upload image files can not be displayed - php

why images can not be performed when added
$data1 = array(
'id' => $_POST['id'],
'nama' => $_POST['nama'],
'jk' => $_POST['jk'],
'tempat' => $_POST['tempat'],
'tanggal' => date('Y-m-d',strtotime("$_POST[tanggal]")),
'pekerjaan' => $_POST['pekerjaan'],
'alamat' => $_POST['alamat'],
'foto' => move_uploaded_file($FILES['photo']['temp_name'], '..asset/img/anggota/'.str_replace(' ', '-', $_POST['id'].'.jpg'))
use function :
function tambahAnggota($data1){
$kunci = implode(", ",array_keys($data1));
$i = 0;
foreach ($data1 as $key => $value) {
if (!is_int($value)){
$arrayValue[$i] = "'".$value."'";
$arrayValue[$i] = $value;
$nilai = implode(", ", $arrayValue);
$s = "insert into anggota ($kunci)";
$s .= " VALUES ";
$s .= "($nilai)";
$sql = $this->db->prepare($s); /*or die ($this->db->connect_errno);*/
will be added all the data except the image data file to be uploaded
will look like this :
'DA123', 'David', 'laki', 'Los Angeles', '1987-03-12', 'Web Developer', 'foof st.', ''

You have an error in your path : you write '..asset/img/anggota/' which is not correct.
Try with ../asset/img/anggota/ (notice the / after ..).
Just replace :
'foto' => move_uploaded_file($FILES['photo']['temp_name'], '..asset/img/anggota/'.str_replace(' ', '-', $_POST['id'].'.jpg'))
With :
'foto' => move_uploaded_file($FILES['photo']['temp_name'], '../asset/img/anggota/'.str_replace(' ', '-', $_POST['id'].'.jpg'))


Codeigniter Uploading excel and Saving to database (Network Error (tcp_error))

Really need your support on this one.
This works on intranet not until we decided to upload it on public.
Im using Codeigniter + SQL Server + Apache
This how it should work:
upload the excel file, read the content, save to database and send an email & sms.
Everytime I upload the excel file after 3 Mins it stops and got this error written on Developer Opt->Network Tab:
"Network Error (tcp_error)
A communication error occurred: ""
The Web Server may be down, too busy, or experiencing other problems preventing it from responding to requests. You may wish to try again at a later time."
Here's my code:
public function do_upload()
$accID = $this->input->get('acc');
$rmi = $this->input->get('rmi');
$spInst = $this->input->get('spInst');
$dateReq = '';
$dateReqq = $this->input->get('dateReq');
if($dateReqq==null or $dateReqq==''){
$dateReq = date('Y-m-d');
$dateReq = $this->input->get('dateReq');
$dateNow = date("F_d_Y__h_i_s__A");
$status = "";
$msg = "";
$file_element_name = 'file';
$file_name = '';
if ($status != "error")
$config['upload_path'] = 'c:/xampp/htdocs/eDR/assets/uploads/';
$config['allowed_types'] = 'xlsx';
$config['max_size'] = 60000;
$config['overwrite'] = TRUE;
$config['remove_spaces'] = TRUE;
$config['file_name'] = uniqid('file')."_". $dateNow;
$this->load->library('upload', $config);
if (!$this->upload->do_upload($file_element_name))
$status = FALSE;
$msg = $this->upload->display_errors('', '');
$data = $this->upload->data();
//$file_id = $this->files_model->insert_file($data['file_name'], $_POST['title']);
$file_name = $data['file_name'];
$file = "c:/xampp/htdocs/eDR/assets/uploads/" . $file_name;
$status = TRUE;
$msg = "File successfully uploaded";
// {
// unlink($data['full_path']);
// $status = "error";
// $msg = "Something went wrong when saving the file, please try again.";
// }
echo json_encode(array('status' => $status, 'msg' => $msg, 'name' => $file_name));
public function do_read($file,$accID,$rmi,$spInst,$dateReq){
//load the excel library
//read file from path
$objPHPExcel = PHPExcel_IOFactory::load($file);
//get only the Cell Collection
$cell_collection = $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->getCellCollection();
//extract to a PHP readable array format
foreach ($cell_collection as $cell) {
$column = $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->getCell($cell)->getColumn();
$row = $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->getCell($cell)->getRow();
$data_value = $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->getCell($cell)->getValue();
//header will/should be in row 1 only. of course this can be modified to suit your need.
//if ($row == 1) {
// $header[$row][$column] = $data_value;
//} else {
$arr_data[$row][$column] = $data_value;
//send the data in an array format
//$data['header'] = $header;
$drCount = ($this->up->get_DRcount($accID));
$date = date("F d, Y h:i: s A");
$data['values'] = $arr_data;
$last = count($arr_data) - 1;
$totalQty = 0;
$abbr = $this->up->get_Abbr($accID);
$TATnAGING = '';
$dAdd ='';
foreach ($arr_data as $i => $row)
if( empty($row['B']) or
empty($row['C']) or
empty($row['D']) or
empty($row['E']) or
empty($row['F']) or
empty($row['G']) or
empty($row['H']) or
empty($row['I']) or
empty($row['J']) or
$msg = 'B = ' . $row['B'] . ' C = ' . $row['C'] . ' D = ' . $row['D'] . ' E = ' . $row['E'] . ' F = ' . $row['F'] . ' G = ' . $row['G'] . ' H = ' . $row['H'] . ' I = ' . $row['I']
. ' J = ' . $row['J'] . ' K = ' . $row['K'] ;
$status = FALSE;
echo json_encode(array('status' => $status, 'msg'=>$msg));
foreach ($arr_data as $i => $row)
try {
$reqDatee = date('F d, Y', strtotime($dateReq));
$start = new DateTime( $reqDatee );
$end = new DateTime(date("F d, Y"));
$oneday = new DateInterval("P1D");
$days = array();
$data1 = "7.5";
foreach(new DatePeriod($start, $oneday, $end->add($oneday)) as $day) {
$day_num = $day->format("N"); /* 'N' number days 1 (mon) to 7 (sun) */
if($day_num < 6) { /* weekday */
$days[$day->format("Y-m-d")] = $data1;
$TATnAGING = count($days). ' day/s';
$dAdd = trim(strtoupper($row['D']));
$posReq = trim(strtoupper($row['B']));
$reqD = $dateReq;
$isFirst = ($i == 0);
$isLast = ($i == $last);
$id = $this->session->userdata('username');
$totalQty += $row['G'];
} catch (Exception $e) {
$msg = 'Caught exception: '. $e->getMessage(). "\n";
$status = FALSE;
echo json_encode(array('status' => $status, 'error'=>$msg));
$data1 = array();
try {
if(trim(strtoupper($row['B']))=='YES' or trim(strtoupper($row['B']))=='Y'){
$data1 = array(
"drRef" => $abbr . '2017' . sprintf("%07d", ($drCount + 1)),
"postReq" => trim(strtoupper($row['B'])),
"reqDate" => $dateReq,
"reqBy" => trim(strtoupper($row['C'])),
"deliveryAcc" => trim(strtoupper($row['D'])),
"matCode" => trim(strtoupper($row['E'])),
"matDescription" => trim(strtoupper($row['F'])),
"qty" => $row['G'],
"UOM" => trim(strtoupper($row['H'])),
"location" => trim(strtoupper($row['I'])),
"postRef" => '',
// "postDate" => date("F d, Y h:i:s A"),
// "postBy" => $this->session->userdata['name'],
"status" => 'PENDING FOR POSTING',
// "TAT" => trim(strtoupper($row['O'])),
// "AGING" => trim(strtoupper($row['P'])),
"userID" => $id,
'addedBy' => $this->session->userdata('name'),
'addedUsing' => gethostbyaddr($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']),
'dateAdded' => $date,
'seqNo' => uniqid(),
'accID' => $accID,
'fromIMEI' => trim(strtoupper($row['J'])),
'toIMEI' => trim(strtoupper($row['K'])),
$data1 = array(
"drRef" => $abbr .'2017' . sprintf("%07d", ($drCount + 1)),
"postReq" => trim(strtoupper($row['B'])),
"reqDate" => $dateReq,
"reqBy" => trim(strtoupper($row['C'])),
"deliveryAcc" => trim(strtoupper($row['D'])),
"matCode" => trim(strtoupper($row['E'])),
"matDescription" => trim(strtoupper($row['F'])),
"qty" => $row['G'],
"UOM" => trim(strtoupper($row['H'])),
"location" => trim(strtoupper($row['I'])),
"postRef" => '',
"postDate" => date("F d, Y h:i:s A"),
"postBy" => $this->session->userdata['name'],
"status" => 'POSTED',
"userID" => $id,
'addedBy' => $this->session->userdata('name'),
'addedUsing' => gethostbyaddr($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']),
'dateAdded' => $date,
'seqNo' => uniqid(),
'accID' => $accID,
'fromIMEI' => trim(strtoupper($row['J'])),
'toIMEI' => trim(strtoupper($row['K'])),
} catch (Exception $e) {
$msg = 'Caught exception: '. $e->getMessage(). "\n";
$status = FALSE;
echo json_encode(array('status' => $status, 'error'=>$msg));
$insert = $this->up->save($data1);
$data1 = array();
if($posReq=='YES' or $posReq=='Y'){
$data1 = array(
'drRef' => $abbr . '2017' . sprintf("%07d", ($drCount + 1)),
'accID' => $accID,
'userID' => $this->session->userdata['id'],
// 'postRef' => trim(strtoupper($row['K'])),
// 'postBy' => $this->session->userdata['name'],
// 'postDate' => $date,
'totQty' => $totalQty,
'status' => 'PENDING FOR POSTING',
'isPosted' => 'No',
'isApproved' => 'Pending',
'approverID' => $this->session->userdata('head'),
'postReq' => $posReq,
'reqDate' => $reqD,
'deliveryAdd' => $dAdd,
'reason' => urldecode($rmi),
'spInst' => urldecode($spInst),
$data1 = array(
'drRef' => $abbr . '2017' . sprintf("%07d", ($drCount + 1)),
'accID' => $accID,
'userID' => $this->session->userdata['id'],
//'postRef' => $this->session->userdata('username'),
'postBy' => $this->session->userdata['name'],
'postDate' => $date,
'totQty' => $totalQty,
'status' => 'POSTED',
'isPosted' => 'Yes',
'isApproved' => 'Pending',
'approverID' => $this->session->userdata('head'),
'postReq' => $posReq,
'tat' => $TATnAGING ,
'reqDate' => $reqD,
'deliveryAdd' => $dAdd,
'reason' => urldecode($rmi),
'spInst' => urldecode($spInst),
$insert = $this->up->saveOrder($data1);
$drRef = $abbr . '2017' . sprintf("%07d", ($drCount + 1));
$id = $this->up->get_Data('head','tblUser','userID',$this->session->userdata('id'));
$recepient = $this->up->get_Data('email','tblUser','userID',$id);
$name = $this->up->get_Data('name','tblUser','userID',$id);
$config = Array(
'protocol' => 'smtp',
'smtp_host' => '',
'smtp_port' => 587,
'smtp_user' => 'user',
'smtp_pass' => 'pass',
'mailtype' => 'html',
'charset' => 'iso-8859-1'
$this->load->library('email', $config);
// Set to, from, message, etc.
$this->email->from('eDR#domain.com', 'e - Delivery Receipt');
//$this->email->subject('eDR Notifications');
$this->email->subject('eDR Notification < DR Request >');
$message = 'Message';
$result = $this->email->send();
// if (!$result) {
// $this->email->print_debugger();
// }
$receiver = $this->up->get_Data('phoneNum','tblUser','userID',$this->session->userdata('head'));
$sms = array(
'receiver' => $receiver,
'msg' => 'message',
'status' => 'Send',
I solved this problem via CRON job or calling cmd command on my PHP script so that it will execute the query on server itself really fast. :)

How to create a file based on Database Values?

I want to create a .INI file based on the values I get from database.
This are the values in my database for :
Now in the field parameter filed is the value i want to write in file each in new line.
I fetch the values like this:
$this->data['params'] = $this->parameter_m->get();
So I get all the values from the table.
I want to write values in file like this:
I have WRITE Function that writes into file
function write($file = NULL, $file_content = array(), $sections = TRUE) {
$this->file_content = (!empty($file_content)) ? $file_content : $this->file_content;
$this->file = ($file) ? $file : $this->file;
$this->sections = $sections;
$content = NULL;
if ($this->sections) {
foreach ($this->file_content as $section => $file_content) {
$content .= '[' . $section . ']' . PHP_EOL;
foreach ($file_content as $key => $val) {
if (is_array($val)) {
foreach ($val as $v) {
$content .= $key . '[]=' . (is_numeric($v) ? $v : $v ) . PHP_EOL;
} elseif (empty($val)) {
$content .= $key . '=' . PHP_EOL;
} else {
$content .= $key . '=' . (is_numeric($val) ? $val : $val ) . PHP_EOL;
$content .= PHP_EOL;
} else {
foreach ($this->file_content as $key => $val) {
if (is_array($val)) {
foreach ($val as $v) {
$content .= $key . '[] = ' . (is_numeric($v) ? $v : '"' . $v . '"') . PHP_EOL;
} elseif (empty($val)) {
$content .= $key . ' = ' . PHP_EOL;
} else {
$content .= $key . ' = ' . (is_numeric($val) ? $val : '"' . $val . '"') . PHP_EOL;
return (($handle = fopen($this->file, 'w+')) && fwrite($handle, trim($content)) && fclose($handle)) ? TRUE : FALSE;
And i use that function like this :
$path = "./uploads/";
$filename = "default.ini";
$file = $path.$filename;
$ini = new INI($file);
$ini->write($file, $this->data['params']);
So i how to write the array of values i get from database into file ?
As you can see there is a filed called Parameter_Type i want to set it as section in INI file.
I'm guessing that your parameter_m is your model which have get() function where it returns array values from your table. What I think, the problem is that your model return incorrect structure of your array. Your array should have structure like:
"parameter_type" => array(
"parameter" => value
in your model's get function, there should be something like:
class parameter_m extends CI_Model {
public function get()
$query = $this->db->get('your_parameter_table');
$assoc_arr = array();
foreach ($query->result() as $row)
$assoc_arr[$row->parameter_type][$row->parameter] = '';
return $assoc_arr;
Using the get() it should output:
"INIDetails" => array(
"SipUserName" => '',
"Password" => '',
"Domain" => '',
"Proxy" => '',
"Port" => '',
"SipAuthName" => '',
"DisplayName" => '',
"ServerMode" => '',
"UCServer" => '',
"UCUserName" => '',
"UCPassword" => ''
"DialPlan" => array(
"DP_Exception" => '',
"DP_Rule1" => '',
"DP_Rule2" => ''
"Advanced" => array(
"OperationMode" => '',
"MutePkey" => '',
"Codec" => '',
"PTime" => '',
"AudioMode" => '',
"SoftwareAEC" => '',
"EchoTailLength" => '',
"PlaybackBuffer" => '',
"CaptureBuffer" => '',
"JBPrefetchDelay" => '',
"JBMaxDelay" => '',
"SipToS" => '',
"RTPToS" => '',
"LogLevel" => ''

saving php array to mariadb dynamic colum

I have an array like this
$test = array(
'Subscription' => '1',
'Streaming' => '1',
'Download' => '0'
so during updating to mariaDB
$query = 'UPDATE table_1 set category_dynamic = COLUMN_CREATE(' . $test . ') where id = 1';
I want to save the array this way ('Subscription',1,'Streaming',1,'Download',0)
any suggestion ?
You can try this :
$test = array(
'Subscription' => '1',
'Streaming' => '1',
'Download' => '0'
$data = '';
foreach($test as $key=>$value)
$data .= '"'.$key.'"'.', '.$value.', ';
$data = rtrim($data,', ');
$query = 'UPDATE table_1 set category_dynamic = COLUMN_CREATE(' . $data . ') where id = 1';
Hope it will solve the problem.
You could use a combination of array_map and implode for that.
$test = array(
'Subscription' => '1',
'Streaming' => '1',
'Download' => '0'
$list = implode(',', array_map(function ($v, $k) { return "'".$k."'" . ',' . $v; }, $test, array_keys($test)));
$query = 'UPDATE table_1 set category_dynamic = COLUMN_CREATE(' . $list . ') where id = 1';

Convert string into an array with certain format

How can you convert a string that contains your first and last name and sometimes middle name into an array with this format?
customFunction('Chris Morris');
// array('firstname' => 'Chris', 'lastname' => 'Morris')
customFunction('Chris D. Morris');
// array('firstname' => 'Chris D.', 'lastname' => 'Morris')
// array('firstname' => 'Chris', 'lastname' => '')
Try this
function splitName($name){
$name = explode(" ",$name);
$lastname= count($name)>1 ? array_pop($name):"";
return array("firstname"=>implode(" ",$name), "lastname"=>$lastname);
you can try this:
$arr = 'Chris D. Morris';
function customFunction($str){
$str = trim($str);
$lastSpace = strrpos($str," ");
if($lastSpace == 0){
$first = $str;
return array('firstname' => $first, 'lastname' => $last);
$first = substr($str, 0, $lastSpace);
$last = substr($str,$lastSpace);
return array('firstname' => $first, 'lastname' => $last);
$got = customFunction($arr);
hope it helps.
function parseName($input) {
$retval = array();
$retval['firstname'] = '';
$retval['lastname'] = '';
$words = explode(' ', $input);
if (count($words) == 1) {
$retval['firstname'] = $words[0];
} elseif (count($words) > 1) {
$retval['lastname'] = array_pop($words);
$retval['firstname'] = implode(' ', $words);
return $retval;

Pass variables through include (another php file) in php

I'm working on a php web application for a website, and I would like to pass some variables from one php file to another. I have tried the old fashion way with the include file but was not successful. I also tried to set the variables in global scope but still not working. The code in first.php file is:
function rc_getAvailableVehicles($pickup_timestamp, $return_timestamp, $vehicle_classes=array()) {
$rc_currency = RC_Registry::get('rc_currency');
$where_classes = "";
if ($vehicle_classes) {
foreach($vehicle_classes as $vehicle_class) {
$where_classes[] = " v.class = '". $wpdb->escape($vehicle_class) ."'";
$where_classes = "AND (".implode(' OR ', $where_classes).") ";
$sql = "SELECT *
FROM ".$wpdb->rc_vehicles." v
WHERE v.quantity > (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ".$wpdb->rc_bookings." b WHERE b.vehicle_id = v.vehicle_id AND ((UNIX_TIMESTAMP(b.pickup_date) >= '". (int)$pickup_timestamp ."' AND UNIX_TIMESTAMP(b.pickup_date) < '". (int)$return_timestamp ."') || (UNIX_TIMESTAMP(b.pickup_date) < '". (int)$pickup_timestamp ."' AND UNIX_TIMESTAMP(b.return_date) >= '". (int)$pickup_timestamp ."')) AND (b.status != 'new' AND b.status != 'canceled') AND b.trash = '0') ".$where_classes."AND v.status = '1' AND v.archive = '0'
ORDER BY v.rent ASC";
$results = $wpdb->get_results($sql,ARRAY_A);
$vehicles = array();
$rental_days = ceil(($return_timestamp-$pickup_timestamp)/91800);
$xfee = get_field('another_location_fee');
$xfee2 = get_field('return_to_another_location_fee_2');
if ($results) {
foreach ($results as $result) {
if ($result['image'] && file_exists(RC_UPLOADS_DIR . "vehicle_" . $result['image'])) {
$image = RC_UPLOADS_URL . 'vehicle_' . $result['image'];
$image_thumb = RC_UPLOADS_URL . 'cache/' . rc_image_resize(RC_UPLOADS_DIR . "vehicle_" . $result['image'], 220, 160);
} else {
$image = '';
$image_thumb = '';
$result['description'] = do_shortcode($result['description']);
$description = html_entity_decode($result['description'], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
global $GeneralPrice, $discount_price, $rent1, $rent5;
include_once ('file2.php');
//$GeneralPrice = $result['rent'];
$rent1 = $vehicle_meta['rent1'];
$rent2 = $vehicle_meta['rent2'];
$rent3 = $vehicle_meta['rent3'];
$rent4 = $vehicle_meta['rent4'];
$rent5 = $vehicle_meta['rent5'];
$rent6 = $vehicle_meta['rent6'];
$rent7 = $vehicle_meta['rent7'];
$rent8 = $vehicle_meta['rent8'];
$rent9 = $vehicle_meta['rent9'];
$rent10 = $vehicle_meta['rent10'];
$rent11 = $vehicle_meta['rent11'];
$rent12 = $vehicle_meta['rent12'];
$rent13 = $vehicle_meta['rent13'];
$rent14 = $vehicle_meta['rent14'];
$rent15 = $vehicle_meta['rent15'];
$rent16 = $vehicle_meta['rent16'];
$rent17 = $vehicle_meta['rent17'];
$rent18 = $vehicle_meta['rent18'];
$rent19 = $vehicle_meta['rent19'];
$rent20 = $vehicle_meta['rent20'];
$rent21 = $vehicle_meta['rent21'];
$rent22 = $vehicle_meta['rent22'];
$rent23 = $vehicle_meta['rent23'];
$rent24 = $vehicle_meta['rent24'];
$rent25 = $vehicle_meta['rent25'];
$rent26 = $vehicle_meta['rent26'];
$rent27 = $vehicle_meta['rent27'];
$rent28 = $vehicle_meta['rent28'];
$rent29 = $vehicle_meta['rent29'];
$rent30 = $vehicle_meta['rent30'];
$rent31 = $vehicle_meta['rent31'];
$rent32 = $vehicle_meta['rent32'];
$rent33 = $vehicle_meta['rent33'];
$rent34 = $vehicle_meta['rent34'];
$rent35 = $vehicle_meta['rent35'];
$rent36 = $vehicle_meta['rent36'];
$vehicle_meta = rc_getVehicleMeta($result['vehicle_id']);
$vehicles[$result['vehicle_id']] = array(
'vehicle_id' => $result['vehicle_id'],
'title' => $result['manufacturer']." ".$result['series'],
'manufacturer' => $result['manufacturer'],
'series' => $result['series'],
'year' => $result['year'],
'class' => $result['class'],
'image' => $image,
'image_thumb' => $image_thumb,
'description' => $description,
'seats' => $vehicle_meta['seats'],
'doors' => $vehicle_meta['doors'],
'baggages' => $vehicle_meta['baggages'],
'conditioning' => $vehicle_meta['conditioning'],
'transmission' => $vehicle_meta['transmission'],
'rent1' => $vehicle_meta['rent1'],
'rent2' => $vehicle_meta['rent2'],
'rent3' => $vehicle_meta['rent3'],
'rent4' => $vehicle_meta['rent4'],
'rent5' => $vehicle_meta['rent5'],
'rent6' => $vehicle_meta['rent6'],
'rent7' => $vehicle_meta['rent7'],
'rent8' => $vehicle_meta['rent8'],
'rent9' => $vehicle_meta['rent9'],
'rent10' => $vehicle_meta['rent10'],
'rent11' => $vehicle_meta['rent11'],
'rent12' => $vehicle_meta['rent12'],
'rent13' => $vehicle_meta['rent13'],
'rent14' => $vehicle_meta['rent14'],
'rent15' => $vehicle_meta['rent15'],
'rent16' => $vehicle_meta['rent16'],
'rent17' => $vehicle_meta['rent17'],
'rent18' => $vehicle_meta['rent18'],
'rent19' => $vehicle_meta['rent19'],
'rent20' => $vehicle_meta['rent20'],
'rent21' => $vehicle_meta['rent21'],
'rent22' => $vehicle_meta['rent22'],
'rent23' => $vehicle_meta['rent23'],
'rent24' => $vehicle_meta['rent24'],
'rent25' => $vehicle_meta['rent25'],
'rent26' => $vehicle_meta['rent26'],
'rent27' => $vehicle_meta['rent27'],
'rent28' => $vehicle_meta['rent28'],
'rent29' => $vehicle_meta['rent29'],
'rent30' => $vehicle_meta['rent30'],
'rent31' => $vehicle_meta['rent31'],
'rent32' => $vehicle_meta['rent32'],
'rent33' => $vehicle_meta['rent33'],
'rent34' => $vehicle_meta['rent34'],
'rent35' => $vehicle_meta['rent35'],
'rent36' => $vehicle_meta['rent36'],
'total_price' => $rc_currency->format((($rental_days*$GeneralPrice)-(($rental_days*$GeneralPrice) * ($discount_price)/100)+ $utime)),
'total_price_return_fee' => $rc_currency->format((($rental_days*$result['rent']) - ($rental_days*$result['rent']) * ($discount_price)/100)+ $xfee),
'total_price_return_fee2' => $rc_currency->format((($rental_days*$result['rent']) - ($rental_days*$result['rent'])*($discount_price)/100)+ $xfee2),
'daily_price' => $rc_currency->format((($GeneralPrice)-($GeneralPrice)*($discount_price)/100)+ ($utime / $rental_days)),
'daily_price_return_fee' => $rc_currency->format(($result['rent']-($result['rent'])* ($discount_price)/100)+ ($xfee / $rental_days)),
'daily_price_return_fee2' => $rc_currency->format(($result['rent']-($result['rent'])*($discount_price)/100) + ($xfee2 / $rental_days))
return $vehicles;
and I want to echo all the $rent variables in file2.php
I have tried the
echo $rent; without success!
You have problems with the order of the code
$vehicle_meta = rc_getVehicleMeta($result['vehicle_id']);
Should be BEFORE you populate rent variables, and
include_once ('file2.php');
Should be AFTER you populated rent variables.
You need to call a function in file1.php that exists in file2.php
ex. in file1.php you could call the function return_rent
in file2 then you make the function
function return_rent($var){
echo $rent;
$pass = "anything";
include_once ('file2.php');
From file2.php you can access $pass variable.
