I am trying to get a number value that is pulled from a mysql database to be formatted differently in a php document.
$oIteminfo = mysql_query("
SELECT Items.PartID, Items.VendorCost, Items.ProductName, Sum(Sales.AmountSold) AS SumOfAmountSold
FROM Items
ON Items.PartID = Sales.PartID
GROUP BY Items.PartID, Items.VendorCost, Items.ProductName
HAVING Items.PartID=$iPartID;
") or die(mysql_error());
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($oIteminfo))
ECHO "<h1>WOWAuctionSales</h1>";
ECHO "<img src=\"http://www.wowauctionsales.com/images/".$iPartID.".jpg\"height='35' width='35'>";
ECHO "<h1>".$row['ProductName']."</h1><br>";
ECHO "<B>Total Sold:</B>".$row['SumOfAmountSold']."<br>";
ECHO "<B>Vendor Price:</B>".$row['VendorCost']."<br>";
For example in one instance the result will pull the following number 162356 I want that number to be formatted to say 16g 23s 56c or 00g 00s 00c I have looked a fprintf, sprintf and printf, but they do not seem to do the trick. I have seen this formatting done before in php but I cannot seem to figure it out how to do it myself.
i can think of a dozen options here is one
//$number ="162356";
$number =$row['VendorCost'];
echo substr($number,0,2).'g '.substr($number,2,2).'s '.substr($number,4,2).'c';
I have this JSON output from a Government API, I need to display it using PHP. The problem is I can't use foreach more then once in a row or it doesn't work. I can't load all the criteria into the first foreach because say the first piece of data ACASS returns 3 results, all the fields after it will be displayed 3 times. Each field could return 1-10 results so there needs to be a system that accounts for variables.
I'm thinking the solution is to put all of the JSON items I need displayed into the first foreach but set them to only display if they're populated. That or use the current coding system I have but account for variable numbers somehow.
Any potential solutions are greatly appreciated.
This is the JSON output... https://api.data.gov/sam/v4/registrations/9606040070000?api_key=WI7nHENlp6QDMnWsb0Nnmzsv1slPDTjNM0XBoKvY
Here's the PHP I'm using...
echo "ACASS ID:".$decoded_results['sam_data']['registration']['qualifications']['acass']['id']."</br>";
foreach($decoded_results['sam_data']['registration']['qualifications']['acass']['answers'] as $acass)
echo 'Answer Text:'.$acass['answerText'].'</br>';
echo 'ACASS Section:'.$acass['section'].'</br>';
$formerfirm = $decoded_results['sam_data']['registration']['qualifications']['acass']['answers'][2]['FormerFirm'];
echo 'Former Firm ID:'.$formerfirm['id'].'</br>';
echo 'Former Firm Year Established:'.$formerfirm['yearEstablished'].'</br>';
echo 'Former Firm Name:'.$formerfirm['name'].'</br>';
echo 'Former Firm DUNS'.$formerfirm['duns'].'</br>';
I did my best to keep this short and simple question / code wise. In summary the issue is if you look at the JSON the data hierarchy makes a lot of the information display under ACASS/Answers and then the next category. I never know how many responses there will be and I'm not sure how to account for those variables.
I would like to thank everyone on these boards who has guided me as a new member and helped me post cleaner, more concise questions. Also thank you to everyone who has taken their own personal time to help me learn to become a better programmer.
use a tool like http://jsonviewer.stack.hu/ for visualizing your json structure. It helps a lot.
$url = "https://api.data.gov/sam/v4/registrations/9606040070000?api_key=WI7nHENlp6QDMnWsb0Nnmzsv1slPDTjNM0XBoKvY";
$contents = json_decode(file_get_contents($url));
// echo var_dump($contents);
$sam_data = $contents->sam_data;
// echo var_dump($sam_data);
$registration = $sam_data->registration;
//echo var_dump($registration);
$acass = $contents->sam_data->registration->qualifications->acass;
$id = $acass->id;
echo "id: ". $id . "<br />";
//echo var_dump($acass->answers);
foreach($acass->answers as $answer) {
if(isset($answer->FormerFirm)) {
$formerFirm = $answer->FormerFirm;
echo var_dump($formerFirm);
Okay so, first of all, I searched through the www for this question, and I found some question related to arrays but not exactly to mine.
Okay so as you may know, paypal only allows one custom variable to be $POST but I need to gather the product id AND the quantity of the item bought. So to do this I made my custom variable into something that would get the post like (25-1,12-3,13-4) it means, the user bought 3 items(separated by commas), where the first number is the product id (then the separator '-' comes in) and the second one is the quantity. (so they're all in the same row and column)
Now my problem is displaying it from the database. I need to get the product name and details that's why I need to separate the numbers from each array as a string and fetch the data from the database for the information of the product. (I'm using an older version of php anyway, 5.2, I guess.)Now the problem is:
1.) It returns the word 'Array' (literally) so it would say like ArrayArrayArray
2.) How do I explode/separate those data so I can get it because I need the product ID to fetch some other data... I tried exploding it into array, then exploding it again but doesn't work (most likely my code is wrong?)
Here is my code: (I've already connected to the database)
$data = mysql_query("SELECT * from transactions") or die(mysql_error());
/* My table tag and headers goes here */
while($info = mysql_fetch_array( $data )) {
echo "<tr>";
echo '<td>' . $info['id'] . '</td>';
echo "<td>";
$array = $info['product_id_array'];
$explode_array = explode(",", $array);
foreach($explode_array as $explode_more){
$explode_more = explode("-", $explode_array);
$prod_id = $explode_more[0];
$quantity = $explode_more[1];
print_r($prod_id); //should echo the 25 in the array (25-1), right?
If only paypal would allow multiple custom variables T_T Thank you guys. Forgive me if I can't express my question very well or my language is not good, as english is not my first language :), Good day!
Your variable names are mixed up. Inside the foreach-loop, you should do something like this
foreach($explode_array as $explode_more){
$explode_even_more = explode("-", $explode_more);
$prod_id = $explode_even_more[0];
$quantity = $explode_even_more[1];
print_r($prod_id); //should echo the 25 in the array (25-1), right?
Note, that $explode_more is used inside the loop and $explore_array is left as is.
Separate this in multiple tables, never store non-atomic values in 1 column.
Certainly not when they have relation with another table.
Suppose you want to know the sales from a certain product in some period.
Is there a way to display 2 banners (without duplicating the same banner?)
In other words, I can’t just repeat the "echo" code, because then it can randomly select the same banner twice. Is there a way to make an array of 2 randomly selected banners?:
$collection = Mage::getModel('cms/block')->getCollection()
->addFieldToFilter('identifier', array('like'=>'ROMM-RFBanner_%'))
->addFieldToFilter('is_active', 1);
$blockCount = $collection->count();
echo ('<div class="footer-banner-boxes row clearfix">');
echo $this->getLayout()->createBlock('cms/block')->setBlockId('ROMM-RFBanner_'.mt_rand(1, $blockCount))->toHtml();
echo $this->getLayout()->createBlock('cms/block')->setBlockId('ROMM-RFBanner_'.mt_rand(1, $blockCount))->toHtml();
echo ('</div>'); ?>
As far as I know you can use
$collection->getSelect()->order(new Zend_Db_Expr('RAND()'));
Or with just PHP (not elegant though) you can read this in order to use $first_id = mt_rand(1,$count) and then exclude $first_id from the second call of mt_rand() by reading How to get a random value from 1~N but excluding several specific values in PHP?
I have a php file that returns a single number (i.e. 360). How can I get that number to appear in my android textview. I am able to do this with arrays that look like this:
{"success":1,"message":"Post Available!","posts":[{"name":"John Smith","id":"1"}, ...]}
but how can I do it with just a single number.
Here is the php:
$gettotal=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM records");
echo json_encode($totalrecords);
A number is STILL going to be just a number after your json_encode() it.
$num = 42;
$json = json_encode($num);
echo "$num / $json"
will just output 42 / 42 - there will be no practical difference between the two.
Hi to all!
I have a query that gets the name and an id.
The results is like this :
54 - Rian Ree Barrientos
I wanted to get the number 54.
I used echo (int)$_GET['number'];
But the result is "0". How can I get the number?
You can't get it that way, you need to make two query string vars for it eg:
<a href="somepage.php?number=54&str=some_string">
Make sure that if you do so, you use the urlencode function.
Now you can use:
echo (int) $_GET['number'];
echo $_GET['str'];
Otherise you can use the explode function to get the two values by specifying the - delimiter.
I think you want id from the value you get from the query
I think you want something like following
$strPrice1 = mysql_query("SELECT id, name FROM table_name where id=".$_GET['id'] );
$strPrice = mysql_fetch_array($strPrice1);
echo (int)$_strPrice['id'];
But the result is "0". How can I get the number?
When I run:
print (int)('54 - Rian Ree Barrientos') . "\n";
I get 54
(php v 5.1.6)
Maybe $_GET['number'] doesn't contain what you think.