Has anybody had any experience with generating 2D Barcodes for Royal Mail via PHP? I've spent a while attempting to get my own routines to write a valid datamatrix sadly to no avail.
I do have working conversion routines for ASCII to C40 and Luhn 16 checksum makers but just can't get anywhere with the graphical representation, or the ECC200 byte creation for that matter.
Are there any pre-written libraries out there with documentation that would help take away a lot of further legwork?
I do need to be able to generate this within the server environment, without using external sites ofr image generation ideally.
We use Zint Barcode Generator Unix packages for QR and PDF417 code generation. Royal Mail is supported as well.
(on CentOS dnf install zint, Ubuntu takes more work).
Zint documentation: http://www.zint.org.uk/
In PHP use the system method, example:
$targetFilePath = dirname(__FILE__).'/test.png';
$contents = 'ABC123';
system('zint ...params... -o"' . $targetFilePath . '" -d"' . $contents . '"');
It will generate an image on the requested $targetFilePath.
For ECC200 Datamatrix Generation in PHP we successfully used:
sudo apt install dmtx-utils
To output a PNG file from the server, with normal apache2 settings you would get
the barcode in PNG when you enter in the browser: http://yourserver.com/datamatrix/?in=yourbarcodetext
$old_path = getcwd();
$infile = "/var/www/html/datamatrix/message2.txt";
$image = "/var/www/html/datamatrix/image.png";
$ex = "export HOME=/tmp && /usr/bin/dmtxwrite {$infile} -o {$image}";
echo "<b>$ex</b>";
$output = shell_exec($ex);
echo var_export($output, TRUE);
echo "done";
$im = imagecreatefrompng($image);
header('Content-Type: image/png');
I need help in to read text from image whatever we upload.Is there any library for this. I am using Tesseract PHP OCR.
But not getting idea to use it . I am attaching my file here.
Tesseract file is from here: https://github.com/thiagoalessio/tesseract-ocr-for-php/tree/master/src
and my php i have written attached image.enter image description here
Here is a little script I use to do ocr for pdfs on ubuntu 16.04
$inputPDF = 'path/to /your/file';
$fileToOCR = "ocr.tiff";
exec("convert -density 300 $inputPDF -depth 8 -strip -background white -alpha off $fileToOCR");
$outputOCR = "ocr";
exec("tesseract $fileToOCR -l deu+eng $outputOCR hocr");
note that you need tesseract-ocr and imagemagick installed sudo apt-get install tesseract-ocr imagemagick
also you need the language packs you want to use sudo apt-get install tesseract-ocr-[lang]
exec("convert ..."); prepares the file for better results
exec("tesseract ... "); does the actual ocr where deu+eng is the language from the text and hocr is the output format (xml with additional infos where the text was found)
hope it helps
Hello you can use this libary for that
You can use this API (it's free):
$url = 'http://server.com/image.png';
$data = json_decode(file_get_contents('http://api.rest7.com/v1/ocr.php?url=' . $url . '&format=txt'));
if (#$data->success !== 1)
$txt = file_get_contents($data->file);
file_put_contents('text.txt', $txt);
You should just replace $url with URL to your image file and the output will be save as text.txt.
i have installed imageMagick and ghostscript from online and put it inside mamp but m not getting how to include them in my php code..
by googling i found a code
$pdf = 'serviceReport.pdf';
$save = 'output.jpg';
exec('convert "'.$pdf.'" -colorspace RGB -resize 800 "'.$save.'"', $output, $return_var);
but m not getting the result..can anyone help with this
It is much effective to use the php extension ImageMagick offers (Imagick) instead of command line tools:
// ...
$img = new \Imagick();
$img->readimage($filedata['tmp_name']); // this can be a pdf file!
$img->writeImage(sprintf('%1$s/%2$s.jpg', $basepath, $basename));
// ...
Another alternative is to use the poppler tools instead. They offer much faster processing.
I want to be able to generate image thumbnails without saving them to the server. So far, I've come up with this code, but I'm not sure what to do with $code.
$code = system("convert galleries/13_0.jpg -resize 400x270 /dev/stdout");
How would I go about plugging $code into the PHP/HTML to get the raw image code to display as a jpg?
I would advise you not to do this from the system as you have described.
PHP has libraries for doing this sort of thing.
And there are libraries the wrap these native functions for manipulating images. https://imagine.readthedocs.org/en/latest/
That way all your code is in PHP and you are not relying on the system to do anything (providing PHP has been compiled with the libraries as described. They are standard libraries available in most PHP builds and you can enable them if they are not included).
Edit: I'm advocating that you.
Open the source image.
Convert the source image
Return the source image
with imagine you would do it thus:
$imagine = new Imagine\Gd\Imagine();
$size = new Imagine\Image\Box(400, 270);
If the $code is the raw data, could you have another file getimage.php which would write the data out but set the header content type to image/JPEG? So your img src would be getimage.php?image=13_0.jpg for example?
I would save it to memory, then read it, then delete it. /dev/shm is a ramdrive on most Linux systems.
$tmp = '/dev/shm/'.uniqid('',true).'.jpg';
system("convert galleries/13_0.jpg -resize 400x270 $tmp");
header("Content-Type: image/jpeg");
header('Content-Length: '.filesize($tmp));
This question has already been asked (see link below) but none of the answers work. So I have this ImageMagick script that I am using to tint PNGs and it works great but the problem is that it actually generates files on the server. What I want instead is exactly what GD does where it does the image manipulation and then displays it without actually saving an image.
Here is my ImageMagick code that I use to tint the image. This code does the converting and generates an extra file on the server which is the final image.
$source = "src.png";
$final = "FINAL.png";
$color = "#00FF00";
exec("convert $source -threshold 100% +level-colors '$color', $final");
Here is a GD example code which does an image manipulation and displays the final image directly without saving extra images to the server:
header('Content-Type: image/png');
$source = "src.png";
$im = imagecreatefrompng($source);
imagefilter($im, IMG_FILTER_GRAYSCALE);
So essentially I want the image manipulation that is done in the first example, but without saving extra images and displaying the output in the browser.
Links searched:
None of the solutions worked:
Generate images with ImageMagick without saving to file but still display them on website
How can I convert my ImageMagick code to iMagick? PHP-Imagemagick image display
A direct example using your code for others to learn from.
I use this same method on my shared Linux server on Godaddy.
$source = "src.png";
$color = "#00FF00";
$cmd = "convert $source -threshold 100% +level-colors '$color',".
" -unsharp 0.2x0.6+1.0 -quality 50 JPG:-";
header("Content-type: image/jpeg");
passthru($cmd, $retval);
Note: - Are you sure you are using "-threshold 100% +level-colors '$color'," correctly? Threshold 100% will push an image to black. Which then +level-colors '#00FF00', will just make a solid green image. I am assuming you have simplified the code for this demonstration.
Note: - "+level-colors '$color'", does not work on Godaddy's servers. It works fine on my home server though. Possibly an outdated ImageMagick version installed on Godaddy's server.
I'm using a generic PHP based CMS, i wanted to create a script which read the pdf created a thumbnail and cached it. There were lots of different answers, and i did have a fair few problems with different versions of imagick, but this is script which worked for me.
some people might find it useful and maybe someone could advice me if it is optimised?
$loc = *the file location*;
$pdf = *the file name*;
$format = "jpg";
$dest = "$loc$pdf.$format";
if (file_exists($dest))
$im = new imagick();
header( "Content-Type: image/jpg" );
echo $im;
$im = new imagick($loc.$pdf.'[0]');
$width = $im->getImageheight();
$im->cropImage($width, $width, 0, 0);
$im->scaleImage(110, 167, true);
header( "Content-Type: image/jpg" );
echo $im;
Leverage PHP and ImageMagick to create PDF thumbnails
In this article, we discuss using PHP and ImageMagick to generate thumbnails from a given PDF, storing them in a temporary (or “cache”) directory, and serving them up to the web.
One of our more recent clients made a request to display PDF thumbnails published through the Joomla CMS that we’d deployed for them.
The requirement was fairly simple, but the execution was a little more involved. After installing ImageMagick, ImageMagick PHP bindings (which incidentally aren’t working, and a workaround was devised), and sleuthing some code, the following solution was determined:
function thumbPdf($pdf, $width)
$tmp = 'tmp';
$format = "png";
$source = $pdf.'[0]';
$dest = "$tmp/$pdf.$format";
if (!file_exists($dest))
$exec = "convert -scale $width $source $dest";
$im = new Imagick($dest);
echo $im;
catch(Exception $e)
echo $e->getMessage();
$file = $_GET['pdf'];
$size = $_GET['size'];
if ($file && $size)
thumbPdf($file, $size);
The above code assumes that you’ve provided appropriate permissions to the temporary directory (usually chmod 755 or chmod 777, depending on your level of courage), that you’ve saved the above code snippet in a file called thumbPdf.php, and placed this somewhere visible on your web server.
After obtaining parameters from GET, the code checks the destination temporary directory, and if the desired image is not present, it uses ImageMagick’s convert program to generate the PDF thumbnail, sized down to the appropriate proportion, and saves the image in the temporary directory. Finally, it reloads the thumbnail into an ImageMagick PHP object, and outputs the content to the browser.
Invoking the above code is done fairly easily; simply call the PHP script from inside an image tag, like so:
<img src="/path/to/thumbPdf.php?pdf=your.pdf&size=200" />
The above code would generate a thumbnail from the first page of “your.pdf”, sized 200 pixels wide by an appropriately-proportioned height.
Good luck, and happy webmastering!
I know it's been discussed here:
Should I use a PHP extension for ImageMagick or just use PHP's Exec() function to run the terminal commands?
And to quote drew101:
You would benefit a lot using the PHP extensions instead of using exec
or similar functions. Built in extensions will be faster and use less
memory as you will not have to spawn new processes and read the output
back. The image objects will be directly available in PHP instead of
having to read file output, which should make the images easier to
work with.
If you have a busy site, creating lots of processes to edit images may
start to slow things down and consume additional memory.
If you have not installed the Imagick php library for some reason you may use the ghost script and generate thumbnail of an pdf using the below example :
exec('gs -dSAFER -dBATCH -sDEVICE=jpeg -dTextAlphaBits=4 -dGraphicsAlphaBits=4 -r300 -sOutputFile=xyz.jpg xyz.pdf');