QCubed how to save QDateTime as NULL - php

my QCubed PHP class "Project" has a property called "Finished" which is object of QDateTime and data type "datetime" in MySQL database. I need to save NULL into database when user leaves this field blank in HTML
<input type="datetime-local" name="Finished" />
but I cannot find a way for it since PHP always throws Internal Server Error 500
if ($_GET["Finished"] != "") $objProject->Finished = new QDateTime($_GET["Finished"]);
else $objProject->Finished = ???
Will be glad for any help.

This will work.
$dataobject = new TableName();
$objProject->Finished = null;


Wrong timestamp inserted when I call the update method on controller from another laravel app

I'm calling an update method from a laravel app unfortunately a wrong updated_at is inserted with one hour delta despite the timezone is the same on each sides
You can see the difference here between the result of a dump of the source datetime and the query on the other side, there is a difference of one hour :
Here is the code I use in order to call the remote controller:
$updatedIntranet = new DateTime($stagesIntranet[$key]->updated_at);
$stageSiteValueIndex = array_keys($stagesSiteIds,$id);
echo('id : '. $id);
$updatedsite = new DateTime($stagesSite[$stageSiteValueIndex[0]]->updated_at);
$diffTimestamps = $updatedIntranet->getTimestamp() - $updatedsite->getTimestamp();
echo '------- updated intranet ---------<br />';
echo '-------- updated site --------<br />';
echo '--------diff--------<br />';
// site must be updated
if( $diffTimestamps != 0)
dump('delta : '.$diffTimestamps);
$stageIntranet->id = $stageIntranet->id_stages;
$stageIntranetCleanUTF8 = $this->utf8ize($stageIntranet->toArray());
$stageIntranetJson = json_encode($stageIntranetCleanUTF8,JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE);
$updateResponse = $client->put(
So next time I launch the code delta should be 0 and unfortunately there is always 3600 seconds as you can see
I got the answer, it's a breaking change since Laravel 7 you must override the default Datetime serialization in your model, see : https://laravel.com/docs/7.x/upgrade#date-serialization

How to create solr document with String type using solarium query

I' creating solr document via solarium plugin in php.
But the all document is stored text_general data type except id field. text_general is the default datatype in solr system.
My doubt is why id field is only to stored string type as default.
And If any possible to add document with string type using solarium plugin.
My code part is here,
public function updateQuery() {
$update = $this->client2->createUpdate();
// create a new document for the data
$doc1 = $update->createDocument();
// $doc1->id = 123;
$doc1->name = 'value123';
$doc1->price = 364;
// and a second one
$doc2 = $update->createDocument();
// $doc2->id = 124;
$doc2->name = 'value124';
$doc2->price = 340;
// add the documents and a commit command to the update query
$update->addDocuments(array($doc1, $doc2));
// this executes the query and returns the result
$result = $this->client2->update($update);
echo '<b>Update query executed</b><br/>';
echo 'Query status: ' . $result->getStatus(). '<br/>';
echo 'Query time: ' . $result->getQueryTime();
The result document for the above code is here,
This depends on the field type defined in the schema for your Solr installation. It does not have anything to do with how you're sending data through Solarium.
In the schemaless mode, the id field is always set as a string, since a unique field can't be tokenized (well, it can, but it'll give weird, non-obvious errors).
In your case i'd suggest defining the price field as an integer/long field (if it's integers all the way) and the name field as a string field. Be aware that string fields only generate hits on exact matches, so in your case you'd have to search for value124 with exact casing to get a hit.
You can also adjust the multiValued property of the field when you define the fields explicitly. That way you get only the string back in the JSON structure instead of an array containing the string.

SOAP API / SQL Error "ORA 00904 invalid Identifier"

I have the following problem:
I need to get a few columns of a oracle db table to display information on a .php page. To do this, I'm using a SOAP-API, which works flawlessly with any other table, only not with this one.
This is the Code I am using for all of these Queries:
$setSearchObjectsIn = new SearchObjectsInType();
$setSearchObjectsIn->sessionId = (String) $sessionId;
$setSearchObjectsIn->table = (String) 'STFCFG_DD_VALUE';
$setSearchObjectsIn->caseSensitive = (String) 'false';
$setSearchObjectsIn->limitedResult = (String) 'false';
$setSearchObjectsIn->restrictions[0]['attributeName']= (String) 'STFCFG_DD_VALUE.DDID';
$setSearchObjectsIn->restrictions[0]['restriction']['operator'] = (String) '=';
$setSearchObjectsIn->restrictions[0]['restriction']['value'] = (String) $ddid;
$setSearchObjectsIn->resultColumns[0] = (String) 'STFCFG_DD_VALUE.DD_VALUE';
$setSearchObjectsIn->resultColumns[1] = (String) 'STFCFG_DD_VALUE.CATALOG_NAME';
$setSearchObjectsIn->resultColumns[2] = (String) 'STFCFG_DD_VALUE.MSG_ID';
$client = new SoapClient((String) $instance.'/axis/services/GenericApiWS?wsdl');
$result = $client->searchObjects($setSearchObjectsIn);
And this is the Error I get with this special table:
ORA-00904: "MAN_ID": ungültiger Bezeichner
I have also tried starting this query with SoapUI, which results in the exactly same thing.
The fact, that I have nothing like "MAN_ID" in my code has me wondering, as the error looks like I would query a column named like that, which I obviously don't do. (There is also no column "MAN_ID" in the requested table, so I have no idea where this comes from)
I hope you can help me
I'd try looking for MAN_ID in the SOAP server code - the error may be what the server returns and it may be looking for that column implicitly. The error message is definitely produced by Oracle, so search the way your query gets there and if possible, see what query gets executed.

Changing module name

I am customising a opensource phreebooks. I want to change the module names in that. I did change the module names for phreebooks and phreedom successfully, but when i change the name for phreedom i can not print any pdf. I am getting this error
User: 1 Company: phree RUN-TIME WARNING: 'Creating default object from empty value' line 50 in file
In line no 50, code is like this
if (isset($_GET['xfld'])) $report->xfilterlist[0]->fieldname = $_GET['xfld'];
Can somebody please tell me where exactly i am doing wrong. I have been tying it from past 3 days.
if (isset($_GET['xfld'])) { // check for extra filters
if (!isset($_GET['xfld'])) $xfld = new stdClass();
echo "BLANK";
if (isset($_GET['xfld'])) $report->xfilterlist[0]->fieldname = $_GET['xfld'];
if (isset($_GET['xcr'])) $report->xfilterlist[0]->default = $_GET['xcr'];
if (isset($_GET['xmin'])) $report->xfilterlist[0]->min_val = $_GET['xmin'];
if (isset($_GET['xmax'])) $report->xfilterlist[0]->max_val = $_GET['xmax'];
i did like this
It displays "BLANK" but actually isset($_GET['xfld'] is SET from URL.
$_GET['xfld'] = $xfld;
$xfld = NULL;
$xfld->success = false; // Warning: Creating default object from empty value
PHP will report a different error message if $xfld is already initialized to some value but is not an object:
$xfld = something;
$xfld->success = false; // Warning: Attempt to assign property of non-object
You shoud check whether the object already exists:
if (!isset($_GET['xfld'])) $xfld = new stdClass();
Otherwise, this code is not an equivalent replacement for the "old PHP" implicit object creation.

Populate Flex ComboBox from XML from PHP

I'm having trouble populating a combobox from an XML response. Here is the XML that I am receiving:
So probably the most basic form of XML ever!
and here is the flex code:
private function getDistros():void
httpReq = new HTTPService;
httpReq.url = 'http://myserver/xml.php';
httpReq.resultFormat = 'e4x';
httpReq.method = 'GET';
httpReq.addEventListener(ResultEvent.RESULT, popDistros);
httpReq.send( null );
private function popDistros(event:ResultEvent):void
if(event.result != "")
// Set the data to the XMLListCollection for lookup
myXmlCollection= new XMLListCollection(event.result.entry);
// Bind the ListCollection to the comboBox
distroCombo.dataProvider = myXmlCollection.toString();
and the MXML:
<mx:ControlBar x="139" y="10" width="266" height="358" verticalAlign="top" horizontalAlign="left" direction="vertical">
<mx:ComboBox id="distroCombo" labelField="distro"></mx:ComboBox>
<mx:ComboBox id="imageCombo"></mx:ComboBox>
<mx:Button label="Download"/>
The XML comes back fine in the Alert but the comboBox won't populate and I have tried this so many different ways now, anyone got any suggestions? Have I just been staring at it far too long?
if the result (event.result) is XML, then It should wotk like this: (it differs with .distro in the end compared to yours)
myXmlCollection = new XMLListCollection(event.result.entry.distro);
...this should create valid data in myXmlCollection
But then also this row is wrong:
distroCombo.dataProvider = myXmlCollection.toString();
it creates just one item in dataProvider of type string, (Just BTW: if you would have used spark combobox, you would have get compile error at this row).
just use this instead:
distroCombo.dataProvider = myXmlCollection;
And also note, that you can see correct result in the Alert, but it does not say if the data are of correct type, coz Alert evertyhing converts to string :)
