Round to 5 and 9 php - php

I'm looking for a formula to round a value to nearest 5 or 9 if the val is less than 5 make 5 if is bigger than 5 make 9.
$RoundToFive = ceil('232' / 5) * 5;
echo floor($RoundToFive * 2 ) / 2; //Result is 235 Is good
$RoundToNine = ceil('236' / 5) * 5;
echo floor($RoundToNine * 2 ) / 2; //Result is 240 but i need 239
Is there a way to extract always the last 2 digits and convert to 5 or nine ?
Any help is appreciated !

how about:
function funnyRound($number){
$rounded = ceil($number / 5) * 5;
return $rounded%10?$rounded:$rounded-1;

This is working
function roundToDigits($num, $suffix, $type = 'floor') {
$pow = pow(10, floor(log($suffix, 10) + 1));
return $type(($num - $suffix) / $pow) * $pow + $suffix;
$RoundToNine = ceil('236' / 5) * 5;
echo roundToDigits($RoundToNine,5);
echo roundToDigits($RoundToNine,9);
You can use any number as $suffix to round to it.

other way, working with strings... :
function round59($NUMB){
//cast the value to be Int
$NUMB = intval($NUMB);
//Get last number
$last_number = intval(substr($NUMB, -1));
//Remove Last Character
$NUMB = substr($NUMB, 0, -1);
// now concat the results
return intval($NUMB."".$ROUND_NUMBER) ;
echo round59(232);
echo round59(236);


Not the outcome i need... round of floor? [duplicate]

I want a php function which returns 55 when calling it with 52.
I've tried the round() function:
echo round(94, -1); // 90
It returns 90 but I want 95.
This can be accomplished in a number of ways, depending on your preferred rounding convention:
1. Round to the next multiple of 5, exclude the current number
Behaviour: 50 outputs 55, 52 outputs 55
function roundUpToAny($n,$x=5) {
return round(($n+$x/2)/$x)*$x;
2. Round to the nearest multiple of 5, include the current number
Behaviour: 50 outputs 50, 52 outputs 55, 50.25 outputs 50
function roundUpToAny($n,$x=5) {
return (round($n)%$x === 0) ? round($n) : round(($n+$x/2)/$x)*$x;
3. Round up to an integer, then to the nearest multiple of 5
Behaviour: 50 outputs 50, 52 outputs 55, 50.25 outputs 55
function roundUpToAny($n,$x=5) {
return (ceil($n)%$x === 0) ? ceil($n) : round(($n+$x/2)/$x)*$x;
Divide by 5
round() (or ceil() if you want to round up always)
Multiply by 5.
The value 5 (the resolution / granularity) can be anything — replaced it in both step 1 and 3
So in summary:
$rounded_number = ceil( $initial_number / 5 ) * 5
Round down:
$x = floor($x/5) * 5;
Round up:
$x = ceil($x/5) * 5;
Round to closest (up or down):
$x = round($x/5) * 5;
echo $value - ($value % 5);
I know it's an old question, but IMHO using modulus operator is the best way, and far more elegant than the accepted answer.
Try this little function I wrote.
function ceilFive($number) {
$div = floor($number / 5);
$mod = $number % 5;
If ($mod > 0) $add = 5;
Else $add = 0;
return $div * 5 + $add;
echo ceilFive(52);
From Gears library
MathType::roundStep(50, 5); // 50
MathType::roundStep(52, 5); // 50
MathType::roundStep(53, 5); // 55
MathType::floorStep(50, 5); // 50
MathType::floorStep(52, 5); // 50
MathType::floorStep(53, 5); // 50
MathType::ceilStep(50, 5); // 50
MathType::ceilStep(52, 5); // 55
MathType::ceilStep(53, 5); // 55
public static function roundStep($value, int $step = 1)
return round($value / $step) * $step;
public static function floorStep($value, int $step = 1)
return floor($value / $step) * $step;
public static function ceilStep($value, int $step = 1)
return ceil($value / $step) * $step;
Multiply by 2, round to -1, divide by 2.
Here is my version of Musthafa's function. This one is more complex but it has support for Float numbers as well as Integers. The number to be rounded can also be in a string.
* #desc This function will round up a number to the nearest rounding number specified.
* #param $n (Integer || Float) Required -> The original number. Ex. $n = 5.7;
* #param $x (Integer) Optional -> The nearest number to round up to. The default value is 5. Ex. $x = 3;
* #return (Integer) The original number rounded up to the nearest rounding number.
function rounduptoany ($n, $x = 5) {
//If the original number is an integer and is a multiple of
//the "nearest rounding number", return it without change.
if ((intval($n) == $n) && (!is_float(intval($n) / $x))) {
return intval($n);
//If the original number is a float or if this integer is
//not a multiple of the "nearest rounding number", do the
//rounding up.
else {
return round(($n + $x / 2) / $x) * $x;
I tried the functions from Knight, Musthafa and even the suggestion from Praesagus. They don't have support for Float numbers and the solutions from Musthafa's & Praesagus do not work correctly in some numbers. Try the following test numbers and do the comparison yourself:
$x= 5;
$n= 200; // D = 200 K = 200 M = 200 P = 205
$n= 205; // D = 205 K = 205 M = 205 P = 210
$n= 200.50; // D = 205 K = 200 M = 200.5 P = 205.5
$n= '210.50'; // D = 215 K = 210 M = 210.5 P = 215.5
$n= 201; // D = 205 K = 205 M = 200 P = 205
$n= 202; // D = 205 K = 205 M = 200 P = 205
$n= 203; // D = 205 K = 205 M = 205 P = 205
** D = DrupalFever K = Knight M = Musthafa P = Praesagus
I do it like this:
private function roundUpToAny(int $n, $x = 9)
return (floor($n / 10) * 10) + $x;
assert($this->roundUpToAny(0, 9) == 9);
assert($this->roundUpToAny(1, 9) == 9);
assert($this->roundUpToAny(2, 9) == 9);
assert($this->roundUpToAny(3, 9) == 9);
assert($this->roundUpToAny(4, 9) == 9);
assert($this->roundUpToAny(5, 9) == 9);
assert($this->roundUpToAny(6, 9) == 9);
assert($this->roundUpToAny(7, 9) == 9);
assert($this->roundUpToAny(8, 9) == 9);
assert($this->roundUpToAny(9, 9) == 9);
assert($this->roundUpToAny(10, 9) == 19);
assert($this->roundUpToAny(11, 9) == 19);
assert($this->roundUpToAny(12, 9) == 19);
assert($this->roundUpToAny(13, 9) == 19);
assert($this->roundUpToAny(14, 9) == 19);
assert($this->roundUpToAny(15, 9) == 19);
assert($this->roundUpToAny(16, 9) == 19);
assert($this->roundUpToAny(17, 9) == 19);
assert($this->roundUpToAny(18, 9) == 19);
assert($this->roundUpToAny(19, 9) == 19);
function round_up($n, $x = 5) {
$rem = $n % $x;
if ($rem < 3)
return $n - $rem;
return $n - $rem + $x;
I just wrote this function in 20 min, based on many results I found here and there, I don't know why it works or how it works!! :D
I was mainly interested in converting currency numbers from this 151431.1 LBP to 150000.0 LBP. (151431.1 LBP == ~100 USD) which works perfectly so far, however I tried to make it somehow compatible with other currencies and numbers, but not sure if it works fine!!
* Example:
* Input = 151431.1 >> return = 150000.0
* Input = 17204.13 >> return = 17000.0
* Input = 2358.533 >> return = 2350.0
* Input = 129.2421 >> return = 125.0
* Input = 12.16434 >> return = 10.0
* #param $value
* #param int $modBase
* #return float
private function currenciesBeautifier($value, int $modBase = 5)
// round the value to the nearest
$roundedValue = round($value);
// count the number of digits before the dot
$count = strlen((int)str_replace('.', '', $roundedValue));
// remove 3 to get how many zeros to add the mod base
$numberOfZeros = $count - 3;
// add the zeros to the mod base
$mod = str_pad($modBase, $numberOfZeros + 1, '0', STR_PAD_RIGHT);
// do the magic
return $roundedValue - ($roundedValue % $mod);
Feel free to modify it and fix it if there's anything wrong
Probably you can also consider this one liner. It's faster! Works for $num >= 0 and $factor > 0.
$num = 52;
$factor = 55;
$roundedNum = $num + $factor - 1 - ($num + $factor - 1) % $factor;

How i can round this number 5.53 always like this: 5.55 in PHP? [duplicate]

I would like to solve rounding mechanism by using php4,5.2 and below (not 5.3)
Currently I am doing 0.05 rounding, something like this page:
before rounding | after rounding
89.90 | 89.90
89.91 | 89.90
89.92 | 89.90
89.93 | 89.95
89.94 | 89.95
89.95 | 89.95
89.96 | 89.95
89.97 | 89.95
89.98 | 90.00
89.99 | 90.00
I try to use string to split it out and manually do adding, but not really a good solution, hoping here can find someone to solve it.
use this function
function rndfunc($x){
return round($x * 2, 1) / 2;
Conceptually, the procedure can be done as:
Divide by 0.05
or multiply by (1 / 0.05)
Round to nearest integer
Multiply by 0.05
You basically want to map values to a grid. The grid is defined as a multiple of .05. In general, you need to find the multiplicands your value lies between.
What isn't in the table are the negative numbers. You need to decide on whether to round away from zero (symmetrical) or always in the same direction (i.e. positive).
$step = .05;
$multiplicand = floor( $value / $step );
$rest = $value % $step ;
if( $rest > $step/2 ) $multiplicand++; // round up if needed
$roundedvalue = $step*$multiplicand;
Multiply by two, then round, then divide by two.
$input1 = 24.05;
$things = abs($input * 20 ); // 481 ".05"s
$tenpcnt = abs($things / 10); // 48 ".05"s
$ouput = $tenpcnt / 20;
echo $ouput; // 2.40
function round5Sen ($value) {
return number_format(round($value*20,0)/20,2,'.','');
echo round5Sen(155.13);
echo "\n";
echo round5Sen(155.12);
echo "\n";
echo round5Sen(155.0);
echo "\n";
echo round5Sen(155.18);
echo "\n";
I'm sure there are more elegant solutions, but this appears to suit the task:
// setup test
$start_num = 89.90;
$iterations = 10;
// loop through test numbers
for ($i = 0; $i < $iterations; $i++) {
nickleRound($start_num + (0.01 * $i));
echo "\n\n";
function nickleRound($num) {
$p = 0.05;
echo "\n" . 'p= ' . $p;
$num = round($num, 2);
echo "\n" . 'num= ' . $num;
$r = ($num / $p);
echo "\n" . 'r= ' . $r;
$r2 = ceil($r) - $r;
echo "\n" . 'r2= ' . $r2;
$a = round($num, 1);
if (($r2 > 0) && ($r2 < 0.5)) {
$a = $a + 0.05;
echo "\n" . 'a= ' . $a;
Expanding a little on #xtofl to allow for more precise steps (not technically required for this question)
$step = 0.0005;
$multiplicand = floor($value / $step);
$rest = fmod($value, $step);
$value = $step * $multiplicand;
if ($rest > $step / 2) {
$value += $step;
//Round to nearest 0.05
echo round ($number * 20, 0) / 20;
//Round Up to nearest 0.05
echo ceil ($number * 20) / 20;
//Round Down to nearest 0.05
echo floor ($number * 20) / 20;
Thank you #mauris for the solution to solve my problem on Malaysia GST rounding mechanism. It also works in SQL.
DECLARE #tempTable AS TABLE(Number Decimal(20,4));
INSERT INTO #tempTable VALUES (89.90),(89.91),(89.92),(89.93),(89.94),(89.95),(89.96),(89.97),(89.98),(89.99)
SELECT Number, round(Number * 2, 1) / 2 AS 'Rounded' FROM #tempTable
PHP has the function round() for the PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8

PHP math (numbering)

$temp is currently 6. But the variable result can be changing every time to a different number so it is not a fixed value.
Anyway, for this $temp * 1.1666666, the result will be 6.99999996. Since I used the floor function, it will be rounded down to 6.
Is there any way when the value is more then>*.49999 it will stay at *.5 instead of *?
Example: 6.51111111, 6.78948123, 6.9747124
Expected Output: 6.5
Example: 6.49999999, 6.12412431, 6.33452361
Expected Output: 6
Do note that, $temp value will be ever changing..thank you!
Use round($number, 1). That will round to the nearest decimal point.
$number = round(.1666666 * $temp, 1);
If you want to round to the nearest half you can do this:
function round_to_half($num)
if($num >= ($half = ($ceil = ceil($num))- 0.5) + 0.25) return $ceil;
else if($num < $half - 0.25) return floor($num);
else return $half;
$number = round_to_half(.1666666 * $temp);
Try this code...
$temp = 6.94444;
echo myRound($temp);
function myRound($temp)
$frac = $temp - floor($temp);
$frac = ($frac >= .5) ? .5 : 0;
return ( floor($temp) + $frac );
Hope this is what you want.

PHP formula needed to calculate a simple format

I am trying to take an amount and convert it to a units type format...
For example:
( note: don't worry about the dollar sign )
Total is $400
I need to display it as 4 * 100
Another Example
Total is $450
I need to display it as 4 * 100 | 50 * 1
So another words there are only 100 and 1 units.
I was thinking for 3 hours already and nothing seems to come to mind...Perhaps someone out there has done something similar and already know the answer?
Hoping I am not doing your homework. Try this:
$num = 450;
$ones = $num % 100;
$hundreds = floor($num / 100);
echo "$hundreds * 100 | $ones * 1";
Here's a simple implementation
$amount = 450;
$hundreds = floor($amount / 100);
$ones = $amount % 100;
$string = array();
if( $hundreds )
$string[] = "$hundreds * 100";
if( $ones )
$string[] = "$ones * 1";
echo implode(' | ', $string);
Check out the modulus (%) operator
Here's a simple solution which will only show the units present, you can get rid of the array/join stuff if you always need to show both units:
$total = 400;
$out = array();
$hundreds = floor($total / 100);
if ($hundreds) {
$out[] = $hundreds . ' * 100';
$ones = $total % 100;
if ($ones) {
$out[] = $ones . ' * 1';
echo join(' | ', $out);
Use the modulus operator to break down the number (this kind of thing is good to learn how to do because you'll need it for many other units conversion tasks like seconds -> minutes & seconds conversion):
$ones = $value % 100;
$hundreds = floor($value / 100);
echo "$hundreds * 100 | $ones * 1\n";

Rounding Mechanism to nearest 0.05

I would like to solve rounding mechanism by using php4,5.2 and below (not 5.3)
Currently I am doing 0.05 rounding, something like this page:
before rounding | after rounding
89.90 | 89.90
89.91 | 89.90
89.92 | 89.90
89.93 | 89.95
89.94 | 89.95
89.95 | 89.95
89.96 | 89.95
89.97 | 89.95
89.98 | 90.00
89.99 | 90.00
I try to use string to split it out and manually do adding, but not really a good solution, hoping here can find someone to solve it.
use this function
function rndfunc($x){
return round($x * 2, 1) / 2;
Conceptually, the procedure can be done as:
Divide by 0.05
or multiply by (1 / 0.05)
Round to nearest integer
Multiply by 0.05
You basically want to map values to a grid. The grid is defined as a multiple of .05. In general, you need to find the multiplicands your value lies between.
What isn't in the table are the negative numbers. You need to decide on whether to round away from zero (symmetrical) or always in the same direction (i.e. positive).
$step = .05;
$multiplicand = floor( $value / $step );
$rest = $value % $step ;
if( $rest > $step/2 ) $multiplicand++; // round up if needed
$roundedvalue = $step*$multiplicand;
Multiply by two, then round, then divide by two.
$input1 = 24.05;
$things = abs($input * 20 ); // 481 ".05"s
$tenpcnt = abs($things / 10); // 48 ".05"s
$ouput = $tenpcnt / 20;
echo $ouput; // 2.40
function round5Sen ($value) {
return number_format(round($value*20,0)/20,2,'.','');
echo round5Sen(155.13);
echo "\n";
echo round5Sen(155.12);
echo "\n";
echo round5Sen(155.0);
echo "\n";
echo round5Sen(155.18);
echo "\n";
I'm sure there are more elegant solutions, but this appears to suit the task:
// setup test
$start_num = 89.90;
$iterations = 10;
// loop through test numbers
for ($i = 0; $i < $iterations; $i++) {
nickleRound($start_num + (0.01 * $i));
echo "\n\n";
function nickleRound($num) {
$p = 0.05;
echo "\n" . 'p= ' . $p;
$num = round($num, 2);
echo "\n" . 'num= ' . $num;
$r = ($num / $p);
echo "\n" . 'r= ' . $r;
$r2 = ceil($r) - $r;
echo "\n" . 'r2= ' . $r2;
$a = round($num, 1);
if (($r2 > 0) && ($r2 < 0.5)) {
$a = $a + 0.05;
echo "\n" . 'a= ' . $a;
Expanding a little on #xtofl to allow for more precise steps (not technically required for this question)
$step = 0.0005;
$multiplicand = floor($value / $step);
$rest = fmod($value, $step);
$value = $step * $multiplicand;
if ($rest > $step / 2) {
$value += $step;
//Round to nearest 0.05
echo round ($number * 20, 0) / 20;
//Round Up to nearest 0.05
echo ceil ($number * 20) / 20;
//Round Down to nearest 0.05
echo floor ($number * 20) / 20;
Thank you #mauris for the solution to solve my problem on Malaysia GST rounding mechanism. It also works in SQL.
DECLARE #tempTable AS TABLE(Number Decimal(20,4));
INSERT INTO #tempTable VALUES (89.90),(89.91),(89.92),(89.93),(89.94),(89.95),(89.96),(89.97),(89.98),(89.99)
SELECT Number, round(Number * 2, 1) / 2 AS 'Rounded' FROM #tempTable
PHP has the function round() for the PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8
