Session flashdata doesn´t work on form submit - php

I am using the ion-auth "library" for codeigniter ( and I am getting a trouble with the flashdata. This is a sumary of code:
public function reset_password($code = NULL)
if (!$code)show_404();
$this->user = $this->ion_auth->forgotten_password_check($code);
if ($this->user)
//setting the rules
if ($this->form_validation->run() == false)
//more code
One of the things this function (_get_csrf_nonce) makes is:
$this->session->set_flashdata('csrfkey', $key);
$this->session->set_flashdata('csrfvalue', $value);
//The next thing is load the view with the form
else //form is running
echo "flashdata csrfkeyvalue: ".$this->session->flashdata('csrfvalue')."<br>";
//more code, but not important by the moment
Well, the echo of $this->session->flashdata('csrfvalue') when the form is submited allways show nothing.
If I make something like:
private function _get_csrf_nonce(){
$key = random_string('alnum', 8);
$value = random_string('alnum', 20);
$this->session->set_flashdata('csrfkey', $key);*/
$this->session->set_flashdata('csrfvalue', $value);
//return array($key => $value);
public function test()
echo "flashdata csrfkeyvalue: ".$this->session->flashdata('csrfvalue')."<br>";
In this case... it works. The view I am using to the form is very very similar from this:

After fighting a little, I was looking for something that could make a new request between the view of form was loaded and the form was submited... finally, I discover (I didn´t remember) a javascript that is request though a controller (to translate some texts, based on this tutorial: I was loaded in this way:
<script src="<?=site_url('jsloader/login.js');?>" type="text/javascript"></script>


Issue with redirect() when using conditional to evaluate multiple form buttons

So I've built a small conditional to evaluate which button is pressed in my form (as there are 2). This works fine and fires off the correct method and writes the appropriate data to the DB, however my redirect is not working. It saves() to the DB and then simply stays on the page designated as the POST route.
I suspect the problem has something to do with my conditional and the use of $this.
Here is my check_submit method:
public function check_submit()
} elseif(!is_null(Input::get('complete_invoice'))) {
Here is one of the 2 methods which I am currently testing:
public function invoice_add_item()
$input = Request::all();
$invoice_items = new Expense;
$invoice_items->item_id = $input['item_id'];
$invoice_items->category_id = $input['category'];
$invoice_items->price = $input['price'];
$invoice_items->store_id = $input['store'];
$invoice_items->business_expense = 1;
$invoice_items->business_expense = 0;
return redirect('/');
Perhaps there is a better way of handling this in my routes(web) file, but I'm not sure how to go about this.
You should add the return to the check_submit() method. Something like
public function check_submit()
return $this->invoice_add_item();
} elseif(!is_null(Input::get('complete_invoice'))) {
return $this->invoice_complete();
Better yet, you should probably return a boolean on invoice_add_item() and based on that, redirect the user to the correct place (or with some session flash variable with an error message)

Registration form fields reset after submit (wordpress & woocommerce)

I've got woocommerce registration form with two sections:
- One for private person,
- the other for company.
In company option there is two additional fields. I can switch between private and company by radio buttons and then I see relevant fields.
Problem: When I fill the form (as private user) and make some mistake, form reload and show where is the error (that is ok).
But unfortunately, after reload, it loads the form with all fields (the ones with additional company fields too). So I need to click 2 times between private and company to restore the right behavior.
How can i fix this? I mean after this error reloading, to display the form as initially.
I don't be sure that this is code responsible for this, but let's try:
add_filter('woocommerce_registration_errors', 'rs_registration_form_validation', 10, 3);
function rs_registration_form_validation($reg_errors, $sanitized_user_login, $user_email)
global $woocommerce;
$company_fields_required = (!empty($_POST['registration_type']) && 'company' === $_POST['registration_type']);
$shipp_to_different_address = (!empty($_POST['register_ship_to_different_address']) && 1 == $_POST['register_ship_to_different_address']);
$errors = false;
$fields = rs_registration_form_fields();
if ($shipp_to_different_address) {
$fields += rs_registration_form_fields_address();
if (!$company_fields_required) {
//Validate required
foreach ($fields as $field => $settings) {
if (false === isset($settings['required']) || true === $settings['required']) {
if (empty($_POST[$field])) {
$errors = true;
wc_add_notice('Pole: <strong>'.$settings['label'].'</strong> jest wymagane.', 'error');
if ($errors) {
return new WP_Error('registration-error', 'Proszę poprawić błędy w formularzu');
return $reg_errors;
add_action('woocommerce_created_customer', 'rs_registration_form_submit');
function rs_registration_form_submit($user_id)
$fields = rs_registration_form_fields();
$fields += rs_registration_form_fields_address();
foreach ($fields as $field => $settings) {
if (isset($_POST[$field]) && !empty($_POST[$field])) {
update_user_meta($user_id, $field, $_POST[$field]);
add_filter('register_form', 'rs_registration_form');
function rs_registration_form()
$fields = rs_registration_form_fields();
include '_rs_registration_form.php';
add_filter('register_form_address', 'rs_registration_form_address');
function rs_registration_form_address()
$fields = rs_registration_form_fields_address();
include '_rs_registration_form.php';
add_filter('woocommerce_edit_address_slugs', 'rs_fix_address_slugs');
function rs_fix_address_slugs($slugs)
$slugs['billing'] = 'billing';
$slugs['shipping'] = 'shipping';
return $slugs;
function rs_rejestracja_url()
return get_permalink(244);
function rs_logowanie_url()
return get_permalink(20);
function rs_show_checkout_progress_bar($step = '')
include '_checkout_progress_bar.php';
function rs_order_form_buttons()
include '_order_form_buttons.php';
add_filter('woocommerce_get_checkout_url', 'rs_get_checout_url');
function rs_get_checout_url($url) {
if (is_user_logged_in()) {
$url .= '#step1';
return $url;
include 'src/RS_Search.php';
I don't know WooCommerce, but I think the error results because of these lines:
$company_fields_required = (!empty($_POST['registration_type']) && 'company' === $_POST['registration_type']);
if (!$company_fields_required) {
After you submitted your "private" form and the validation failed, your fields are loaded again. Could it now be, that in your $_POST variable the registration_type is somehow set to 'company'? You can test this if you just print_r your $_POST['registration_type'] at the beginning of the function. If that is not the case, then I'm pretty sure the bug happens in another function, because this makes sense to me so far.
EDIT: After taking another look on your code, I think none of the posted functions is responsible for the misbehaviour. The first function is only responsible to check if some of the posted values are missing and to say "hey, here is an error". There has to be another function which is responsible for the fields which later are displayed in your HTML. I think you need to find this function.

Use variables for more than one output? [ PHP Functions ]

I'm currently a beginner developer and have just started my first big project whilst I have spare time, What I'm trying to do is basically write variables to a html/tpl document, Which I have currently got working, Here is my code:
private function index(){
$username = 'MyUsername';
$onlineTime = 'MyOnlineTime';
$this->setParams('Username', $username); // $username Will be replaced by database queried results once completed.
And here is the setParams function.
function setParams($item1, $item2){
$theme = 'default';
include_once T . '/'.$theme.'/index.php'; // T . is defined at the beginning of the document.
if ((($html = ob_get_clean()) !== false) && (ob_start() === true))
echo preg_replace('~{(['.$item1.']*)}~i', ''.$item2.'', $html, 1);
And here is the coding inside the html/tpl document.
{username} has been online for {onlineTime} Hours
This is probably a very simple code for some of you but as this is my first attempt this is all I can do.
What I would like to do is have it so you can setParams as many times as you want without changing the $variable names like so:
private function index(){
$username = 'MyUsername';
$onlineTime = 'MyOnlineTime';
$this->setParams('OnlineTime', $onlineTime);
whilst keeping the setParams($item1, $item2)
But as you can imagine this just cuts the code completely. Does anyone know a solution to this problem? I've been searching all day without any real luck.
Thanks In Advance,
I think what you need is a class with a static method;
class Params {
public static $params = array();
public static function setParam($key, $value) {
self::$params[$key] = $value;
public static function getParam($key) {
if (isset(self::$params[$key])) {
return self::$params[$key];
// Usage
// Set Username
Params::setParam("username", "JohnDoe");
Params::setParam("password", "12345");
echo Params::getParam("username");
echo Params::getParam("password");

Magento Widgets Truncate Fields Containing Quotes

I'm creating a new widget that allows custom text/HTML to be added to the page. I noticed that if you enter text containing double-quotes, the first occurrence of it and everything after gets cut off, so that you're missing data when you try to edit the widget again.
To make sure I didn't screw something up, I was able to verify this issue on a fresh install of Magento (1.7), by adding a stock widget -- Catalog Product Link -- to the page. If you set the Anchor Custom Text to something with double-quotes, insert, and edit again, you will see the text has been truncated.
I'm not sure where the problem occurs. The data is successfully written to the tinyMCE content element, but somehow gets malformed between there and an Ajax.Request call for the admin/widget/loadOptions route.
I found a related article here:
The author mentions at the bottom a need for overriding a controller to use base64 encoding when transmitting data for widgets. This seems like it might work for me, but I wanted to be sure.
Here's a visual example of the problem I'm experiencing:
Anyone seen this before? Know where it comes from? How to fix? :) Thanks.
Looks like that article put me in the right direction, by overriding Mage_Widget_Adminhtml_WidgetController:
I took his solution a step further and decided to encode ALL values when building the widget code:
# Namespace_Module_Adminhtml_WidgetController extends Mage_Widget_Adminhtml_WidgetController
public function buildWidgetAction()
$type = $this->getRequest()->getPost('widget_type');
$params = $this->getRequest()->getPost('parameters', array());
$asIs = $this->getRequest()->getPost('as_is');
if($type == 'namespace/module_widget')
foreach($params as $key => $value)
$params[$key] = base64_encode($value);
$html = Mage::getSingleton('widget/widget')->getWidgetDeclaration($type, $params, $asIs);
This meant I also had to decode them when loading the widget for editing:
# Namespace_Module_Adminhtml_WidgetController extends Mage_Widget_Adminhtml_WidgetController
public function loadOptionsAction()
try {
if( ($paramsJson = $this->getRequest()->getParam('widget')) )
$request = Mage::helper('core')->jsonDecode($paramsJson);
$optionsBlock = $this->getLayout()->getBlock('wysiwyg_widget.options');
if($optionsBlock->getWidgetType() == 'namespace/module_widget')
foreach($request['values'] as $key => $value)
$request['values'][$key] = base64_decode($value);
catch (Mage_Core_Exception $e)
$result = array('error' => true, 'message' => $e->getMessage());
And finally, in my widget block, I had to decode all data on-the-fly:
# Namespace_Module_Block_Widget
public function getData($key = '', $index = null)
if('' === $key)
$data = $this->_data;
foreach($data as $key => $value)
$data[$key] = base64_decode($value);
$data = parent::getData($key, $value);
$data = base64_decode($data);
return $data;
It would be nice if a similar encoding mechanism was part of core code.

How to set two views in a controller in Zend framework

I'm trying to achieve a thank you page after submitting a form in Zend 1.12
in the index i have form and i want if the validation passes then should go to another view (NOT INDEX) for thank you page. how can i do this in my code:
public function indexAction()
// action body
$C_form = new Application_Form_Eform();
if ($this->_request->isPost()) {
$formData = $this->_request->getPost();
if ($C_form->isValid($formData)) {
} else {
$this->view->form = C_eform;
and after that where should i create the .phtml file? in the application\views\scripts\index?
I think you're looking for render:
In this case, index/ is referring to your views/scripts/index folder, and the yourotherview.phtml file.
So, all together it would be:
public function indexAction()
// action body
$C_form = new Application_Form_Eform();
if ($this->_request->isPost()) {
$formData = $this->_request->getPost();
if ($C_form->isValid($formData)) {
} else {
$this->view->form = C_eform;
From your comment it looks like you just want to be redirected instead of displaying a different view. In this case, it's as easy as creating a new action and making the view for it:
public function resultAction() {
// Code here if you need it
Then create the file result.phtml in the index/ views directory, and you'll need $this->_redirect('/index/result'); in the index controller. (See above code)
