Kohana project doesn't work after moving to different server - php

Recently I had to work with Kohana 3.3.1 Framework project (which works). I moved it to my computers localhost, and it doesn't work there. I have set up the mysqli server, tried it on apache and nginx and both give me the same error
ErrorException [ Fatal Error ]: Call to undefined function __()
SYSPATH/classes/Kohana/Kohana/Exception.php [ 53 ]
53 $message = __($message, $variables);
Fatal error: Call to undefined function __() in /usr/share/nginx/www/system/views/kohana/error.php on line 64
Have I forgotten something? I have also tried giving it 777 permission, and still the same error.

Please check filenames. Probably during send to server it's change to lowercase. Unix like servers knows difference.
Or check is all files are present on server.
This error is caused beacuse you don't have system/classes/Kohana/I18n.php file.
Or check besedir jail.


My dynamic site is not loading when the site is online but works well in localhost

I'm getting this error when my site is online
[host www.sitename.com] Backend fatal error: PHP Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required 'admin/config/connection.php' (include_path='.:/opt/cpanel/ea-php53/root/usr/share/pear:/opt/cpanel/ea-php53/root/usr/share/php') in /home/mistrybu/public_html/index.php on line 373\n
The site works well in localhost but when its put online , the dynamic part is not showing.
I changed the php version from php7 to php5 in cpanel. Now the front end is working but the backend is not.
Can someone help me solve this error?
PHP version
Definitely do not go back to PHP5. Keep it to 7. If that means rewriting some of the existing code, so be it, it will make your site more secure and more future proof.
Error Message
Your require_once() method cannot find or access a particular file. This is most probably because:
File missing
The file (connection.php) doesn't exist in the given location (admin/config). Now keep in mind that as the location doesn't start with a /, it's going to be relative to where the require_once() method is being run from.
Since you're running require_once() from:
it's going to look for the file here:
Does that location exist? Does the connection.php reside in the folder?
Folder mismatch
Try adding the following prefix to your path, and see if that makes a difference:
require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/admin/config/connection.php';
File errors
Maybe the file exists, but for some reason, gives an error. Try running the following from your command line and see if you get any errors:
php -f admin/config/connection.php

Laravel 5.3 unauthorized() AuthenticationException fatal error

I've followed Laravel 5.3 upgrade guide, which says to add an unauthenticated method in App\Exceptions\Handler.
However, I get the following error when it gets called by the Auth system:
FatalThrowableError in Handler.php line 59:
Type error: Argument 2 passed to App\Exceptions\Handler::unauthenticated() must be an instance of App\Exceptions\AuthenticationException, instance of Illuminate\Auth\AuthenticationException given, called in /Users/Username/Development/ProjectName/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Foundation/Exceptions/Handler.php on line 135
I've been searching for the last half hour and couldn't find a solution.
Any help?
Check how your Handler.php file compares to the 5.3 branch version here: https://github.com/laravel/laravel/blob/5.3/app/Exceptions/Handler.php
Note the unauthenticated() method in Handler.php expects an instance of \Illuminate\Auth\AuthenticationException. Make sure use Illuminate\Auth\AuthenticationException; is included at the top of the file.
In my case, i just deleted whoops... or restore the default Handler.php
I had this Error 500 inexplicable issue while upgrading from Laravel 5.2 to 5.3. No laravel error logs in storage/logs, no Apache error logs. no issue with .env, debug was turned on, no broken .htaccess directives, plus php artisan could not run. Tried everything until I looked in the PHP error logs and found:
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Undefined constant 'Illuminate\Auth\AuthenticationException' in C:\code\laravel-project\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\Container.php:79
So I did what #jon suggested and compared my Handler.php file with the fresh laravel one and found this:
In your App/Exceptions/Handler.php make sure that the classes in the $dontreport array are referenced as either strings in quotes:
or this way:
For some reason I found mine to not have the quotes and fixing that got rid of the Error 500.

Facing file get html error

I am getting the below error while triggering the file with crone jobs, while it doesn't show any error with manual triggering. Please help whats the logic behind this error. Thanks
Fatal error: Call to a member function find() on a non-object in /home/afghannewscom/public_html/auto/MainProject.php on line 35
Look at the file MainProject.php on line 35 (in editor) and see whats the problem.
the variable $OuterLink is not an object. you may have a look at its definition line.
I also had a similar issue with cronjobs (PHP errors in cronjobs only, running file via browser was fine). The error was caused by incorrect server configuration (it was a shared server, so I couldn't change it). In my case, the fix was pretty easy - I changed cronjob from "php -q /some_file.php" to "curl http://somedomain.com/some_file.php" (you can also use lynx or wget command instead of curl)

Drupal failed after update

I just updated Drupal core from 7.4 to 7.26. After running update.php site stopped working – both public and admin part. When I load it fatal error occurs:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function _system_default_theme_features() in /[drupal_path]/includes/theme.inc on line 1422
and when I reload it another fatal error apperars:
Fatal error: Call to a member function getDirectoryPath() on a non-object in /[drupal_path]/modules/image/image.module on line 83
next reload – first error, one more – second. Also, second error is loading much faster.
And one more thing, after applaying update.php I got one failed, I don't know if this is connected:
media_gallery module
Update #7009
Failed: FieldException: Próba aktualizacji egzemplarza nieistniejącego pola media_gallery_media. w field_update_instance() (linia 557 z /[drupal_path]/modules/field/field.crud.inc).
which is something like:
Failed: FieldException: Attempt to update an instance of a nonexistent field media_gallery_media. in field_update_instance() (line 557 in /[drupal_path]/modules/field/field.crud.inc).
PHP Version 5.5.6
Any tips where the problem is? I was trying disabling some modules from db, but this did't help.
It's difficult to explain the reason and to provide a solution.
My attempt would be to copy the DB and the files on a neutral platform (local machine or so) and experiment with the update.php script.
My suspicion would be that media module needs also update since it's using the old URI function definition (call). Also try to update other modules that are working with files.
The update is quite big since 7.4 to 7.22 (years of improvement). Reading the change log would be helpful but not realistic.
Did you also cleared the cache? (via drush if the web interface not working - /?q=admin/config/development/performance)
Please don't forget to post the solution if you find one for other users with the same issue.

"Fatal error: Call to undefined function" resulting in particular local server, but ran well in others'

I'm developing a PHP application which generating reports to PDF
Right now I'm facing some troubles
I'm working from my own computer with XAMPP Server and the code ran well
But when I copied the codes to my office's WAMP5 Version 1.6.5 Server I got errors
Fatal error: Call to undefined function array_fill_keys() in D:\wwwroot\tcpdf\include\tcpdf_fonts.php on line 1848
I went to that troubled line and removed it, but another Fatal error: Call to undefined function occured
Is there something wrong with my WAMP5 configuration?
Your version of php is to old... as Royal Bg suspected.
Either upgrade to 1.6.6 for php 5.2. But if there is no reason to use such an old version switch to something less than 7 years old :)
