do it.
Bare in mind, it's not tested so it might have some bugs but it shows how you could do it.
Since you got so much finished code, I'll leave that up to you to find the bugs. ;-) (However, if you find bugs, leave them as a comment and I'll update the answer).
Important note: Just like #deceze mentioned in his comment, this works well if you know that there won't be any simultaneous "connections" (several people working with the files at the same time) and that you always "open, do stuff, save" and not "open, do stuff, open in a new browser tab, do stuff, save in first tab, save in second tab". Otherwise, your first changes will be overwritten with your second changes and so on...
Class to manage users:
class Users
* #var string
protected $path;
* #var array
protected $users = [];
* #param string $path Path to the user file (must be writeable)
public function __construct($path)
$this->path = $path;
if (!is_file($this->path)) {
// The file doesn't exist yet, let's create it
file_put_contents($this->path, json_encode([]));
} else {
// It does exist. Load it.
$this->users = json_decode(file_get_contents($this->path), true);
* Get all users
* #return array
public function all()
return $this->users;
* Get a specific user
* #param string|integer $userId The array index for that user
* #return array|null Returns null if user doesn't exist
public function get($userId)
if (!array_key_exists($userId, $this->users)) {
// The key doesn't exist, return null
return null;
return $this->users[$userId];
* Update or add a user
* #param string|integer $userId The array index for that user
* #param array $data The user info
* #return boolean
public function save($userId, array $data)
$this->users[$userId] = $data;
$written = file_put_contents($this->path, json_encode($this->users));
return $written !== false;
How you would use it:
// When you have created the instance, use the same instance
// through out your whole application (only do: new Users() once).
// You could do this with some factory class.
$users = new Users('/path/to/users.json');
// List all users
foreach($users->all() as $userId => $row) {
echo $row['first_name'];
// ...
// Get user
$user = $users->get('001');
// Change user
$user['first_name'] = "Magnus";
// Save user (this is both update and add)
$users->save('001', $user);
I'm trying to achieve the following scenario:
1. user display the page addBook.php
2. user starts filling the form
3. but when he wants to select the book Author from the Author combo box, the Author is not yet created in the database so the user clicks a link to add a new Author
5. user is redirected to addAuthor.php
6. the user fill the form and when he submits it, he goes back to addBook.php with all the previous data already present and the new Author selected.
The things is: I have scenarios where there is more than one level of recursion. (Example: Add Book => Add Author => Add Country)
How can I do that?
At step #3, the link submit the form so that I can save it in session.
To handle recursion, I can use a Stack and push the current from on the Stack each time I click a link. And pop the last form of the Stack when the user completes the action correctly or click a cancel button.
My problem is:
How can I handle the back button of the browser?
If instead of clicking the "cancel" button, the user click on the back button, how could I kown that I need to pop the last element?
Do you known some common pattern to achieve that?
You must use javascript on the client and hook into the window unload event, serialize the form and send the answer to the server, which saves it in the session.
$(window).unload(function() {
url : 'autosave.php',
data : $('#my_form').serialize()
on server
// autosave.php
$_SESSION['autosave_data'] = $_POST['autosave_data'];
// addbook.php
if (isset($_SESSION['autosave_data'])) {
// populate the fields
This is the solution I developed to answer my problem.
As the problem was not a client side problem but truly a server side one. Following the php classes I used in my project:
First the main class of the stack functionality. The inclusion need to be done before the session_start as the object will be stored in the session
class Stack {
private $stack;
private $currentPosition;
private $comeFromCancelledAction = false;
public function __construct() {
/* ----------------------------------------------------- */
/* ----------------------------------------------------- */
* Clear the stack history
public function clear() {
$this->stack = array();
$this->currentPosition = -1;
* get the current position of the stack
public function getCurrentPosition() {
return $this->currentPosition;
* Add a new element on the stack
* Increment the current position
* #param $url the url to add on the stack
* #param $data optionnal, the data that could be stored with this $url
public function add($url, &$data = array()) {
if (count($this->stack) != $this->currentPosition) {
// the currentPosition is not the top of the stack
// need to slice the array to discard dirty urls
$this->stack = array_slice($this->stack, 0, $this->currentPosition+1);
$this->stack[] = array('url' => $url, 'data' => $data, 'previousData' => null, 'linked_data' => null);
* Add the stack position parameter in the URL and do a redirect
* Exit the current script.
public function redirect() {
header('location:'.$this->addStackParam($this->getUrl($this->currentPosition)), 301);
* get the URL of a given position
* return null if the position is not valid
public function getUrl($position) {
if (isset($this->stack[$position])) {
return $this->stack[$position]['url'];
} else {
return null;
* get the Data of a given position
* return a reference of the data
public function &getData($position) {
if (isset($this->stack[$position])) {
return $this->stack[$position]['data'];
} else {
return null;
* Update the context of the current position
public function storeCurrentData(&$data) {
$this->stack[$this->currentPosition]['data'] = $data;
* store some data that need to be fixed in sub flow
* (for example the id of the parent object)
public function storeLinkedData($data) {
$this->stack[$this->currentPosition]['linked_data'] = $data;
* Update the context of the current position
public function storePreviousData(&$data) {
$this->stack[$this->currentPosition]['previousData'] = $data;
* Compute all linked data for every positions before the current one and return an array
* containing all keys / values
* Should be called in sub flow to fixed some data.
* Example: if you have tree pages: dad.php, mum.php and child.php
* when creating a "child" object from a "dad", the dad_id should be fixed
* but when creating a "child" object from a "mum", the mum_id should be fixed and a combo for choosing a dad should be displayed
public function getLinkedData() {
$totalLinkedData = array();
for($i = 0; $i < $this->currentPosition; $i++) {
$linkedData = $this->stack[$i]['linked_data'];
if ($linkedData != null && count($linkedData) > 0) {
foreach($linkedData as $key => $value) {
$totalLinkedData[$key] = $value;
return $totalLinkedData;
* Main method of the Stack class.
* Should be called on each page before any output as this method should do redirects.
* #param $handler StackHandler object that will be called at each step of the stack process
* Let the caller to be notified when something appens.
* #return the data
public function initialise(StackHandler $handler) {
if (!isset($_GET['stack']) || !ctype_digit($_GET['stack'])) {
// no stack info, acces the page directly
$this->add($this->getCurrentUrl()); //add the ?stack=<position number>
$this->redirect(); //do a redirect to the same page
} else {
// $_GET['stack'] is set and is a number
$position = $_GET['stack'];
if ($this->currentPosition == $position) {
// ok the user stay on the same page
// or just comme from the redirection
if (!empty($_POST['action'])) {
// user submit a form and need to do an action
if ($_POST['action'] == 'cancel') {
$currentData = array_pop($this->stack);
// redirect to the next page with ?stack=<current position + 1>
} else {
// store the action for future use
$this->stack[$this->currentPosition]['action'] = $_POST['action'];
$currentData = $this->getData($this->currentPosition);
list($currentData, $nextUrl) = $handler->onAction($currentData, $_POST['action']);
// store current form for future use
// add the new page on the stack
// redirect to the next page with ?stack=<current position + 1>
} else if (isset($this->stack[$this->currentPosition]['action'])) {
// no action, and an action exists for this position
$currentData = $this->getData($this->currentPosition);
$action = $this->stack[$this->currentPosition]['action'];
if ($this->comeFromCancelledAction) {
//we return from a cancelled action
$currentData = $handler->onReturningFromCancelledAction($action, $currentData);
$this->comeFromCancelledAction = false;
} else {
$previousData = $this->getPreviousData();
if ($previousData != null) {
//we return from a sucessful action
$currentData = $handler->onReturningFromSuccesAction($action, $currentData, $previousData);
$this->storeCurrentData( $currentData );
$currentData = $this->getData($this->currentPosition);
if ($currentData == null) {
$currentData = $handler->getInitialData();
$this->storeCurrentData( $currentData );
return $currentData;
} else if ($this->getUrl($position) == $this->getCurrentUrl()) {
// seems that the user pressed the back or next button of the browser
// set the current position
$this->currentPosition = $position;
return $this->getData($position);
} else {
// the position does not exist or the url is incorrect
// redirect to the last known position
* call this method after completing an action and need to redirect to the previous page.
* If you need to give some data to the previous action, use $dataForPreviousAction
public function finishAction($dataForPreviousAction = null) {
$pop = array_pop($this->stack);
/* ----------------------------------------------------- */
/* ----------------------------------------------------- */
* get the previous data for the current position
* used when a sub flow finish an action to give some data to the parent flow
private function &getPreviousData() {
if (isset($this->stack[$this->currentPosition])) {
return $this->stack[$this->currentPosition]['previousData'];
} else {
return null;
* get the current url without the stack parameter
* Attention: this method calls "basename" on PHP_SELF do strip the folder structure
* and assume that every pages are in the same directory.
* The "stack" parameter is removed from the query string
* Example: for the page "http://myserver.com/path/to/a.php?id=1&stack=2"
* PHP_SELF will be: /path/to/a.php
* QUERY_STRING wille be: id=1&stack=2
* This method will return: "a.php?id=1"
private function getCurrentUrl() {
$basename = basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
if ($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] != '') {
return $basename.$this->removeQueryStringKey('?'.$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], 'stack');
} else {
return $basename;
* add the "stack" parameter in an url
private function addStackParam($url) {
return $url . (strpos($url, '?') === false ? '?' : '&') . 'stack=' . $this->currentPosition;
* Usefull private method to remove a key=value from a query string.
private function removeQueryStringKey($url, $key) {
$url = preg_replace('/(?:&|(\?))'.$key.'=[^&]*(?(1)&|)?/i', "$1", $url);
return $url != '?' ? $url : '';
* reset the previous data so that the data are not used twice
private function resetPreviousData() {
$this->stack[$this->currentPosition]['previousData'] = null;
Then define the abstract StackHandler class
abstract class StackHandler {
* return the initial data to store for this current page
public function &getInitialData() {
return null;
* return an array containing the key/values that need to be fixed in sub flows
public function getLinkedData() {
return null;
* user ask to go to a sub page
public function onAction(&$currentData, $action) {
$currentData = $_POST;
$nextUrl = $_POST['action'];
return array($currentData, $nextUrl);
public function onCancel(&$currentData) {
public function onReturningFromCancelledAction($action, &$currentData) {
public function onReturningFromSuccesAction($action, &$currentData, $previousData) {
Then add the following lines at the top of your pages. Adapt the handler it to fit your needs.
// be sure that a stack object exist in the session
if (!isset($_SESSION['stack'])) {
$_SESSION['stack'] = new Stack();
$myDad = $_SESSION['stack']->initialise(new DadStackHandler());
class DadStackHandler extends StackHandler {
* return the initial data to store for this current page
public function &getInitialData() {
if(! empty($_GET['id_dad']) && ctype_digit($_GET['id_dad'])){
// update
$myDad = new Dad($_GET['id_dad']);
} else {
// creation
$myDad = new Dad();
return $myDad;
* return an array containing the key/values that need to be fixed in sub flows
public function getLinkedData() {
$linkedData = array();
if (! empty($_GET['id_dad']) && ctype_digit($_GET['id_dad'])) {
$linkedData['id_dad'] = $_GET['id_dad'];
return $linkedData;
* user ask to go to a sub page
public function onAction(&$myDad, $action) {
//in order not to loose user inputs, save them in the current data
$myDad->name = $_POST['name'];
$nextUrl = null;
// find the next url based on the action name
if ($action == 'child') {
$nextUrl = 'child.php';
return array($myDad, $nextUrl);
public function onCancel(&$myDad) {
// probably nothing to do, leave the current data untouched
// or update current data
return $myDad;
public function onReturningFromCancelledAction($action, &$myDad) {
// probably nothing to do, leave the current data untouched
// called when returning from child.php
return $myDad;
public function onReturningFromSuccesAction($action, &$myDad, $newId) {
// update the id of the foreign field if needed
// or update the current data
// not a good example as in real life child should be a list and not a foreign key
// $myDad->childId = $newId;
return $myDad;
if (user submit form and all input are correct) {
if ($myDad->save()) {
// the user finish an action, so we should redirect him to the previous one
if ($_SESSION['stack']->getCurrentPosition() > 0) {
} else {
// default redirect, redirect to the same page in view more or redirect to a list page
I hope this could help others.
I have simple clasS:
id | login | password | desc
and form with this.
How can i make - if input password is null(strlen == 0) then in model doesn`t matter.
Now i have in User.class.php in function save:
You have to ensure not to have a "NOT NULL" on DB level, so empty values are ignored normally by ORM.
There are 2 possibilties to change a given password by a custom function, so i'll give you some simple examples.
1) In your model file (i guess you have doctrine or propel ?!) :
* via object's event handler
if(strlen($this->getPassword()) > 0){
2) Or even as a form validator :
* custom validator
class myValidatorOldPassword extends sfValidatorBase{
* Clean and validate user input
* #param mixed $value Value of form input
* #return mixed Value
protected function doClean($value)
// trim is not needed
$clean = (string) $value;
// password is ok?
if (strlen($clean) > 0)
return sha512($clean);
// Throw error - if you want
// throw new sfValidatorError($this, 'invalid', array('value' => $value));
// or return empty value
return $clean;
Of course this code may be improved, as it's only hint for you.