How can I attach a view/pdf/xml in an Email? Symfony2 - php

I want to send and email like this:
$message = \Swift_Message::newInstance()
->setSubject('bla bla')
However, I want attach a generate template like this:
$template = $this->getContainer()->get('templating');
$xml = $template->render("MrLibrariesReportsBundle:Transactions:download.xml.twig", $viewData);
I tried to do:
But it doesnt work.
What can I do?

Something like this:
$message = \Swift_Message::newInstance()
'AppBundle:Mail:welcome.html.twig', $viewData),

I resolve it. I did the next code:
$message = \Swift_Message::newInstance()
->setSubject('bla bla')
$attach is the patch of file or in this case is the render of template:
$template = $this->getContainer()->get('templating');
$xml = $template->render("MrLibrariesReportsBundle:Transactions:download.xml.twig", $viewData);
$attach == $xml
The most important is:


Send PhpWord file as email attachment

What is the correct way to generate an email attachment with PhpWord?
I tried multiple ways but I get a corrupt file with size 1kb. If I trigger a download of the file instead, the file is OK.
$fileName = 'file.docx';
$fileAttachment = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'PHPWord');
$contentType = "application/octet-stream";
->setTemplate("template", $templateParams)
->setSubject($this->_("Email subject"))
->addRecipient("to", $email, $email)
->addAttachment($fileName, $fileAttachment, $contentType);
What am I doing wrong?
Thank you!
You could try to use file_get_contents function to read the contents of the file and then pass it as the second parameter to the addAttachment() method:
$fileAttachmentContent = file_get_contents($fileAttachment);
->setTemplate("template", $templateParams)
->setSubject($this->_("Email subject"))
->addRecipient("to", $email, $email)
->addAttachment($fileName, $fileAttachmentContent, $contentType);
PHPWord is for generating Word documents, but it does not send mails.
You can combine it with any PHP mailer library. This is a sample on how to do it using SwitfMailer:
require_once '[...]/phpword/src/PhpWord/Autoloader.php';
require_once '[...]/swiftmailer/lib/swift_required.php';
// create a new document with phpWord
$phpWord = new \PhpOffice\PhpWord\PhpWord();
$section = $phpWord->addSection();
$text = $section->addText("Here your text...");
// Use Swift Mailer to create an attachment object...
$attachment = new Swift_Attachment(
// ...and send the email
$transport = Swift_SmtpTransport::newInstance('', 25);
$mailer = Swift_Mailer::newInstance($transport);
$message = Swift_Message::newInstance('Here your subject')
->setFrom(['' => 'Sender Name'])
->setTo(['' => 'Receiver Name'])
->setBody('Here the body message...')
$result = $mailer->send($message);
You can use any other mail library you like. Or even use the PHP mail() function, but is more tricky to set the mail headers properly.

Calendar invite is received as ICS file in outlook - Laravel

I am sending calendar invite using Laravel's mail api.
The calendar looks good on gmail but shows an attachment on outlook instead of proper calendar invitation.
Gmail's output:
while on outlook it seems to be an attachment:
I am creating a file with name invite.ics and I put the content inside the invite.ics file, I attach the file while sending the email.
$to = $row->to;
$subject = $row->subject;
$attachments = $row->attachment;
$cc = $row->cc;
$body = $row->body;
$calendar_invitation = $row->calendar_invitation;
function(Message $message) use ($to,$subject,$attachments,$cc, $body, $calendar_invitation, $companyEmail)
$message->from($companyEmail, '');
$message->replyTo($companyEmail, 'Email Agent Evmeetings');
$message->to($to, '')->subject($subject);
$file = fopen("invite.ics","w");
echo fwrite($file,$calendar_invitation);
$message->attach('invite.ics', array('mime' => "text/calendar"));
That's how I made it work
$message->from($companyEmail, '');
$message->replyTo($companyEmail, 'Email Agent Evmeetings');
$message->to($to, '')->subject($subject);
$message->setBody($calendar_invitation, 'text/calendar; charset="utf-8"; method=REQUEST');
$message->addPart($body, "text/html");
Added the calendar in body and changed the mime type to 'text/calendar; charset="utf-8"; method=REQUEST'
and used addPart($body, "text/html"); method to add html body in the email.
Full code:
\Mail::send('emailTemplates.dummy', ['emailBody'=>$row->body], function(Message $message) use ($to,$subject,$attachments,$cc, $body, $calendar_invitation, $companyEmail,$replyTo)
$message->from($companyEmail, trim(env("email_agent_name")));
$message->replyTo($replyTo, trim(env("email_agent_email")));
$message->to($to, '')->subject($subject);
$message->setBody($calendar_invitation, 'text/calendar; charset="utf-8"; method=REQUEST');
$message->addPart($body, "text/html");
$attachments = unserialize($attachments);
foreach($attachments as $attachment){
$message->attach(public_path()."/".$attachment['location'], array('as'=>$attachment['name'].".".pathinfo(parse_url($attachment['location'])['path'], PATHINFO_EXTENSION),
'mime' => mime_content_type ( public_path()."/".$attachment['location']) ));
$cc = unserialize($cc);
foreach($cc as $anotherEmail){

Telegram bot send file and text PHP

I've got a basic bot set up that will send text back to the user, now I also want to send the user an audio message. But that I cannot do, here is the code.
I'm also using this to send the audio
define('BOT_TOKEN', 'tokentoken');
define('API_URL', ''.BOT_TOKEN.'/');
$telegram = new Telegram(BOT_TOKEN);
$content = file_get_contents("php://input");
$update = json_decode($content, true);
$chatID = $update["message"]["chat"]["id"];
$message = $update["message"]["text"];
$reply = sendMessage($message);
$sendto =API_URL."sendmessage?chat_id=".$chatID."&text=".$reply;
function sendMessage(&$string) {
switch ($string) {
case "Hi":
$message = "Hi Back";
case "Bye":
$message = "Bye Bye";
$message = "Default";
return $message
func sendAudio() {
$sound = curl_file_create('sampleAudio.mp3', 'audio/mp3');
$newContent = array('chat_id' => $chatID, 'audio' => $sound);
Calling the code outside of the functions works, but than the user gets the file each time they type something. I experimenting so a bit of explanation would be great.
You have some errors:
First line " is unclosed
Last function, you've typed "func" instead of "function"
In sendAudio() you've used $chatID but you've to pass it as a parameter of sendAudio() or to set is as global.

Use html file as body of Zend mail\message

Not sure what's the syntax of having html files rendered when added to Zend\Mail\Message?
Here's a piece of code I have:
$mail = new Mail\Message();
$html = file_get_contents('content.html');
Is it sufficient to set it up like this or do I need to specify the type of content somehow?
You can attach it as a Mime part.
Example from the docs:
use Zend\Mail\Message;
use Zend\Mime\Message as MimeMessage;
use Zend\Mime\Part as MimePart;
$html = new MimePart($htmlMarkup);
$html->type = "text/html";
$body = new MimeMessage();
$body->setParts(array($text, $html, $image));
$message = new Message();

How to send email for all users with cakephp

i don't understand how send one email for all users, i do it this in my controller :
// Init
$data = $this->request->data['Email'];
$d = array(
'subject' => $data['subject'],
'message' => $data['message']
$all = $this->Spoutnik->find('all', array(
'conditions' => array(
'Spoutnik.role >=' => '1'
'fields' => array('')
// list
$bcc = '';
foreach ($all as $user) {
$bcc .= $user['Spoutnik']['email'].',';
App::uses('CakeEmail', 'Network/Email');
$CakeEmail = new CakeEmail('default');
$website_short_name = Configure::read('website.short_name');
$CakeEmail->subject(''.$website_short_name.' :: '.$d['subject'].'');
'message' => (''.$d['message'].'')
// final
But i have error "no valid mail" , and after the liste of user's mail
what is wrong in my code ?
Couple of things I've noticed at a quick glance...
foreach ($all as $user) {
$bcc .= $user['Spoutnik']['email'].',';
In that code, you're adding a comma after every email, so at the end of your string you'll have a comma. Try this:
$e = 0;
foreach ($all as $user) {
if($e > 0) $bcc .= ',';
$bcc .= $user['Spoutnik']['email'];
--edit-- good point Deepak, Cake's documentation suggests you give BCC an array. It's easier and more efficient to produce so do that.
Second, $CakeEmail->bcc("$bcc"); doesn't need the quotes. It should work fine with them, but I've seen Cake do some pretty weird things... Try taking them out:
Third, you're setting all those emails to BCC which is fine, but I can't see a to address. If you want to send out to a lot of email address without them seeing each other, you still need to send the email to somewhere, even if its Add a to address in before you send:
I will just use the addBcc function of CakeEmail and modify the loop:
App::uses('CakeEmail', 'Network/Email');
$CakeEmail = new CakeEmail('default');
// list
foreach ($all as $user) {
$website_short_name = Configure::read('website.short_name');
$CakeEmail->subject(''.$website_short_name.' :: '.$d['subject'].'');
'message' => (''.$d['message'].'')
Try changing your $bcc block to this:
// list
$bcc = array();
foreach ($all as $user) {
$bcc[]= $user['Spoutnik']['email'];
Also refer to CakeEmail Documentation
