I am creating my first sign in/register function to my web site by following a online tutorial. Every thing seems to be working good , My problem is in the tutorial the php if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST') is set in the index page which checks if all the fields and then inserts them into the DB . But for me this not seem to work. But if I put the code onto the page where the form action redirects after it works fine. Is this the right way to do it. I wouldn't like to think so because I would like to check all the variable before we move on.
So if someone would like to educate me on this would be great.
Here is my php code still not fully finished but i wanted to clear this up first.
This is used by include method
//setup some variables/arrays
$action = array();
$action['result'] = null;
//check if the form has been submitted
$message = "wrong answer";
echo "<script type='text/javascript'>alert('$message');</script>";
$firstName = mysqli_real_escape_string($link,$_POST['firstName']);
$lastName = mysqli_real_escape_string($link,$_POST['lastName']);
$password = mysqli_real_escape_string($link,$_POST['sign-up-password']);
$confirmPassword = mysqli_real_escape_string($link,$_POST['password-confirm']);
$email = mysqli_real_escape_string($link,$_POST['email2']);
//quick/simple validation
if(empty($firstName)){ $action['result'] = 'error';}
if(empty($lastName)){ $action['result'] = 'error';}
if(empty($password)){ $action['result'] = 'error';}
if(empty($email)){ $action['result'] = 'error';}
if($password != $confirmPassword){ $action['result'] = 'error';}
if($action['result'] != 'error'){
$add = mysqli_query($link,"INSERT INTO `users` VALUES(NULL,'$firstName','$lastName','$password','$email',0)");
//the user was added to the database
//get the new user id
$userid = mysqli_insert_id($link);
//create a random key
$key = $firstName . $email . date('mY');
$key = md5($key);
//add confirm row
$confirm = mysqli_query($link,"INSERT INTO `confirm` VALUES(NULL,'$userid','$key','$email')");
//let's send the email
$action['result'] = 'error';
array_push($text,'User could not be added to the database. Reason: ' . mysql_error());
I am building a website's login page for an assignment. When I hash the password in the file that checks the users details it doesn't match with the stored hashed password in the database. The code always goes to the last else statement and relinks me to the login page with the wrong password sv equal to 1. If I don't hash the password, then copy and paste the hashed password from the database into the login form the login works. If anyone can help this would be greatly appreciated
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
$email = $_POST["email"];
$pass1 = $_POST["pass"];
$pass = hash('sha256', $pass1);
$query = "SELECT * from employee WHERE email = '$email' AND password = '$pass'";
$result_employee = $db->query($query);
$employee_row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result_employee);
$_SESSION['id'] = $employee_row['employee_ID'];
$_SESSION['name'] = $employee_row['name'];
$_SESSION['user_type'] = $employee_row['title'];
header('Location: homepage.html');
$query = "SELECT * from customer WHERE email = '$email' AND password = '$pass'";
$result_customer = $db->query($query);
$customer_row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result_customer);
$_SESSION['id'] = $customer_row['customer_ID'];
$_SESSION['name'] = $customer_row['name'];
$_SESSION['user_type'] = 'Customer';
$_SESSION['email'] = $customer_row['email'];
header('Location: homepage.html');
$_SESSION['wrong_password'] = 1;
header('Location: login.php');
The registration code
// this code checks all reuired fields are filled in appropriately
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
$nameErr = $phoneErr = $emailErr = $passwordErr = "";
$name = $address = $eircode = $email = $password = $phone = "";
$employee_ID = 0;
function test_input($data) {
$data = trim($data);
$data = stripslashes($data);
$data = htmlspecialchars($data);
return $data;
echo $nameErr;
if (empty($_POST["name"])) {
$nameErr = "Your name is required for registration";
} else {
$name = test_input($_POST["name"]);
if (!preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z ]*$/",$name)) {
$nameErr = "Only letters and a space allowed";
if (empty($_POST["phone"])) {
$phoneErr = "Your phone number is required for registration";
} else {
$phone = test_input($_POST["phone"]);
$emailErr = "Your Email is required for registration";
} else {
include ("group_detail.php");
$email_test = test_input($_POST["email"]);
$sql = "SELECT * from customer WHERE email = '$email_test'";
// Checks if another account uses this email
$result = $db->query($sql); // runs the query
$num_rows_3= mysqli_num_rows($result); // counts how many rows the query applies to
if($num_rows_3 == 0){
// Sets email value if no one else has used this email to sign up before
$email = test_input($_POST["email"]);
// Lets the customer know this email is already in use
$emailErr = "Another account has previously been registered with this email. If this is you, you can login ";
$passwordErr = "Password required";
} else {
$pass1 = $_POST['pass1'];
$pass2 = $_POST['pass2'];
if($pass1 == $pass2){
$pass = hash('sha256',$pass1);
// $pass = $pass1;
} else{
$passwordErr = "The passwords you enter must match";
$address = "";
$address = test_input($_POST['address']);
$eircode = "";
$eircode = test_input($_POST['eircode']);
if ($phoneErr == "" && $nameErr == "" && $passwordErr == "" && $emailErr == "")
// This code enters the data from the form into the customer table
include ("group_detail.php");
$q = "INSERT INTO customer(";
$q .= "name, phone, password, email, address, eircode";
$q .= ") VALUES (";
$q .= "'$name', '$phone', '$pass', '$email', '$address', '$eircode')";
$result = $db->query($q);
$sql = "SELECT customer_ID FROM customer ORDER BY customer_ID DESC LIMIT 1";
$result1 = $db->query($sql);
$row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result1);
$_SESSION['customer'] = $row['customer_ID'];
header('Location: homepage.html');
Your field is of the incorrect length. When you use the SHA256 hash function you get an output similar to:
ef92b778bafe771e89245b89ecbc08a44a4e166c06659911881f383d4473e94f // password123
If you're password field is only 15 characters then the saved value will be truncated:
However, during the comparison the full value from the logon script is used against the truncated version stored in the DB and therefore there is no match. Because, as you can see above, they aren't the same.
To fix you need to ALTER the table so that the field is at least varchar(64). Then new accounts will work as expected (note: old hashes still won't work - they need to be redone!)
Additional information
There are a few other issues with your code...
You shouldn't be putting variables directly into your code. Instead it is preferred to use a Prepared Statement with parametrised queries where you bind the variables later.
Which basically means in the query we use a place holder ? where we want a variable and then bind variables to the place holders later on
This is mainly to prevent SQL injection and protect you from incorrect input
It is best to use the PHP built in functions password_* to hash and verify passwords.
It's more secure than simply using hash
salts are auto-generated which protects you from things like rainbow tables
The default algorithm for password_hash requires a field length of 60+ characters
There's no need to store excess data in SESSION
The data is already stored in the DB so just fetch it as and when needed
It seems that you have one table for customers and another for employees
This isn't a good design there should be one table for users and then you can set flags for employee, customer, supplier etc.
Your test_input function carries out functions that are usually done on display not on save.
Below is a quick re-write that addresses some of the above (note: the below code is not complete it doesn't, for example, carry out all of the same validation - e.g. checking for illegal characters - it's just for illustrative purposes)
ini_set('display_errors', true);
ini_set('log_errors', true);
$errors = [];
$name = $_POST["name"] ?? null;
$phone = $_POST["phone"] ?? null;
$email = $_POST['email'] ?? null;
$address = $_POST['address'] ?? null;
$eircode = $_POST['eircode'] ?? null;
$pass1 = $_POST['pass1'] ?? null;
$pass2 = $_POST['pass2'] ?? null;
// Check passwords are the same and assign hash to $pass
$pass = $pass1 === $pass2 ? password_hash($pass1, PASSWORD_DEFAULT) : null;
// Check the required fields are present and not empty
if (!$name || !$phone || !$email || !$pass) {
$errors[] = "Required fields are missing.";
// Check if the email address already exists in the DB
$checkEmailExistsSQL = "SELECT COUNT(*) as countEmails FROM user WHERE email = ?";
$checkEmailExistsQuery = $mysqli->prepare($checkEmailExistsSQL);
$checkEmailExistsQuery->bind_param("s", $email);
$emailExists = $checkEmailExistsQuery->get_result()->fetch_assoc()["countEmails"];
if ($emailExists !== 0) {
$errors[] = "The email address already exists in the DB";
// Check if there were errors and output them; then exit the script
if (count($errors)) {
foreach($errors as $error) {
echo $error, PHP_EOL;
$insertSQL = "
(name, phone, password, email, address, eircode)
(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
$insertQuery = $mysqli->prepare($insertSQL);
$insertQuery->bind_param("ssssss", $name, $phone, $pass, $email, $address, $eircode);
// Success the user is registered
ini_set('display_errors', true);
ini_set('log_errors', true);
$email = $_POST["email"] ?? null;
$pass = $_POST["pass"] ?? null;
// You can remove the old user id. But you don't need to
// There's no need to store excess data on the user in
// the SESSION super global; any data that you need
// access to can be retrieved from the DB at will.
// Copying data into SESSION only eats into memory.
// Check that something was submitted for email and password
if (!$email || !$pass) {
echo "Error: all fields need to be completed";
$sql = "SELECT id, password FROM user WHERE email = ?";
$query = $mysqli->prepare($sql);
$query->bind_param("s", $email);
// Check to see if the email address is registered.
// Then check to see if the password is a match.
if (
!($user = $query->get_result()->fetch_assoc())
|| !password_verify($pass, $user["password"])
) {
echo "Error: the email address or password isn't correct";
// Success the user is logged on
$_SESSION["id"] = $user["id"];
When I run this page, everything shows up correctly, but then when I try to test my various error messages, my button keeps redirecting me back to my login page as if everything was inputted correctly. It fails to register the if blocks I've included. Below is the php (the html runs fine, not included).
*Side note, a few lines are commented out because I initially had PDO and am changing them over to mysql, but those shouldn't affect everything else running. I have them commented out too so if things did work, I wasn't adding unnecessary info to my database.
Of course, PHP is not skipping anything. It is diligently running your conditions, but in your code the only condition that affects the insert is the last one.
To make it work as desired you have to change all your ifs to elseif save for the first one
The problem: Your error may be set, but your INSERT will execute only if $password == $password2 which will be true if they're both empty.
You need to indicate alternative paths by doing else if
error_reporting (E_ALL);
$error = "";
if (isset($_POST['createAccount'])){
$username = $_POST['username'];
$password = $_POST['password'];
$password2 = $_POST['password2'];
$firstName = $_POST['firstName'];
$lastName = $_POST['lastName'];
$address = $_POST['address'];
$city = $_POST['city'];
$province = $_POST['province'];
$postalCode = $_POST['postalCode'];
if (!$username){
$error = "<br><div><em>No username entered.</em></div>";
elseif (!$password || !$password2){
$error = "<br><div><em>Missing password.</em></div>";
elseif (!$firstName || !$lastName){
$error = "<br><div><em>Please enter first and last name.</em></div>";
elseif (!$address || !$city || !$province || !$postalCode){
$error = "<br><div><em>Insufficient address provided. Please fill in all fields.</em></div>";
elseif ($password != $password2){
$error = "<br><div><em>Passwords do not match.</em></div>";
$conn = mysql_connect(<blocked out for privacy reasons>);
$db = mysql_select_db("grocery", $conn);
$account = mysql_query("SELECT *
FROM accounts
WHERE username = '$username'",
$rowExist = mysql_num_rows($account);
if ($rowExist == 1){
$error = "<br><div><em>Username already exists.</em></div>";
else {
//$newAccount = ("INSERT INTO accounts (username, password, first_name, last_name, street, city, province, postal_code)
// VALUES ('$username','$password','$firstName','$lastName','$address','$city','$province','$postal_code')");
header("location: GroceryLogin.php");
// I'm guessing here you do an echo $error;
I'm having an issue on writing the registration form to the .txt file if a username exist. At the moment, I don't want to write out to the file if a username exist in the user.txt and print out false and if it doesn't exist, continue and write out to the user.txt file.
$usernameexist = $_POST['usernameexist'];
$username = $_POST['username'];
$password = $_POST['password'];
$firstname = $_POST['firstname'];
$lastname = $_POST['lastname'];
$dob = $_POST['dob'];
$gender = $_POST['gender'];
$email = $_POST['email'];
$address = $_POST['address'];
$membership = $_POST['membership'];
$creditcard = $_POST['creditcard'];
$cardexpiry = $_POST['cardexpiry'];
$duration = $_POST['duration'];
$name = "/^[A-Za-z]+$/";
$emailaddress = "/^\w+([\.-]?\w+)*#\w+([\.-]?\w+)*(\.\w{2,3})+$/";
$male_status = 'unchecked';
$female_status = 'unchecked';
// Server side form validation using php.
// Validate username field if empty or not.
if (empty($username)){
$err_username = 'Please enter your username.';
// Load file and check if username exist
$filename = 'user.txt';
if (file_exists($filename)){
$fp = fopen ('user.txt', 'r');
while ($line = fgetcsv($fp,100,",")) {
if ( ($line[0] == $_POST['username']) ) {
$usernameexist = "Username Exist!";
$err_usernameexist = $usernameexist;
fclose ($fp);
echo '<p> File does not exist! </p>';
//$val_username = $username;
// Validate password field if empty or not.
if (empty($password)){
$err_password = 'Please enter your password.';
$val_password = $password;
// First Name
if (empty($firstname)){
$err_firstname = 'Please enter your first name.';
$val_firstname = $firstname;
// Last Name
if (empty($lastname)){
$err_lastname = 'Please enter a valid last name.';
$val_lastname = $lastname;
// Gender
if (isset($_POST['submit'])){
$selected_radio = $_POST['gender'];
if($selected_radio == 'Male') {
$male_status = 'checked';
}else if ($selected_radio == 'Female'){
$female_status = 'checked';
// Email Address
if (!preg_match($emailaddress, $email)){
$err_email = 'Please enter a valid email address.';
$val_email = $email;
if ($_POST['membership'] != 0){
$err_membership = 'Nothing selected!';
$val_membership = $membership;
// Credit Card
if (empty($creditcard)){
$err_creditcard = 'Field is empty, please try again.';
$val_creditcard = $creditcard;
// Card Expiry
if (empty($cardexpiry)){
$err_cardexpiry = 'Field is empty, please try again.';
$val_cardexpiry = $cardexpiry;
// Duration
if (empty($duration)){
$err_duration = 'Field is empty, please try again.';
$val_duration = $duration;
if (!empty($username) && !empty($password) && !empty($firstname)
&& !empty($lastname) && preg_match($emailaddress, $email)
&& ($_GET['membership'] != '0') && !empty($creditcard) && !empty($cardexpiry)
&& !empty($duration)){
$fp = fopen ('user.txt', 'r+');
while ($line = fgetcsv($fp,100,",")){
if($line[0] == $_POST['username']){
$usernameexist = "Username Exist!";
$err_usernameexist = $usernameexist;
echo 'Username EXIST AND WRONG';
$output_string = $username. ", "
.$password. ", "
.$firstname. ", "
.$lastname .", "
.$dob .", "
.$gender .", "
.$email .", "
.$address .", "
.$membership .", "
.$creditcard .", "
.$cardexpiry .", "
.$duration ."\n";
$fp = fopen ('user.txt', 'a');
fwrite ($fp, $output_string);
echo "<p> Your Registration was successful! </p>";
echo 'Please re-check your field as field marked with "*" is required';
Any help is much appreciate and please excuse my question if it seems too confusing as i am slightly new.
Please forgive apparent criticism but there are a lot of issues with your code and I think it will help if I point out some poor practices first:
Don't keep reassigning variables. Just use them as $_POST['whatever'] there is no advantage in copying them into other memory intensive structures. It obfuscates rather than clarifying your code.
DO NOT EVER store credit card details in a plain text file.
Why are you using a custom CSV data structure? This is what databases are for XML at a pinch.
You test for username existence twice, neither in the right place to fix the problem.
For your answer:
if (!empty($username) && !empty($password) && !empty($firstname)
&& !empty($lastname) && preg_match($emailaddress, $email)
&& ($_GET['membership'] != '0') && !empty($creditcard) && !empty($cardexpiry)
&& !empty($duration)){
$fp = fopen ('user.txt', 'r+');
while ($line = fgetcsv($fp,100,",")){
if($line[0] == $_POST['username']){
$usernameexist = "Username Exist!";
$err_usernameexist = $usernameexist;
echo 'Username EXIST AND WRONG';
$output_string = $username. ", "
Seems to be your problem here. What this says is: "If the data is wrong, check to see if the username exists and if it does, say so, otherwise if the data is correct, post it to the file. [but don't test for username existence first]
Essentially, you are testing for the existence of the username in the wrong place.
Move the username existence check to the other side of the else. You could even (riskily) test for strlen($err_usernameexist)>0 as this will return true if the username exists.
Once again though, this is dangerous code and although it forms an interesting exercise in CSV file manipulation it is not appropriate for the apparent application type it seems to be designed for. It will also break if a user puts a comma in their data.
you could use fputcsv properly by creating an array which is immune to commas though not to quotes:
You SHOULD however save the data in mysql where you can at least AES_ENCRYPT your confidential data.
Alternatively, there are plenty of AES classes posted free for PHP. Mysql will handle very large data sets quickly whilst yours just gets slower and slower with time...
PHP Code:
$dom = new DOMDocument;
$headtitle = "Register";
$errors = array();
$username = preg_replace('/[^A-Za-z]/', '', $_POST['username']);
$name = $_POST['name'];
$lastname = $_POST['lastname'];
$email = $_POST['email'];
$password = $_POST['password'];
$c_password = $_POST['c_password'];
$birthday = $_POST['birthday'];
$country = $_POST['country'];
$gender = $_POST['gender'];
$age = $_POST['age'];
$level = $_POST['level'];
$date = $_POST['date'];
if(file_exists('users/' . $username . '.xml')){
$errors[] = ' Username already exists';
if($username == ''){
$errors[] = ' Username is missing. Try again.';
if($name == ''){
$errors[] = ' Name is missing. Try again.';
if($lastname == ''){
$errors[] = ' Lastname is missing. Try again.';
if($country == ''){
$errors[] = ' Country is missing. Try again.';
if($gender == ''){
$errors[] = ' Gender is missing. Try again.';
if($age == ''){
$errors[] = ' Age is missing. Try again.';
if($email == ''){
$errors[] = ' Email is missing. Try again.';
if($password == '' || $c_password == ''){
$errors[] = ' Passwords are missing. Try again.';
if($password != $c_password){
$errors[] = ' Passwords do not match';
if(count($errors) == 0){
$xml = new SimpleXMLElement('<user></user>');
$xml->addChild('name', ($name));
$xml->addChild('lastname', ($lastname));
$xml->addChild('password', md5($password));
$xml->addChild('birthday', $birthday);
$xml->addChild('country', $country);
$xml->addChild('gender', $gender);
$xml->addChild('age', $age);
$xml->addChild('email', $email);
$xml->addChild('level', $level);
$xml->addChild('date', $date);
$xml->asXML('users/' . $username . '.xml');
header('Location: index.php');
Javascript Code:
function vaildate() {
if (document.getElementById('username').value.length <= 4) {
document.getElementById('errors').innerHTML = "Username must me more than 4 words <br />";
return false;
return true;
Now my problem is, that when I click submit button (that contains name="login" and onclick="vaildate();") he excute only php errors and ignores javascript errors (assuming that id="username" has less than 4 words).
My question is how can I make Javascript & PHP errors work? not only PHP and the system ignores Javascript.
Thank you all..
Also i got this code to echo PHP errors
if(count($errors) > 0){
echo '<font color="red"><ul>';
foreach($errors as $e){
echo '<li>' . $e . '</li>';
echo '</ul></font>';
Try this:
onclick="return vaildate();"
You need to return the validate function (return the true or false), not just call it.
Your Javascript and PHP you are showing looks fine. What we don't have is the actual markup of the login page. My suspicion is that your markup is not consistent with the code you have in your Javascript.
If you could also try and explain more specifically what you mean by
My question is how can I make Javascript & PHP errors work? not only PHP and the system ignores Javascript.
Have you used a Javascript debugger to see if part your Javascript (maybe elsewhere on the page) is erroring?
I am trying to input a check-box for terms and conditions in a form, but when I registered the form without ticking the box the registration went through , (which was not suppose to be). Please help have a look.
echo "<h2>Register</h2>";
$submit = $_POST['register'];
//form data
$fullname = mysql_real_escape_string(htmlentities(strip_tags($_POST['fullname'])));
$username = strtolower(mysql_real_escape_string(htmlentities(strip_tags($_POST['username']))));
$password = mysql_real_escape_string(htmlentities(strip_tags($_POST['password'])));
$repeatpassword = mysql_real_escape_string(htmlentities(strip_tags($_POST['repeatpassword'])));
$email = mysql_real_escape_string(htmlentities(strip_tags($_POST['email'])));
$houseno = mysql_real_escape_string(htmlentities(strip_tags($_POST['houseno'])));
$addressa = mysql_real_escape_string(htmlentities(strip_tags($_POST['addressa'])));
$addressb = mysql_real_escape_string(htmlentities(strip_tags($_POST['addressb'])));
$addressc = mysql_real_escape_string(htmlentities(strip_tags($_POST['addressc'])));
$county = mysql_real_escape_string(htmlentities(strip_tags($_POST['county'])));
$state = mysql_real_escape_string(htmlentities(strip_tags($_POST['state'])));
$country = mysql_real_escape_string(htmlentities(strip_tags($_POST['country'])));
$accept = mysql_real_escape_string(htmlentities(strip_tags($_POST['accept'])));
if ($submit)
$namecheck = mysql_query("SELECT username FROM reusers WHERE username='$username'");
$count = mysql_num_rows($namecheck);
die("Username already taken!");
//check for registration form details
if ($fullname&&$username&&$password&&$repeatpassword&&$email&&$houseno&&$addressa&&$county&&$state&&$country)
if($accept!= 1)
if ($password==$repeatpassword)
//check char lenght of username and fullname
if (strlen($username)>25||strlen($fullname)>25)
echo "Lenght of username or fullname is too long";
//check password length
echo"Password must be between 6 and 25 characters";
//check password length
$emailcheck = mysql_query("SELECT email FROM reusers WHERE email='$email'");
$ecount = mysql_num_rows($emailcheck);
echo"email already registered Please sign in into your account to continue";
//generate random code
$code = rand(11111111,99999999);
//send activation email
$to = $email;
$subject = "Activate your account";
$headers = "From: donotreply#reacheasy.co.uk";
$body = " Hello $fullname,\n\nUsername $username,\n\n Password $password ,\n\nYou registered `and need to activate your account. Click the link below or paste it into the URL bar of your browser\n\nhttp://reach.co.uk/activate.php?code=$code\n\nThanks!";
if (!mail($to,$subject,$body,$headers))
echo "We couldn't sign you up at this time. Please try again later.";
//register the user!
//encript password
$password = md5($password);
$repeatpassword = md5($repeatpassword);
$queryreg = mysql_query("
INSERT INTO reusers VALUES ('','$fullname','$username','$password','$email','$code','0','houseno','addressa','addressb','addressc','county','state','country')
die("You have been registered successfully! Please check your email ($email) to activate your account<a href='index.php'>Return to login page</a>");
echo"Your passwords do not match!";
echo"Please read and accept Terms and Conditions before registering!";
echo "Please fill in <b>all</> fields!";
$accept = ($_POST['accept'] ? 1:0);
You must use
if($accept == 1)
because $_POST['accept'] = 1 when you check the checkbox.
Now return Please read and accept Terms and Conditions before registering! when checkbox is checked and register the user when checkbox is not checked.