Laravel using Policies and FormRequest classes together - php

I'm using the Form Request classes to validate data being passed into my controllers.
Additionally, I'm using Policies to determine if a current user is allowed to show / update / destroy etc the object in question.
If I am using Policies, does this mean I can simply use:
public function authorize()
return true;
within my Request classes? Or should I be doing the check twice / writing them in different ways?
If someone could shed some light on this, that would be great.

See \Illuminate\Validation\ValidatesWhenResolvedTrait
namespace Illuminate\Validation;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Validation\ValidationException;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Validation\UnauthorizedException;
* Provides default implementation of ValidatesWhenResolved contract.
trait ValidatesWhenResolvedTrait
* Validate the class instance.
* #return void
public function validate()
$instance = $this->getValidatorInstance();
if (! $this->passesAuthorization()) {
} elseif (! $instance->passes()) {
* Get the validator instance for the request.
* #return \Illuminate\Validation\Validator
protected function getValidatorInstance()
return $this->validator();
* Handle a failed validation attempt.
* #param \Illuminate\Validation\Validator $validator
* #return mixed
protected function failedValidation(Validator $validator)
throw new ValidationException($validator);
* Determine if the request passes the authorization check.
* #return bool
protected function passesAuthorization()
if (method_exists($this, 'authorize')) {
return $this->authorize();
return true;
* Handle a failed authorization attempt.
* #return mixed
protected function failedAuthorization()
throw new UnauthorizedException;
And \Illuminate\Foundation\Http\FormRequest
* Determine if the request passes the authorization check.
* #return bool
protected function passesAuthorization()
if (method_exists($this, 'authorize')) {
return $this->container->call([$this, 'authorize']);
return false;
It only checks the returning result and determine to continue or not when the request is resolved. It doesn't pass the policies or any middleware or sth. strange like that.


How to correctly label call_user_func to prevent warning : Exception is never thrown in the corresponding 'try' block (PhpStorm / Lumen)?

I have Authenticate middleware in my Lumen app that looks like this:
class Authenticate
public function handle(Request $request, Closure $next, string|null $guard = null): mixed
try {
/** #var \Illuminate\Auth\RequestGuard $requestGuard */
$requestGuard = $this->auth->guard($guard);
$signedIn = $requestGuard->check();
// ...
} catch (NoUserIdProvidedException) {
// ...
// ...
It works fine, but PhpStorm reports that the exceptions (I removed most from the example, there are a few) are not thrown by the containing block, when they are.
Seems that deep in the RequestGuard it uses call_user_func
return $this->user = call_user_func(
$this->callback, $this->request, $this->getProvider()
To call a closure set up in the AuthServiceProvider, which uses the middleware method on the custom Security class:
class AuthServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
public function boot(): void
$this->app['auth']->viaRequest('api', function ($request) {
$security = new Security();
return $security->middleware($request);
The middleware looks to me docblocked correctly
* #param Request $request
* #return bool|object|null
* #throws InvalidDomainUser
* #throws NoDomainUserException
* #throws NoTokenOnRecordException
* #throws NoTokenProvidedException
* #throws NoUserException
* #throws NoUserIdProvidedException
public function middleware(Request $request): object|bool|null
adding the docblocks, like:
* #throws NoUserIdProvidedException
in the closure, the auth provider or the handle code does not make the warning go away, is there a way to comment or type hint the code to avoid false positives? I don't want to just switch off the inspection.
It seems that the way the guards work is just a bit too convoluted for static analysis, so I refactored, moving the underlying custom code out of the guard, and directly into the middleware and this worked, the exceptions are now correctly detected.
class Authenticate
public function handle(Request $request, Closure $next, string|null $guard = null): mixed
try {
$security = new Security();
$user = $security->middleware($request);
$signedIn = !empty($user->id);
// ...
} catch (NoUserIdProvidedException) {
// ...
// ...
The security class is custom logic, the important bit is that the doc blocks with the #throws are close enough to be found by the IDE
class Security{
* #param Request $request
* #return bool|object|null
* #throws InvalidDomainUser
* #throws NoDomainUserException
* #throws NoTokenOnRecordException
* #throws NoTokenProvidedException
* #throws NoUserException
* #throws NoUserIdProvidedException
public function middleware(Request $request): object|bool|null
// ....

How do I extend Laravel Sanctum's functionality?

I am specifically trying to get Sanctum's Guard class to look for the API token in a JSON request body if it can't find it in the Authorization header. I simply need to add an elseif after it checks for the bearer token.
So question is: What is the best way to override this method (or class) with my own, without touching the original Sanctum files?
namespace Laravel\Sanctum;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\Factory as AuthFactory;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
class Guard
* The authentication factory implementation.
* #var \Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\Factory
protected $auth;
* The number of minutes tokens should be allowed to remain valid.
* #var int
protected $expiration;
* Create a new guard instance.
* #param \Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\Factory $auth
* #param int $expiration
* #return void
public function __construct(AuthFactory $auth, $expiration = null)
$this->auth = $auth;
$this->expiration = $expiration;
* Retrieve the authenticated user for the incoming request.
* #param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request
* #return mixed
public function __invoke(Request $request)
if ($user = $this->auth->guard('web')->user()) {
return $this->supportsTokens($user)
? $user->withAccessToken(new TransientToken)
: $user;
if ($token = $request->bearerToken()) {
$model = Sanctum::$personalAccessTokenModel;
$accessToken = $model::where('token', hash('sha256', $token))->first();
if (! $accessToken ||
($this->expiration &&
$accessToken->created_at->lte(now()->subMinutes($this->expiration)))) {
return $this->supportsTokens($accessToken->tokenable) ? $accessToken->tokenable->withAccessToken(
tap($accessToken->forceFill(['last_used_at' => now()]))->save()
) : null;
* Determine if the tokenable model supports API tokens.
* #param mixed $tokenable
* #return bool
protected function supportsTokens($tokenable = null)
return in_array(HasApiTokens::class, class_uses_recursive(
$tokenable ? get_class($tokenable) : null
I don't know if you've already figured out but I think you need to add an entry in your AppServiceProvider boot method and override configureGuard functionality placed in SanctumServiceProvider at line 94.
Auth::resolved(function ($auth) {
$auth->extend('sanctum', function ($app, $name, array $config) use ($auth) {
return tap($this->createGuard($auth, $config), function ($guard) {
$this->app->refresh('request', $guard, 'setRequest');
You will also need to override createGuard function to specify your custom Guard class with the functionality you require.

How inform PhpStorm about method position used in DependencyInjection way, which it "thinks" that doesn't exist?

Is there any option to inform PhpStorm that method which it says that not exist, is beyond his scope and is defined somewhere else ?
In simpler words:
I have method execution:
I have got method definition also:
public function transactionalUpdate(ImportantObjectButNotMuch $baconWithButter)
echo 'Do a lot of tricks...';
Unfortunately PhpStorm doesn't know that execution : ->transactionalUpdate($result); should run public function transactionalUpdate.
Is there any option to write PhpDoc or some other tag to inform it that in case of name refactorization it should change the original function name too ?
P.S. My class structure looks like this:
class Db
public static function transactional($object)
return TransactionalProxy::newInstance($object); //3. It returns ApiObject object
class ApiObject
public function update_record()
//1. I am starting from there
$result = new ImportantObjectButNotMuch();
Db::transactional($this)->transactionalUpdate($result); //2. Next i am passing $this to Db class, to transactional method //4. It should run below transactionalUpdate method
public function transactionalUpdate(ImportantObjectButNotMuch $baconWithButter)
echo 'Do a lot of tricks...'; //5. It ends there, it is working but PhpStorm doesn't see it
#Nukeface and #Dmitry caused me to come up with the answer on my Question:
Lets see again into my files structure:
class Db
public static function transactional($object)
return TransactionalProxy::newInstance($object); //3. It returns ApiObject object
class ApiObject
public function update_record()
//1. I am starting from there
$result = new ImportantObjectButNotMuch();
//EDIT//Db::transactional($this)->transactionalUpdate($result); //2. Next i am passing $this to Db class, to transactional method //4. It should run below transactionalUpdate method
/** #var self $thisObject */
//Line above informs PhpStorm that $thisObject is ApiObject indeed
$thisObject = Db::transactional($this)
public function transactionalUpdate(ImportantObjectButNotMuch $baconWithButter)
echo 'Do a lot of tricks...'; //5. It ends there, it is working but PhpStorm doesn't see it
You should make use of Typehints. Updated your code below:
* Class Db
* #package Namespace\To\Db
class Db
* #param $object
* #return ApiObject (per your line comment)
public static function transactional($object)
return TransactionalProxy::newInstance($object); //3. It returns ApiObject object
* Class ApiObject
* #package Namespace\To\ApiObject
class ApiObject
* #return void (I see no "return" statement)
public function update_record()
//1. I am starting from there
$result = new ImportantObjectButNotMuch();
Db::transactional($this)->transactionalUpdate($result); //2. Next i am passing $this to Db class, to transactional method //4. It should run below transactionalUpdate method
* #param ImportantObjectButNotMuch $baconWithButter
* #return void
public function transactionalUpdate(ImportantObjectButNotMuch $baconWithButter)
echo 'Do a lot of tricks...'; //5. It ends there, it is working but PhpStorm doesn't see it
You can quickly create basic docblocks and typehints by typing /** then pressing either "enter" or "space". Enter if you want a docblock and space if you want a typehint.
Examples of own code below:
* Class AbstractEventHandler
* #package Hzw\Mvc\Event
abstract class AbstractEventHandler implements EventManagerAwareInterface
* #var EventManagerInterface
protected $events;
* #var EntityManager|ObjectManager
protected $entityManager;
* AbstractEvent constructor.
* #param ObjectManager $entityManager
public function __construct(ObjectManager $entityManager)
* #param EventManagerInterface $events
public function setEventManager(EventManagerInterface $events)
$this->events = $events;
* #return EventManagerInterface
public function getEventManager()
if (!$this->events) {
$this->setEventManager(new EventManager());
return $this->events;
* #return ObjectManager|EntityManager
public function getEntityManager()
return $this->entityManager;
* #param ObjectManager|EntityManager $entityManager
* #return AbstractEventHandler
public function setEntityManager($entityManager)
$this->entityManager = $entityManager;
return $this;
In the above example, PhpStorm knows what every function requires and returns. It knows the types and as some "return $this" it knows about the possibility to chain functions.
As an addition, the above code example uses only "docblocks". Below some "inline typehints" from within a function. Especially useful when it's not going to be immediately clear what is going to be returned. That way, again, PhpStorm knows from where to get functions, options, etc. to show you.
/** #var AbstractForm $form */
$form = $this->getFormElementManager()->get($formName, (is_null($formOptions) ? [] : $formOptions));
/** #var Request $request */
$request = $this->getRequest();
As a final hint. If you create a bunch of properties for a class, such as in my example protected $events or protected $entityManager, you can also generate the getters & setters. If your properties contain the docblocks, it will also generate the docblocks for you on these functions.
E.g. the property below
* #var EntityManager|ObjectManager
protected $entityManager;
When using "Alt + Insert" you get a menu at cursor location. Choose "Getters/Setters". In the pop-up, select "entityManager" and check the box at the bottom for "fluent setters". Then the code below is generated for you:
* #return ObjectManager|EntityManager
public function getEntityManager()
return $this->entityManager;
* #param ObjectManager|EntityManager $entityManager
* #return AbstractEventHandler
public function setEntityManager($entityManager)
$this->entityManager = $entityManager;
return $this;
The closes thing you can do to what you want to do is to use #return with multiple types.
* #param $object
* #return ApiObject|AnotherApiObject|OneMoreApiObject
public static function transactional($object)
return TransactionalProxy::newInstance($object);

Twig error on WebProfiler with Doctrine filter enable

I have a strange error with Twig and the WebProfiler when I enable a Doctrine filter.
request.CRITICAL: Uncaught PHP Exception Twig_Error_Runtime: "An exception has been thrown
during the rendering of a template ("Error when rendering "http://community.localhost:8000/
_profiler/e94abf?community_subdomain=community&panel=request" (Status code is 404).")." at
layout.html.twig line 103
This {{ render(path('_profiler_search_bar', request.query.all)) }} causes the error.
My doctrine filter allows to add filter constraint on some classes (multi tenant app with dynamic subdomains)
namespace AppBundle\Group\Community;
use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\ClassMetadata;
use Doctrine\ORM\Query\Filter\SQLFilter;
* Class CommunityAwareFilter
class CommunityAwareFilter extends SQLFilter
* Gets the SQL query part to add to a query.
* #param ClassMetadata $targetEntity
* #param string $targetTableAlias
* #return string The constraint SQL if there is available, empty string otherwise.
public function addFilterConstraint(ClassMetadata $targetEntity, $targetTableAlias)
if (!$targetEntity->reflClass->implementsInterface(CommunityAwareInterface::class)) {
return '';
return sprintf('%s.community_id = %s', $targetTableAlias, $this->getParameter('communityId')); // <-- error
// return ''; <-- no error
I have also extended Symfony Router to add subdomain placeholder automatically in routing.
Do you have any idea what can cause this ?
namespace AppBundle\Routing;
use AppBundle\Group\Community\CommunityResolver;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RequestStack;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\Exception\MethodNotAllowedException;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\Exception\ResourceNotFoundException;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\Generator\UrlGeneratorInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\RequestContext;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\RouteCollection;
use Symfony\Component\Routing\RouterInterface;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Routing\Router as BaseRouter;
class Router implements RouterInterface
* #var BaseRouter
private $router;
* #var RequestStack
private $request;
* #var CommunityResolver
private $communityResolver;
* Router constructor.
* #param BaseRouter $router
* #param RequestStack $request
* #param CommunityResolver $communityResolver
public function __construct(BaseRouter $router, RequestStack $request, CommunityResolver $communityResolver)
$this->router = $router;
$this->request = $request;
$this->communityResolver = $communityResolver;
* Sets the request context.
* #param RequestContext $context The context
public function setContext(RequestContext $context)
* Gets the request context.
* #return RequestContext The context
public function getContext()
return $this->router->getContext();
* Gets the RouteCollection instance associated with this Router.
* #return RouteCollection A RouteCollection instance
public function getRouteCollection()
return $this->router->getRouteCollection();
* Tries to match a URL path with a set of routes.
* If the matcher can not find information, it must throw one of the exceptions documented
* below.
* #param string $pathinfo The path info to be parsed (raw format, i.e. not urldecoded)
* #return array An array of parameters
* #throws ResourceNotFoundException If the resource could not be found
* #throws MethodNotAllowedException If the resource was found but the request method is not allowed
public function match($pathinfo)
return $this->router->match($pathinfo);
public function generate($name, $parameters = array(), $referenceType = UrlGeneratorInterface::ABSOLUTE_PATH)
if (null !== ($community = $this->communityResolver->getCommunity())) {
$parameters['community_subdomain'] = $community->getSubDomain();
return $this->router->generate($name, $parameters, $referenceType);
I found the solution, in fact I passed my "tenant" (here my "community") object in the Session like this (in a subscriber onKernelRequest)
if (null === ($session = $request->getSession())) {
$session = new Session();
$session->set('community', $community);
I changed to store this object in a service and it works. Maybe using the Session to store data is a bad practice.
I think your Symmfony Router override may cause the problem. Can you paste us the code ?

Does this concept to add methods to an existing PHP interface scale?

I am using Nicolas Widart's Laravel Modules package to help manage a large app, and keep everything separated into logical modules. I would like to be able to drop in different modules and have them play nicely without any extra configuration.
All of my modules will define interfaces and default implementations that allow the application (the system controlling which modules are loaded) to specify that it wants to use a specific implementation instead, through dependency injection.
I am able to make some assumptions by having some modules require others, for example a payment processing module (Module PP) can assume that a payment is tied to a user (with which the interface for a user is defined in another module, Module U).
My ideal scenario is that I could add to an existing PHP interface that is defined in another required module. For example, being able to retrieve a user from a repository defined in Module U and call a method on it that was defined in Module PP.
Once Module PP resolves the interface (again, through dependency injection) from Module U to a class, I want my method from Module PP to be callable on that class.
I have been able to achieve this using the __call magic method as below.
Extensions Module
This module defines the core operations to add to an existing interface.
IsExtendable Interface
namespace Modules\Extensions\Contracts;
interface IsExtendable
* Get the list of extensions for this entity.
* #return array
public static function getExtensions();
* Adds an extension to this entity.
* #param string $name
* #param mixed $function
public static function addExtension($name, $function);
* Checks whether the entity has the given extension.
* #param string $name
* #return bool
public static function hasExtension($name);
* Call the extension if it exists, or pass it further up the chain.
* #param string $name
* #param mixed $arguments
* #return mixed
public function __call($name, $arguments);
IsExtendable Trait
namespace Modules\Extensions;
trait IsExtendable
/** #var $extensions */
private static $extensions = [];
* Get the list of extensions for this entity.
* #return array
public static function getExtensions()
return self::$extensions;
* Adds an extension to this entity.
* #param string $name
* #param mixed $function
public static function addExtension($name, $function)
if(is_callable($function) == FALSE)
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Function must be callable.');
self::$extensions[$name] = $function;
* Checks whether the entity has the given extension.
* #param string $name
* #return bool
public static function hasExtension($name)
return array_key_exists($name, self::getExtensions()) == TRUE;
* Calls the extension if it exists, or passes it further up the chain.
* #param string $name
* #param mixed $arguments
* #return mixed
public function __call($name, $arguments)
if(self::hasExtension($name) == TRUE)
$callable = self::getExtensions()[$name];
return call_user_func_array($callable, array_merge(array($this), $arguments));
return parent::__call($name, $arguments);
Service Provider
namespace Modules\Extensions\Providers;
use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
use Modules\Extensions\Contracts\IsExtendable as IsExtendableContract;
class ExtensionServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
* #param string $implementation
* #param string $functionName
* #return callable
public function prepareExtension($implementation, $functionName)
return $implementation . '::' . $functionName;
* #param string $contract
* #param string $implementation
* #return void
public function extractExtensions($contract, $implementation)
$reflection = new \ReflectionClass($implementation);
$methods = [];
foreach($reflection->getMethods(\ReflectionMethod::IS_STATIC) as $method)
// TODO: May be able to use $method->getClosure() here
$methods[] = $method->getName();
$this->registerExtensions($contract, $methods, $implementation);
* #param string $contract
* #param string $name
* #param string $function
* #return void
public function registerExtension($contract, $name, $function)
// Resolve the contract to an implementation
$base = app($contract);
// Check that it is suitable for extension
if($base instanceof IsExtendableContract)
$base::addExtension($name, $function);
* #param string $contract
* #param array $extensions
* #param string|null $implementation
* #return void
public function registerExtensions($contract, array $extensions = [], $implementation = NULL)
// Resolve the contract to an implementation
$base = app($contract);
// Check that it is suitable for extension
if($base instanceof IsExtendableContract)
foreach($extensions as $name => $function)
if(is_int($name) == TRUE)
if(is_string($function) == TRUE)
$name = $function;
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('All extensions must have a valid name.');
if(is_string($function) == TRUE)
if(strpos($function, '::') === FALSE && $implementation != NULL)
$function = $this->prepareExtension($implementation, $function);
$base::addExtension($name, $function);
Module U
User Interface
namespace Modules\Auth\Contracts\Entities;
interface User
* #return int
public function getId();
* #return string
public function getName();
* #return string
public function getEmail();
* #return \DateTime
public function getCreatedAt();
* #return \DateTime
public function getUpdatedAt();
User Implementation
namespace Modules\Auth\Entities;
use Modules\Extensions\Contracts\IsExtendable as IsExtendableContract;
use Modules\Auth\Contracts\Entities\User as UserContract;
use Modules\Extensions\IsExtendable;
class User implements
use IsExtendable;
* #return int
public function getId()
return $this->id;
* #return string
public function getName()
return $this->name;
* #return string
public function getEmail()
return $this->email;
* #return \DateTime
public function getCreatedAt()
return $this->created_at;
* #return \DateTime
public function getUpdatedAt()
return $this->updated_at;
Module PP
User Extension
namespace Modules\Test\Entities\Extensions;
use Modules\Auth\Contracts\Entities\User;
class UserExtension
* #param User $context
public static function getCardLastFour($context)
return $context->card_last_four;
* #param User $context
public static function getCardBrand($context)
return $context->card_brand;
* #param User $context
public static function getStripeId($context)
return $context->stripe_id;
Service Provider
namespace Modules\Test\Providers\Extensions;
use Modules\Auth\Contracts\Entities\User as UserContract;
use Modules\Test\Entities\Extensions\UserExtension;
use Modules\Extensions\Providers\ExtensionServiceProvider;
class StripeExtensionProvider extends ExtensionServiceProvider
public function boot()
// TODO: Set the contract as a static field on the extension to then automatically extract from all extension files in a folder
$this->extractExtensions(UserContract::class, UserExtension::class);
My question is, is this method scalable (across maybe 10 modules), and can you foresee any issues with it? Or is there a better/more popular (and supported) way to do this? I don't want to get 2 years into a project and discover that I really hate the way I've implemented this.
I know that this concept won't support IDE autocompletion out of the box but I could build in a way to generate the PHPDocs similar to this package.
I have researched the Decorator pattern but this feels clunky in that I would always need to rely on a new implementation within each module, instead of just adding to the existing one.
I realise this is a big question so my sincere thanks to anyone willing to have a look at it!
Check out Laravel's macroable trait. It's basically the same idea, and Laravel uses it all over the place.
So yes, it scales - up to a certain point. Like almost everything else, this is a tool that can be abused. Use it with a dash of common sense, and you should be OK.
