Codeigniter datatables query not working? - php

I am using codeigniter 2.0 version. In datatables query not working using datatable method. But when i run this in mysql means it is perfectly working. I dont know how to solve this issue. Below i have given my query,
$this->datatables->query("select as id, as date, sales.customer_name, sale_items.product_name as pname, sales.depositcard_amt as debit, 0 as credit from sales join sale_items on where sales.customer_id = $user and sales.branch_id=$branchid and sales.depositcard_amt != 0.00 group by UNION ALL select as id, deposit.credit_on as date, deposit_details.customer_name, deposit_details.package_name as pname, 0 as debit, deposit.total_amount as credit from deposit join deposit_details on where deposit.customers=$user");
"<center></center>", "id")
echo $this->datatables->generate();
Please give any ideas to solve this. Thanks in advance.

Library Datatables.php
<?php if (!defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
* Ignited Datatables
* This is a wrapper class/library based on the native Datatables server-side implementation by Allan Jardine
* found at for CodeIgniter
* #package CodeIgniter
* #subpackage libraries
* #category library
* #version 1.15
* #author Vincent Bambico <>
* Yusuf Ozdemir <>
* #link
class Datatables
* Global container variables for chained argument results
private $ci;
private $table;
private $distinct;
private $query ;
private $fadu = "" ;
private $group_by = array();
private $order_by = array();
private $select = array();
private $joins = array();
private $left_joins = array();
private $outer_joins = array();
private $columns = array();
private $where = array();
private $or_where = array();
private $like = array();
private $filter = array();
private $add_columns = array();
private $edit_columns = array();
private $unset_columns = array();
* Copies an instance of CI
public function __construct()
$this->ci =& get_instance();
* If you establish multiple databases in config/database.php this will allow you to
* set the database (other than $active_group) - more info:
public function set_database($db_name)
$db_data = $this->ci->load->database($db_name, TRUE);
$this->ci->db = $db_data;
* Generates the SELECT portion of the query
* #param string $columns
* #param bool $backtick_protect
* #return mixed
public function select($columns, $backtick_protect = TRUE)
foreach ($this->explode(',', $columns) as $val) {
$column = trim(preg_replace('/(.*)\s+as\s+(\w*)/i', '$2', $val));
$this->columns[] = $column;
$this->select[$column] = trim(preg_replace('/(.*)\s+as\s+(\w*)/i', '$1', $val));
$this->ci->db->select($columns, $backtick_protect);
return $this;
* Generates the DISTINCT portion of the query
* #param string $column
* #return mixed
public function distinct($column)
$this->distinct = $column;
return $this;
* Generates a custom GROUP BY portion of the query
* #param string $val
* #return mixed
public function group_by($val)
$this->group_by[] = $val;
return $this;
public function order_by($val, $direction = '')
$this->order_by[] = array($val, $direction );
$this->ci->db->order_by($val, $direction );
return $this;
public function query($val)
$this->query = $val;
$this->table = "";
return $this;
* Generates the FROM portion of the query
* #param string $table
* #return mixed
public function from($table , $fadu = "")
$this->table = $table;
$this->fadu = $fadu;
return $this;
* Generates the JOIN portion of the query
* #param string $table
* #param string $fk
* #param string $type
* #return mixed
public function join($table, $fk, $type = NULL)
$this->joins[] = array($table, $fk, $type);
$this->ci->db->join($table, $fk, $type);
return $this;
public function left_join($table, $fk, $type = NULL)
$this->left_joins[] = array($table, $fk, $type);
$this->ci->db->left_join($table, $fk, $type);
return $this;
public function outer_join($table, $fk, $type = NULL)
$this->outer_joins[] = array($table, $fk, $type);
$this->ci->db->outer_join($table, $fk, $type);
return $this;
* Generates the WHERE portion of the query
* #param mixed $key_condition
* #param string $val
* #param bool $backtick_protect
* #return mixed
public function where($key_condition, $val = NULL, $backtick_protect = TRUE)
$this->where[] = array($key_condition, $val, $backtick_protect);
$this->ci->db->where($key_condition, $val, $backtick_protect);
return $this;
* Generates the WHERE portion of the query
* #param mixed $key_condition
* #param string $val
* #param bool $backtick_protect
* #return mixed
public function or_where($key_condition, $val = NULL, $backtick_protect = TRUE)
$this->or_where[] = array($key_condition, $val, $backtick_protect);
$this->ci->db->or_where($key_condition, $val, $backtick_protect);
return $this;
* Generates the WHERE portion of the query
* #param mixed $key_condition
* #param string $val
* #param bool $backtick_protect
* #return mixed
public function filter($key_condition, $val = NULL, $backtick_protect = TRUE)
$this->filter[] = array($key_condition, $val, $backtick_protect);
return $this;
* Generates a %LIKE% portion of the query
* #param mixed $key_condition
* #param string $val
* #param bool $backtick_protect
* #return mixed
public function like($key_condition, $val = NULL, $backtick_protect = TRUE)
$this->like[] = array($key_condition, $val, $backtick_protect);
$this->ci->db->like($key_condition, $val, $backtick_protect);
return $this;
* Sets additional column variables for adding custom columns
* #param string $column
* #param string $content
* #param string $match_replacement
* #return mixed
public function add_column($column, $content, $match_replacement = NULL)
$this->add_columns[$column] = array('content' => $content, 'replacement' => $this->explode(',', $match_replacement));
return $this;
* Sets additional column variables for editing columns
* #param string $column
* #param string $content
* #param string $match_replacement
* #return mixed
public function edit_column($column, $content, $match_replacement)
$this->edit_columns[$column][] = array('content' => $content, 'replacement' => $this->explode(',', $match_replacement));
return $this;
* Unset column
* #param string $column
* #return mixed
public function unset_column($column)
$column = explode(',', $column);
$this->unset_columns = array_merge($this->unset_columns, $column);
return $this;
* Builds all the necessary query segments and performs the main query based on results set from chained statements
* #param string $output
* #param string $charset
* #return string
public function generate($output = 'json', $charset = 'UTF-8')
if (strtolower($output) == 'json')
return $this->produce_output(strtolower($output), strtolower($charset));
* Generates the LIMIT portion of the query
* #return mixed
private function get_paging()
$iStart = $this->ci->input->post('iDisplayStart');
$iLength = $this->ci->input->post('iDisplayLength');
if ($iLength != '' && $iLength != '-1')
$this->ci->db->limit($iLength, ($iStart) ? $iStart : 0);
* Generates the ORDER BY portion of the query
* #return mixed
private function get_ordering()
if ($this->check_mDataprop())
$mColArray = $this->get_mDataprop();
elseif ($this->ci->input->post('sColumns'))
$mColArray = explode(',', $this->ci->input->post('sColumns'));
$mColArray = $this->columns;
$mColArray = array_values(array_diff($mColArray, $this->unset_columns));
$columns = array_values(array_diff($this->columns, $this->unset_columns));
for ($i = 0; $i < intval($this->ci->input->post('iSortingCols')); $i++)
if (isset($mColArray[intval($this->ci->input->post('iSortCol_' . $i))]) && in_array($mColArray[intval($this->ci->input->post('iSortCol_' . $i))], $columns) && $this->ci->input->post('bSortable_' . intval($this->ci->input->post('iSortCol_' . $i))) == 'true')
$this->ci->db->order_by($mColArray[intval($this->ci->input->post('iSortCol_' . $i))], $this->ci->input->post('sSortDir_' . $i));
* Generates a %LIKE% portion of the query
* #return mixed
private function get_filtering()
if ($this->check_mDataprop())
$mColArray = $this->get_mDataprop();
elseif ($this->ci->input->post('sColumns'))
$mColArray = explode(',', $this->ci->input->post('sColumns'));
$mColArray = $this->columns;
$sWhere = '';
$sSearch = $this->ci->db->escape_like_str($this->ci->input->post('sSearch'));
$mColArray = array_values(array_diff($mColArray, $this->unset_columns));
$columns = array_values(array_diff($this->columns, $this->unset_columns));
if ($sSearch != '')
for ($i = 0; $i < count($mColArray); $i++)
if ($this->ci->input->post('bSearchable_' . $i) == 'true' && in_array($mColArray[$i], $columns))
$sWhere .= $this->select[$mColArray[$i]] . " LIKE '%" . $sSearch . "%' OR ";
$sWhere = substr_replace($sWhere, '', -3);
if ($sWhere != '')
$this->ci->db->where('(' . $sWhere . ')');
$sRangeSeparator = $this->ci->input->post('sRangeSeparator');
for ($i = 0; $i < intval($this->ci->input->post('iColumns')); $i++) {
if (isset($_POST['sSearch_' . $i]) && $this->ci->input->post('sSearch_' . $i) != '' && in_array($mColArray[$i], $columns)) {
$miSearch = explode(',', $this->ci->input->post('sSearch_' . $i));
foreach ($miSearch as $val) {
if (preg_match("/(<=|>=|=|<|>)(\s*)(.+)/i", trim($val), $matches))
$this->ci->db->where($this->select[$mColArray[$i]] . ' ' . $matches[1], $matches[3]);
elseif (!empty($sRangeSeparator) && preg_match("/(.*)$sRangeSeparator(.*)/i", trim($val), $matches)) {
$rangeQuery = '';
if (!empty($matches[1]))
$rangeQuery = 'STR_TO_DATE(' . $this->select[$mColArray[$i]] . ",'%d/%m/%y %H:%i:%s') >= STR_TO_DATE('" . $matches[1] . " 00:00:00','%d/%m/%y %H:%i:%s')";
if (!empty($matches[2]))
$rangeQuery .= (!empty($rangeQuery) ? ' AND ' : '') . 'STR_TO_DATE(' . $this->select[$mColArray[$i]] . ",'%d/%m/%y %H:%i:%s') <= STR_TO_DATE('" . $matches[2] . " 23:59:59','%d/%m/%y %H:%i:%s')";
if (!empty($matches[1]) || !empty($matches[2]))
} else
$this->ci->db->where($this->select[$mColArray[$i]] . ' LIKE', '%' . $val . '%');
foreach ($this->filter as $val)
$this->ci->db->where($val[0], $val[1], $val[2]);
* Compiles the select statement based on the other functions called and runs the query
* #return mixed
private function get_display_result()
if($this->fadu != "")
return $this->ci->db->query($this->table);
return $this->ci->db->get($this->table);
* Builds an encoded string data. Returns JSON by default, and an array of aaData and sColumns if output is set to raw.
* #param string $output
* #param string $charset
* #return mixed
private function produce_output($output, $charset)
$aaData = array();
$rResult = $this->get_display_result();
if ($output == 'json') {
$iTotal = $this->get_total_results();
$iFilteredTotal = $this->get_total_results(TRUE);
foreach ($rResult->result_array() as $row_key => $row_val) {
$aaData[$row_key] = ($this->check_mDataprop()) ? $row_val : array_values($row_val);
foreach ($this->add_columns as $field => $val)
if ($this->check_mDataprop())
$aaData[$row_key][$field] = $this->exec_replace($val, $aaData[$row_key]);
$aaData[$row_key][] = $this->exec_replace($val, $aaData[$row_key]);
foreach ($this->edit_columns as $modkey => $modval)
foreach ($modval as $val)
$aaData[$row_key][($this->check_mDataprop()) ? $modkey : array_search($modkey, $this->columns)] = $this->exec_replace($val, $aaData[$row_key]);
$aaData[$row_key] = array_diff_key($aaData[$row_key], ($this->check_mDataprop()) ? $this->unset_columns : array_intersect($this->columns, $this->unset_columns));
if (!$this->check_mDataprop())
$aaData[$row_key] = array_values($aaData[$row_key]);
$sColumns = array_diff($this->columns, $this->unset_columns);
$sColumns = array_merge_recursive($sColumns, array_keys($this->add_columns));
if ($output == 'json') {
$sOutput = array
'sEcho' => intval($this->ci->input->post('sEcho')),
'iTotalRecords' => $iTotal,
'iTotalDisplayRecords' => $iFilteredTotal,
'aaData' => $aaData,
'sColumns' => implode(',', $sColumns)
if ($charset == 'utf-8')
return json_encode($sOutput);
return $this->jsonify($sOutput);
} else
return array('aaData' => $aaData, 'sColumns' => $sColumns);
* Get result count
* #return integer
private function get_total_results($filtering = FALSE)
if ($filtering)
foreach ($this->joins as $val)
$this->ci->db->join($val[0], $val[1], $val[2]);
foreach ($this->where as $val)
$this->ci->db->where($val[0], $val[1], $val[2]);
foreach ($this->or_where as $val)
$this->ci->db->or_where($val[0], $val[1], $val[2]);
foreach ($this->group_by as $val)
foreach ($this->like as $val)
$this->ci->db->like($val[0], $val[1], $val[2]);
if (strlen($this->distinct) > 0) {
if($this->fadu != "")
$query = $this->ci->db->query($this->table);
$query = $this->ci->db->get($this->table, NULL, NULL, FALSE);
return $query->num_rows();
* Runs callback functions and makes replacements
* #param mixed $custom_val
* #param mixed $row_data
* #return string $custom_val['content']
private function exec_replace($custom_val, $row_data)
$replace_string = '';
if (isset($custom_val['replacement']) && is_array($custom_val['replacement'])) {
foreach ($custom_val['replacement'] as $key => $val) {
$sval = preg_replace("/(?<!\w)([\'\"])(.*)\\1(?!\w)/i", '$2', trim($val));
if (preg_match('/(\w+::\w+|\w+)\((.*)\)/i', $val, $matches) && is_callable($matches[1])) {
$func = $matches[1];
$args = preg_split("/[\s,]*\\\"([^\\\"]+)\\\"[\s,]*|" . "[\s,]*'([^']+)'[\s,]*|" . "[,]+/", $matches[2], 0, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY | PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
foreach ($args as $args_key => $args_val) {
$args_val = preg_replace("/(?<!\w)([\'\"])(.*)\\1(?!\w)/i", '$2', trim($args_val));
$args[$args_key] = (in_array($args_val, $this->columns)) ? ($row_data[($this->check_mDataprop()) ? $args_val : array_search($args_val, $this->columns)]) : $args_val;
$replace_string = call_user_func_array($func, $args);
} elseif (in_array($sval, $this->columns))
$replace_string = $row_data[($this->check_mDataprop()) ? $sval : array_search($sval, $this->columns)];
$replace_string = $sval;
$custom_val['content'] = str_ireplace('$' . ($key + 1), $replace_string, $custom_val['content']);
return $custom_val['content'];
* Check mDataprop
* #return bool
private function check_mDataprop()
if (!$this->ci->input->post('mDataProp_0'))
return FALSE;
for ($i = 0; $i < intval($this->ci->input->post('iColumns')); $i++)
if (!is_numeric($this->ci->input->post('mDataProp_' . $i)))
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
* Get mDataprop order
* #return mixed
private function get_mDataprop()
$mDataProp = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < intval($this->ci->input->post('iColumns')); $i++)
$mDataProp[] = $this->ci->input->post('mDataProp_' . $i);
return $mDataProp;
* Return the difference of open and close characters
* #param string $str
* #param string $open
* #param string $close
* #return string $retval
private function balanceChars($str, $open, $close)
$openCount = substr_count($str, $open);
$closeCount = substr_count($str, $close);
$retval = $openCount - $closeCount;
return $retval;
* Explode, but ignore delimiter until closing characters are found
* #param string $delimiter
* #param string $str
* #param string $open
* #param string $close
* #return mixed $retval
private function explode($delimiter, $str, $open = '(', $close = ')')
$retval = array();
$hold = array();
$balance = 0;
$parts = explode($delimiter, $str);
foreach ($parts as $part) {
$hold[] = $part;
$balance += $this->balanceChars($part, $open, $close);
if ($balance < 1) {
$retval[] = implode($delimiter, $hold);
$hold = array();
$balance = 0;
if (count($hold) > 0)
$retval[] = implode($delimiter, $hold);
return $retval;
* Workaround for json_encode's UTF-8 encoding if a different charset needs to be used
* #param mixed $result
* #return string
private function jsonify($result = FALSE)
if (is_null($result))
return 'null';
if ($result === FALSE)
return 'false';
if ($result === TRUE)
return 'true';
if (is_scalar($result)) {
if (is_float($result))
return floatval(str_replace(',', '.', strval($result)));
if (is_string($result)) {
static $jsonReplaces = array(array('\\', '/', '\n', '\t', '\r', '\b', '\f', '"'), array('\\\\', '\\/', '\\n', '\\t', '\\r', '\\b', '\\f', '\"'));
return '"' . str_replace($jsonReplaces[0], $jsonReplaces[1], $result) . '"';
} else
return $result;
$isList = TRUE;
for ($i = 0, reset($result); $i < count($result); $i++, next($result)) {
if (key($result) !== $i) {
$isList = FALSE;
$json = array();
if ($isList) {
foreach ($result as $value)
$json[] = $this->jsonify($value);
return '[' . join(',', $json) . ']';
} else {
foreach ($result as $key => $value)
$json[] = $this->jsonify($key) . ':' . $this->jsonify($value);
return '{' . join(',', $json) . '}';
/* End of file Datatables.php */
/* Location: ./application/libraries/Datatables.php */
Your query something like
$this->datatables->from("select as id, as date,
sales.customer_name, sale_items.product_name as pname, sales.depositcard_amt as debit,
0 as credit from sales join sale_items on
where sales.customer_id = $user
and sales.branch_id=$branchid
and sales.depositcard_amt != 0.00
group by
select as id, deposit.credit_on as date,
deposit_details.customer_name, deposit_details.package_name as pname,
0 as debit, deposit.total_amount as credit from deposit
join deposit_details on where deposit.customers=$user" ,"a");
$this->datatables->add_column("Actions", "<center></center>", "id");
echo $this->datatables->generate();


Issue with logic in PHP palindrome challenge

As part of an interview I was challenged with debugging the following php script. I will first provide the original broken code. Then what I did to debug it followed with my attempt to fix the logic.
* Class Palindrome
class Palindrome {
* Sting that will be parsed for palindrome.
* #var string
protected $string;
* Handle.
public function handle()
do {
if ($this->string === 'exit') {
echo "Goodbye!";
$palindromes = $this->findPalindromes();
} while (true);
* Get input from user.
private function getInput()
echo "Input: ";
$this->string = rtrim(fgets(STDIN));
* Format string to desired output.
* #param $palindromes
* #return string
private function formatOutput($palindromes)
$foundString = '';
$palindromeCount = count($palindromes);
foreach ($palindromes as $palindrome) {
$foundString .= ', ' . $palindrome;
echo "This string contains {$palindromeCount} palindrome words (i.e.{$foundString})" . PHP_EOL;
* Determines if the given string
* contains palindromes.
* #return array
private function findPalindromes()
$palindromes = [];
$words = explode(" ",$this->string);
foreach ($words as $word) {
$characters = str_split(strtolower($word));
$charCount = count($characters);
$palindromeFound = $word;
for ($leftIndex = 0; $leftIndex < $charCount; $leftIndex++) {
$rightIndex = (int) ($charCount) - $leftIndex;
if ($characters[$leftIndex] = $characters[$rightIndex]) {
$palindromeFound = false;
($palindromeFound) ? $palindromes[] = $palindromeFound: null
return $palindroms;
$class = new Palindrome();
In addition to fixing some typos I updated the value on line 76 to 1, and line 80 to true. The code runs without error but thinks everything is a palindrome.
* Class Palindrome
class Palindrome {
* Sting that will be parsed for palindrome.
* #var string
protected $string;
* Handle.
public function handle()
do {
if ($this->string === 'exit') {
echo "Goodbye!";
$palindromes = $this->findPalindromes();
} while (true);
* Get input from user.
private function getInput()
echo "Input: ";
$this->string = rtrim(fgets(STDIN));
* Format string to desired output.
* #param $palindromes
* #return string
private function formatOutput($palindromes)
$foundString = '';
$palindromeCount = count($palindromes);
foreach ($palindromes as $palindrome) {
$foundString .= ', ' . $palindrome;
echo "This string contains {$palindromeCount} palindrome words (i.e.{$foundString})" . PHP_EOL;
* Determines if the given string
* contains palindromes.
* #return array
private function findPalindromes()
$palindromes = [];
$words = explode(" ",$this->string);
foreach ($words as $word) {
$characters = str_split(strtolower($word));
$charCount = count($characters);
$palindromeFound = $word;
for ($leftIndex = 1; $leftIndex < $charCount; $leftIndex++) {
$rightIndex = (int) ($charCount) - $leftIndex;
if ($characters[$leftIndex] = $characters[$rightIndex]) {
$palindromeFound = true;
($palindromeFound) ? $palindromes[] = $palindromeFound: null;
return $palindromes;
$class = new Palindrome();
My attempt at correcting the logic was to add an elseif on line 82. However I am still getting the same consistently wrong output.
* Class Palindrome
class Palindrome {
* Sting that will be parsed for palindrome.
* #var string
protected $string;
* Handle.
public function handle()
do {
if ($this->string === 'exit') {
echo "Goodbye!";
$palindromes = $this->findPalindromes();
} while (true);
* Get input from user.
private function getInput()
echo "Input: ";
$this->string = rtrim(fgets(STDIN));
* Format string to desired output.
* #param $palindromes
* #return string
private function formatOutput($palindromes)
$foundString = '';
$palindromeCount = count($palindromes);
foreach ($palindromes as $palindrome) {
$foundString .= ', ' . $palindrome;
echo "This string contains {$palindromeCount} palindrome words (i.e.{$foundString})" . PHP_EOL;
* Determines if the given string
* contains palindromes.
* #return array
private function findPalindromes()
$palindromes = [];
$words = explode(" ",$this->string);
foreach ($words as $word) {
$characters = str_split(strtolower($word));
$charCount = count($characters);
$palindromeFound = $word;
for ($leftIndex = 1; $leftIndex < $charCount; $leftIndex++) {
$rightIndex = (int) ($charCount) - $leftIndex;
if ($characters[$leftIndex] = $characters[$rightIndex]) {
$palindromeFound = true;
}elseif ($characters[$leftIndex] <> $characters[$rightIndex]) {
$palindromeFound = false;
($palindromeFound) ? $palindromes[] = $palindromeFound: null;
return $palindromes;
$class = new Palindrome();

PHP finding the shortest path in 2D maze-like array

I am working on a 2D string with \n new line at the end.
The maze is 1000 x 1000 but I downscales this to 10 x 5 for the sake of readability.
0 means empty space.
S means starting point.
T means target point.
I created a function called cal_path to calculate the path between S and T. However the
result is not correct. I've hard-coded an estimate answer. Any advice/help would be much appreciated.
$maze_y=explode(PHP_EOL,$maze);//convert line to array
function show_maze($maze_y){
for ($y=0;$y<count($maze_y);$y++){
for ($x=0;$x<=strlen($maze_y[$y]);$x++){
echo $maze_y[$y][$x];
echo "\n";
function cal_path($maze_y){
// I hardcoded it right now, I am stuck here
return array(
show_maze($maze_y); //original maze
foreach ($path as $point){
Estimate Output:
Here's my attempt, but it fails to find a shortest path.
$maze = '0000000000
$maze_y = explode(PHP_EOL, $maze); //convert line to array
function show_maze($maze_y)
for ($y = 0; $y < count($maze_y); $y++) {
for ($x = 0; $x < strlen($maze_y[$y]); $x++) {
echo $maze_y[$y][$x];
echo "\n";
function cal_path($maze_y)
$found_start = -1;
$found_end = -1;
$row = 0;
foreach ($maze_y as $current) {
for ($x = 0; $x <= strlen($current); $x++) {
if ($found_start == -1) {
$found_start = (strpos($current, 'S') === false) ? '-1' : strpos($current, 'S');
if ($found_start != -1) {
$found_start_y = $row;
if ($found_end == -1) {
$found_end = (strpos($current, 'T') === false) ? '-1' : strpos($current, 'T');
if ($found_end != -1) {
$found_end_y = $row;
echo 'start' . $found_start . ' - ' . $found_start_y;
echo "\n";
echo 'end' . $found_end . ' - ' . $found_end_y;
echo "\n";
$step_size_y = $found_end_y - $found_start_y;
$step_size_x = $found_end - $found_start;
echo "step size X $step_size_x Y $step_size_y";
echo "\n";
$start_pointer = array($found_start, $found_start_y);
$maxtry = 100;
$cal_result = array();
while ($maxtry > 0 && ($start_pointer[0] != $found_end || $start_pointer[1] != $found_end_y)) {
if ($step_size_x > 1 && $start_pointer[0] != $found_end) {
} else if ($step_size_x < 1 && $start_pointer[0] != $found_end) {
if ($step_size_y > 1 && $start_pointer[1] != $found_end_y) {
} else if ($step_size_y < 1 && $start_pointer[1] != $found_end_y) {
array_push($cal_result, array($start_pointer[1] , $start_pointer[0] ));
echo 'Path: ' . $start_pointer[0] . ' - ' . $start_pointer[1] . "\n";
return $cal_result;
show_maze($maze_y); //original maze
$path = cal_path($maze_y);
foreach ($path as $point) {
$maze_y[$point[0]][$point[1]] = 'P';
You can use the following as a starting point.
It's a simple implementation of the pseudocode at:
require_once 'src/MinQueue.php';
require_once 'src/Dijkstra.php';
require_once 'src/Maze.php';
$maze = Maze::fromString(file_get_contents('maze.txt')); // < a simple text file
$start = $maze->find('S');
$goal = $maze->find('T');
$helper = new Dijkstra(
// return neighbors
function ($a) use ($maze) {
return $maze->getNeighbors($a, ['W']);
// calculate the distance
function ($a, $b) use ($maze) {
return $maze->getDistance($a, $b);
$tStart = microtime(true);
$path = $helper->findPath($start, $goal);
$tEnd = microtime(true);
// export the maze with the path marked with '.'
$mazeStrWithPath = $maze->toString(function ($tile) use ($path) {
return in_array($tile, $path, true) && !in_array($tile->value, ['S', 'T'])
? '.'
: $tile->value
printf("%s\nin: %.5fs\n\n", $mazeStrWithPath, $tEnd - $tStart);
example output:
Using the following classes:
class MinQueue implements \Countable
* #var \SplPriorityQueue
private $queue;
* #var \SplObjectStorage
private $register;
* MinQueue constructor.
public function __construct()
$this->queue = new class extends \SplPriorityQueue
/** #inheritdoc */
public function compare($p, $q)
return $q <=> $p;
$this->register = new \SplObjectStorage();
* #param object $value
* #param mixed $priority
public function insert($value, $priority)
$this->queue->insert($value, $priority);
* #return object
public function extract()
$value = $this->queue->extract();
return $value;
* #inheritdoc
public function contains($value)
return $this->register->contains($value);
* #inheritdoc
public function count()
return count($this->queue);
class Dijkstra
* #var callable
private $neighbors;
* #var callable
private $length;
* Dijkstra constructor.
* #param callable $neighbors
* #param callable $length
public function __construct(callable $neighbors, callable $length)
$this->neighbors = $neighbors;
$this->length = $length;
* see:
* #param object $src
* #param object $dst
* #return array
public function findPath($src, $dst): array
// setup
$queue = new MinQueue();
$distance = new \SplObjectStorage();
$path = new \SplObjectStorage();
// init
$queue->insert($src, 0);
$distance[$src] = 0;
while (count($queue) > 0) {
$u = $queue->extract();
if ($u === $dst) {
return $this->buildPath($dst, $path);
foreach (call_user_func($this->neighbors, $u) as $v) {
$alt = $distance[$u] + call_user_func($this->length, $u, $v);
$best = isset($distance[$v]) ? $distance[$v] : INF;
if ($alt < $best) {
$distance[$v] = $alt;
$path[$v] = $u;
if (!$queue->contains($v)) {
$queue->insert($v, $alt);
throw new \LogicException('No path found.');
* #param object $dst
* #param \SplObjectStorage $path
* #return array
private function buildPath($dst, \SplObjectStorage $path): array
$result = [$dst];
while (isset($path[$dst]) && null !== $path[$dst]) {
$src = $path[$dst];
$result[] = $src;
$dst = $src;
return array_reverse($result);
class Maze
* #var array
private $tiles = [];
* Maze constructor.
* #param array $tiles
private function __construct(array $tiles = [])
$this->tiles = $tiles;
* #param string $maze
* #param string $rowDelimiter
* #return Maze
public static function fromString(string $maze, string $rowDelimiter = "\n"): Maze
$tiles = [];
foreach (explode($rowDelimiter, $maze) as $r => $row) {
$rowTiles = [];
foreach (str_split(trim($row)) as $c => $value) {
$rowTiles[] = (object)[
'row' => $r,
'col' => $c,
'value' => $value
$tiles[] = $rowTiles;
return new self($tiles);
* #param callable $renderer
* #param string $rowDelimiter
* #return string
public function toString(callable $renderer = null, string $rowDelimiter = "\n"): string
$renderer = $renderer ?: function ($tile) { return $tile->value; };
$result = [];
foreach ($this->tiles as $r => $row) {
if (!isset($result[$r])) {
$result[$r] = [];
foreach ($row as $c => $tile) {
$result[$r][$c] = $renderer($tile);
return implode($rowDelimiter, array_map('implode', $result));
* #param string $value
* #return object
public function find(string $value)
foreach ($this->tiles as $row) {
foreach ($row as $tile) {
if ($tile->value === $value) {
return $tile;
return null;
* #param object $tile
* #param array $filter
* #return array
public function getNeighbors($tile, array $filter = []): array
$neighbors = [];
foreach ([
[-1, -1], [-1, 0], [-1, 1],
[ 0, -1], [ 0, 1],
[ 1, -1], [ 1, 0], [ 1, 1],
] as $transformation) {
$r = $tile->row + $transformation[0];
$c = $tile->col + $transformation[1];
if (isset($this->tiles[$r][$c]) && !in_array($this->tiles[$r][$c]->value, $filter, true)) {
$neighbors[] = $this->tiles[$r][$c];
return $neighbors;
* #param object $a
* #param object $b
* #return float
public function getDistance($a, $b): float
$p = $b->row - $a->row;
$q = $b->col - $a->col;
return sqrt($p * $p + $q * $q);

Override Topmenu Block in Magento 2

I am trying to override the Topmenu block in Magento 2 so that I can change the HTML structure of my sub menus but I can't seem to get past this problem.
What I have done
I have created a module called Ecommerce\Topmenu.
-- etc/
--- di.xml
--- module.xml
-- Plugin/
--- Topmenu.php
-- registration.php
* Copyright © 2013-2017 Magento, Inc. All rights reserved.
* See COPYING.txt for license details.
namespace Ecommerce\Topmenu\Plugin;
use \Magento\Framework\DataObject\IdentityInterface;
use \Magento\Framework\View\Element\Template;
use \Magento\Framework\Data\TreeFactory;
use \Magento\Framework\Data\Tree\Node;
use \Magento\Framework\Data\Tree\NodeFactory;
* Html page top menu block
class Topmenu extends \Magento\Theme\Block\Html\Topmenu
* Get top menu html
* #param string $outermostClass
* #param string $childrenWrapClass
* #param int $limit
* #return string
public function getHtml($outermostClass = '', $childrenWrapClass = '', $limit = 0)
['menu' => $this->_menu, 'block' => $this]
$html = $this->_getHtml($this->_menu, $childrenWrapClass, $limit);
$transportObject = new \Magento\Framework\DataObject(['html' => $html]);
['menu' => $this->_menu, 'transportObject' => $transportObject]
$html = $transportObject->getHtml();
return $html;
* Count All Subnavigation Items
* #param \Magento\Backend\Model\Menu $items
* #return int
protected function _countItems($items)
$total = $items->count();
foreach ($items as $item) {
/** #var $item \Magento\Backend\Model\Menu\Item */
if ($item->hasChildren()) {
$total += $this->_countItems($item->getChildren());
return $total;
* Building Array with Column Brake Stops
* #param \Magento\Backend\Model\Menu $items
* #param int $limit
* #return array|void
* #todo: Add Depth Level limit, and better logic for columns
protected function _columnBrake($items, $limit)
$total = $this->_countItems($items);
if ($total <= $limit) {
$result[] = ['total' => $total, 'max' => (int)ceil($total / ceil($total / $limit))];
$count = 0;
$firstCol = true;
foreach ($items as $item) {
$place = $this->_countItems($item->getChildren()) + 1;
$count += $place;
if ($place >= $limit) {
$colbrake = !$firstCol;
$count = 0;
} elseif ($count >= $limit) {
$colbrake = !$firstCol;
$count = $place;
} else {
$colbrake = false;
$result[] = ['place' => $place, 'colbrake' => $colbrake];
$firstCol = false;
return $result;
* Add sub menu HTML code for current menu item
* #param \Magento\Framework\Data\Tree\Node $child
* #param string $childLevel
* #param string $childrenWrapClass
* #param int $limit
* #return string HTML code
protected function _addSubMenu($child, $childLevel, $childrenWrapClass, $limit)
$html = '';
if (!$child->hasChildren()) {
return $html;
$colStops = null;
if ($childLevel == 0 && $limit) {
$colStops = $this->_columnBrake($child->getChildren(), $limit);
$html .= '<ul class="level' . $childLevel . ' megaSub">';
$html .= $this->_getHtml($child, $childrenWrapClass, $limit, $colStops);
$html .= '</ul>';
return $html;
* Recursively generates top menu html from data that is specified in $menuTree
* #param \Magento\Framework\Data\Tree\Node $menuTree
* #param string $childrenWrapClass
* #param int $limit
* #param array $colBrakes
* #return string
* #SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.CyclomaticComplexity)
* #SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.NPathComplexity)
protected function _getHtml(
\Magento\Framework\Data\Tree\Node $menuTree,
$colBrakes = []
) {
$html = '';
$children = $menuTree->getChildren();
$parentLevel = $menuTree->getLevel();
$childLevel = $parentLevel === null ? 0 : $parentLevel + 1;
$counter = 1;
$itemPosition = 1;
$childrenCount = $children->count();
$parentPositionClass = $menuTree->getPositionClass();
$itemPositionClassPrefix = $parentPositionClass ? $parentPositionClass . '-' : 'nav-';
foreach ($children as $child) {
$child->setIsFirst($counter == 1);
$child->setIsLast($counter == $childrenCount);
$child->setPositionClass($itemPositionClassPrefix . $counter);
$outermostClassCode = '';
$outermostClass = $menuTree->getOutermostClass();
if ($childLevel == 0 && $outermostClass) {
$outermostClassCode = ' class="' . $outermostClass . '" ';
if (count($colBrakes) && $colBrakes[$counter]['colbrake']) {
// $html .= '</ul></li><li class="column"><ul>';
if($counter > 1 && $childLevel == 1){
$html .= '<li ' . $this->_getRenderedMenuItemAttributes($child) . '>';
$html .= '<a href="' . $child->getUrl() . '" ' . $outermostClassCode . '><span>' . $this->escapeHtml(
) . '</span></a>' . $this->_addSubMenu(
) . '</li>';
if (count($colBrakes) && $limit) {
$html = '<li class="column"><ul>' . $html . '</ul></li>';
return $html;
* Generates string with all attributes that should be present in menu item element
* #param \Magento\Framework\Data\Tree\Node $item
* #return string
protected function _getRenderedMenuItemAttributes(\Magento\Framework\Data\Tree\Node $item)
$html = '';
$attributes = $this->_getMenuItemAttributes($item);
foreach ($attributes as $attributeName => $attributeValue) {
$html .= ' ' . $attributeName . '="' . str_replace('"', '\"', $attributeValue) . '"';
return $html;
* Returns array of menu item's attributes
* #param \Magento\Framework\Data\Tree\Node $item
* #return array
protected function _getMenuItemAttributes(\Magento\Framework\Data\Tree\Node $item)
$menuItemClasses = $this->_getMenuItemClasses($item);
return ['class' => implode(' ', $menuItemClasses)];
* Returns array of menu item's classes
* #param \Magento\Framework\Data\Tree\Node $item
* #return array
protected function _getMenuItemClasses(\Magento\Framework\Data\Tree\Node $item)
$classes = [];
$classes[] = 'level' . $item->getLevel();
$classes[] = $item->getPositionClass();
if ($item->getIsFirst()) {
$classes[] = 'first';
if ($item->getIsActive()) {
$classes[] = 'active';
} elseif ($item->getHasActive()) {
$classes[] = 'has-active';
if ($item->getIsLast()) {
$classes[] = 'last';
if ($item->getClass()) {
$classes[] = $item->getClass();
if ($item->hasChildren()) {
$classes[] = 'parent';
return $classes;
* Add identity
* #param array $identity
* #return void
public function addIdentity($identity)
if (!in_array($identity, $this->identities)) {
$this->identities[] = $identity;
* Get identities
* #return array
public function getIdentities()
return $this->identities;
* Get cache key informative items
* #return array
public function getCacheKeyInfo()
$keyInfo = parent::getCacheKeyInfo();
$keyInfo[] = $this->getUrl('*/*/*', ['_current' => true, '_query' => '']);
return $keyInfo;
* Get tags array for saving cache
* #return array
protected function getCacheTags()
return array_merge(parent::getCacheTags(), $this->getIdentities());
* Get menu object.
* #return Node
public function getMenu()
return $this->_menu;
** Expected behavour **
My module should override the Magento Topmenu module whilst inheriting it allowing me to change the output markup
The problem
After running setup:upgrade and recompiling, I am just presented with the following error:
Fatal error: Call to a member function setOutermostClass() on null in /var/www/ on line 36
It's like my code is not correctly extending the Topmenu block.
Any ideas?
For fix this my solution is insert construct as below:
public function __construct(Template\Context $context, NodeFactory $nodeFactory, TreeFactory $treeFactory, array $data = [])
parent::__construct($context, $nodeFactory, $treeFactory, $data);
$this->nodeFactory = $nodeFactory;
$this->treeFactory = $treeFactory;
This problem is a result of a recent Magento update which explains why I was having this problem using code that had previously worked for me on earlier Magento versions.
Final Solution
The final solution to fix this after Magento's update is to replace $this->_menu with $this->getMenu()
Now the working version of my custom module extends the Magento top menu class and just overrides the _getHtml function to change the markup as required.

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare fputcsv()

I have found a php inventory easy but was written in PHP4? and I run now on PHP5. I have found some errors that I have already managed to fix but they are keep coming up so I would like to see if I can managed to run at the end. (As it is really simple script only has 5-7 php files).
Could someone help me please how to fix this error?
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare fputcsv() in C:\xampp\htdocs\Inventory\lib\common.php on line 935
which is:
function fputcsv ($fp, $array, $deliminator=",") {
return fputs($fp, putcsv($array,$delimitator));
}#end fputcsv()
here is the full code:
* description returns an array with filename base name and the extension
* #param filemane format
* #return array
* #access public
function FileExt($filename) {
//checking if the file have an extension
if (!strstr($filename, "."))
return array("0"=>$filename,"1"=>"");
//peoceed to normal detection
$filename = strrev($filename);
$extpos = strpos($filename , ".");
$file = strrev(substr($filename , $extpos + 1));
$ext = strrev(substr($filename , 0 , $extpos));
return array("0"=>$file,"1"=>$ext);
* description
* #param
* #return
* #access
function UploadFile($source, $destination , $name ="") {
$name = $name ? $name : basename($source);
$name = FileExt($name);
$name[2]= $name[0];
$counter = 0 ;
while (file_exists( $destination . $name[0] . "." . $name[1] )) {
$name[0] = $name[2] . $counter;
$counter ++;
copy($source , $destination . $name[0] . "." . $name[1] );
#chmod($destination . $name[0] . "." . $name[1] , 0777);
function UploadFileFromWeb($source, $destination , $name) {
$name = FileExt($name);
$name[2]= $name[0];
$counter = 0 ;
while (file_exists( $destination . $name[0] . "." . $name[1] )) {
$name[0] = $name[2] . $counter;
$counter ++;
SaveFileContents($destination . $name[0] . "." . $name[1] , $source);
#chmod($destination . $name[0] . "." . $name[1] , 0777);
* returns the contents of a file in a string
* #param string $file_name name of file to be loaded
* #return string
* #acces public
function GetFileContents($file_name) {
// if (!file_exists($file_name)) {
// return null;
// }
//echo "<br>:" . $file_name;
$file = fopen($file_name,"r");
//checking if the file was succesfuly opened
if (!$file)
return null;
if (strstr($file_name,"://"))
while (!feof($file))
$result .= fread($file,1024);
$result = #fread($file,filesize($file_name));
return $result;
* description
* #param
* #return
* #access
function SaveFileContents($file_name,$content) {
// echo $file_name;
$file = fopen($file_name,"w");
* description
* #param
* #return
* #access
function Debug($what,$pre = 1,$die = 0) {
if (PB_DEBUG_EXT == 1) {
if ($pre == 1)
echo "<pre style=\"background-color:white;\">";
if ($pre == 1)
echo "</pre>";
if ($die == 1)
* description
* #param
* #return
* #access
function SendMail($to,$from,$subject,$message,$to_name,$from_name) {
if ($to_name)
$to = "$to_name <$to>";
$headers = "MIME-Version: 1.0\n";
$headers .= "Content-type: text; charset=iso-8859-1\n";
if ($from_name) {
$headers .= "From: $from_name <$from>\n";
$headers .= "Reply-To: $from_name <$from>\n";
else {
$headers .= "From: $from\n";
$headers .= "Reply-To: $from\n";
$headers .= "X-Mailer: PHP/" . phpversion();
return mail($to, $subject, $message,$headers);
* description
* #param
* #return
* #access
function FillVars($var,$fields,$with) {
$fields = explode (",",$fields);
foreach ($fields as $field)
if (!$var[$field])
!$var[$field] = $with;
return $var;
* description
* #param
* #return
* #access
function CleanupString($string,$strip_tags = TRUE) {
$string = addslashes(trim($string));
if ($strip_tags)
$string = strip_tags($string);
return $string;
define("RX_CHARS","[a-z\ ]");
* description
* #param
* #return
* #access
function CheckString($string,$min,$max,$regexp = "",$rx_result = FALSE) {
if (get_magic_quotes_gpc() == 0)
$string = CleanupString($string);
if (strlen($string) < $min)
return 1;
elseif (($max != 0) && (strlen($string) > $max))
return 2;
elseif ($regexp != "")
if ($rx_result == eregi($regexp,$string))
return 3;
return 0;
* description
* #param
* #return
* #access
function ValidateVars($source,$vars) {
$vars = explode(",",$vars);
foreach ($vars as $var) {
list($name,$type,$min,$max) = explode(":",$var);
switch ($type) {
case "S":
$type = RX_CHARS;
$rx_result = FALSE;
case "I":
$type = RX_DIGITS;
$rx_result = TRUE;
case "E":
$type = RX_EMAIL;
$rx_result = FALSE;
case "P":
$type = RX_PHONE;
$rx_result = TRUE;
case "Z":
$type = RX_ZIP;
$rx_result = FALSE;
case "A":
$type = "";
case "F":
//experimental crap
$type = RX_ALPHA;
$rx_result = TRUE;
//$source[strtolower($name)] = str_replace(" ", "" , $source[strtolower($name)] );
if (($result = CheckString($source[strtolower($name)],$min,$max,$type,$rx_result)) != 0)
$errors[] = $name;
return is_array($errors) ? $errors : 0;
* description
* #param
* #return
* #access
function ResizeImage($source,$destination,$size) {
system( PB_IMAGE_MAGICK_PATH . "convert $source -resize {$size}x{$size} $destination");
* uses microtime() to return the current unix time w/ microseconds
* #return float the current unix time in the form of seconds.microseconds
* #access public
function GetMicroTime() {
list($usec,$sec) = explode(" ",microtime());
return (float) $usec + (float) $sec;
* description
* #param
* #return
* #access
function GetArrayPart($input,$from,$count) {
$return = array();
$max = count($input);
for ($i = $from; $i < $from + $count; $i++ )
if ($i<$max)
$return[] = $input[$i];
return $return;
* description
* #param
* #return
* #access
function ReplaceAllImagesPath($htmldata,$image_path) {
$htmldata = stripslashes($htmldata);
// replacing IE formating style
$htmldata = str_replace("<IMG","<img",$htmldata);
// esmth, i dont know why i'm doing
//<?//ing edit plus
foreach ($images[0] as $image)
$htmldata = str_replace($image,ReplaceImagePath($image,$image_path),$htmldata);
return $htmldata;//implode("\n",$html_out);
* description
* #param
* #return
* #access
function ReplaceImagePath($image,$replace) {
// removing tags
$image = stripslashes($image);
$image = str_replace("<","",$image);
$image = str_replace(">","",$image);
// exploging image in proprietes
$image_arr = explode(" ",$image);
for ($i = 0;$i < count($image_arr) ;$i++ ) {
if (stristr($image_arr[$i],"src")) {
// lets it :]
$image_arr[$i] = explode("=",$image_arr[$i]);
// modifing the image path
// i doing this
// replacing ',"
$image_arr[$i][1] = str_replace("'","",$image_arr[$i][1]);
$image_arr[$i][1] = str_replace("\"","",$image_arr[$i][1]);
//getting only image name
$image_arr[$i][1] = strrev(substr(strrev($image_arr[$i][1]),0,strpos(strrev($image_arr[$i][1]),"/")));
// building the image back
$image_arr[$i][1] = "\"" . $replace . $image_arr[$i][1] . "\"";
$image_arr[$i] = implode ("=",$image_arr[$i]);
// adding tags
return "<" . implode(" ",$image_arr) . ">";
* description
* #param
* #return
* #access
function DowloadAllImages($images,$path) {
foreach ($images as $image)
#SaveFileContents($path ."/".ExtractFileNameFromPath($image),#implode("",#file($image)));
function GetAllImagesPath($htmldata) {
$htmldata = stripslashes($htmldata);
// replacing IE formating style
$htmldata = str_replace("<IMG","<img",$htmldata);
// esmth, i dont know why i'm doing
//<?//ing edit plus
foreach ($images[0] as $image)
$images_path[] = GetImageName($image);
return $images_path;
* description
* #param
* #return
* #access
function GetImagePath($image) {
// removing tags
$image = stripslashes($image);
$image = str_replace("<","",$image);
$image = str_replace(">","",$image);
// exploging image in proprietes
$image_arr = explode(" ",$image);
for ($i = 0;$i < count($image_arr) ;$i++ ) {
if (stristr($image_arr[$i],"src")) {
// lets it :]
$image_arr[$i] = explode("=",$image_arr[$i]);
// modifing the image path
// i doing this
// replacing ',"
$image_arr[$i][1] = str_replace("'","",$image_arr[$i][1]);
$image_arr[$i][1] = str_replace("\"","",$image_arr[$i][1]);
return strrev(substr(strrev($image_arr[$i][1]),0,strpos(strrev($image_arr[$i][1]),"/")));;
// adding tags
return "";
* description
* #param
* #return
* #access
function GetImageName($image) {
// removing tags
$image = stripslashes($image);
$image = str_replace("<","",$image);
$image = str_replace(">","",$image);
// exploging image in proprietes
$image_arr = explode(" ",$image);
for ($i = 0;$i < count($image_arr) ;$i++ ) {
if (stristr($image_arr[$i],"src")) {
// lets it :]
$image_arr[$i] = explode("=",$image_arr[$i]);
// modifing the image path
// i doing this
// replacing ',"
$image_arr[$i][1] = str_replace("'","",$image_arr[$i][1]);
$image_arr[$i][1] = str_replace("\"","",$image_arr[$i][1]);
return $image_arr[$i][1];
// adding tags
return "";
* reinventing the wheel [badly]
* #param somthin
* #return erroneous
* #access denied
function ExtractFileNameFromPath($file) {
//return strrev(substr(strrev($file),0,strpos(strrev($file),"/")));
// sau ai putea face asha. umpic mai smart ca mai sus dar tot stupid
// daca le dai path fara slashes i.e. un filename prima returneaza "" asta taie primu char
//return substr($file,strrpos($file,"/") + 1,strlen($file) - strrpos($file,"/"));
// corect ar fi cred asha [observa smart usage`u de strRpos]
//return substr($file,strrpos($file,"/") + (strstr($file,"/") ? 1 : 0),strlen($file) - strrpos($file,"/"));
// sau putem folosi tactica `nute mai caca pe tine and rtm' shi facem asha
return basename($file);
// har har :]]
* description
* #param
* #return
* #access
function RemoveArraySlashes($array) {
if ($array)
foreach ($array as $key => $item)
if (is_array($item))
$array[$key] = RemoveArraySlashes($item);
$array[$key] = stripslashes($item);
return $array;
function AddArraySlashes($array) {
if ($array)
foreach ($array as $key => $item)
if (is_array($item))
$array[$key] = AddArraySlashes($item);
$array[$key] = addslashes($item);
return $array;
* description
* #param
* #return
* #access
function Ahtmlentities($array) {
if (is_array($array))
foreach ($array as $key => $item)
if (is_array($item))
$array[$key] = ahtmlentities($item);
$array[$key] = htmlentities(stripslashes($item),ENT_COMPAT);
return htmlentities(stripslashes($array),ENT_COMPAT);
return $array;
function AStripSlasshes($array) {
if (is_array($array))
foreach ($array as $key => $item)
if (is_array($item))
$array[$key] = AStripSlasshes($item);
$array[$key] = stripslashes($item);
return stripslashes($array);
return $array;
* description
* #param
* #return
* #access
function Ahtml_entity_decode($array) {
if ($array)
foreach ($array as $key => $item)
if (is_array($item))
$array[$key] = ahtml_entity_decode($item);
$array[$key] = html_entity_decode($item,ENT_COMPAT);
return $array;
function array2xml ($name, $value, $indent = 1)
$indentstring = "\t";
for ($i = 0; $i < $indent; $i++)
$indentstring .= $indentstring;
if (!is_array($value))
$xml = $indentstring.'<'.$name.'>'.$value.'</'.$name.'>'."\n";
if($indent === 1)
$isindex = False;
$isindex = True;
while (list ($idxkey, $idxval) = each ($value))
if ($idxkey !== (int)$idxkey)
$isindex = False;
while (list ($key, $val) = each ($value))
if($indent === 1)
$keyname = $name;
$nextkey = $key;
$keyname = $name;
$nextkey = $name;
$keyname = $key;
$nextkey = $key;
if (is_array($val))
$xml .= $indentstring.'<'.$keyname.'>'."\n";
$xml .= array2xml ($nextkey, $val, $indent+1);
$xml .= $indentstring.'</'.$keyname.'>'."\n";
$xml .= array2xml ($nextkey, $val, $indent);
return $xml;
function GetPhpContent($file) {
if (file_exists($file) ) {
$data = GetFileContents($file);
//replacing special chars in content
$data = str_replace("<?php","",$data);
$data = str_replace("?>","",$data);
return $data;
* description
* #param
* #return
* #access
function KeyArray($array,$recurse = 0 , $count = 1) {
if (is_array($array)) {
foreach ($array as $key => $val) {
$array[$key]["key"] = $count ++;
if ($recurse) {
foreach ($array[$key] as $k => $val)
if (is_array($val)) {
KeyArray($array[$key][$k] , $recurse , $count);
return $count + 1;
function RandomWord( $passwordLength ) {
$password = "";
for ($index = 1; $index <= $passwordLength; $index++) {
// Pick random number between 1 and 62
$randomNumber = rand(1, 62);
// Select random character based on mapping.
if ($randomNumber < 11)
$password .= Chr($randomNumber + 48 - 1); // [ 1,10] => [0,9]
else if ($randomNumber < 37)
$password .= Chr($randomNumber + 65 - 10); // [11,36] => [A,Z]
$password .= Chr($randomNumber + 97 - 36); // [37,62] => [a,z]
return $password;
function DeleteFolder($file) {
if (file_exists($file)) {
if (is_dir($file)) {
$handle = opendir($file);
while($filename = readdir($handle)) {
if ($filename != "." && $filename != "..") {
} else {
function GenerateRecordID($array) {
$max = 0;
if (is_array($array)) {
foreach ($array as $key => $val)
$max = ($key > $max ? $key : $max);
return $max + 1;
else return 1;
Links cripting for admin
* description
* #param
* #return
* #access
function CryptLink($link) {
if (defined("PB_CRYPT_LINKS") && (PB_CRYPT_LINKS == 1)) {
if (stristr($link,"javascript:")) {
/* if (stristr($link,"window.location=")) {
$pos = strpos($link , "window.location=");
$js = substr($link , 0 , $pos + 17 );
$final = substr($link , $pos + 17 );
$final = substr($final, 0, strlen($final) - 1 );
//well done ... crypt the link now
$url = #explode("?" , $final);
if (!is_array($url))
$url[0] = $final;
$tmp = str_replace( $url[0] . "?" , "" , $final);
$uri = urlencode(urlencode(base64_encode(str_rot13($tmp))));
$link = $js . $url[0] . "?" . $uri . md5($uri) . "'";
} else {
$url = #explode("?" , $link);
if (!is_array($url))
$url[0] = $link;
$tmp = str_replace( $url[0] . "?" , "" , $link);
$uri = urlencode(urlencode(base64_encode(str_rot13($tmp))));
$link = $url[0] . "?" . $uri . md5($uri);
return $link;
if (defined("PB_CRYPT_LINKS") && (PB_CRYPT_LINKS == 1) ) {
$key = key($_GET);
if (is_array($_GET) && (count($_GET) == 1) && ($_GET[$key] == "")) {
//do the md5 check
$md5 = substr($tmp , -32);
$tmp = substr($tmp , 0 , strlen($tmp) - 32);
if ($md5 != md5($tmp)) {
die("Please dont change the links!");
$tmp = str_rot13(base64_decode(urldecode(urldecode($tmp))));
$tmp_array = #explode("&" , $tmp);
$tmp_array = is_array($tmp_array) ? $tmp_array : array($tmp);
if (is_array($tmp_array)) {
foreach ($tmp_array as $key => $val) {
$tmp2 = explode("=" , $val);
$out[$tmp2[0]] = $tmp2[1];
} else {
$tmp2 = explode("=" , $tmp);
$out[$tmp2[0]] = $tmp2[1];
$_GET = $out;
function ArrayReplace($what , $with , $array ) {
if ($array)
foreach ($array as $key => $item)
if (is_array($item))
$array[$key] = ArrayReplace($what , $with , $item);
$array[$key] = str_replace($what , $with , $item);
return $array;
function stri_replace( $find, $replace, $string )
$parts = explode( strtolower($find), strtolower($string) );
$pos = 0;
foreach( $parts as $key=>$part ){
$parts[ $key ] = substr($string, $pos, strlen($part));
$pos += strlen($part) + strlen($find);
return( join( $replace, $parts ) );
* description
* #param
* #return
* #access
function GMTDate($format , $date) {
global $_GMT;
return date($format , $date - $_GMT);
function putcsv ($array, $deliminator=",") {
$line = "";
foreach($array as $val) {
# remove any windows new lines,
# as they interfere with the parsing at the other end
$val = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $val);
# if a deliminator char, a double quote char or a newline
# are in the field, add quotes
if(ereg("[$deliminator\"\n\r]", $val)) {
$val = '"'.str_replace('"', '""', $val).'"';
}#end if
$line .= $val.$deliminator;
}#end foreach
# strip the last deliminator
$line = substr($line, 0, (strlen($deliminator) * -1));
# add the newline
$line .= "\n";
# we don't care if the file pointer is invalid,
# let fputs take care of it
return $line;
}#end fputcsv()
function fputcsv ($fp, $array, $deliminator=",") {
return fputs($fp, putcsv($array,$delimitator));
}#end fputcsv()
* description
* #param
* #return
* #access
function is_subaction($sub,$action) {
return (bool)($_GET["sub"] == $sub) && ($_GET["action"] == $action);
many thanks in advance
fputcsv() is a built in PHP function. This means you cannot name your own function the same thing.
If you need this code to work with PHP4, just check to see if the function exists first, then if not, create your own.
if (!function_exists('fputcsv')) {
// Your definition here

How to find bounced or undelivered mail id using PHP

I am sending a mail using PHP Mail Function
I just need to find the status of the mail whether it is delivered or Bounced
is there any possible way to solve this Problem
You can use return-path header with specific e-mail address - for example
After that all bounced (undelivered) e-mails would be returned to inbox for
You can connect to this pop3 inbox via PHP and read all messages.
Parse every messages and find (may be via regex) error code and reason...
I use this code:
$bounce = new BounceMail();
//create connection
$bounce->createConnection('server', 110, 'user', 'password');
//parse messages
//save parsed messages to database
$messages = $bounce->getParsedMessages();
foreach ($messages as $message_id => $message) {
/* variable $message looks like:
$message = array(
'email_address' => 'email',
'bounce_type' => 'bounce type',
'smtp_server' => 'smtp_server',
'smtp_error' => 'smtp_error',
//save returned email to database here
and BounceMail class:
* Depends on 'Net/POP3.php';
* Class BounceMail
class BounceMail extends Net_POP3
* #var array
private $messages = array();
* #var array
private $parsed_messages = array();
* #var array
private $partially_parsed_messages = array();
* #var array
private $allowed_email_domains = array();
* #var array
private $allowed_email_addresses = array();
* #param $host
* #param $port
* #param $username
* #param $password
* #return bool
* #throws ErrorException
public function createConnection($host, $port, $username, $password)
if (!$this->connect($host, $port)) {
Throw new ErrorException("Error connecting to POP3 socket.");
if (true !== ($login = $this->login($username, $password, true))) {
Throw new ErrorException("Login failed:" . $login->getMessage());
if (false === ($messages = $this->getListing())) {
Throw new ErrorException("Error getting POP3 box listing.");
} else {
$this->messages = $messages;
return true;
* #return bool
public function parseMessages()
$this->newDebugMessage('PARSING ' . count($this->messages) . ' MESSAGES');
$fully_parsed = 0;
foreach ($this->messages as $message) {
$parsed_message = $this->parseMessage($message);
$email_address = $this->getEmailAddress($parsed_message);
$smtp_error = $this->getSMTPError($parsed_message);
$smtp_server = $this->getSMTPServer($parsed_message);
$bounce_type = $this->getBounceType($smtp_error);
if ($this->checkAllowedContent($parsed_message)) {
$this->newParsedMessage($message['msg_id'], $email_address, $smtp_server, $smtp_error, $bounce_type);
if (!empty($email_address) && !empty($smtp_error) && !empty($smtp_server) && !empty($bounce_type)) {
} elseif (!empty($email_address) && (empty($smtp_error) || empty($smtp_server) || empty($bounce_type))) {
$this->newPartiallyParsedMessage($email_address, $parsed_message, array($smtp_error, $smtp_server, $bounce_type));
$this->newDebugMessage('SUCCESSFULLY PARSED ' . count($this->parsed_messages) . ' MESSAGES');
$this->newDebugMessage('EVERYTHING FOUND IN ' . $fully_parsed . ' MESSAGES');
return true;
* #return array
public function getParsedMessages()
return $this->parsed_messages;
* #param bool $as_text
* #return array|string
public function getPartiallyParsedMessages($as_text = true)
if ($as_text) {
$text = '';
foreach ($this->partially_parsed_messages as $message) {
foreach ($message as $data) {
$text .= $data . "\r\n";
$text .= "\r\n---------------\r\n\r\n";
return $text;
} else {
return $this->partially_parsed_messages;
* #param array $domains
public function setAllowedEmailDomains(array $domains)
$this->allowed_email_domains = $domains;
* #param array $addresses
public function setAllowedEmailAddresses(array $addresses)
$this->allowed_email_addresses = $addresses;
* #param $message
* #return bool|string
public function newDebugMessage($message)
if ($this->_debug) {
$trace = debug_backtrace();
$debug_message = !empty($trace) && isset($trace[1]["function"]) ? $trace[1]["function"] . ' | ' : '';
$debug_message .= !empty($trace) && isset($trace[1]["method"]) ? $trace[1]["method"] . ' | ' : '';
$debug_message .= $message . "\r\n";
echo $debug_message;
return $debug_message;
return false;
* #param $parsed_message
* #return bool
private function checkAllowedContent($parsed_message)
foreach ($parsed_message as $content) {
if (!$this->parseAllowedContent($content)) {
return false;
return true;
* #param $content
* #return bool
private function parseAllowedContent($content)
$patterns = array(
'SENDER POLICY FRAMEWORK' => '/(5.7.1\s*Sender\s*Policy\s*Framework)/im',
'TOO MANY HOPS' => '/too\s*many\s*hops/im',
'BLOCKED' => '/554\s*Blocked\s*by\s*Reputation\s*Enabled\s*Defense/im'
foreach ($patterns as $name => $pattern) {
$matches = array();
preg_match($pattern, $content, $matches);
if (isset($matches[1]) && !empty($matches[1])) {
$this->newDebugMessage('DISALLOWED CONTENT FOUND (' . $name . ')');
return false;
return true;
* #param $message_id
* #param $email_address
* #param $smtp_server
* #param $smtp_error
* #param $bounce_type
* #return array|bool
private function newParsedMessage($message_id, $email_address, $smtp_server, $smtp_error, $bounce_type)
if (!empty($message_id) && !empty($email_address)) {
return $this->parsed_messages[$message_id] = array('email_address' => $email_address, 'smtp_server' => $smtp_server, 'smtp_error' => $smtp_error, 'bounce_type' => $bounce_type);
return false;
* #param $email_address
* #param array $parsed_message
* #param array $vars
* #return array|bool
private function newPartiallyParsedMessage($email_address, array $parsed_message, array $vars = array())
$full_content = '';
foreach ($parsed_message as $content) {
$full_content .= $content . "\r\n";
if (!empty($email_address) && !empty($full_content)) {
if (!empty($vars)) {
foreach ($vars as $var) {
$full_content .= "\r\n" . $var . ' | ';
return $this->partially_parsed_messages[] = array($email_address, $full_content);
} else {
return false;
* #param $message
* #return array|bool
private function parseMessage($message)
if (empty($message)) {
$this->newDebugMessage('Empty message');
return false;
if (!$content = $this->getMsg($message['msg_id'])) {
$this->newDebugMessage('Error reading content of message :' . $message['msg_id'] . '/' . $message['uidl']);
//todo add attachments
if (!empty($content)) {
return array('content' => $content);
return false;
* #param $parsed_message
* #return bool
private function getEmailAddress($parsed_message)
if (empty($parsed_message)) {
$this->newDebugMessage('Empty parsed message');
return false;
$found_emails = array();
foreach ($parsed_message as $content) {
$found_emails = array_unique(array_merge($found_emails, $this->parseEmailAddress($content)));
if (count($found_emails) > 1) {
$this->newDebugMessage('More than one e-mail address found: ' . join('; ', $found_emails));
return false;
if (count($found_emails) == 1) {
$this->newDebugMessage('Found e-mail address: ' . $found_emails[0]);
return $found_emails[0];
$this->newDebugMessage('No e-mail address found');
return false;
* #param $content
* #return array
private function parseEmailAddress($content)
$email_patterns = array('/[^-]To:\s?<?([a-zA-Z0-9_.-]+#[a-zA-Z0-9-]+.[a-zA-Z0-9-.]+)>?/i',);
$found_emails = array();
foreach ($email_patterns as $pattern) {
$matches = array();
preg_match_all($pattern, $content, $matches);
if (!empty($matches) && isset($matches[1])) {
$recipient_emails = $matches[1];
$recipient_emails = array_filter($recipient_emails, array($this, 'filter_allowed_domains'));
$recipient_emails = array_filter($recipient_emails, array($this, 'filter_allowed_addresses'));
if (!empty($recipient_emails)) {
$found_emails = array_unique(array_merge($found_emails, $recipient_emails));
return $found_emails;
* #param $email
* #return bool
private function filter_allowed_domains($email)
return !in_array(substr(strrchr($email, "#"), 1), $this->allowed_email_domains);
* #param $email
* #return bool
private function filter_allowed_addresses($email)
return !in_array($email, $this->allowed_email_addresses);
* #param $smtp_error
* #return bool|int
private function getBounceType($smtp_error)
if (empty($smtp_error)) {
$this->newDebugMessage('Empty smtp error');
return false;
$status = substr($smtp_error, 0, 1);
switch ($status) {
case 4:
return 1; //temporary
case 5:
return 2; //permanent
return false;
* #param $parsed_message
* #return bool
private function getSMTPServer($parsed_message)
if (empty($parsed_message)) {
$this->newDebugMessage('Empty parsed message');
return false;
$found = array();
foreach ($parsed_message as $content) {
$found = array_unique(array_merge($found, $this->parseSMTPServer($content)));
if (count($found) > 0) {
$server = substr(join('; ', $found), 0, 254);
$this->newDebugMessage('Found SMTP server: ' . $server);
return $server;
$this->newDebugMessage('No SMTP server found');
return false;
* #param $content
* #return array
private function parseSMTPServer($content)
$patterns = array('/remote-mta:\s?dns;\s?([^\s]*)/i', '/reporting-mta:\s?dns;\s?([^\s]*)/i', '/received-from-mta:\s?dns;\s?([^\s]*)/i');
$found_statuses = array();
foreach ($patterns as $pattern) {
$matches = array();
preg_match_all($pattern, $content, $matches);
if (!empty($matches) && isset($matches[1])) {
$found_statuses = array_unique(array_merge($found_statuses, $matches[1]));
return $found_statuses;
* #param $parsed_message
* #return bool
private function getSMTPError($parsed_message)
if (empty($parsed_message)) {
$this->newDebugMessage('Empty parsed message');
return false;
$found = array();
foreach ($parsed_message as $content) {
$found = array_unique(array_merge($found, $this->parseSMTPError($content)));
if (count($found) > 0) {
$error = substr(join('; ', $found), 0, 19);
$this->newDebugMessage('Found SMTP Error: ' . $error);
return $error;
$this->newDebugMessage('No SMTP Error found');
return false;
* #param $content
* #return array
private function parseSMTPError($content)
//replace errors with codes
$content = str_replace('User mailbox exceeds allowed size', ' 452 4.1.1 ', $content);
$content = str_replace('user is over quota', ' 452 4.1.1 ', $content);
//find error
$patterns = array(
'/Remote SMTP Server Returned:\s?#?([\d]{3})/i',
$found_statuses = array();
foreach ($patterns as $pattern) {
$matches = array();
preg_match_all($pattern, $content, $matches);
if (!empty($matches) && isset($matches[1])) {
$found_statuses = array_unique(array_merge($found_statuses, $matches[1]));
return $found_statuses;
you should add more regulars into parseSMTPError
