php sum the values seperated by special character - php

I need to sum the result set values separated by "|" inside the loop eg. set of values 10|2, 6|2, 8|1 should result in 24|5.
here is my code:
$con = mysqli_connect("XXXXX","XX","XXX","XXX");
$query = mysqli_query($con, "CALL sp_Android_Online_Dashboard('$fromdate', '$todate','$TAG')") or die("Query fail: " . mysqli_error());
$Totfiles = 0;
$file_minutes = 0;
while(($row = mysqli_fetch_array($query)))
$Totfiles +=$row["Totfiles"];
$file_minutes +=$row["file_minutes"];
$Pending =str_replace(array("/"),"|",$row["Pending"]); //need to sum all the values separated by "|"
$Tot_minutes +=$row["Tot_minutes"];
$response["Details"]['Totfiles'] = $Totfiles;
$response["Details"]['file_minutes'] = $file_minutes;
$response["Details"]['Pending'] = $Pending;
$response["Details"]['Tot_minutes'] = $Tot_minutes;
echo json_encode($response);
$row["Pending"] contains the values which are to be summed
result am getting now,
my expected result,

This is what you are aiming at i think, you make an array first containing 2 values, on each iteration through the loop you add the new values to them and at the end you can implode it into a string again
// Start with an array containing 0 twice
$Totalpending = [0,0];
while(($row = mysqli_fetch_array($query)))
// On each loop we add the left value to the first value in the array and the right value to the second value in the array
$tmp = explode("|", $row['Pending']);
$Totalpending[0] += $tmp[0];
$Totalpending[1] += $tmp[1];
$Totfiles +=$row["Totfiles"];
$file_minutes +=$row["file_minutes"];
$Pending =str_replace(array("/"),"|",$row["Pending"]); //need to sum all the values separated by "|"
$Tot_minutes +=$row["Tot_minutes"];
// if you want to format the values in the same way again, although an array is much easier to handle, but it's up to you.
$stringTotalpending = implode('|',$Totalpending);
the string value you want will then be in $stringTotalpending

So Firstly, we need to explode the values from $row["Pending"].
$arr = explode("|", $row["Pending"]);
Now use a loop to add those two numbers:
$temp = 0;
for($i = 0; $i < count($arr); $i++){
$temp += (int) $arr[$i];
Now the $temp would contain the result.
As simple as that.
And also as a side note, your code is vulnerable to SQL-Injection attacks.

What about evaling the same string with '|' replaced by '+' ?
eval('$result = ' . str_replace('|', '+', preg_replace('/[^0-9|]/', '', $row["Pending"])) . ';');
echo "$result\n";
Note preg_replace() to sanitize input. Can be avoided if input is already sanitized


How to truncate a delimited string in PHP?

I have a string of delimited numerical values just like this:
5|2288|502|4208|55|23217|235|10|3845|19053|1885|61|324|9004| ...etc.
Depending on the circumstance, the string may have only 1 value, 15 values, all the way up to 100s of values, all pipe delimited.
I need to count off (and keep/echo) the first 10 values and truncate everything else after that.
I've been looking at all the PHP string functions, but have been unsuccessful in finding a method to handle this directly.
Use explode() to separate the elements into an array, then you can slice off the first 10, and implode() them to create the new string.
$arr = "5|2288|502|4208|55|23217|235|10|3845|19053|1885|61|324|9004";
$a = explode ('|',$arr);
$b = array_slice($a,0,10);
$c = implode('|', $b);
Use PHP Explode function
$arr = explode("|",$str);
It will break complete string into an array.
EG: arr[0] = 5, arr[1] = 2288 .....
I would use explode to separate the string into an array then echo the first ten results like this
$string = "5|2288|502|4208|55|23217|235|10|3845|19053|1885|61|324|9004";
$arr = explode("|", $string);
for($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++){
echo $arr[$i];
Please try below code
$str = '5|2288|502|4208|55|23217|235|10|3845|19053|1885|61|324';
$arrayString = explode('|', $str);
$cnt = 0;
$finalVar = '';
foreach ($arrayString as $data) {
if ($cnt > 10) {
$finalVar .= $data . '|';
$finalVar = rtrim($finalVar, '|');
echo $finalVar;

Explode and then merge arrays

I have two strings, one containing names separated by commas and the other containing email addresses separated by commas.
I now want my end result to replicate the behaviour as if I had gotten those values from the database with a:
while ($row = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
echo $row['name'].'<br />'.$row['email'];
So I have for example these strings:,,
And can then explode these into value arrays. Now, after exploding them,
I want to be able to make a loop where in each loop I can get $name[0] and $email[0] together, and $name[1] and $email[1] together, etc.
How can I merge the two arrays (after exploding them) and get the data for each datapair (name and email) in a loop?
So if I understood you right, you are converting your strings (lets call them email, and name) too two arrays (lets call them arrEmail, and arrName) and now you want to get a array with the merged datasets.(creating the arrays should be easy if not check this out: manual for php explode function)
If so I would create a for loop based on the length of your two arrays. In the loop I would extract value i of arrEmail and arrName, and put the information into an two-dimensional array. Maybe something like this:
It should work but I didn't test it for ages so if not leave me a comment.
$arrEmail = array();
$arrName = array();
$arrLength = count($arrName);
//creating two-dimensional Array
for($i = 0; $i < $arrLength; $i++){
$arrGoal[$i] = array($arrName[$i], $arrEmail[$i]);
//should look something like this ((name, email),(name, email)…)
$arrGoalLength = count($arrGoal);
//accessing Array
//1. dimension
for($i = 0; $i < $arrGoalLength; $i++){
//2. dimension
//Variables should be global (but aren't)
$newName = $arrGoal[$i][0];
$newEmail = $arrGoal[$i][1];
I think you want something like this:
$output = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < count($names); $i++) {
$output[] = $names[$i] . ' ' . $emails[$i];
$emails = ',,';
$emails = explode(',', $emails);
$names = 'name1,name2,name3';
$names = explode(',', $names);
and you can use array_combine() as follow :
$combined = array_combine($names, $emails);
foreach($combined as $name => $email){
echo $name, ' : ', $email, '<br/>';
I think you should use the built in explode function wich will allow you to turn a string to an array by spliting it using a delimiter (comma) :
$names = explode(",",$row['name']);
$email = explode(",",$row['email']);
for merging them you should use something like this
$Array = array();
for ($j = 0; $j < count($names); $j++) {
$Array[] = [$names[$j],$email[$j]];
This is kind a related with your question, but only if you like to access the value by a key(e.g. access the name by email provided):
$emails = ',,';
$names = 'name1,name2,name3';
$arrayEmails = explode(',',$emails);
$arrayNames = explode(',',$names);
$result = array_combine( $arrayEmails, $arrayNames);

Removing data from MYSQL that is comma delimited via Get and php

What I am doing is adding values to a mysql table with each value seperated by a comma. And each new value is appended to that last value once again seperated by a comma. Now this is all dynamic. What I am having an issue is on how to remove a selected value and the comma. I am using php and mysql.
I can read the values out with explode and line[value].
table name is values
table consist of id, value, value_array
$value_selected would be a $_GET['value']
value_array is the column that contains all the values seperated by comma.
The database selects from values where the id is equal to the Get value.
Then returns all values in the value_array
I then explode the values and have each value from the value_array read through the for loop and line[value].
the code:
start php
$value_selected = $_GET['value'];
$query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM values WHERE id='$value_selected'");
while($result = mysql_fetch_assoc($query))
$check_values = $result['value_array'];
$values = explode(",",$check_values);
$count_values = count($values);
for($counter = 0; $counter < $count_values; $counter++)
$line = each($values);
$query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM values WHERE id='$line[value]'");
while($result = mysql_fetch_assoc($query))
echo $result['value'].'<br/>';
php end
I don't have an issue reading it out. What I'm trying to do is being able to select a value via GET and remove that value from the value_array while also removing the trailing comma. I hope I was able to expalin in more detail my issue.
Use a foreach loop, take the exploded string and reassemble it minus the string $value_selected by doing this:
$NewValue = '';
$i = 1;
foreach ($values as $Value) {
if ($i > $count_values) {
} else {
if ($Value !== $value_selected) {//reassemble comma-sep string - $_GET['value']
$NewValue = $NewValue . $Value . ",";
Now $NewValue no longer contains $_GET['value'], because the concatenation in the if statement only occurs when the exploded fragment $Value does not match $_GET['value']. Update the database or echo $NewValue, etc. as necessary at this point.

clean string removing a list of values

i was writing this code to remove a list of values from a dynamic string key
$chiave = "motore a scoppio di seconda generazione";
//sanitize string
//$chiave = pulisci($chiave);
//clean from double whitespaces
$chiave = preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ',$chiave);
//convert in lowercase
$chiave = strtolower($chiave);
//define array with all values to remove
$togliere = array("a","il","lo","la","egli","gli","li","di","do","e","è","alla","alle","&","un","uno","una");
$togliere2 = array("d'","l'");
//explode words
$keyval = explode(" ",$chiave);
//remove values
$keyvalclean = array_values(array_diff($keyval, $togliere));
//remove others values
$valori = array();
for($x=0; $x<=count($keyvalclean); $x++){
$valori[] = str_replace($togliere2,"",$keyvalclean[$x]);
//print the result
echo implode(" ",$valori);
this will output "motore scoppio seconda generazione"
there is a faster and optimized code to do that?
Your code looks okay to me. But you don't need to loop through the array to remove the values using str_replace(). This function can take an array as its argument and perform the replacement on each one of them in one go.
$valori = array();
for($x=0; $x<=count($keyvalclean); $x++){
$valori[] = str_replace($togliere2,"",$keyvalclean[$x]);
can be changed to just:
$valori = str_replace($togliere2, "", $keyvalclean);
echo implode(" ",$valori);
Use str_replace()
You could insert an array to replaced by "" with this function.

How do I count comma-separated values in PHP?

I have a variable holding values separated by a comma (Implode), and I'm trying to get the total count of the values in that variable. However. count() is just returning 1.
I've tried converting the comma-separated values to a properly formatted array which still spits out1.
So here is the quick snippet where the sarray session is equal to value1,value2,value3:
$schools = $_SESSION['sarray'];
$result = count($schools);
You need to explode $schools into an actual array:
$schools = $_SESSION['sarray'];
$schools_array = explode(",", $schools);
$result = count($schools_array);
if you just need the count, and are 100% sure it's a clean comma separated list, you could also use substr_count() which may be marginally faster and, more importantly, easier on memory with very large sets of data:
$result = substr_count( $_SESSION['sarray'], ",") +1;
// add 1 if list is always a,b,c;
Should be
$result = count(explode(',',$schools));
Actually, its simpler than that:
$count = substr_count($schools, ',') + 1;
If there is sarray key set in session array, the count will return 1 for an empty string as well.
$session = array('sarray' => '');
$count = count(explode(',', $session['sarray']));
echo $count;
// => 1
So, if you want to count the number of items in the array, you will have to add an additional check for empty.
$session = array('sarray' => '');
$count = !empty($session['sarray']) ? count(explode(',', $session['sarray'])) : 0;
echo $count;
// => 0
Now, let's check if this works with items inside sarray.
$session = array('sarray' => 'foo, bar');
$count = !empty($session['sarray']) ? count(explode(',', $session['sarray'])) : 0;
echo $count;
// => 2
Hope this helps.
$schools = $_SESSION['sarray'];
$array = explode(',', $schools); array_walk($array, 'trim');
$count = count($array);
The array_walk($array, 'trim') will remove any trailing space in elements value. :)
