I need to make soap calls which include headers like this:
<Agency xmlns="http://schemas.costacrociere.com/WebAffiliation">
<Culture />
<Partner xmlns="http://schemas.costacrociere.com/WebAffiliation">
How to do that in PHP using SoapClient?
Plz help :)
I did it:
//Body of the Soap Header.
$headerbody1 = array("Name" => "AAAA", "Password" => "XXXX");
$headerbody2 = array("Code" => "1111");
//Create Soap Header.
$header[] = new SOAPHeader($ns, 'Partner', $headerbody1);
$header[] = new SOAPHeader($ns, 'Agency', $headerbody2);
//set the Headers of Soap Client.
I am trying to call a SOAP API using PHP and have been given the following example CURL call:
curl --location --request POST 'https://soapurl.test/mysoapcall'
--header 'Content-Type: application/xml'
--header 'client-id: <<your client id>>'
--header 'client-secret: <<your client secret>>'
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <<token>>'
--data-raw '<S:Envelope xmlns:S="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:env="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
<ns0:getReturnedValues xmlns:ns0="https://soapurl.test/anotherurl1" xmlns:ns1="https://soapurl.test/anotherurl2">
I can successfully call the above via Postman, but when I am writing the PHP code using SoapClient, I keep getting "One or more required API parameters are missing in the API request."
I know that I must have something wrong with how I am defining the SOAP headers or how I am defining the uri, but I can't work out what it is.
Here is my PHP code:
$client = new SoapClient(null, array('location' => "https://soapurl.test/mysoapcall",
'uri' => "https://soapurl.test/anotherurl1");
$ns = 'https://soapurl.test/anotherurl1';
$headers = array();
$headers[] = new SoapHeader($ns,
$headers[] = new SoapHeader($ns,
$headers[] = new SoapHeader($ns,
'Bearer my_bearer_token');
$client->__soapCall("getReturnedValues", array('var1'=>'100', 'var2' => 'XXX'));
$client->__soapCall("getReturnedValues", [
new \SoapParam('100', 'var1'),
new \SoapParam('XXX', 'var2')
My PHP code generates the following request:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<env:Envelope xmlns:env="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope" xmlns:enc="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-encoding" xmlns:ns1="https://soapurl.test/anotherurl1" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
<ns1:getReturnedValues env:encodingStyle="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-encoding">
<var1 xsi:type="xsd:string">100</var1>
<var2 xsi:type="xsd:string">XXX</var2>
Which is obviously not the same as the example I was supplied with.
I'm new to SOAP, so please can someone advise on what I am doing wrong? Many thanks
Can someone help me?
I can not perform the AdvogadoRegular function in this web service.
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope" xmlns:int="https://www5.oab.org.br/integracao/">
<soap:Header xmlns:wsa="http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing">
<token xmlns="http://CFOAB.Integracao">xxxxxxxx</token>
I try to access from that code.
$client = new SoapClient('https://www5.oab.org.br/Integracao/CNA.svc?wsdl', $options = array(
'soap_version' => SOAP_1_2,
'exceptions'=> 0
$function = 'AdvogadoRegular';
$arguments= array('AdvogadoRegular' => array( 'cpf' => '99999999999' ));
$options = array('location' => 'https://www5.oab.org.br/Integracao/CNA.svc');
$token = array(
'token'=> 'xxxxxxxx',
$header = new SoapHeader("http://CFOAB.Integracao",'token',$token,false);
$result = $client->__soapCall($function, $arguments, $options);
echo $result;
I think the error happens when I try to send the header. Please help me...
first I would advise you to use a WSDL to php generator such as PackageGenerator, then regarding your header, it seems it's a WsSecurity header that you have to send, so you should try using the WsSecurity project that eases the way to add this type of header
I need to add this header to the soap call, but, the examples that I found need some namespace, and result so different of this.
I used NuSoap.php
$wsdl = "https://www.convolmiscelaneapruebas.pemex.com/ServiciosCVWEB/ServicioEnviaCONVOLService/ServicioEnviaCONVOLService.wsdl";
$client = new nusoap_client($wsdl,TRUE);
$header =
$operation = array('arg0' => '2012-08-25',
'arg1' => '11:48:46',
$res = $client->call('enviaCONVOL',$operation);
It's my first time with SOAP, I already read all manuals and still stacked with the following example:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
<AuthenticationInfo xmlns="https://blabla.com/ws/Quoting">
<GetQuotes xmlns="https://blabla.com/ws/Quoting">
I do not understand how to start the soapclient with authorization, please help.
You need to use SoapHeader. Below is the example.
$ns = 'https://blabla.com/ws/Quoting'; //Namespace of the WS.
//Body of the Soap Header.
$headerbody = array('strUserName' => $someUser,
'strPassword' => $somePass);
//Create Soap Header.
$header = new SOAPHeader($ns, 'AuthenticationInfo', $headerbody);
//set the Headers of Soap Client.
I am using the following code to create a SOAPHEADER using PHP
// Instantiate the client.
$client = new SoapClient($wsdl_url, array('trace' => 1));
// Pass along login information
$soap_header = new SoapHeader(
'DeveloperKey' => $developerKey,
'Password' => $password
which created this
How do I change the PHP code to create the following headers?
You can set this completely manual by using $soap_client->__setSoapHeaders($header);
Required SOAP Header:
<RequestorCredentials xmlns="http://namespace.example.com/">
Corresponding PHP code:
$ns = 'http://namespace.example.com/'; //Namespace of the WS.
//Body of the Soap Header.
$headerbody = array('Token' => $someToken,
'Version' => $someVersion,
//Create Soap Header.
$header = new SOAPHeader($ns, 'RequestorCredentials', $headerbody);
//set the Headers of Soap Client.
Source: http://php.net/manual/en/soapclient.setsoapheaders.php