Multidimensional MySQL result – subqueries as arrays - php

MySQL query:
( SELECT tires, bumpers FROM exterior ) AS stuff
The result I was expecting:
0 => [
'seats' => 'comfort',
'stuff' => [
0 => [
'tires' => 'winter',
'bumpers' => 'front'
1 => [
'tires' => 'summer',
'bumpers' => 'back'
1 => ...
However, this did not work. Error message: Operand should contain 1 column(s).
Is possible to get the subquery results returned as arrays, the way/format the base query is? Or grouping it this way is only possible with e.g. PHP? Thanks.

A solution for this would be the following:
SELECT seats,
( SELECT CONCAT_WS(',',tires, bumpers) FROM exterior ) AS stuff
FROM interior
// Where $array would be the result of the query
function stringtoarray($string) {
return explode(',',$string);
for($i=0;!empty($array);$i++) {
$array[''stuff'] = stringtoarray($array[''stuff']);
I realize they don't have the key value yet, but you should be able to fix this within this method as well.

As your "exterior" table has multiple rows, so you can't alias multiple row like this: ( SELECT tires, bumpers FROM exterior ) AS stuff
Either use limit in your sub-query or let me know where there is any relation between "interior" & "exterior" table.If any relation exists, then use join


Doctrine count joined, grouped select

I am trying to get count of rows of select with multiple joins that is grouped (same problem as here but mentioned answer is not fully suitable).
I have code like this:
->leftJoin('table1.col1', 'table2')
->leftJoin('table1.col2', 'table3')
->leftJoin('table1.col3', 'table4')
As a result i have array like:
["1" => "1"],
["1" => "2"],
["1" => "1"],
["1" => "3"],
["1" => "3"],
But i need number of rows of result array.
Is it possible to do it in single query?
Can you try using getSingleScalarResult()?

Dynamically add columns to query results via CakePHP 3 ORM queries

I'm trying to write a query using CakePHP 3.7 ORM where it needs to add a column to the result set. I know in MySQL this sort of thing is possible: MySQL: Dynamically add columns to query results
So far I've implemented 2 custom finders. The first is as follows:
// src/Model/Table/SubstancesTable.php
public function findDistinctSubstancesByOrganisation(Query $query, array $options)
$o_id = $options['o_id'];
$query = $this
'TblOrganisationSubstances.o_id' => $o_id,
'TblOrganisationSubstances.app_id IS NOT' => null
return $query;
The second custom finder:
// src/Model/Table/RevisionSubstancesTable.php
public function findProductNotifications(Query $query, array $options)
$date_start = $options['date_start'];
$date_end = $options['date_end'];
$query = $this
' >= ' => $date_start,
' <= ' => $date_end
return $query;
I'm using the finders inside a Controller to test it out:
$Substances = TableRegistry::getTableLocator()->get('Substances');
$RevisionSubstances = TableRegistry::getTableLocator()->get('RevisionSubstances');
$dates = // method to get an array which has keys 'date_start' and 'date_end' used later.
$org_substances = $Substances->find('distinctSubstancesByOrganisation', ['o_id' => 123);
if (!$org_substances->isEmpty()) {
$data = $RevisionSubstances
->find('productNotifications', [
'date_start' => $dates['date_start'],
'date_end' => $dates['date_end']
'RevisionSubstances.substance_id IN' => $org_substances
The logic behind this is that I'm using the first custom finder to produce a Query Object which contains unique (DISTINCT in SQL) id fields from the substances table, based on a particular company (denoted by the o_id field). These are then fed into the second custom finder by implementing where(['RevisionSubstances.substance_id IN' ....
This works and gives me all the correct data. An example of the output from the debug() statement is as follows:
(int) 0 => [
'id' => (int) 281369,
'substance_id' => (int) 1,
'date' => object(Cake\I18n\FrozenDate) {
'time' => '2019-09-02T00:00:00+00:00',
'timezone' => 'UTC',
'fixedNowTime' => false
'comment' => 'foo',
'substance' => [
'id' => (int) 1,
'app_id' => 'ID000001',
'name' => 'bar',
'date' => object(Cake\I18n\FrozenDate) {
'time' => '2019-07-19T00:00:00+00:00',
'timezone' => 'UTC',
'fixedNowTime' => false
The problem I'm having is as follows: Each of the results returned contains a app_id field (['substance']['app_id'] in the array above). What I need to do is perform a count (COUNT() in MySQL) on another table based on this, and then add that to the result set.
I'm unsure how to do this for a couple of reasons. Firstly, my understanding is that custom finders return Query Objects, but the query is not executed at this point. Because I haven't executed the query - until calling $data->toArray() - I'm unsure how I would refer to the app_id in a way where it could be referenced per row?
The equivalent SQL that would give me the required results is this:
SELECT COUNT (myalias.app_id) FROM (
DISTINCT (tbl_item.i_id),
JOIN tbl_item_substances
ON tbl_organisation_substances.o_sub_id = tbl_item_substances.o_sub_id
JOIN tbl_item
ON tbl_item.i_id = tbl_item_substances.i_id
tbl_item.o_id = 1
tbl_item.date_valid_to IS NULL
tbl_organisation_substances.app_id IS NOT NULL
tbl_organisation_substances.app_id ASC
) AS myalias
WHERE myalias.app_id = 'ID000001'
This does a COUNT() where the app_id is ID000001.
So in the array I've given previously I need to add something to the array to hold this, e.g.
'substance' => [
// ...
'count_app_ids' => 5
(Assuming there were 5 rows returned by the query above).
I have Table classes for all of the tables referred to in the above query.
So my question is, how do you write this using the ORM, and add the result back to the result set before the query is executed?
Is this even possible? The only other solution I can think of is to write the data (from the query I have that works) to a temporary table and then perform successive queries which UPDATE with the count figure based on the app_id. But I'm really not keen on that solution because there are potentially huge performance problems of doing this. Furthermore I'd like to be able to paginate my query so ideally need everything confined to 1 SQL statement, even if it's done across multiple finders.
I've tagged this with MySQL as well as CakePHP because I'm not even sure if this is achievable from a MySQL perspective although it does look on the linked SO post like it can be done? This has the added complexity of having to write the equivalent query using Cake's ORM.

CakePHP query returns two rows instead of one

I'm trying to translate an SQL query into a CakePHP query. Where the SQL query returns one row, the CakePHP query returns 2 rows with the columns id & cover in the first row & files_with_cover in the second.
Naturally I'd like one row with all columns.
SQL query:
SELECT, s1.cover, COUNT( files_with_cover FROM songs s1 LEFT JOIN songs s2 ON s2.cover=s1.cover WHERE s1.source_path=$path
CakePHP query:
$result = $this->Song->find('first', array(
'joins' => array(
'table' => 'songs',
'alias' => 'Song2',
'type' => 'LEFT',
'conditions' => array('Song2.cover = Song.cover')
'fields' => array('', 'Song.cover', 'count( as files_with_cover'),
'conditions' => array('Song.source_path' => $file)
EDIT, example data set:
id cover source_path
1 image1 /example/1
2 image1 /example/2
3 image1 /example/3
4 image2 /example/4
When doing a select with the conditional source_path "/example/1" I want the following result:
id = 1, cover = image1, files_with_cover = 3.
The printout from the $result array may give a clue. Not sure why the files_with_cover column ends up in a separate row.
[Song] => Array
[id] => 1
[cover] => cover1.jpeg
[0] => Array
[files_with_cover] => 3
Using CakePHP 2.8.1 & MySQL
What you receive there isn't two (database) rows, just a not entirely grouped single row. You need to use virtual fields if you want everything grouped under the main model alias.
$this->Song->virtualFields['files_with_cover'] = 'count(';
'fields' => array('', 'Song.cover', 'files_with_cover'),
See also Cookbook > Models > Virtual Fields

CakePHP join with comma separated ids

Here I want to join two table with comma separated ids
For example my data is like:
[Restaurant] => Array
[RST_ID] => 171
[RST_NAME] => oneone
[RST_CAT_ID] => 2,4,6
[RST_CT_ID] => 27
[RST_IS_TOP] => 3
[RST_CREATED_DATE] => 1394536725
[RST_MODIFIED_DATE] => 1394536725
[Category] => Array
[CAT_ID] => 2
[CAT_NAME] => Vegetarian
[CAT_CREATED_DATE] => 1375175962
[CAT_MODIFIED_DATE] => 1375175962
My Model Code:
var $belongsTo = array(
'Category' => array(
'className' => 'Category',
'foreignKey' => 'RST_CAT_ID',
'conditions' => array('Category.CAT_ID IN ( Restaurant.RST_CAT_ID)')
Real Query:
`Restaurant`.`RST_ID`, `Restaurant`.`RST_NAME`, `Restaurant`.`RST_IMAGE`,
`Restaurant`.`RST_CAT_ID`, `Restaurant`.`RST_CT_ID`, `Restaurant`.`RST_IS_TOP`,
`Restaurant`.`RST_QR_CODE`, `Restaurant`.`RST_CREATED_DATE`,
`Restaurant`.`RST_MODIFIED_DATE`, `Restaurant`.`RST_STATUS`,
`Category`.`CAT_ID`, `Category`.`CAT_NAME`, `Category`.`CAT_CREATED_DATE`,
`Category`.`CAT_MODIFIED_DATE`, `Category`.`CAT_STATUS`, `City`.`CT_ID`,
FROM `dailybit_dailybites`.`restaurant` AS `Restaurant`
LEFT JOIN `dailybit_dailybites`.`category` AS `Category`
ON (`Restaurant`.`RST_CAT_ID` = `Category`.`CAT_ID`
AND `Category`.`CAT_ID` IN ( `Restaurant`.`RST_CAT_ID`))
LEFT JOIN `dailybit_dailybites`.`city` AS `City`
ON (`Restaurant`.`RST_CT_ID` = `City`.`CT_ID`)
WHERE 1 = 1
So what’s the solution here?
It's giving me just one category data that for first id only.
First have a look at this question: MySQL search in comma list
As you can see the belongsTo query is just generating a join on the single id, CakePHP by default doesn't respect this special case. You will have to alter your query and pass all the ids manually, but your DB design is bad and it doesn't follow the CakePHP conventions at all.
How do you prevent duplicates (which would waste space)
How do you remove a given value (Requires custom function, leading to possibility of errors?
How do you respond to performance issues as the size of my tables increase?
Instead of changing the query you should change this awkward DB design. You want to use HABTM here and a join table: Restaurant hasAndBelongsToMany Categoryy.
restaurants <-> restaurants_categories <-> categories
If you insist on using this bad DB design you'll have to use bindModel() and set the conditions manually:
'conditions' => array('FIND_IN_SET (Category.CAT_ID, ' . $listOfIds. ')')
I haven't tested this, try it yourself, see FIND_IN_SET() vs IN()
You'll have to have another method that gets you all the ids you want here before. Like I said, this is ineffectice and bad design.
You have to set your foreign Key false and find_in_set condition
var $belongsTo = array(
'Category' => array(
'className' => 'Category',
'foreignKey' => false,
'conditions' => array('FIND_IN_SET(Category.CAT_ID,Restaurant.RST_CAT_ID)')
// you can pass an array at the place of 'Restaurant.RST_CAT_ID'

CakePHP and HABTM Model Limit Error

I've got a series of Post models that hasAndBelongsToMany Media models. In certain function calls inside of the Post model, I don't need to retrieve the entire list of Media models. However, when I use the following code:
$this->unbindModel( array('hasAndBelongsToMany' => array('Media')) );
// Rebind to get only the fields we need:
array('hasAndBelongsToMany' => array(
'Media' => array(
'className' => 'Media',
'joinTable' => 'media_posts',
'foreignKey' => 'post_id',
'associationForeignKey' => 'media_id',
'limit' => 1,
'fields' => array('Media.type', 'Media.path', 'Media.title')
$this->find('all', $params);
This limit only works on one of the first retrieved Post model and all following Post models have no associated Media:
[0] => Array
[Profile] => Array
[Media] => Array
[0] => Array
[type] => photo
[path] => ''
[title] => ''
[1] => Array
[Profile] => Array
[Media] => Array
Any suggestions would be great. Thanks!
why not use the containable behaviour
// you would probably want the next line in the app_model ot be able to use it with all models
$this->Post->actsAs = array('Containable')
$params['conditions'] = array(
$params['contain'] = array(
'Media' => array(
'fields' => array(
'type', 'path', 'title'
'limit' => 1
$this->Post->find('all', $params);
Just tried that and got this sql (Module <-> Tag):
SELECT `Module`.`id` FROM `modules` AS `Module` WHERE 1 = 1
SELECT `Tag`.`id`, `ModulesTag`.`module_id`, `ModulesTag`.`tag_id`
FROM `tags` AS `Tag`
JOIN `modules_tags` AS `ModulesTag`
ON (`ModulesTag`.`module_id` IN (1, 2, 3, 4) AND `ModulesTag`.`tag_id` = `Tag`.`id`)
WHERE `Tag`.`belongs_to` = 'Module'
ORDER BY `Tag`.`name` ASC
obviously that cannot return the wanted result, as you would have to do a query for each Module result (which then again would result in way too many queries).
As a conclusion I would return all Tags (in my example) as the overhead in too many result rows is better than the overhead of too many queries..
Cake fetches all the Habtm-related records in one batch query and then assembles them into the results array afterwards. Any additional conditions you specify in the association will be used as is in the query, so it'll look something like this:
SELECT … FROM Media WHERE in (1, 2, 3, …) LIMIT 1
So it'll only retrieve a single HABTM model.
There's no apparently easy solution for this. Maybe you could think about the original premise again and why the "first" (LIMIT 1) record is supposedly the right one, maybe you can find a different condition to query on.
Failing that, you could rebind your models so Media has a hasMany relationship to medias_posts, the pivot table. For hasMany and belongsTo queries, Cake automatically does JOIN queries. You could use a GROUP BY clause then, which would give you the desired result:
SELECT … FROM Media JOIN medias_posts … GROUP BY medias_posts.post_id
You might also want to experiment with passing the 'join' parameter with the query, to achieve that effect without extensive rebinding.
$this->Media->find('all', array('join' => array(…), …));
Try this:
$this->yourModel->hasAndBelongsToMany['Media'] = false; // or null
And then set your HABTM association manually
$this->yourModel->hasAndBelongsToMany['Media'] = array(........);
Or simply modify the association without nulling it:
$this->yourModel->HABTM['Media']['fields'] = array(....)
CakePHP has a very powerful tool for this containable behaviour
